Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton meeting raises eyebrows

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2016 Jun 30, 4:17pm   13,518 views  40 comments

by turtledove   ➕follow (11)   💰tip   ignore  

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Loretta Lynch faced continuing questions Thursday related to an awkward encounter with former president Bill Clinton after the two crossed paths Monday at Phoenix's Sky Harbor International Airport.

Lynch, who will ultimately determine the outcome of an ongoing investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of primate email server while secretary of state, was arriving in the city in advance of a community policing event as Clinton was departing when the former president relayed through a security detail that he would like to say hello.

Lynch, during a later meeting with reporters, acknowledged the meeting with Bill Clinton but said there was no discussion of the investigation involving his wife, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, or the congressional report that examined her response to the deadly 2012 Benghazi attacks.

"I did see President Clinton at the Phoenix airport as I was leaving, and he spoke to myself and my husband on the plane,'' Lynch told reporters. "Our conversation was a great deal about his grandchildren. It was primarily social and about our travels .''

Lynch said the two also discussed Janet Reno, who served as attorney general during the Clinton administration, "but there was no discussion of any matter pending for the department or any matter pending for any other body.''

"There was no discussion of Benghazi, no discussion of the State Department emails, by way of example,'' she said. "I would say the current news of the day was the Brexit decision, and what that might mean. And again, the department’s not involved in that or implicated in that.''

Asked whether the meeting created the appearance of a conflict, Lynch said the email inquiry is "being handled by career investigators and career agents who always follow facts and the law and do the same thorough and independent examination in this matter that they've done.''

The impromptu session, however, was drawing criticism from both Democrats and Republicans, including presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump.

“It is an amazing thing,'' Trump told radio host Michael Gallagher. "They actually went on to the plane as I understand it. That’s terrible. And it was really a sneak. It was really something that they didn’t want publicized as I understand it ... I think it’s so horrible.”

Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, first expressed his concern via Twitter, raising the issue that there could be a potential conflict of interest.

"An attorney cannot represent two parties in a dispute and must avoid even the appearance of conflict,'' said the senator, who later issued a statement calling on Lynch to recuse herself from the email investigation and appoint a special counsel to oversee the inquiry.

David Axelrod, a former political strategist for President Obama, also took to Twitter, saying that while he trusted that the two did not address the ongoing email inquiry, it was "foolish to create such optics.''


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5   anonymous   2016 Jun 30, 5:29pm  

DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says

Did Loretta suck his dick?

does a bear shit in the woods?

6   turtledove   2016 Jun 30, 6:48pm  

Ironman says

On the plane for 30 minutes, out of sight of cameras, no staff present, no security present, just them, and all they talked about was Bill's grandchildren and his travel plans.

Sure, that makes sense.... (at least Marcus would believe that story).

Even if you think that nothing bad went on... which, I agree, is hard to believe given the circumstances... However, let's pretend that they really were just talking about grandkids, summer plans, and home decorating.... That would make them friends. In fact, Lynch admitted such. That alone means she has to recuse yourself. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HANDLE CRIMINAL CASES FOR YOUR FRIENDS. It's just that simple. Lynch showed very poor judgment here -- AT BEST! At worst... this is a disgusting example of "I wash your back if you wash mine."

7   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jun 30, 7:24pm  

The State Department originally estimated that 6,000 emails and other documents were exchanged by the aides with the Clinton Foundation. But a series of “errors” the department told the court about Wednesday evening now mean the total has grown to “34,116 potentially responsive documents.”

During Clinton’s four years as America’s chief foreign diplomat, her aides communicated with officials at the Clinton Foundation and Teneo Holdings where Bill Clinton was formerly both a client and paid consultant, on the average of 700 times each month, according to the Justice Department filing.


State Department wants the docs suspended for release until months after the election.

Too bad "other actors" already have them and will release them at points of "Maximum Effect".

8   turtledove   2016 Jun 30, 7:43pm  

thunderlips11 says

Too bad "other actors" already have them and will release them at points of "Maximum Effect".

Let me get my tinfoil hat... Is it possible they are waiting until it's too late for the democrats to have another move?.... If they do it now, Bernie would get the nomination, right? But if they wait a while... it would be tough for an alternate nominee to have any traction.... He/she just wouldn't have time to get it together before November.

9   Tenpoundbass   2016 Jun 30, 7:50pm  

Becuase they both have so much in common what her smoking cigars, and golfing, and they both have grandchildren.
She was just over at Billy and dems she dindu nuffin.

10   Tenpoundbass   2016 Jun 30, 8:03pm  

Those Clowns, those idiots! The whole goddamned Democrat party are like Poetry in Stupidity.


Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said the meeting between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and President Bill Clinton was “terrible” and “horrible.”

“It is an amazing thing,” Trump stated during an interview on The Mike Gallagher Show. “I’ve been talking about the rigged system, how it’s rigged,” he said, adding “this is terrible.”

“It was really a sneak … it was really something that they didn’t want publicized, as I understand it, is that correct?” Trump added, “Wow.”

“I think it’s so terrible. I think it’s so horrible. I think it’s … one of the big stories of this week, of this month, of this year,” Trump suggested.

They are only enforcing Trump's whole freaking platform.

Not very Smart, not with an opponent like Trump. That was very stupid and should be more than proof now. For those that have fantasies that by electing Hillary they are secretly getting Bubba Clinton.
Billy Boy's "A-List" days are wayyyy behind Him. After luch if he doesn't get his nap, he meets with conflicts of interests.

11   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jun 30, 8:23pm  

turtledove says

Let me get my tinfoil hat...

My tinfoil hat shows the following: Putin wants control over the US. He gave Edward Snowden asylum in order to get Julian Assange and the Wikileaks crew to get their hands on Clinton dirt. He is now going to use it to get his bitch Trump elected, so he's holding out until it's too late for Bernie and the Curmudgeons. Trump was earlier bailed out of some bad deals by Putin money funneled through the Russian mob. Plus they have tons of dirt on Donny from his time with Russian prostitutes who were actually spies.

12   Tenpoundbass   2016 Jun 30, 8:34pm  

I'm sure the same results happened than had Loretta Lynn met Bill Cosby on his private Jet.

People got screwed.

13   Tenpoundbass   2016 Jun 30, 8:37pm  


Bernstein said, “This plays right into Trump’s hand, but the terrible thing is the incredible lapse in judgment by both the attorney general and Bill Clinton. It’s inexplicable, it’s wrong, it’s improper, and she needs, the attorney general, to now recuse herself from overseeing this investigation and turn it over to the deputy attorney general in charge of the Criminal Division. It’s unthinkable that she can go on being in charge of this investigation.”

14   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jun 30, 9:11pm  

turtledove says

Let me get my tinfoil hat... Is it possible they are waiting until it's too late for the democrats to have another move?.... If they do it now, Bernie would get the nomination, right? But if they wait a while... it would be tough for an alternate nominee to have any traction.... He/she just wouldn't have time to get it together before November.

Both Assange and Putin have strong reasons to dislike Hillary.

15   turtledove   2016 Jun 30, 9:16pm  

thunderlips11 says

Both Assange and Putin have strong reasons to dislike Hillary.

No doubt about that.,.. But the question is..... If they really have a smoking gun, what are they waiting for? They are either holding out to make a brilliant move.... Or they don't have a smoking gun.

16   HEY YOU   2016 Jun 30, 9:29pm  

Everybody in Washington is losing their minds!

17   anonymous   2016 Jun 30, 9:43pm  

maybe the meeting was: bill your wife is just not going to be able to become president.

18   Tenpoundbass   2016 Jul 1, 6:27am  

FBI was Bullying people no photos, no video, no cell phones on the Tarmac. That's uber unprecedented. This is Shenanigians that will sink their ship of shit.


Reporter Christopher Sign of ABC 15 in Phoenix, AZ appeared on The O’Reilly Factor Thursday night to talk about his scoop involving that secret meeting between former President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

Watch the entire interview below. Sign lays out how the story developed and then he leaves this little nugget:

“The former president steps into her plane. They then speak for 30 minutes privately. The FBI there on the tarmac instructing everybody around ‘no photos, no pictures, no cell phones.'”


First of all, it isn’t the FBI’s job to tell journalists or private citizens they can’t take photographs of a former president and the Attorney General. What were the agents going to do, arrest people for taking a picture or video?

Also, if there was nothing wrong with the meeting and it was totally innocent, why were federal agents instructed to demand no one take a picture?

Finally, let’s stop focusing on the fact that this meeting was inappropriate because Clinton’s wife is under investigation by Lynch’s Justice Department. I mean, that’s bad, but it’s actually letting Lynch and Clinton off the hook a bit. By focusing on the appearance of conflict because Hillary Clinton is being investigated, we are willfully overlooking the very real conflict in the fact that Clinton himself is under investigation, as the Grand Poo-bah at the Clinton Foundation. (Fox News)

The FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of private email as secretary of state has expanded to look at whether the possible “intersection” of Clinton Foundation work and State Department business may have violated public corruption laws, three intelligence sources not authorized to speak on the record told Fox News.

This new investigative track is in addition to the focus on classified material found on Clinton’s personal server.

“The agents are investigating the possible intersection of Clinton Foundation donations, the dispensation of State Department contracts and whether regular processes were followed,” one source said.

Yes, the investigation into the intersection of Clinton Foundation donations and the State Department slimes Hillary Clinton since it happened during her tenure as Secretary of State, but what about Bill Clinton? If the State Department and Hillary Clinton acted improperly or illegally by commingling staff and by granting favors to Clinton Foundation donors, isn’t the Clinton Foundation, and Bill Clinton equally guilty of wrongdoing?

This may explain why the day after the surreptitious meeting in Phoenix, Lynch’s Justice Department informed a judge they were going to drag their feet on the release of emails connecting the former president’s foundation and the State Department: (Daily Caller)

Department of Justice officials filed a motion in federal court late Wednesday seeking a 27-month delay in producing correspondence between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s four top aides and officials with the Clinton Foundation and Teneo Holdings, a closely allied public relations firm that Bill Clinton helped launch.

If the court permits the delay, the public won’t be able to read the communications until October 2018, about 22 months into her prospective first term as President. The four senior Clinton aides involved were Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Michael Fuchs, Ambassador-At-Large Melanne Verveer, Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, and Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin.

I guess when all of this adds up, it’s clear why Lynch and her FBI agents were so intent on keeping this inappropriate meeting private.

21   Shaman   2016 Jul 1, 8:08am  

This only means change if the FBI director hasn't already been compromised.
If he has, then this is just more political theater.

23   Ceffer   2016 Jul 1, 10:34am  

Loretta Lynch could hide 10 million dollars in small bills under her dress, and nobody would know the difference. Doesn't take long for a handoff, they didn't have to say a word.

"I did not speak with that woman."

24   turtledove   2016 Jul 1, 10:45am  

HydroCabron says


"People with narcolepsy experience periods of extreme daytime sleepiness and sudden, irresistible bouts of sleep that can strike at any time. These “sleep attacks” usually last a few seconds to several minutes. ...often triggered by sudden, strong emotions such as fear, anger, stress, excitement, or humor."


25   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 1, 10:57am  

It's overdue for an independent prosecutor to take over. And her subordinates are not distant enough: They want to please the boss and many of them will be political appointees anyway.

26   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 1, 10:59am  

"This is just a right wing conspiracy! Hitler Hillary did nothing wrong! Leave Hillary alooonnnnne!"

27   Goran_K   2016 Jul 1, 11:41am  

This is despicable. I'm not some right wing tea party supporter, but how does the husband of a woman who is under criminal investigation by the FBI get to meet privately on a plane with the attorney general of the United States?

I mean, does out legal system have a shred of decency left?

28   curious2   2016 Jul 1, 11:59am  

turtledove says


At a basic level, the whole story seems to be about "optics", unless somebody is considering replacing the Democratic nominee. The issues involved are federal, so the President could simply pardon the Secretary of State if the investigation goes badly for her. The only questions would be about how that might affect the polls, and should someone replace her as the nominee. A slow investigation prolongs the questions, but a swift conclusion would simply lead to more accusations of political interference. Nobody is going to jail, and the voters will decide who goes to the White House.

As for DC insiders being friendly, it happens often. The "vast right wing conspiracy" forgets about Scalia flying in Air Force 2 to go hunting with VP Cheney, who shot birds and a lawyer. Cheney and the W administration had constant litigation before SCOTUS including Scalia. It did raise concerns, and it does, but it has continued from the founding of the republic through the present day. Ironically, when people complain about legislative gridlock, they lament the loss of collegiality, and each major faction blames the other for not spending enough time socializing with adversaries.

29   anonymous   2016 Jul 1, 3:42pm  

curious2 says

At a basic level, the whole story seems to be about "optics", unless somebody is considering replacing the Democratic nominee. The issues involved are federal, so the President could simply pardon the Secretary of State if the investigation goes badly for her. The only questions would be about how that might affect the polls, and should someone replace her as the nominee. A slow investigation prolongs the questions, but a swift conclusion would simply lead to more accusations of political interference. Nobody is going to jail, and the voters will decide who goes to the White House.

a mis-characterization and a softening of the situation. there's nothing simple about a potential pardon of this magnitude, and it most certainly would be granted after clinton removed herself as a candidate. this is what is running through the public's imagination at this stage in the game. that airplane meeting sounds an awful lot like a plea deal.

30   turtledove   2016 Jul 1, 7:02pm  

landtof says

a mis-characterization and a softening of the situation. there's nothing simple about a potential pardon of this magnitude, and it most certainly would be granted after clinton removed herself as a candidate. this is what is running through the public's imagination at this stage in the game. that airplane meeting sounds an awful lot like a plea deal.

They are so desperate to show how the left is good and the right is bad that they are willing to overlook anything, no matter how egregious. They won't even ask questions... Cuz it might offend someone, somewhere, and we cannot have that. They haven't been concerned about justice in a very long time.

31   curious2   2016 Jul 1, 7:09pm  

landtof says

running through the public's imagination

Both major party presumptive nominees have majority disapproval ratings, but more people seem scared of Donald Trump. The former Goldwater Girl remembers LBJ's "Daisy" ad worked against her candidate, and seems to be recycling it against her opponent. She remembers the same image driving her vote for the Iraq war, which most of her constituents supported at the time, for the same reason. Given the choice between a pardoned felon and a mushroom cloud, frightened voters would vote the pardoned felon.

32   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 1, 7:26pm  

curious2 says

At a basic level, the whole story seems to be about "optics", unless somebody is considering replacing the Democratic nominee.

This whole post was spot on.

33   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 1, 7:32pm  

turtledove says

They are so desperate to show how the left is good and the right is bad that they are willing to overlook anything, no matter how egregious.

I agree that Hillary fucked up with the emails, but doubt it was intentionally taking a big risk. Hard to know exactly what she was thinking.
It's hard for me to take the right wing allegations seriously, though, anymore. They have been crying wolf and over investigating the Clintons for 18 plus years to gain political points.

34   turtledove   2016 Jul 1, 7:41pm  

YesYNot says

I agree that Hillary fucked up with the emails, but doubt it was intentionally taking a big risk. Hard to know exactly what she was thinking.

It's hard for me to take the right wing allegations seriously, though, anymore. They have been crying wolf and over investigating the Clintons for 18 plus years to gain political points.

The strongest point in her favor is when she had a hacker attack that required someone from the state department to help with resolving it... No one said anything... Well, that would have been a good time to say something, right? She seems to find herself associated with questionable situations.... since the 1970s... But it's hard to distinguish which details are legitimate and which are political theatre. I wish they would just investigate the situation objectively and resist the urge to grandstand for a minute.

35   turtledove   2016 Jul 1, 7:50pm  

Ironman says

but doubt it was intentionally taking a big risk. Hard to know exactly what she was thinking.

You attributed the quote to me, but I want to make sure that you are addressing the right respondent. Wouldn't want to confuse anyone.

36   Tenpoundbass   2016 Jul 2, 9:35am  

He was delivering a box of fried chicken she ordered He dindu nuffin.

37   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 2, 9:38am  

Ironman says

"Let's get separate address or device but I don't want any risk of the personal being accessible," Clinton wrote in reply to Abedin's Nov. 13, 2010 suggestion that she use a government email account.

And I assure everybody the thousands of "Personal" emails weren't the details of the Centerpieces on the tables at Chelsea's wedding.

38   indigenous   2016 Jul 2, 10:18am  

The thing that bugs me about this is what appears to be the elephant in the room. The Clintons went from broke to having billions in their Foundation. Where is the connection to any irregularities. The Dems claim that the foundation passes audits with flying colors and 87% of the donations go to charity. OTOH Chelsea makes 600k to run the organization she is married to Mezvinsky, the father of the Nigerian scam, who is a convicted felon for these fraud charges.

She is FUBAR, but where is the evidence?

39   indigenous   2016 Jul 2, 12:50pm  

Ironman says

Well, if they tell you that information, they will have to kill you. Go give Vince Foster a call.

Oh wait, you can't...

I'm a guessing she is really good at burying the bodies.

40   fdhfoiehfeoi   2016 Jul 7, 8:24am  

This is only news because what we've always known is now being flaunted in our faces. The "justice system" is only meant for poor people.

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