The latest 911 conspiracy theory

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2016 Sep 14, 12:57pm   68,201 views  237 comments

by Heraclitusstudent   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Since our official conspiracy theorist is no longer posting, I thought I'd fill-in for a day. :-)

Interestingly the latest theory comes from the European physicists community (generally unaccustomed to conspiracies) http://www.europhysicsnews.org/.

They don't venture in providing fancy explanations but simply point at the deficiencies of the NIST report sticking to undeniable facts:

- Neither before nor since 9/11 have fires caused the total collapse of a steel-framed high-rise. Otherwise, the only phenomenon capable of
collapsing such buildings completely has been by way of a procedure known as controlled demolition. They explain why it is the case. Fires not hot enough or lasting enough to weaken steel beams. Fire suppression systems and fireproofing. Redundant steel structures, so a local failure could not explain the entire fall.
- WTC 7 was not hit by airplanes, but collapsed symmetrically, in free fall, its steel frame was almost entirely dismembered and deposited mostly inside the building’s
footprint, while most of its concrete was pulverized into tiny particles. This was never explained by NIST.
- The definitive report on the collapse of the Twin Towers contains no analysis of why the lower sections failed to arrest or even slow the descent of the upper sections—which NIST acknowledges “came down essentially in free fall”. Researchers have since provided calculations showing that a natural collapse over one story would not only decelerate, but would actually arrest after one or two stories of fall.
- Videos and photographs also show numerous high-velocity bursts of debris being ejected from point-like sources. NIST refers to these as “puffs of smoke” but fails to properly analyze them.

- NIST sidesteps the well-documented presence of molten metal throughout the debris field and asserts that the orange molten metal seen pouring out of WTC 2 for
the seven minutes before its collapse was aluminum from the aircraft combined with organic materials . Molten aluminum has a silvery appearance— not hot enough to appear orange.
- Explosion evidence was ignored by NIST. Some 156 witnesses, including 135 first responders, have been documented as saying that they saw, heard, and/or felt explosions prior to and/or during the collapses.

These are largely just known facts. Draw your own conclusions.


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121   OneTwo   2016 Sep 19, 10:51pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

Irrelevant: first because we already established that we are talking of the exterior shell, and second, demolitions typically start from the inside to control the fall toward the inside. So the penthouses prove nothing either way.

The relevant fact remains the synchronicity of the collapse of the exterior shell, in particular for opposite corners.

A progressive collapse cannot explain this. And cannot explain either the sudden free fall. Free fall is what happens in absence of any structures below.

You guys still no explanation other than some kind of fluke.

Utter nonsense. Those internal collapses are integral to the process of the global collapse.

122   Tampajoe   2016 Sep 20, 10:55am  

Hater says

Collapse or explosion?

Yep--it's quite fortunate that the planes decided to crash into the floors that were pre-wired for a demolition.

123   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Sep 20, 11:10am  

Heraclitusstudent says

Based on what would you say they didn't fall at the exact same moment?

The scale of that image of the building is huge. The scale of a beam getting sheared is small (6 to 12 inches of vertical, maybe). What appears about level is a 15 foot difference, and when things initially start to move, it takes a full second to start a freefall. That is shown by the high school physics teacher you referenced. So, there is plenty of room (time and space) for sequential shearing of beams.

124   fdhfoiehfeoi   2016 Sep 20, 1:16pm  

So first off, not every conspiracy is a theory. Second many of these facts have been stated before, by American physicists, first responders, and other eye witnesses. Third, false flag attacks go as far back as Fort Sumter.

I think what we really need to know is what to call people who believe a story backed by no facts, simply because a central government says so. Fanatics? Governmentarians? Or how about brainwashed, uneducated(though highly indoctrinated), illogical, irrational, automatons.

125   truth will find you   2016 Sep 20, 1:26pm  

oh seriously, go fuck off all you loser retards!

In the history of the world, there has never been an event that believing a conspiracy theory more clearly proves you are fucking dumb beyond worth of an opinion

This is it.

1. It was a controlled demolition.
Reasons this means you are fucking retarded:
A. Why bother with control? you're terrorists, knock the fucking thing sideways, take out multiple blocks in NY.
B. drilling and wiring controls for a controlled demolition would take thousands of hours, and expertise. That would have been noticed ,by say the 50,000 people working there.
C. If you want to blow it up, one bomb near a structural element downstairs would do it, and take it down near instantaneously, you know like a big truck...
D. If you are going to blow it up, why bother with the not exactly trivial problem of hijacking planes.
E. The plane crash actually allowed everyone on lower floors to escape. Why would you want that as a terrorist, blow it up all at once, and drop it! It would have killed 50,000.

2. Steel doesn't melt in a jet fuel fire.
Reasons this means you are fucking retarded:
A. Steel doesn't need to melt to lose structural strength. FFS, google the yield curve of structural steel. If you don't know what yield curve means, why the fuck are you commenting at all on this? you lack the requisite intelligence/engineering knowledge to have an opinion.
B. The design of the building had it's structural support near the outside. The plane crash alone cut many of the supports, meaning the remaining few were carrying more than their design load, and loads off to the side, which puts twisting/bending moments on a beam. Beams resist force 100 times better pushing down on the beam, then bending it. Take pencil, push it straight into the floor try to break it, then take the ends, and snap it in half, it this isn't intuitive to you.

Going to get coffee, this is just a start. There are few subjects in the world, that prove someone is stupid more than arguing 911 was something else.

126   Ceffer   2016 Sep 20, 1:31pm  

Would the Gov ever reveal that strategic buildings have explosives built in for quick detonation and razing in case of attack?

127   fdhfoiehfeoi   2016 Sep 20, 1:32pm  

truth will find you says

oh seriously, go fuck off all you loser retards!

In the history of the world, there has never been an event that believing a conspiracy theory more clearly proves you are fucking dumb beyond worth of an opinion

This is it.

Your small mind is apparently so rattled by the truth bitch-slapping you, that your English has become severely impaired, leaving your ranting barely comprehensible. Next time just stick with "Nu'uh, nu'uh!"

128   truth will find you   2016 Sep 20, 1:38pm  

Oh nuttboxer, the fucking retard who thinks not buying in 2010 san diego, was smart, has an opinion! What a surprise that, as usual, and per your history on here, it is dumb as fuck!

129   Indiana Jones   2016 Sep 20, 1:53pm  

truth will find you says

B. drilling and wiring controls for a controlled demolition would take thousands of hours, and expertise. That would have been noticed ,by say the 50,000 people working there.


"A former data center worker who worked at one of the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings before the 9/11 attacks has come forward with bombshell information that suggests explosives were planted in the buildings in the weeks prior to the attacks on September 11, 2001.

Scott Forbes was employed by Fiduciary Trust Company International, located on the 97th floor of the South Tower at the WTC complex. He says there were some very strange events in the weeks leading up to the attacks, including; a complete power down of the building for over 36 hours, and mysterious ‘engineers’ doing work in the building using spools of wire just days before the 9/11 attacks.

“The power down was on the Saturday and Sunday prior to 9/11, so that would have been the 8th and 9th of September,” Forbes said, who has never seen or heard of a similar occasion aside from the original bomb scare in 1993.

Forbes said the building was turned over by the New York Port Authority Saturday morning for the power down and was handed back over to the Port Authority some thirty hours later, leaving a massive security gap.

Forbes also said that he witnessed many people who looked like “engineers,” dressed in coveralls, carrying toolboxes and spools of wire who were coming and going during the blackout period....

...In a 2003 investigative report titled “Bush-Linked Company Handled Security for the WTC, Dulles and United,” Margie Burns explains:

George W. Bush’s brother was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines, according to public records. The company was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corp., also linked for years to the Bush family....

...To this day the 9/11 Commission and the New York Port Authority deny the fact that the reported power down took place. The power down is likely one of the key elements being covered up by parties involved along with the actual disappearance of security tapes from the WTC complex."

130   Tampajoe   2016 Sep 20, 1:54pm  

NuttBoxer says

I think what we really need to know is what to call people who believe a story backed by no facts, simply because a central government says so

Do you have an example of such a story?

131   Tampajoe   2016 Sep 20, 1:59pm  

Indiana Jones says

"A former data center worker who worked at one of the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings before the 9/11 attacks has come forward with bombshell information that suggests explosives were planted in the buildings in the weeks prior to the attacks on September 11, 2001.

Scott Forbes was employed by Fiduciary Trust Company International, located on the 97th floor of the South Tower at the WTC complex. He says there were some very strange events in the weeks leading up to the attacks, including; a complete power down of the building for over 36 hours, and mysterious ‘engineers’ doing work in the building using spools of wire just days before the 9/11 attacks.

“The power down was on the Saturday and Sunday prior to 9/11, so that would have been the 8th and 9th of September,” Forbes said, who has never seen or heard of a similar occasion aside from the original bomb scare in 1993.

Forbes said the building was turned over by the New York Port Authority Saturday mornin...

Awesome. So the theory is that the government was secretly working WITH Al Qaeda to fly the two planes into the WTC so that they could then set off the explosives and demolish the buildings! EUREKA!!!! You solved it.

I'm assuming the Pentagon was also a controlled demolition then too? It would almost have to be, right?

Or was that the cost of getting terrorists to blow up the WTC--allow them to also blow up the Pentagon? Collateral damage I guess. Acceptable losses to our Government.

132   truth will find you   2016 Sep 20, 1:59pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

But even 0.5 second difference at the start of the fall would translate in 11m difference in height after 2.5 seconds of free fall. This would be clearly visible. The front of the building would be torn but it isn't: you clearly see the floors, still largely horizontal.

there are still elements connecting the building sides together. Once again, this is just fucking stupid.

Indiana fucktard, 200,000 people visited the world trade center daily, even on a weekend, likely 100,000+ That would have been on cnn, not just a memory from one person....

133   Indiana Jones   2016 Sep 20, 2:22pm  

truth will find you says

Indiana fucktard,


134   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Sep 20, 2:26pm  

truth will find you says

Heraclitusstudent says

But even 0.5 second difference at the start of the fall would translate in 11m difference in height after 2.5 seconds of free fall. This would be clearly visible. The front of the building would be torn but it isn't: you clearly see the floors, still largely horizontal.

there are still elements connecting the building sides together. Once again, this is just fucking stupid.

What do you mean? That one side pulled down the other through an horizontal beam? Now THIS is fucking stupid.
Too many people here are ignorant of basic laws of mechanics to even understand what they are talking about.

135   truth will find you   2016 Sep 20, 2:29pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

What do you mean? That one side pulled down the other through an horizontal beam? Now THIS is fucking stupid.

Too many people here are ignorant of basic laws of mechanics to even understand what they are talking about.

Yes, and the ignorant asshat is you.

Once again, as a terrorrist, the LAST THING, literally LAST THING you would invest time/money/planning into, would be a controlled demolition. Especially hours after another incident.

How fucking stupid are you? not a rhetorical question, your posts are indicating very very stupid!

136   Indiana Jones   2016 Sep 20, 2:34pm  

truth will find you says

Once again, as a terrorrist, the LAST THING, literally LAST THING you would invest time/money/planning into, would be a controlled demolition. Especially hours after another incident.

Inside job, not terrorists. Duh.

137   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Sep 20, 2:38pm  

truth will find you says

Once again, as a terrorrist, the LAST THING, literally LAST THING you would invest time/money/planning into, would be a controlled demolition. Especially hours after another incident.

Who said terrorists did it?
You make a judgement about what people would or would not do.
I make a judgement about what steel columns would or would not do.
Plenty of people do and say stupid things. That includes you. So...

138   truth will find you   2016 Sep 20, 2:41pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

Who said terrorists did it?

You make a judgement about what people would or would not do.

I make a judgement about what steel columns would or would not do.

Plenty of people do and say stupid things. That includes you. So...

I'd say blowing up a building with people inside is terrorrists. you have another word?

IF you give any belief to this conspiracy stuff, then you are very fucking stupid. I am not. AND I actually do know my engineering, your posts indicate that yo don't.

139   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Sep 20, 2:50pm  

truth will find you says

I actually do know my engineering, your posts indicate that yo don't.

Thank you for this brilliant engineering argument. You convinced me that 20 or so outer columns were all equally weakened by fire and simultaneously gave way and fell like stones.


140   astronut97   2016 Sep 20, 4:36pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

You convinced me that 20 or so outer columns were all equally weakened by fire and simultaneously gave way and fell like stones.

It wasn't the outer columns that failed, it was the drooping floor beams separating from the columns that caused the collapse. Did you even read the official report?

141   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Sep 20, 4:48pm  

astronut97 says

It wasn't the outer columns that failed, it was the drooping floor beams separating from the columns that caused the collapse. Did you even read the official report?

Thank you for that pearl. I now understand floor beams can all fall suddenly independently by separating from columns supporting them.
And the columns, well... they all suddenly and simultaneously turned to ether and fell vertically like rocks.
That clinches it.

142   bob2356   2016 Sep 20, 5:08pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

Thank you for that pearl. I now understand floor beams can all fall suddenly independently by separating from columns supporting them.

There aren't any floor beams genius. There were floor trusses. Floor trusses with many tons of concrete on them. Once a couple twist enough, something easily accomplished with the heat of an uncontrolled fire, to fail the rest can't support the additional weight. Once the trusses are gone nothing holds up the outer walls. Look at the video at comment 132. You can clearly see the floor trusses inside the building on the left side give away and go down internally before the outer walls collapse.

Why don't you go look up how the buildings were built so you can have some basic understanding of what you are talking about.

143   astronut97   2016 Sep 20, 5:12pm  

bob2356 says

There were floor trusses.

Whoops, that's what I meant to say, trusses not beams.

144   astronut97   2016 Sep 20, 5:15pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

And the columns, well... they all suddenly and simultaneously turned to ether and fell vertically like rocks.

No, some of them didn't initially fall at all. There is a video out there showing some outer columns still standing (about 20-30 stories of them) for a few minutes.

145   truth will find you   2016 Sep 20, 5:20pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

Thank you for this brilliant engineering argument. You convinced me that 20 or so outer columns were all equally weakened by fire and simultaneously gave way and fell like stones.


Funny, YOU judging my intelligence with the reams of stupid shit you've written here.

I've decided to steal an old ladie's purse tonight. I have two choices:

1. go out dressed in a hoodie hiding my face, park somewhere discreet, look for an old lady a few blocks away, grab her purse and run.

2. Convince arab terrorists to hijack a plane, crash it in a public place, with a resulting firebomb startling birds from a tree that will fly into an old ladies face, in the confusion, she will drop her purse, and I will pick it up and run away.

SIMPLE logic dictates which one is believable above, and on 911. Simple logic that eludes a seeming neverending list of dumbfucks on here.

146   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Sep 20, 5:26pm  

bob2356 says

Once a couple twist enough, something easily accomplished with the heat of an uncontrolled fire, to fail the rest can't support the additional weight. Once the trusses are gone nothing holds up the outer walls. Look at the video at comment 132.

Yep, and there is a chain reaction of dominos falling, pushing and pulling other parts. At the end of that hidden progression inside the building, the dozens of outer shell columns - so far intact and still supporting the shell - are all suddenly destroyed at the same instant and start to free fall.
Got it. Thanks!

147   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Sep 20, 5:29pm  

Once the trusses are gone nothing holds up the outer walls.

Oops sorry... did you say trusses held the outer walls? Then all trusses around the building must have failed at the same instant. Very bizarre.
But it must be true because we are told so.

148   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Sep 20, 5:44pm  

truth will find you says

I've decided to steal an old ladie's purse tonight. I have two choices:

1. go out dressed in a hoodie hiding my face, park somewhere discreet, look for an old lady a few blocks away, grab her purse and run.

2. Convince arab terrorists to hijack a plane, crash it in a public place, with a resulting firebomb startling birds from a tree that will fly into an old ladies face, in the confusion, she will drop her purse, and I will pick it up and run away.

SIMPLE logic dictates which one is believable above, and on 911.

You are trying to judge human actions while knowing very little about who they were, what they were trying to accomplish, directly and indirectly.
Do people do bizarre things? Do government do stupid things? Do government lie and try to manipulate people? We know they do.
How hard would it be for example for a few people to look the other way just enough to let Al Qaeda's plot succeed?

Not knowing anything outside the absolute surface of facts, you judge based on your "simple logic" - rather than the available physical evidence. I say you're more like Fox Mulder: You want to believe. Except of course in the docile sheep kind of way.
And of course you assume anyone who disagree with you must be stupid.
Every idiot thinks that way.

149   astronut97   2016 Sep 20, 6:41pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

Oops sorry... did you say trusses held the outer walls? Then all trusses around the building must have failed at the same instant. Very bizarre.

Again, have you actually read the official report ... and understood it?

150   bob2356   2016 Sep 21, 7:34am  

astronut97 says

Again, have you actually read the official report ... and understood it?

He didn't look at the official report at all or otherwise he would have known only WTC1&2 used truss construction. WTC7 was tube construction, but used floor beams instead of trusses. I just threw that out to see if he knew anything about what he was talking about. Obviously not. Thermal expansion of the floor beams is what the official report says caused the structural failure.

I would say WTC7 actually did pretty damn well. It was designed to withstand 3 hours of uncontrolled fire (see NYC building codes revision 1968 paragraph 2b) with no sprinklers (the water mains were destroyed by the collapse of 1&2 so there was no water to fight the fire) and managed to stand for over 7.

Of course we all know that those 7 hours were spent with a team of crack military people running in and out of the building ripping out the walls to pack thermite (it takes 100lbs of thermite to destroy a beam the size used in WTC7) around the beams without any one of the thousands of people on the scene seeing them at all. Running through active blazing fires with explosives, planting the explosives, while somehow keeping the fire from damaging the explosives and detonators for as long as it took to get them all in place. Obviously the military has a secret soldier cloaking device to go along with their secret thermite explosives. Plus everyone involved has managed to keep it a total secret for 15 years now. Pretty amazing, considering the president can't get a blowjob and keep it a secret.

I love conspiracy nuts. Na,Na,Na you can't prove it didn't happen so it must be true no matter how stupid it sounds.

151   fdhfoiehfeoi   2016 Sep 21, 9:19am  

truth will find you says

Oh nuttboxer, the fucking retard who thinks not buying in 2010 san diego, was smart, has an opinion! What a surprise that, as usual, and per your history on here, it is dumb as fuck!

No idea who you are, but you have nothing to contribute, are apparently leveraged up the ass with mortgage ownership, and very bitter about it, so you troll other non-relevant posts, ranting at anyone who opposes your self made prison of debt, stress, and lower quality of life.

Ohh, wait, you're a bitter troll!

152   fdhfoiehfeoi   2016 Sep 21, 9:20am  

Tampajoe says

Do you have an example of such a story?

Are you just here to insert random non-sequiturs, or do you actually read posts once in a while?

153   Tampajoe   2016 Sep 21, 9:30am  

NuttBoxer says

Are you just here to insert random non-sequiturs, or do you actually read posts once in a while?

I've read them all and there are all sorts of different conspiracies on this thread. Just trying to understand what story you think is backed by "no facts". Only the government saying so.

154   fdhfoiehfeoi   2016 Sep 21, 9:48am  

Tampajoe says

I've read them all and there are all sorts of different conspiracies on this thread. Just trying to understand what story you think is backed by "no facts". Only the government saying so.

I still think your question is rhetorical, because seriously, no one is that dense. Their might be sub-theories described here, but they all boil down to, government terrorists did it, or foreign terrorists did it. One side has lots of facts, eye witness accounts, science and math rules supporting it. One is backed purely by the reputation of the story teller(singular).

But someone who critical thinking skills, unhindered by the slough of popular opinion, would already have figured that out. So my guess is you're desperately trying to hold onto your warm comfortable world view, until something comes along that wretches from you forever. This doesn't have to be the thing, but it will happen, and sooner, rather than later.

155   Tampajoe   2016 Sep 21, 10:04am  

NuttBoxer says

government terrorists did it, or foreign terrorists did it. One side has lots of facts, eye witness accounts, science and math rules supporting it. One is backed purely by the reputation of the story teller(singular).

I think you are living in a bubble world. What facts, eye witness accounts and math are supporting the "government terrorists" side?

And how do you explain the airplanes that hit the towers? I've asked this several time with no answers from any of the conspiracists. Was that part of the government plan? Was Al Qaeda working with our government?

156   Tampajoe   2016 Sep 21, 10:09am  

NuttBoxer says

But someone who critical thinking skills, unhindered by the slough of popular opinion, would already have figured that out. So my guess is you're desperately trying to hold onto your warm comfortable world view, until something comes along that wretches from you forever. This doesn't have to be the thing, but it will happen, and sooner, rather than later.

That seems to be a common theme among the posters here. That people who believe the 9/11 commission report are sheep who lack critical thinking.

The funny thing is the exact opposite is the truth. The conspiracy nuts refuse to look at the facts objectively. Their reflex is to assume conspiracy and attribute any unusual occurrence to be part of a conspiracy, and that any person of power must be lying. Like I said earlier, common sense doesn't trump science. An event like 9/11 will always have some things happen that are extremely unusual. That's how life is.

157   Tampajoe   2016 Sep 21, 10:39am  

Hater says

But the NIST 911 report defies science and common sense!

Well, forget common sense. There is no common sense when you're talking about a once in a lifetime event.

So, let's get to the crux of the matter. Please post the relevant sections of NIST 9/11 report and show exactly what scientific errors were made.

158   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Sep 21, 10:49am  

bob2356 says

Thermal expansion of the floor beams is what the official report says caused the structural failure.

Which is neatly explained in NIST FAQ: "Then, progressing from east to west across WTC 7, all of the columns failed in the core of the building (58 through 78). Finally, the entire façade collapsed. "

And this is exactly what I said:

Heraclitusstudent says

Yep, and there is a chain reaction of dominos falling, pushing and pulling other parts. At the end of that hidden progression inside the building, the dozens of outer shell columns - so far intact and still supporting the shell - are all suddenly destroyed at the same instant and start to free fall.

Got it. Thanks!

159   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Sep 21, 10:53am  

Tampajoe says

And how do you explain the airplanes that hit the towers?

Come on now. We all know the airplanes are to blame. We all know terrorists couldn't setup a complete demolition of buildings.

160   Tampajoe   2016 Sep 21, 10:56am  

Heraclitusstudent says

Come on now. We all know the airplanes are to blame. We all know terrorists couldn't setup a complete demolition of buildings.

Hahaha. So, now the terrorists set up the explosives beforehand and then flew the planes into the building anyway? And waited hours after the planes hit before setting off the explosives? Is this your theory?

Are we trying to determine what "could" have happened? Or what DID happen? I can come up with all sorts of things that "could" have happened.

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