Thoughts on Farage coming to camp Trump

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2016 Aug 24, 2:14pm   6,290 views  25 comments

by Rew   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

(Picture of demonstration over Mexican swine flu scare from 2009. Looked fitting and less flippant than what could be posted.)

Thoughts on Farage coming to camp Trump this week:

Is a candidate that got an extremely divisive and unsure referendum passed, and then was forced out/ran away, a good model for Trump? 350 million were promised to NHS, and the day after Brexit passes, it was retracted as not seriously promised on daytime TV (sarcasm parallels?). Is this purely seen as justification of an anti-immigration platform?

And then there is this ...

The UK's increasing Levels of Hate

Oct 13 2015

Jan 27 2016

Jul 11 2016

From the last article:

… numerous people have posted accounts of personal experiences on Twitter alongside the hashtag #PostRefRacism.

Sky News presenter Adam Boulton tweeted: "This weekend I and my family have witnessed 3 "when are you going home?" Racist incidents aimed at EU citizens here."
BBC journalist Sima Kotecha tweeted: "In utter shock: just been called p**i in my home town! Haven't heard that word here since the 80s..!"
Another user, James Titcombe, tweeted: "Daughter tells me someone wrote '[Child's name] go back to Romania' on the wall in the girls toilets at School today."

I heard second hand this week, one of our co-workers, British since birth who has lived in the country for over 36 years, was denied entrance to a train car by three men. They said, “Go home Paki. We aren’t letting you through.” Took place in the business district of London. The three men were wearing business suits.

What are we seeing here in the US?



What do you think #PostTrumpRacisim will look like? This is right at the top of mind why people will vote Clinton over Trump. They don’t care Clinton isn’t going to change anything. They don’t care, that like the current political establishment now and before, she is in the pocket of moneyed interest. What they care about is deeply idealogical. They believe Trump is a threat to the very fabric of national tolerance and our ideals as a nation allowing freedom of religion, speech, and being a nation of immigrants.

What arguments have been provided to counter or assuage these concerns? The attitude so far seems to be that the fears are unfounded, shouldn’t be fears because actually this is what the country needs, or “What have you got to lose?” Brietbart calls into question the method of what was counted as a hate crime post Brexit. That’s it?

Also, does anyone know of any instances where a campaign driven primarily by national populism, and anti-immigration, is a good thing for the nation it is happening in? Unless we are talking revolutions, I cannot think of one. Jury is still out on UK, and will be for a few years to come.

If anyone has anything substantive to the above questions, please provide it. I’d love to discuss it. Or is the response just “the wall got 3 feet higher”? I don't know what immigration policies or reforms are being touted as solutions, and Trump is so fluid on the matter, I don't think there is organized direction established here.

#polotics #brexit #Trump #Farage #anti-immigration #nationalism #hate

Comments 1 - 25 of 25        Search these comments

1   OneTwo   2016 Aug 24, 2:22pm  

Rew says

Is a candidate that got an extremely divisive and unsure referendum passed, and then was forced out/ran away, a good model for Trump?

Perfect. He's nearly as much of a clown as Trump.

2   neplusultra57   2016 Aug 24, 9:55pm  

Rew says

And then there is this ...

The UK's increasing Levels of Hate

Hate makes America great (again)! Not only should the US pull out of NATO and every other world organization that dilutes and weakens our nationalistic virility, we should pull out of the Constitution. It's just for PC pussies.

3   Rew   2016 Aug 24, 10:25pm  

neplusultra57 says

we should pull out of the Constitution. It's just for PC pussies.

We do all seem to be choosing to pick a few pieces we like to support and rally around.

The 'originalist' idea that the constitution is set in stone, not to be interpreted, and not to be amended drives me a little bonkers. Seems pretty reactionary to me.

4   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 24, 10:33pm  

Rew says


But which religious group experiences the most hate crimes in America?


As for the UK, the Muslim gang hate attacks on Sikhs needs to stop.

Also, the Native Indigenous Population needs to be offered a referendum on whether MENA immigration should continue.

Finally, there needs to be "One Law For All" and child marriages/polygamy in Europe needs to be prosecuted, just like it would if a European did it.

5   anonymous   2016 Aug 24, 10:37pm  

thunderlips11 says

But which religious group experiences the most hate crimes in America?

bzzzzt bzzzzt narrative_short_circuit. bzzzt.

7   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 24, 10:45pm  

PS, The Muslim Grooming Gangs don't just target Underage White Girls in Council Housing, but Sikh Girls too.


8   Rew   2016 Aug 24, 10:56pm  

thunderlips11 says

But which religious group experiences the most hate crimes in America?

Which ones have presidential candidates stoking anger against them? Jews, Christians?

Since hate crimes are far more motivated by race, what about racial/ethnic groups that are being spoken out against in our rekindled anti-immigration fervor? Is there a new backlash against the Irish these days?

landtof says

bzzzzt bzzzzt narrative_short_circuit. bzzzt.

Jews have double the current total population in America when compared to Muslims. The US is ravenously pro-Israel in politics and outward message. While there may be more total crimes against them, the narrative is one those stoking new rising hate against groups. The narrative seems pretty well intact to me. Want to try again?

You can try and tell me about the poor plight of Christian persecution in the US? (forced to give out birth control and gay-homo-sex cakes.)

9   Rew   2016 Aug 24, 11:00pm  

thunderlips11 , you dug pretty hard to find that video, didn't you. That one has 1M views! I bet it's passed around in the right wing echo chambers of the internet blog and news sites.

Try this ...

10   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 24, 11:34pm  

Rew says

thunderlips11 , you dug pretty hard to find that video, didn't you. That one has 1M views! I bet it's passed around in the right wing echo chambers of the internet blog and news sites.

Took me no time at all. I had seen it already, along with Sikh Attacks by Muslims in the UK.

Rew says

Jews have double the current total population in America when compared to Muslims. The US is ravenously pro-Israel in politics and outward message. While there may be more total crimes against them, the narrative is one those stoking new rising hate against groups. The narrative seems pretty well intact to me. Want to try again?

And you can see why I would oppose Muslim immigration, right? Jews don't generally have 3,4,5 kids like Muslims do (esp. First Generation immigrants like the Orlando Shooter's Father). The US is a pretty good place for Jews, and I'd like to keep it that way. Also, Israel is one UN Security Council member away from being invaded over human rights by countries that execute gays and "Witches".

France has never seen levels of Jewish emmigration since 1947. It's not a sudden SSPX membership growth that is fueling a stupendous rise in anti-semitic attacks in France.

Cologne, Sweden, Birmingham. We don't need toxic Religious Believers causing that kind of trouble in the USA. Banning immigration by certain nationalities where certain worldviews are prevalent has never been struck down by the Supremes, even when Jimmy Carter banned Iranian immigrantion during the Revolution. The US can exclude constitutionally on purely ideological tests, however the truth behind the tests is almost impossible to vet. I'm sure people like Red Emma declared they weren't a communist or anarchist on their immigration forms.

Rew says

You can try and tell me about the poor plight of Christian persecution in the US? (forced to give out birth control and gay-homo-sex cakes.)

Nope. I'm not a Country Club Conservative trying to win some dumb Cruz voters.

Rew says


So, it didn't happen because another video by white racists got more views?

By the way, notice how many other passengers, almost all White, are shouting him down.

I imagine with all the Tumblr Warriors and SJWs and the Media Narrative push, "Racists on Train" would mostly feature the clear a tiny minority of a minority, racist dumb young white guys. In any case it's clear his views are not very popular on a Tram consisting overwhelmingly other white people.

The problem we can head off in the US is one of importing Violent, Irrational Religious Believers.

Do you think a country that still apparently struggles with White-Black racial problems, even though they share the same religion, should make shit more complex by welcoming tons of Muslims from not only a different culture, but a religion where insane views on Gays, Women, etc. are widely held, confirmed in countless polls?

Talk about biting off more than one can chew.

What's the desperation to admit all these Middle Easterners, from a region where democracies are almost unheard of, women are oppressed, slavery continues under "Foreign Workers", other religions are often banned (ie Saudi Arabia), and homosexuals openly threatened with death (not simply preached at by a small minority)?

Especially when a century of sociology (if not millenia of history) clearly tells us what happens when a large influx of poor migrants encounters equally poor natives. It's not a love fest. What is the urgency to juggle with knives?

Hey, if somebody is a Secular, Democratic Activist, with a proven history of pro-Democratic, pro-Secular Writings, and is facing intimidation by some Muslim Regime, by all means give them asylum. But not random poor people. Because as sociologists have known for a century, poor people are the most likely to gravitate towards extreme Religion.

Anybody who is a Liberal, much less a Leftist, should be happy about the possibility of keeping out people whose views are that of Hyper-Religious Extremists.

11   HydroCabron   2016 Aug 24, 11:50pm  

Farage is a landtof says

bzzzzt bzzzzt narrative_short_circuit. bzzzt.

Well looky dar!

Euuu shor gotta a purty mouth!

Haw many kroem-zoems the new babby got thar, Cletus? Twenny-one? Why, that's the most in yor hole famaly. Korngrajlaishuns!

12   Rew   2016 Aug 26, 5:12pm  

Pretty thoughtful ...

Interesting as well ...

thunderlips11 says

Anybody who is a Liberal, much less a Leftist, should be happy about the possibility of keeping out people whose views are that of Hyper-Religious Extremists.

What specifically is Trump proposing which is going to keep 'Hyper-Religious Extremists' out? Do you refer to an outright Muslim ban or Extreme Vetting? What is considered extreme in belief? Is religious fundamentalism of any kind, by any religion, also classified as extreme? Finally, how do you know Trump will keep what you believe are solutions around this and actually enact them?

I see no balanced or thoughtful approach to this from camp Trump. They will talk about this issue in the manner that politically serves them the best at the end of the day. There is no real policy here. Trump has no path to a solution. He is exacerbating a clash between citizens though.

13   OneTwo   2016 Aug 26, 5:20pm  

thunderlips11 says

"White Slag!"


Come on, you did hear the rest of that, didn't you? Pretty predictable back and forth. And yes, I read the youtuber's comment. Convenient/inconvenient he didn't happen to video that part though... The girl looks like a charva - well known for their displays of good public behavior.

14   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Aug 26, 5:23pm  

Until the mealy mouthed left quits talking through the side of its neck and starts addressing legal and illegal immigration as two distinctly seperate matters, in an obvious effort to confuscate the issues for political and propaganda motivations, I'm done listening to anyone who sees fit to attack Trump on his anti illegal immigration stance.

In fact, I label anyone that refuses to make such distinction as liars and deceivers.

16   mell   2016 Aug 26, 5:42pm  

Farage is a true European hero, tirelessly demonstrating the uselessness of the oligarchs in Brussels living off of taxpayer money and redistributing more taxpayer money to causes the taxpayer absolutely does not want to see their money go to as well as centralizing the law without ever having been properly elected by the people. Calling him conservative, populist, libertarian or right-wing is fair game, but any accusation of racism wrt Farage is a bold faced lie. Coming from the same people who label Geert Wilders (or Ayaan Hirsi Ali) as a racist, who has been living in hiding in fear of his life and that of his family. Shameful, please educate yourselves, especially if you claim to be intelligent and can't play the redneck defense.

17   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 26, 6:42pm  

Rashomon says

Come on, you did hear the rest of that, didn't you? Pretty predictable back and forth. And yes, I read the youtuber's comment. Convenient/inconvenient he didn't happen to video that part though... The girl looks like a charva - well known for their displays of good public behavior.

I forgot - only White People can be racist or religious bigots.

Middle Easterners are famous for their racial and religious tolerance. Historically, Christians and Jews and Pagans and Hindus didn't pay special taxes, could hold military offices, etc. in the Middle East. MENA people never kept black and white slaves in the millions. The Ottomans were never the imperialist rulers of a quarter to a third of Europe, dragging Christian children from their parents.

18   Tenpoundbass   2016 Aug 26, 7:00pm  

I'm glad he's around to keep an eye on things...

19   Y   2016 Aug 27, 6:28am  

Looks like he's got an extra ligament from his teeth to his eye sockets...

Tenpoundbass says

I'm glad he's around to keep an eye on things...

20   Y   2016 Aug 27, 6:32am  

Can you post the english version???

thunderlips11 says

"White Slag!"


21   OneTwo   2016 Aug 27, 10:13am  

thunderlips11 says

I forgot - only White People can be racist or religious bigots.

And who said that? The point is that it's a stupid video to post up to try and prove your point.

22   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 27, 10:34am  

Rashomon says

And who said that? The point is that it's a stupid video to post up to try and prove your point.

No, the point is that we're supposed to take every video of whites being racist or Christians behaving intolerantly seriously; but we're supposed to find every excuse to dismiss racism against whites and Muslim Supremacy.

Wasn't there a Buffalo Albany, NY story where the girls alleged they were victims of a Hate Crime, but videos, cell phone footage, and 911 showed them instigating not only the confrontation, but the only ones using racial slurs?

Actually, just a few days ago, the sister of a man shot (by a black cop), made a plea not to burn down our neighborhood (CNN ended it there), but rather the White neighborhoods, and besides some girls need their weaves (not me because my hair is all natural) (CNN Left that part out and later apologized).

Here's the best example of what I'm talking about.

To begin with, the chief said, the victim had not been raped but was believed to have been sexually assaulted.

Two individuals alleged to have been involved with the assault were arrested and taken to a juvenile detention center.

The suspects were not from Syria, but from Sudan and Iraq.


Now the WaPo did not report on the original story, but only put up this in response to the story being discussed in local news and then on Social Media. Notice the caveats they think it's important to mention don't take away from the core concept behind the concern:

"Importing people from war torn countries isn't such a great idea, because they've been exposed and have internalized rampant violence that doesn't disappear the moment they step off the plane in America, and their cultures are anti-female to boot."

Whether they were from Syria or Sudan or Iraq doesn't take away from the war-torn country point. Not using a knife doesn't take away from the fact it was a forcible sexual assault. That she was only forcibly fondled and not penetrated doesn't take away from it being a sex crime.

23   OneTwo   2016 Aug 27, 10:45am  

thunderlips11 says

No, the point is that we're supposed to take every video of whites being racist seriously; but we're supposed to find every excuse to dismiss racism against whites.

Since when? And that video was nothing more than the give and take you see all the time between a certain type of young person in the UK. Big f-ing deal.

24   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 27, 10:52am  

Fine, here's another one I remember.

The four women - three sisters and their cousin - were told the charge of actual bodily harm, which carries a maximum sentence of five years, against 22-year-old care worker Rhea Page would normally land them in custody.

However, the judge handed the women suspended sentences after hearing that they were not used to alcohol because their religion does not allow it.

Miss Page said Ambaro Maxamed, 24, Ayan Maxamed, 28, and Hibo Maxamed, 24, and their 28-year-old cousin Ifrah Nur screamed "Kill the white slag" while kicking her in the head as she lay motionless on the ground.

The support worker from Leicester was left "black and blue" with bruises and needed hospital treatment following the attack which came as she walked to a taxi rank with her boyfriend.

Despite the racist overtones of the attack, they were given wrist slaps because "They were not used to drinking, being Muslim"

Of course, drinking doesn't make you a hate crime perpetrator unless you hate before you drink. Otherwise it wouldn't enter your mind, even drunk.

It gets worse - despite the use of racial slurs:

During the hearing, James Bide-Thomas, prosecuting, said Ambaro Maxamed, who started the violence, had called Miss Page a "white bitch" during the incident.

However, the women, who are all Somalian Muslims, were not charged with racial aggravation.

CCTV Video of the Racist Attack here:

25   OneTwo   2016 Aug 27, 10:58am  

That's the best you can come up with? You now have to post about a UK example on a US forum? What do you think a couple of examples prove? I'll tell you. Nothing. We can all post up cases/videos and say look at this! It's a pretty meaningless ploy.

Yes, many people are racist. Sentences are not always consistent. Tell me some more shockers, Thunderlips.

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