The Story of Hugh Mungus

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2016 Sep 3, 2:55pm   6,969 views  15 comments

by Exleftie   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

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1   Ceffer   2016 Sep 3, 3:33pm  

Of course, if the SJWs dove to the floor and started slobbering and snarfing on each other's wiry, matted bushes and hairy underarms with abandon, that would just be LOVE, admiration (and good theater).

This is why all public spaces now have elephant gun tranquilizer darts for the rampaging SJWs.

2   Dan8267   2016 Sep 3, 4:31pm  

What I want to know is why hasn't PatNet triggered anyone?

3   Ceffer   2016 Sep 3, 5:58pm  

Patnet is such a thermo-nuclear trigger zone, that it is like the SJW's stunned silence before she "got it" with the Hugh Mungus joke. Only, the trigger trauma of Patnet is so great, the SJWs go into hebephrenic or catatonic denial states that can last forever.

4   Patrick   2016 Sep 3, 9:01pm  

Dan8267 says

What I want to know is why hasn't PatNet triggered anyone?

Good question. I'd rather enjoy some good protests against this site. You just can't buy that kind of publicity! :-)

5   turtledove   2016 Sep 3, 9:27pm  

You have to attract the females first. I grew up in a house of all boys and the vast majority of my career was spent at tech companies, which are primarily male. So, I don't count.

6   Patrick   2016 Sep 3, 9:38pm  

You count!

But true, it's hard to attract a good protest without readers from the groups that might protest.

And how can I attract them with a front page like mine?

7   turtledove   2016 Sep 3, 9:46pm  

It's not that I don't protest, it's just dismissed as irrelevant. But I love each and every one of you. I just don't feel compelled to argue when I know you're wrong. you need more insecure women who must be acknowledged as "right." That's what you need if you want some drama.

8   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Sep 3, 10:45pm  

Its the ignore function and the hidden likes/dislikes.

You want holy hell, remove those and watch the triggers ignite.

9   Patrick   2016 Sep 4, 7:25am  

dodgerfanjohn says

You want holy hell, remove those and watch the triggers ignite.

The holy grail would be to get protests outside of patrick.net, so that new users hear about the site without my having to pay for any advertising.

Maybe I'll spraypaint "boycott patrick.net" somewhere.

10   marcus   2016 Sep 4, 8:30am  

I'm wearing a black tee shirt and jeans today. I just realized, I'm hugh mungous !

Did anyone else think about this story that, in addition to her being an entitled and (at least on that day) insane SJW, why was she so sure that the guy even intended to reference his penis ? How could she feel so strongly that he meant that as sexual ? Is it the porn age we live in, or what ? I'm sure that many people viewed that video, and thought, there's one very sexually frustrated woman, because of the fact that she went there ("you abused me") so quickly and so strongly. But then thinking that would obviously be sexist.

11   Patrick   2016 Sep 4, 9:24am  

marcus says

I'm sure that many people viewed that video, and thought, there's one very sexually frustrated woman, because of the fact that she went there ("you abused me") so quickly and so strongly.

I'm pretty sure that's it.

12   Exleftie   2016 Sep 4, 10:11am  

marcus says

How could she feel so strongly that he meant that as sexual ? Is it the porn age we live in, or what ?

It is certainly the age we live in. We live in an age where all restraints on female sexuality have been removed by law, but beta male sexuality is increasingly criminalized. So here are the inevitable sequelae:

* Zarna Joshi, ignoring several Beta Bobs who are actually in love with her, repeatedly offers herself for free to high-status men out of her league, and they happily fuck her.
* None of those alpha men commit to her, or even call her back. They are too busy with all the other eager free pussy made available to them by feminism.
* She accumulates resentment against all men and convinces herself that the men she picked up and fucked were "abusing" her by taking what she gave to them for free.
* Far from noticing that it is feminism itself that is causing her pain, she doubles down on feminism, ready to pounce on any beta who is not deferential enough to her.
* She runs into Hugh Mungus, who looks like an obedient beta but actually doesn't have to put up with her shit because he is not a co-worker or at a university.
* She blows several fuses at once and simply cannot understand why other men like the security guard do not tackle and pummel Hugh on her behalf. (Bonus: she also cannot see that she is attempting to take advantage of traditional sex roles here, with men as protectors of women's virtue. She is truly blinded by feminism.)

13   Dan8267   2016 Sep 4, 12:53pm  

In case people don't know yet, the lunatic's name is Zarna Joshi. It's worth mentioning so that when a prospective employer Google searches her name, they get Hugh Mungus hits. She's a walking lawsuit liability for any company that hires her.

14   Blurtman   2016 Sep 4, 1:35pm  

Seattle. Of course.

Seattle, Washington – Black Lives Matter protester, Zarna Joshi, was at a recent Seattle City Council meeting when she went completely hysterical after she was “sexually harassed,” and demanded police response, then refused to speak with officers when they arrived.


15   Dan8267   2016 Sep 4, 1:43pm  

The irony is that she kept asking for other people's names just to harass and character assassinate them and she ended up dragging her own name through the mud.

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