Some Thoughts On American Fascism

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2016 Aug 18, 12:47pm   17,131 views  38 comments

by The Original Bankster   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Hello patnet ppl

I want to share some thoughts here because I find this crowd interesting. Seems to be various educated middle class people from California mostly and that group is RIPE for the sort of ideas I've been on top of since forever. Yes I am a NATIONAL SOCIALIST. I believe in FASCISM, which you have been told since you were born(you were born after WWII no doubt) is EVIL. That Adolf Hitler is evil most of all.

I find mostly the ones who are defending liberal ideas are typically Asian-Americans, or Latino-Americans or other non-white groups. Even Patrick has over the years become more conservative/right wing, or at least willing to allow these ideas a place on his site(years ago he stomped out anything even resembling conservative/right notions). This group, who in CA are largely asians, have GROWN ACCUSTOMED TO EXPLOITING US POLITICS FOR PERSONAL GAIN. It's been going on since the 70s. They view America as this stupid easy-to-fool place where you can get away with anything. Of course they are not willing to drop the hyphen in their name, that would put them in the same boat as all these retarded suckers who they have been fucking in the ass for decades. No, to maintain your pride you make sure your ethnic group does not start with "American".

THAT IS CHANGING. The places that this "libertarian" philosophy are tolerated are getting far smaller and MUCH more expensive.


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1   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 18, 12:49pm  

people often forget how close we were to allying with Hitler during WWII.

it was a major concern of our leaders.


2   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 18, 12:54pm  

this is where this basic resentment for "white america" comes from. They KNOW they are fucking america in the ass. They are well aware. They have a whole society dedicated to fucking america in the ass. Why do you think these philosophies are all argued by Chinese, Mexicans, Iranians and what have you? How bad does it have to get before you realize that they are FUCKING YOU.

3   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 18, 12:57pm  

Tell me- who were the good guys during WWII?

which side wanted to preserve brutal colonialism? which side was corrupted to the core? which side had better cultural values?

Germany had virtually no colonial possessions. They were hard-working people whose main value was self-reliance, health, family. What were England's values at the time? mostly exploitation, religious indoctrination, class warfare.

do we really understand what happened during WWII? what Hitler was really fighting against?

4   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 18, 1:06pm  

this group, whose goal is merely to make money not to live peacefully in America as an American citizen is increasingly losing ground.

every year the costs to play the game go up.

How does this happen? every year they must increasingly bend the laws, bribe the politicians, and build political support through Social Justice nonsense(feminism, black power, LGBT, etc.) This all costs money because wherever these ideas are employed, things break and break badly. Of course they never take responsibility and propose new ideas about how to "FIX" the problem, never an abandonment of the program altogether.

5   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 18, 1:10pm  

What IS Social Justice Warriorism?

it had an earlier name. THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL.

the Frankfurt School was a group of individuals who took the basic principles of Marxist equality and generated a new progression of ideas. The earliest ideas about Gay PRide, Feminism, and other forms of social justice came from this group. You might notice something here. Frankfurt is in Germany. and yes, THOSE WERE EXACTLY THE PEOPLE HITLER OPPOSED. They ruined Germany. They turned it into a complete whorehouse in the name of "equality".


6   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 18, 1:13pm  

prior to Hitler gaining power, Berlin was considered the gayest place in Europe. It was a huge whorehouse. Not unlike San Francisco.

7   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 18, 1:20pm  

some misconceptions about race and national socialists...

1) they want to exterminate all non whites

not true. they merely want to eliminate the politics that see them as perpetual victims. This of course removes the poltiical advantage they have over whites. Their only response to this is to hype up fear and claim that they are going to be killed. In the scenario where NS gets it's way- eg. black people have far more to fear from other blacks.

2) they are violent

America is currently the most violent place in the world. Human beings are flawed and respond only to punitive action. Those who are law abiding and productive have nothing to fear.

3) they hate jews

Hitler actually had Jews(fully known to him) in his inner circle. To say Hitler hated the Jewish race is not altogether accurate. Some say Hitler was Jewish by heredity himself. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/museums/10682975/The-Jews-who-fought-for-Hitler-We-did-not-help-the-Germans.-We-had-a-common-enemy.html

look at the level of BS they constantly project about Trump, merely because he is pointing out the TRUTH. Hitler was subject to the same treatment.

8   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 18, 1:23pm  

Hitler didnt really hate Jews as they are defined today(of course this definition seems to be ever changing and impossible to pin down).

Hitler hated this culture of exploitation which was embodied by Jews. The Jews of Germany hid behind notions of biblical credibility while advocating gay rights and worse. Total contradiction.

The actions of the Nazis were greatly exaggerated. Many claims made about the Holocaust have been disproven factually. We dont have a clear understanding of what happened during WWII.

many of the famous sob stories about the holocaust were later exposed to be complete fantasy.


9   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 18, 1:27pm  

secondly, and most importantly- JEWS COLLABORATED WITH ENGLAND DURING THE WAR.

this is a FACT. the Frankfurt School mentioned above had it's roots in another British school of thinking: FABIANISM which was hatched by the school gathered around Marx himself(Marx was hosted by the British in London for most of his life). England collaborated with the Jews of Germany to bring down their business rivals. That was one major facet to WWII that is never discussed.

Why do you think the British granted Israel to the Jews? it was payment for their services in bringing down Germany. it wasnt a gesture of magnanimity.

10   HEY YOU   2016 Aug 18, 1:34pm  

Is this thread & comments your variation of Mein Kampf?

Which is worse Nazis, Republicans,Democrats, or the religious ?
Looks like a toss up.

I'm glad critical thinking is dead.

11   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 18, 1:36pm  

HEY YOU says

Mein Kampf

have you ever actually read this book? Hitler is literally the undisputed star of the internet and virtually no one has actually considered his own words.

12   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 18, 1:48pm  

Hitler was a genius. His laid out in his book why democracy is fallible especially when coupled to finance. Basically all the issues we have today Hitler wrote about at length.

Like a woman, whose psychic feeling is influenced less by abstract reasoning than by an undefinable, sentimental longing for complementary strength, who will submit to the strong man rather than dominate the weakling, thus the masses love the ruler rather than the suppliant, and inwardly they are far more satisfied by a doctrine which tolerates no rival than by the grant of liberal freedom ; they often feel at a loss what to do with it, and even easily feel themselves deserted. They neither realize the impudence with which they are spiritually terrorized, nor the outrageous curtailment of their human liberties, for in no way does the delusion of this doctrine dawn on them. Thus they see only the inconsiderate force, the brutality and the aim of its manifestations to which they finally always submit.

// Social Democracy is confronted by a doctrine of greater truthfulness, carried out with the same brutality, then the latter will be victorious, though the struggle may be hard.

Before two years had elapsed, the doctrine and the technical tools of Social Democracy had become clear to me.

I understood the infamous mental terror which this movement exercised on the population which could neither morally nor psychically resist such attacks; Social Democracy, at a given signal, directs a bombardment of lies.

13   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 18, 2:07pm  

Doctor Thunderlips suggests a Hot Black Woman, perhaps with a Strapon, and try to hit the AA meeting today.

I don't often quote Madonna, but this might be of help.
Express yourself don't repress yourself.

14   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 18, 2:08pm  

I dont drink.

15   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 18, 2:09pm  

When I was a kid, between my Junior and Senior HS year in the summer, all the Metalhead Guidos became Rapping Jersey Shore Guidos.
I feel that some of the Gold Bugs of yesteryear are becoming "Hitler didnu nothin' wrongers"

The places that extreme Gold Bugs used to hang out are becoming Neoreactionary zones.

16   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 18, 2:19pm  

thunderlips11 says

I feel that some of the Gold Bugs of yesteryear are becoming "Hitler didnu nothin' wrongers"

and why do you think libertarians are morphing into fascists/alt-rightists?

17   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 18, 2:31pm  

The Original Bankster says

and why do you think libertarians are morphing into fascists/alt-rightists?

Don't know. Honest answer. The extremists are contrarians - they don't just have fringe political beliefs, but also believe in colloidal silver curing cancer, Hanger 18 Conspiracy Theories, Bigfoot, etc. Crank Magnets.

Nazism is just Neoreaction combined with the drive to make Germany the World Power. Prime backers of the Nazis were Junkers, wealthy Prussian landlords, and a few industrialists who hoped they'd crush unions and kill off their financing debt to banks (Jews!!!!)

18   HydroCabron   2016 Aug 18, 2:36pm  

The Original Bankster says

and why do you think libertarians are morphing into fascists/alt-rightists?

Because a limited small government would lack the power to preserve the privileges and influence of a white Christian minority.

19   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 18, 2:40pm  

thunderlips11 says

Don't know. Honest answer.

because they dont win with Libertarianism. They just get out-capitalized. The promises of the free market are BULLSHIT.

selling "entrepreneurial dreams" is a basic PR effort for Liberalism. That opportunities exist. They use Technology as a selling point and a vector when in reality, the technological development does not actually enhance the quality of life for most- our system only creates technologies that make more money. The very basic problems of life such as energy, transportation, information, are rarely if ever addressed. Usually these basic goals are achieved OUTSIDE this context ie. Internet was developed in DARPA.

Thus eventually the Libertarians look for new answers. The answer is Fascism.

Fascism is the bankers worst nightmare. It is the only thing that fixes the problem which is why they maintain HITLER = EVIL at all costs.

I'll say it again, everyone always talks about Hitler, how many people do you know who actually read his words?

20   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 18, 2:42pm  

HydroCabron says

Because a limited small government would lack the power to preserve the privileges and influence of a white Christian minority.

we've reached a point where Liberals are so pernicious that they are seeking to TURN WHITE CHRISTIANS INTO A MINORITY by importing other groups.

these groups never abandon their original identity- for good reason it is equivalent to castration.

what is the first thing that happens to a locale where liberals are attempting to establish dominance? they instantly install these ANTI-RACISM ANTI-HOMOPHOBE etc. ideas, criminalize virtually any sort of disturbance of their multi-cultural friends(often in contradiction to freedom of speech and other constitutional rights). This breaks down the dominance of "white" culture.

21   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 18, 3:03pm  

thunderlips11 says

rime backers of the Nazis were Junkers, wealthy Prussian landlords, and a few industrialists

100% myth.

the people who backed the Nazis were mostly WWI veterans who had seen the country the fought and defended turn to complete garbage.

of course they emphasize every little quirk and salacious factoid they can find. The Nazis were the people's party of Germany. The other political factions were mostly bought and paid for British pawns. The British were literally sucking the country dry with the help of the Jews.

just look at the sort of values the Nazis saw as important. Like America today, Germany had become a cesspool of political shit.

22   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 18, 3:10pm  

now this brings us to an important fact about the Libertarians. It was this crown of people that didn't directly support the Nazis, but they created the conditions for them.

the Libertarians RUTHLESSLY ADVOCATED MONEY ABOVE ALL ELSE allowing all the basic organs of the German political system to fail and/or become corrupted. All simply to enrich themselves monetarily.

What group of philosophers do the Libertarians often refer to?


do you think it's a coincidence that this school of thinkers were Austrian and lived at the time of Hitler? Von Mises was an Austrian Jewish upper class white. Ayn Rand came form similar background. They were advocating the social philosophy of the upper class while claiming it was some kind of lofty IDEAL that actually had something to offer the average german or american- of course this is utter nonsense. The only people that Libertarianism benefits are the super wealthy. It's called NEOLIBERALISM, closely related to neocolonialism.

Hitler(being Austrian himself) was well aware of people like Von Mises. Those were the wealthy Jewish industrialists that Hitler hated.

Liberalism on one hand proposes a FALSE EQUALITY based on lies about society and psychology and on the other hand proposes TOTAL DEREGULATION of the economy. It's this dual program that allows them to suck a country dry. They are doing it to us currently.

23   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 18, 3:30pm  

thunderlips11 says

Nazism is just Neoreaction combined with the drive to make Germany the World Power

thunderlips11 says

Hot Black Woman

here's what ya dont get thunderlips


everything about them is "dominant". Of course in their thought system, everything is reversed and whites are depicted as the dominant aggressor.

Blacks are AGRESSIVE. they are ANTI-INTELLECTUAL. genetically they are dominant. A black parent and a white parent will typically produce a black child. Takes roughly 4 generations of selection to again create a white species of human from that gene pool by careful selection. All Black traits are genetically dominant. brown eyes are dominant over recessive blue eyes for instance.

Thus the presence of blacks will eventually eliminate white culture if left unchecked. Without whites, we will have no civilization, we will live like animals. So this is the conflict at play here. Yes there are middle ground races, but for the most part, white = intellectual, sexually restrained, violence restrained(rule of law), and MALE. Blacks are impulsive, sexually uninhibited, violent and FEMALE.

this is why black women are far more feminine, they are the MOST feminine of all human beings.

notice how we always see pictures of black men and white women, but rarely white man and black women. Why do you think that is?

24   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 18, 3:36pm  

It is a HUGE LIE that white culture is the dominant. Population wise whites are a minority. The few countries(such as the US) where whites have significant political power are considered to be the most desirable. you can even observe this on the local level. Even blacks do not want to live in the "black" areas. They are dumps.

Whites are a minority. A fragile and very valuable minority that are a huge blessing to any place they can thrive.

They are depicted by liberals as violent and oppressive when in reality the white areas are the only places that even give air to the liberal concepts of 'equality'. The reason they host these ideas is out of guilt which is the basic social program of liberals- to constantly project images that whites are immoral. That they "stole" the land. That they are "oppressing" the "indigenous" people. Basically the Isreali/Arab conflict in a nutshell.

look at any black country, the violence oppression and sheer inhumanity is unfathomable. But this is NEVER discussed. Instead we discuss a police killing of a black male who had a gun pointed at the officer.

The Hypocrisy is Immense


25   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 19, 8:13pm  

how many here have actually read Mein Kampf?

26   Y   2016 Aug 19, 8:48pm  

Isn't that a libby eagle scout???

The Original Bankster says

Mein Kampf?

27   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2016 Aug 19, 9:01pm  

That's probably one of Vice's freakiest videos - and how I was introduced to Vice. General Butt Naked, General Mosquito Spray. Cray cray..

28   Tenpoundbass   2016 Aug 19, 9:23pm  

There's a reason I canceled Amazon Prime.

29   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2016 Aug 19, 9:46pm  

The Original Bankster says

They KNOW they are fucking america in the ass

these would be the back-stabbing blood-sucking jews.

the British gave Israel to the jews because they wanted to rid Europe of these scumbags.

jews are the #1 enemy of white America

check out stormfront.org for more info!!!

30   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 19, 11:00pm  

Mark D says

jews are the #1 enemy of white America

how can we be enemies with both the Jews and Islam?

31   indigenous   2016 Aug 20, 5:40am  

Your understanding of Austrian economics is a FAIL.

I will say that the very definition of fascism:

a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

This country exudes government power over the individual. The Prez has become more and more dictatorial.
Anyone who speaks of liberty for the individual is "anti american".

Anyone who questions using military force is "anti american" Soldiers are treated like celebrities despite the activities of the military kill hundreds of thousands every year. "in the name of protection"

The police are becoming more and more militaristic. There is more more cultural Marxism which justifies the use of force against the individual.

The power of the Federal government has metastasized subjugating state power.

This country no longer has to balance a budget thanks to it reserve currency status. Which allows more and more crazy budgets.

Yes I would say the US is fascist.

32   Strategist   2016 Aug 20, 7:47am  

Patnet's Original Nazi is wasting his time trying to spread Nazi filth.

33   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 21, 3:53am  

The Original Bankster says

now this brings us to an important fact about the Libertarians. It was this crown of people that didn't directly support the Nazis, but they created the conditions for them.

the Libertarians RUTHLESSLY ADVOCATED MONEY ABOVE ALL ELSE allowing all the basic organs of the German political system to fail and/or become corrupted. All simply to enrich themselves monetarily.

What group of philosophers do the Libertarians often refer to?


indigenous says

Your understanding of Austrian economics is a FAIL.


Best exchange ever. My popcorn is in the microwave.

Surely Hayek and Mises would never support dictators or even nazism, would they?

34   marcus   2016 Aug 21, 4:07am  

The Original Bankster says

some misconceptions about race and national socialists...

1) they want to exterminate all non whites

not true. they merely want to eliminate the politics that see them as perpetual victims. This of course removes the poltiical advantage they have over whites. Their only response to this is to hype up fear and claim that they are going to be killed. In the scenario where NS gets it's way- eg. black people have far more to fear from other blacks.

Some would probably argue the lack of logic to your beliefs, but more importantly you lack the information necessary for forming beliefs that make sense.


35   bob2356   2016 Aug 21, 5:07am  

The Original Bankster says

Liberalism on one hand proposes a FALSE EQUALITY based on lies about society and psychology and on the other hand proposes TOTAL DEREGULATION of the economy.

Liberalism proposes total deregulation of the economy? When did that happen? You don't spend much time on planet earth do you?

36   Y   2016 Aug 21, 6:08am  

Black men like to show off their white trophy women.
White men are too busy porking their black sexual women to give a fuck about pictures...
Why you don't already know this speaks to your limited zika infested world view...

The Original Bankster says

notice how we always see pictures of black men and white women, but rarely white man and black women. Why do you think that is?

37   indigenous   2016 Aug 21, 6:29am  

thunderlips11 says

Best exchange ever. My popcorn is in the microwave.

This mutt is conflating everything with everything AKA cray cray

thunderlips11 says

Surely Hayek and Mises would never support dictators or even nazism, would they?

Mises had to flee Germany for his life at the age of 59. Obviously he did not support Hitler...

Anyway Lucha libre bring it on!

38   Strategist   2016 Aug 21, 7:24am  

The Original Bankster says

Hitler didnt really hate Jews

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