From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer

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2016 Jul 3, 3:15pm   31,029 views  130 comments

by turtledove   ➕follow (11)   💰tip   ignore  

With Hillary Clinton leading the field for the Democratic nomination for president, every Clinton scandal—from Whitewater to the State Department emails—will be under the microscope. (No other American politicians—even ones as corrupt as Richard Nixon, or as hated by partisans as George W. Bush—have fostered the creation of a permanent multimillion-dollar cottage industry devoted to attacking them.) Keeping track of each controversy, where it came from, and how serious it is, is no small task, so here’s a primer. We’ll update it as new information emerges.


A what, when, who, and how serious on the following:

State Department Emails
Conflicts of Interest
Private Server
Sidney Blumenthal
Paid Speeches
The Clinton Foundation
The Bad Old Days

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51   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 5, 7:12am  

bob2356 says

Choice a) commercial email servers like gmail, earthlink, yahoo, etc. Choice b) a private server hidden in the clintons house that no one ever knew about?

I'm pretty sure that if she deleted emails from gmail, earthlink, etc. then 6 years later, no one would be getting those emails. If the gov wanted to get the emails bad enough in real time (while she were working there), they could have gotten the ones from her server too. The thing is, no one cared enough to do that at the time even though clearly everyone who had her email address knew what she was doing.

bob2356 says

That would be a server that once it was actually discovered after 6 years clinton herself personally decided which emails were relevant.

This part is bullshit. IIRC, the domain was something like clintons.com. Whatever it was, it is trivial for the gov to figure out where the server is without asking Clinton. Do you really think this was a big secret all those years?

thunderlips11 says

We only have Hillary's word they were personal.

Since each email starts somewhere and goes to somewhere else the only ones that could have been secretly deleted are those going from her to another government official or to someone else in the US using a private server. Plus, they would have to collude about each email to delete. I have not heard that any such conspiracy has occurred. Plus, emails are not secure in the first place. Anyone really paranoid would have to be encrypting messages, which she wasn't doing.

bob2356 says

When do you think she would have actually delivered her emails to be archived, as required by law, if her hidden email server was never discovered? No fair using geologic time scales.

She was probably going to wait until she was prodded. Perhaps it wasn't a top priority thing for her. Perhaps, she wanted to sift through and delete the personal ones.

I've always said that her decision to commingle personal and public business was stupid. The rest of us don't do that. She has infinite resources, and it wouldn't have been hard for her to fit a different colored blackberry in her pantsuit.

I'm personally willing to let the FBI decide if it was illegal.

52   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 5, 7:14am  

errc says

Oh dear

Are these people actually allowed to vote?

Would you defend yourself in a murder case? If not, you probably agree with me. If so, you are an idiot.

53   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 5, 7:15am  

marcus says

If HIllary was nervous about email privacy, it would seem that proved justified in a weird way.

This is why I've said emails are not secure or private in any way. If you care about privacy, encryption is the only way to go. She obviously did not use encryption, and her private server did not provide any privacy or secrecy, which pretty much removes any nefarious motive.

54   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 5, 7:30am  

DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says

Except this was the mechanism by which she delivered state secrets to the PRC Army, the Russians and various numbers of her sponsors.

And provided Blankfein with hours of operation of the SoS glory hole.

55   marcus   2016 Jul 5, 7:48am  

bob2356 says

When do you think hillary would have complied with the law if no one had discovered her secret email server? Another 6 years? 10 years? 20 years?

I will tell you my opinion on this, if you will answer this question. How do you reconcile your outrage and indignation about Hillary's emails with this fact ?

marcus says

the accepted fact that John Kerry is the first Secretary of State to not use a private email account for at least some of his or her official (State Department) business done by email.

56   indigenous   2016 Jul 5, 8:19am  

anonymous says

extremely careless

Good quality for a Prez, don't you think.

57   anonymous   2016 Jul 5, 8:22am  

Billfuck sucked Loretta Lynchs dick, and they got Obama to agree to funnel some more of our Nations valuable information to Huma Abedin, so that she can pass it along to her Saudi family, promising that it will reach ISIS.

It's a small price to pay, to sweep another Clinton transgression under the rug

58   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 5, 10:54am  

Why did Hillary host on a private server? She's already explained why:


Anti-Transparency. She put American National Security at risk for political purposes.

59   bob2356   2016 Jul 5, 12:34pm  

YesYNot says

bob2356 says

That would be a server that once it was actually discovered after 6 years clinton herself personally decided which emails were relevant.

This part is bullshit. IIRC, the domain was something like clintons.com. Whatever it was, it is trivial for the gov to figure out where the server is without asking Clinton. Do you really think this was a big secret all those years?

Irrelevant. Where the documents were stored has no bearing on whether she turned them over or not. Why would anyone go looking for her server or even know she was hosting a private server? . Everyone would assume that a secretary of state would be archiving their correspondence as required by law. She certainly could have used a commercial email service and done the same thing. Using her own server just gave her that much more control and privacy. Something hillary is fanatical to the point of psychotic about.

marcus says

bob2356 says

When do you think hillary would have complied with the law if no one had discovered her secret email server? Another 6 years? 10 years? 20 years?

I will tell you my opinion on this, if you will answer this question. How do you reconcile your outrage and indignation about Hillary's emails with this fact ?

marcus says

the accepted fact that John Kerry is the first Secretary of State to not use a private email account for at least some of his or her official (State Department) business done by email.

I refuse to believe anyone with such a low comprehension level and complete inability to grasp the subject matter could possibly be a teacher. Lets go over this really slowly and carefully. I will try to type as slowly as possible and use very small words. Obviously all my prior attempts to explain the issues were made at a level considerably beyond your reading comprehension abilities. My error.

I have NO outrage or indignation ( you used those 2 big words so I'm going to think you know what they mean, maybe) at all about emails, hillary's or anyone else. It doesn't matter if hillary or kerry or any other sec of state used emails or made marks (this is called scribing, I will try to improve your vocabulary ((that means how many words you know)) as we go along) on wet clay with a sharp stick (either way. email or clay, it is called correspondence). What matters is what she did with what she wrote (this is called content) after she wrote it. The content (see previous sentence) in whatever form needs to be turned over to the federal government (that is who hillary works for) and put away somewhere (that's called archived) so the people (that's called the public) can look at them if they want to. This is a rule made by the government (this is called a law).. Kerry followed that very simple rule. Hillary didn't. Hillary kept the content of her correspondence (see previous sentence for both words) to herself on her private server (this is a place emails are kept) for 6 years until someone found out they were there but never turned over. If she had used clay tablets instead of emails and hid them in a shed in her back yard I would be just as outraged (that means not happy with what she did).. The issue is the content, not the medium

So there is absolutely nothing to reconcile other than why you can't understand simple declarative sentences.

If you can find a moment to tear yourself away from masturbating to pictures of hiillary in orange jumpsuits feel free to offer your opinion on when hillary would have actually turned over the content of her correspondence, emails or clay tablets, to be archived as required by law(s) if someone hadn't discovered they had not yet been turned over after 6 years. Some type of basis supporting whatever conjecture you come up with would be nice, but I think the odds of world peace are considerably better than you producing anything to support it. I'll be waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting.

60   anonymous   2016 Jul 5, 1:59pm  

Ornathal James Simpson was cleared of the Ron and Nicole murders

Mozillo was cleared of fraud in Countrywide

I would never vote for either of them for any public office either

61   marcus   2016 Jul 5, 2:50pm  

bob2356 says

marcus says

the accepted fact that John Kerry is the first Secretary of State to not use a private email account for at least some of his or her official (State Department) business done by email.

I refuse....

I didn't quote your full answer, but I feel like if you could answer it well, you would, instead of spending a couple hundred words making a fool out of yourself with ad hominem.

You didn't answer the question. Previously you argued that these rules Hillary didn't follow go back to 1954 (?). Email has existed since the mid 90s, even if John McCain still doesn't use it.

Let me rephrase the question in a way you might better understand.

If almost everyone has used email a lot since the mid 90s or so, certainly since the late nineties, and if John Kerry is the first Secretary of State to exclusively use the State Dept Servers for all of his emails, then why aren't you railing against Madeline Albright, Collin Powel, Condoleezza Rice ? They too did significant amounts of their State Dept business on private email accounts. (edit: after checking - Albright did little to no email, and Rice didn't do a lot (supposedly))

If you can not understand the question, or if you can not answer it, or if it just really bothers you, why don't you spend a few hundred words talking down to me. Hey, it's better than losing the argument. Maybe readers will think you confidently calling me an idiot means that I am. I don't give a fuck. I already know that you don't have the intellectual honesty or integrity to answer the question.

62   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 5, 4:36pm  

bob2356 says

Everyone would assume that a secretary of state would be archiving their correspondence as required by law.

She turned them over within two years of leaving office. Not timely, but not something to get super worked up about.

63   marcus   2016 Jul 5, 5:09pm  

YesYNot says

She turned them over within two years of leaving office

Collin Powell deleted his emails on a private account, but they were recovered much much later, and explored to find
that there was classified info in some of his emails on private account as well. But you know, in his case it was different

1) It was just a private email account not his very own server that he was using for encryption or whatever (and to

2) He's not a conniving sleazy attorney, so in his case it was just an honest oversight - no big deal anyway.

64   bob2356   2016 Jul 5, 5:27pm  

marcus says

If almost everyone has used email a lot since the mid 90s or so, certainly since the late nineties, and if John Kerry is the first Secretary of State to exclusively use the State Dept Servers for all of his emails, then why aren't you railing against Madeline Albright, Collin Powel, Condoleezza Rice ? They too did significant amounts of their State Dept business on private email accounts. (edit: after checking - Albright did little to no email, and Rice didn't do a lot (supposedly))

No I cannot answer your question because it is a meaningless question. No amount of intellectual honesty or integrity can overcome that problem. You are the only one here that doesn't understand that.

Email in and of itself is irrelevant (that means it doesn't matter). Let's repeat that. Having hillary correspondence in email form is IRRELEVANT. The rules apply to the CONTENT of correspondence not the medium. The rules apply to email, snail mail, papyrus rolls, clay tablets, sky writing, cave paintings, drawings in the sand, morse code, heliograph, smoke signals, drums, whatever. The rules could go back to 1776 it wouldn't matter. They aren't rules about email, they are rules about correspondence in any form. Are you really that incapable of conceptualizing such a simple thought?

Why am I not railing against albright, rice, kerry, etc, .etc,etc.? Because THEY FOLLOWED THE FUCKING RULES. It has nothing, nada, zip, cipher, zero to do with them using or not using email. They turned over their official correspondence. in whatever form it existed in, to the state department to be archived. Hillary didn't until she was caught.

65   bob2356   2016 Jul 5, 5:30pm  

YesYNot says

bob2356 says

Everyone would assume that a secretary of state would be archiving their correspondence as required by law.

She turned them over within two years of leaving office. Not timely, but not something to get super worked up about.

Leaving office is irrelevant. The rule is now 60 days. She was in office 4 years. That means up to 6 years old. That is far beyond not timely. Shall we take another shot at this? When do you think she would have turned them over is she hadn't got caught? Simple question asked yet again. and again and again.

66   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 5, 5:58pm  

bob2356 says

The rule is now 60 days.

Is that what it was for Powell? Did he follow that standard even if it wasn't a rule? Did the FBI look through his trash at work and at home to see if there were any shredded documents or crumpled up post it notes and cross reference that with what he turned in?

If not, how do you know he followed the rules?

67   marcus   2016 Jul 5, 6:16pm  

bob2356 says

Email in and of itself is irrelevant (that means it doesn't matter)

I get a kick out of you using condescension as a substitute for an argument. If you don't like my perspective you say it's irrelevant. Did nobody ever tell you that condescension and empty assertions are not in and of themself a legitimateargument. In this thread you have contradicted yourself at least seven times.

And then when you have less of a leg to stand on, you start thinking that calling me an idiot is an argument.

bob2356 says

Email in and of itself is irrelevant (that means it doesn't matter). Let's repeat that. Having hillary correspondence in email form is IRRELEVANT. The rules apply to the CONTENT of correspondence not the medium. The rules apply to email, snail mail, papyrus rolls, clay tablets, sky writing, cave paintings, drawings in the sand, morse code, heliograph, smoke signals, drums, whatever. The rules could go back to 1776 it wouldn't matter.

bob2356 says

Why am I not railing against albright, rice, kerry, etc, .etc,etc.? Because THEY FOLLOWED THE FUCKING RULES. It has nothing, nada, zip, cipher, zero to do with them using or not using email. They turned over their official correspondence. in whatever form it existed in, to the state department to be archived.

Powell actually did not follow rules any more than Hillary did. In fact he deleted his emails.

We already knew that Secretary Colin Powell exclusively used an outside, personal e-mail account to conduct State Department business. The report confirmed that Powell “did not retain those emails or make printed copies.”

Powell’s team, like Clinton’s, has said he believed his emails could be found by searching the accounts of the State Department staffers who received them, an idea that is sharply criticized in this report.

The State Department has continued to look for Powell’s emails, requesting to connect with his Internet service provider. But, the inspector general wrote, as of May 2016, the department has not received a response from Powell or his staff.


Calm down and look in to. And stop being such an asshole. You say you aren't outraged or indignant. What do you call your tone then ? Mental illness ?

68   turtledove   2016 Jul 5, 6:17pm  

YesYNot says

If not, how do you know he followed the rules?

Is that the standard, now? People who commit crimes aren't responsible if others haven't been caught for the same exact crime at some point in the past? Is this the new philosophical question... If a law is broken for the first time in a forest and no one is there to witness it....

The law is missing lots of specifics. I don't think it says anything about throwing people into wood chippers.... I guess that must not be murder.

69   bob2356   2016 Jul 5, 6:18pm  

marcus says

Collin Powell deleted his emails on a private account, but they were recovered much much later, and explored to find

that there was classified info in some of his emails on private account as well. But you know, in his case it was different


1) It was just a private email account not his very own server that he was using for encryption or whatever (and to


2) He's not a conniving sleazy attorney, so in his case it was just an honest oversight - no big deal anyway.

I posted about this on another thread. No, powell should not have deleted. He used a private email account in addition to his .gov account, not as his exclusive email. His private email was done on a laptop on his desk with the full knowledge of the state department and supported by state department tech staff. His regular state department .gov computer was right next to it. Powell did a small percentage of his official correspondence by email because a lot less people had emails in 2001. He says the private emails were mostly staff administrative emails, but even so they should have been retained. He was wrong but his intent and scope of usage cannot be compared to hillary in any way shape or form.

Nice misdirection though. Damn those apples look a lot like oranges.

70   marcus   2016 Jul 5, 6:25pm  

turtledove says

Is that the standard, now?

Very good. That will indeed be Bob's argument as soon as he realizes that Powell did (more or less) the same thing. But until then, he doesn't want to see it.

And no, that isn't the standard or argument. What it is though is this : If Bob doesn't find Powell just as bad, then it gives insight as to why Bob's mental illness is acting up.

But also, it could lend credence to Hillary's feeling that she wasn't doing things much different than her predecessors.

Being a more logical and clear reasoning person than Bob, I am not so quick to judge. Maybe for a chief diplomat, having everything you put in an email there for everyone and posterity to read is inconvenient is some ways. I guess if I were more of a know it all simpleton like Bob (even if I wasn't in the middle of some kind of embarrassing hissy fit), maybe I would be better at arrogantly judging what it's like to be Secretary of State.

71   marcus   2016 Jul 5, 6:31pm  

bob2356 says

He was wrong but his intent and scope of usage cannot be compared to hillary in any way shape or form.

This is total bullshit.

A majority of Hillary's correspondence was also done through a secure system - I don't know that it would be called email (what internet protocol is used).

You can read about it here. Good details on how their correspondence works, although you won't like the authors perspective, you will see bias, and "irrelevance" relative to to the insights and truth that God bestows on you (or is it the voices in your head ?). I prefer logic and solid reasoning - what can I say.


Start with this: Powell and Rice, like all modern secretaries of state, each had at least two email accounts—one personal and the other for communications designated as highly classified at the time of their creation . For classified information, both of them—and their aides with appropriate clearance—had a sensitive compartmented information facility, or what is known in intelligence circles as a SCIF. Most senior officials who deal with classified information have a SCIF in their offices and their homes.

These are not just extra offices with a special lock. Each SCIF is constructed following complex rules imposed by the intelligence and defense communities. Restrictions imposed on the builders are designed to ensure that no unauthorized personnel can get into the room, and the SCIF cannot be accessed by hacking or electronic eavesdropping. A group called the technical surveillance countermeasures team (TSCM) investigates the area or activity to check that all communications are protected from outside surveillance and cannot be intercepted.

Most permanent SCIFs have physical and technical security, called TEMPEST. The facility is guarded and in operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week; any official on the SCIF staff must have the highest security clearance. There is supposed to be sufficient personnel continuously present to observe the primary, secondary and emergency exit doors of the SCIF. Each SCIF must apply fundamental red-black separation to prevent the inadvertent transmission of classified data over telephone lines, power lines or signal lines.I could keep going for thousands and thousands of words explaining the security measures used for SCIFs. And all of this— all of this—is designed to protect the confidentiality of emails and communications determined to be classified at the time of transmission.

72   bob2356   2016 Jul 5, 6:41pm  

marcus says

Powell actually did not follow rules any more than Hillary did. In fact he deleted his emails.

I didn't mention powell, look at the list. I didn't want to get into a double debate about powell. See my posting above. Powell didn't use a private email exclusively. You article is flat out wrong. I read the OIG report when it came out, you could also if you tried. Powell was wrong to delete even if it was just administrative emails. That should have been determined by the archival staff.

Powell did not do more or less the same as hillary thing at all. They are very different issues.

73   marcus   2016 Jul 5, 6:43pm  

bob2356 says

Powell did not do more or less the same as hillary thing at all. They are very different issues.

Because you need them to be ? Yes, he didn't have his own server. We don't even know the reason Hillary had her own. But the speculation is it had to do with security and encryption.

74   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 5, 6:46pm  

turtledove says

Is that the standard, now?

I was replying to Bob who claimed that Hillary was unique. I'm disputing that.

Also, the answer is that yes how other people commonly behave changes how laws are enforced and how people are perceived for breaking them. I don't hold you in contempt for speeding, and would not think it would be fair if you got singled out and received a ticket for every timed you were going 5mph over the speed limit over the last 20 years. Obviously Hillary's transgressions were worse than speeding, but how other people in her position behave is important in judging her behavior.

75   HydroCabron   2016 Jul 5, 6:46pm  

Cut Powell some slack: he was busy lying to the UN using bullshit evidence to kill our soldiers for nothing.

76   marcus   2016 Jul 5, 6:46pm  

bob2356 says

Powell didn't use a private email exclusively


77   bob2356   2016 Jul 5, 6:55pm  

marcus says

This is total bullshit.

A majority of Hillary's correspondence was also done through a secure system - I don't know that it would be called email (what internet protocol is used).

You can read about it here. Good details on how their correspondence works, although you won't like the authors perspective, you will see bias, and "irrelevance" relative to to the insights and truth that God bestows on you (or is it the voices in your head ?). I prefer logic and solid reasoning - what can I say

Total bullshit. I know how the correspondence works. SCIF is the system for sending CLASSIFIED documents. There are plenty of unclassified documents subject to FRA,NACA,FOI. So the 55,000 emails hillary sent to state were the minority of her emails? How many were the majority? Got a number? How did you determine it was the majority? Another question that will never be answered.

78   bob2356   2016 Jul 5, 6:57pm  

marcus says

bob2356 says

Powell didn't use a private email exclusively


Hillary used private email exclusively for unclassified documents. Powell didn't. Want to split any more hairs?

79   marcus   2016 Jul 5, 7:19pm  

bob2356 says

Hillary used private email exclusively for unclassified documents. Powell didn't. Want to split any more hairs?

If she hadn't used her private email for the emails she did, or gmail type private email, she had two primary choices. Either use the SCIF system, or use a state department (essentially private) email account that would have been FAR less secure than her home server email was.

In addition to the classified email system used in SCIFs, there are personal email accounts. Prior to 2013, these could be accounts inside the relatively unsecure State Department system or private email accounts. If they are private—running through a commercial or personal server—they have to follow some rules set up in the Federal Register . There are no guards, no red-black procedures, no construction rules, no special rooms, no TEMPEST, no TSCM. And most important: Until 2013, there was no rule against using them. In fact, the rules specifically allowed for them. Check out the relevant section in the Code of Federal Regulations (36 CFR Chapter XII, Subchapter B, section 1236.22b) for the rules regarding the use of personal email accounts by any State Department official.To give an idea of how insecure these communications could be, Powell’s personal email is an AOL account, and he used it on a laptop when he communicated with foreign officials and ambassadors, unless the information qualified for a SCIF. (Clinton sent only one email to a foreign dignitary through her personal account, and her communications with ambassadors were, for the most part, by phone.)

80   marcus   2016 Jul 5, 7:41pm  

I'm now going to model for you, how to admit when you're wrong.

bob2356 says

How many were the majority? Got a number?

I was wrong . It probably wasn't a majority that were on the SCIF. But virtually all of the classified and most all of the semi-classified, maybe most of the work related emails. Actually, I may have been right based on what follows, but it doesn't matter.

But you're a wrong in what you state as well.

bob2356 says

So the 55,000 emails hillary sent to state

If I'm not mistaken, it's 55,000 pages of emails, constituting 30,000 emails, a full 90% of which are said to be private/personal. She's a politician and a ridiculously social person. So a lot of those emails (90%) are not even about State Dept business.


81   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 5, 9:04pm  

bob2356 says

Nice misdirection though. Damn those apples look a lot like oranges.

Yep - Powell informed the State IT Staff, as he - AND HILLARY - were required to do. However, Hillary did NOT get permission to use her private server in a bathroom.

82   marcus   2016 Jul 5, 9:45pm  

HydroCabron says

he was busy lying to the UN using bullshit evidence to kill our soldiers for nothing.

Good point. Which is what,..1,033,000 times more worthy of criticism than this email BS. But then he was just being a good soldier. Wasn't he also the one that said, "you break it, you own it ?"

83   bob2356   2016 Jul 6, 5:02am  

marcus says

Powell did (more or less) the same thing.

So the question of hillary's integrity to be president comes down the the basic third grader on the playground defence of nah,nah,nah, colin did it too, colin did it too. Perfect. Sorry to burst your bubble but hillary is running for president against trump, not colin. When colin is running for president we can debate his ethics and intentions. How many more strawmen can you come up with? An endless number apparently.

marcus says

bob2356 says

So the 55,000 emails hillary sent to state

If I'm not mistaken, it's 55,000 pages of emails, constituting 30,000 emails, a full 90% of which are said to be private/personal. She's a politician and a ridiculously social person. So a lot of those emails (90%) are not even about State Dept business.


Yes you are correct it is 55,000 pages in 30,000 emails. Did you read hillary's press release at all or just the headline? Nowhere does it say 90% (90% of what, total emails or turned over emails) were private and personal. It said 50% of total were private/personal. That is 50% based on what hillary says. Nothing to verify that at all. Once again it comes down to trust me. Trust me after sitting on the emails for so many years, after trying so hard not to turn any over, after providing excuse after excuse that didn't hold water, after sending her server over to the fbi wiped clean. Why didn't she have the third party archivists at state make the call on what is state department business subject to FRA and what is personal or administrative not subject to archive. That's their job, they do it every day. If she really didn't trust them it would have been childs play to get a court order forbidding them to disclose anything. She had her staff and lawyers going through her emails for months sorting them so it's not like only hillary looked at her emails. Why not an objective third party?

marcus says

Prior to 2013, these could be accounts inside the relatively unsecure State Department system or private email accounts. If they are private—running through a commercial or personal server—they have to follow some rules set up in the Federal Register .

Where did this come from? Who says the State Department system was relatively unsecure in 2009? In 2001 when powell came in that was true. Powell spent a lot of time getting state systems upgraded. It certainly wasn't true by 2009. More mix of fiction and factoids. Where is the list of "some rules" and examples of how hillary followed them. Conspicuously missing. What a surprise.

Ok let's try one more time with my question suitably rephrased to address your endless litany of strawmen arguments and irrelevant misdirections. When do you believe hillary would have sent her 30,000 unclassified emails that she admits to, at least some of which were subject to the federal records act but not sent to other .gov accounts over to state if no one had found out they were sitting on her private server?

This is leaving aside the inconvenient fact that the federal records act requires the sender to archive correspondence in addition to the receiver. Required with the very good reason that it makes FOI searches easier and more accurate. . The whole point, something you still fail to grasp, of which is to make public records accessible. Oh yea that damn tree thing again This makes hillaries contention that it's all right to withhold her emails because someone somewhere at state has the correspondence in their email account ridiculous. As a trained lawyer she knows this argument doesn't carry water, yet she has made it again and again. When I lived in texas they used to say "the man is pissing on my boots and telling me it's raining ". Hillary the rainmaker.

Which is the crux of the matter. Hillary is a lawyer who has spent her entire life working in or with government. She damn well what the law says and what was expected of her. Any argument, including all of yours, that she didn't is absurd. She has either worked very hard at avoiding doing what was expected like her emails or simply ignored what was improper and unseemly like mixing her political positions with clinton foundation business. Which is why my belief is that based on her entire record of public service she lacks the integrity to be president. If your value system or unquestioning blind devotion is such that technically legal and other people did it represents an acceptable level of integrity for president of the united states then so be it. A pretty pathetic set of expectations and values.

When will we be expecting an answer to my simple question asked time and time again that as a rabid hillary apologist you can't bring yourself to address?

84   marcus   2016 Jul 6, 7:26am  

bob2356 says

So the question of hillary's integrity to be president comes down the the basic third grader on the playground defence of nah,nah,nah, colin did it too, colin did it too. Perfect.

I predicted this.

marcus says

turtledove says

Is that the standard, now?

Very good. That will indeed be Bob's argument as soon as he realizes that Powell did (more or less) the same thing. But until then, he doesn't want to see it.

No the argument is that Hillary already had a server at home that she used prior to that, and when she tried to figure out whether continuing that would be a reasonable route to go in her new job as Sec. of State, she could consider

1) What did the previous people do ?

2) It would be way more secure than using the State Dept email servers for her non SCIF correspondence (90% of which was personal anyway).

Seems quite reasonable to me. Plus:

There are no guards, no red-black procedures, no construction rules, no special rooms, no TEMPEST, no TSCM. And most important: Until 2013, there was no rule against using them. In fact, the rules specifically allowed for them. Check out the relevant section in the Code of Federal Regulations (36 CFR Chapter XII, Subchapter B, section 1236.22b) for the rules regarding the use of personal email accounts by any State Department official.To give an idea of how insecure these communications could be, Powell’s personal email is an AOL account, and he used it on a laptop when he communicated with foreign officials and ambassadors, unless the information qualified for a SCIF. (Clinton sent only one email to a foreign dignitary through her personal account, and her communications with ambassadors were, for the most part, by phone.)

bob2356 says

When will we be expecting an answer to my simple question

The answer is, I don't know, and I don't care. Not even a little. She had them stored.

I would be willing to bet anything that with Kerry, and in the future Secretry's of State will have a few (or more) emails related to official business on their private email and it won't ever me submitted to the goverment. Will you be getting all emotional about this ? You know, becasue it's A LAW ?

bob2356 says

rabid hillary apologist

More like just a person who is capable of being objective. I don't like Hillary all that much, and worry that she's too much of a hawk for me to vote for her (but I will be voting for her over Trump). This email issue is a bunch of nonsense, and you sir are a gullible asshole, who thinks emotion is a substitute for an argument.

86   Y   2016 Jul 6, 9:59am  

Funny but I don't hear saddam threatening daddy bush anymore...
bob2356 says

Cut Powell some slack: he was busy lying to the UN using bullshit evidence to kill our soldiers for nothing.

87   marcus   2016 Jul 6, 11:43am  

zzyzzx says

If Hillary were a republican, we would have never heard about the email issue, and Benghazi could have been blamed on congress, if it were democrats that were the ones responsible for denying the funding for sufficient security for embassies (and similar outposts).

88   HydroCabron   2016 Jul 6, 11:51am  

The cartoon sort of works, in the sense that Scooter Libby actually went to jail.

On the other hand, there were those 5 million (or maybe 22 million - nobody knows) emails which disappeared from the White House email servers during the regime of General Rove, that nobody went to jail for.

And Benghazi has now been investigated for more extensively than 9-11, Valerie Plame, or the massive email erasure.

89   bob2356   2016 Jul 6, 2:07pm  

marcus says

No the argument is that Hillary already had a server at home that she used prior to that, and when she tried to figure out whether continuing that would be a reasonable route to go in her new job as Sec. of State

Really that was the argument? Then why did Pagliano (after initially pleading the 5th) testify that he set up the server for her after she was confirmed at sec of state? Oddly enough hillary claims she has no emails from her first day as sec of state until her server went on line 3 months later.I guess she didn't write to anyone for a while. Even more oddly she has claimed all along the server was at her house, yet the IP address was in manhattern.

marcus says

2) It would be way more secure than using the State Dept email servers for her non SCIF correspondence (90% of which was personal anyway).

If you keep repeating bullshit it doesn't make it true.

marcus says

I would be willing to bet anything that with Kerry, and in the future Secretry's of State will have a few (or more) emails related to official business on their private email and it won't ever me submitted to the goverment

There is just a little tiny bit of difference between a few and all. Not to you, but to normal humans.

marcus says

This email issue is a bunch of nonsense, and you sir are a gullible asshole, who thinks emotion is a substitute for an argument.

No, I am a person who understands what integrity and character means. Your litany of half truths, strawmen arguments, and misdirections let me know you don't have a clue what those words mean or why they matter either for yourself or your political candidates.

If I'm gullible then what is your buying hook line and sinker hillarys non stop endless series of ever changing excuses and totally implausible explanations called? Is there a term for far beyond gullible?

On the other hand hillary is going to have the coolest campaign slogan of the century.
1800/s tippacanoe and tyler too
1900's i like ike.
2000's i didn't get indicted.

90   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 6, 2:25pm  

IMO, the worst thing is not that Hillary used her own server and was slack in turning over emails. It's not even that Comey found 3000 work related emails that Clinton's team did not turn over. Based on what Comey has said, that appears to be a mistake. The worst thing is that there were 52 email chains with classified info on them. That's quite a lot. If all of those were in the 3000 that Clinton didn't turn over, that would also be bad, but that isn't consistent with Comey's statements. We also don't know how many of those were sent from HRC as opposed to received. If she were on the receiving end, and it were only a few, it wouldn't be that bad. But it was her show, so she should have come down hard on anyone who sent her classified info.

None of this rises to the level of incompetence of the Bush/Powell WMD fiasco. That doesn't excuse HRC, but it does make you wonder why one of those people was investigated over and over and over again.

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