Can You Feel The Revolution In The Air? Join Les Deplorables Now, Patriots!

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2016 Sep 15, 7:58pm   21,340 views  72 comments

by 8e6e0   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

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1   freespeechforever   2016 Sep 15, 8:01pm  



2   Y   2016 Sep 15, 8:58pm  

where's iwop with his stats and charts???

3   Ceffer   2016 Sep 15, 11:11pm  

Where's the chick with the naked tits holding the flag? Trumpligula deserves no less.

4   Strategist   2016 Sep 16, 1:53am  

Ironman says

8e6e0 says

Can You Feel The Revolution In The Air?

Let's get this party started.... I ain't getting any younger...

I'll bring the champagne. Who's bringing the pot?

5   Y   2016 Sep 16, 6:56am  

The availability of reality altering substances is what the 1% rely on to keep the masses unwashed...
Real revolution occurs when the medicinals run out, forcing the sheep to confront the rape and pillage before the whites of their eyes from the time they were conceived...

Strategist says

I'll bring the champagne. Who's bringing the pot?

6   OneTwo   2016 Sep 16, 6:56am  

anonymous says

No wonder they turn to Trumps and Le Pens who address their concerns about wealth distribution

That part is beyond hilarious given his plans to give even more tax breaks to the wealthiest. Revolution? Yeah, sure.

7   Strategist   2016 Sep 16, 7:00am  

Rashomon says

anonymous says

No wonder they turn to Trumps and Le Pens who address their concerns about wealth distribution

That part is beyond hilarious given his plans to give even more tax breaks to the wealthiest.

That's the part i love, because one day i expect to be rich. And i ain't paying those taxes.

8   vanbomel   2016 Sep 16, 7:16am  

Deplorables of the world, unite!

Millions of Americans and Europeans are in a state of rage and rebellion. While the top one percent of society becomes richer, the rest become poorer and the future of their children and grandchildren looks even grimmer. Their “leaders” are more solicitous of illegal aliens and “refugees” than of them. They are enraged that their “leaders” have spent their taxes and put their countries in a state of monumental indebtedness. They are sick and tired of the sneering classes denigrating their patriotism and their attachment to traditional values.

So apparently bigotry is a traditional working class value sneered at by elites like HRC who demonstrates her detachment from volkisch culture by working and socializing with blacks, Jews, Muslims and so forth.

9   OneTwo   2016 Sep 16, 7:36am  

Strategist says

That's the part i love, because one day i expect to be rich. And i ain't paying those taxes.

Let us all know how that works out.

10   OneTwo   2016 Sep 16, 7:37am  

vanbomel says

So apparently bigotry is a traditional working class value sneered at by elites like HRC who demonstrates her detachment from volkisch culture by working and socializing with blacks, Jews, Muslims and so forth.

Er, since when? If it's a working class value, then there must be a lot of working class people posting on this forum.

11   Ceffer   2016 Sep 16, 9:56am  

In the new White House, Trumpligula plans to use illegal immigrants as toilet paper, while Putin gold statues festoon the hallways.

12   Shaman   2016 Sep 16, 9:59am  

vanbomel says

So apparently bigotry is a traditional working class value sneered at by elites like HRC who demonstrates her detachment from volkisch culture by working and socializing with blacks, Jews, Muslims and so forth.

Nobody was talking about bigotry here until you brought that up. Trump is no bigot and neither are the majority of his supporters.
"But Trump wants to ban Muslim immigration!" you whine.
Answer: Totalitarian ideologies for world domination masquerading as a "religion of peace" are to be resisted by any freedom-loving liberal society, and promoters of such toxic ideologies should be excluded from infiltrating free societies.
"But Trump hates Latinos!" You snivel.
Answer: Trump hates illegal immigration, and Latinos who are here illegally aren't going to be allowed to continue to break our laws with impunity. We have a rule of law that defines justice in America. Get used to it or get out!

13   OneTwo   2016 Sep 16, 10:17am  

anonymous says

The Clinton Machine has perfected the art of "The Illusion of Inclusion". Just how much and what type of "work" and what degree of and what type of "socializing" does the bitch engage in other than to keep the dollars rolling into the coffers ?

Are the minorities so naïve to believe this senile lying psychopath really gives a rat's ass about any of them or their families or problems other than seeing how much if any they will contribute and if they will for vote for her and the "machine" ?

It doesn't matter what you think she personally believes or not. At the end of the day, it should be a decision based on the policies that the two candidates will try to implement. I'd say Hillary's plans are far more coherent and beneficial to the majority of citizens when compared to the incoherent and contradictory 'policies' spouted by the Donald.

14   OneTwo   2016 Sep 16, 10:48am  

anonymous says

Out of curiosity how did you manage to read the Financial Times article and type a response in the four minute gap between the time I posted and you posted ? You must have been one of Marcus's or Roberto's students huh ?

I didn't say I had read the FT article. I commented on the item I quoted as you can see.

anonymous says

majority of the more free stuff crowd, the "undocumented citizens" - she's not doing any favors for me and I'm in one of the biggest voting blocks and on healthcare alone she's lost any consideration from me not that I am keen on anyone else either.

So you either won't vote or will vote for Donald. Feel free to elaborate on what the Donald will give you... that's if you know what his plans are because they seem pretty hard to nail down.

15   OneTwo   2016 Sep 16, 11:16am  

anonymous says

Nice try - but back to you, being a gentlemen I insist you go first ! Tell us how Nana Clinton is going to help the 65 and over crowd, reduce or eliminate the influx of undocumented citizens, how she will pay for anything she ahs proposed but more than anything how she is going to fix the train wreck of Obama care by tossing untold billions more at it.

I'm not over 65, so that's not my primary focus. As you apparently are, why not give us the rundown on the two candidates plans for that age group?

However, just for starters, from your comments, haven't the number of illegal immigrants been declining recently? And what terrible burden have they brought on the US apart from putting salad on plates, doing gardening, making construction cheaper... It's not really the most pressing of issues - it's just a lazy go to issue for a want to be demagogue. As for ACA, what's the Trump alternative as it seems non existent? Donald also seems to throw out comments devoid of substance about huge infrastructure plans coupled with massive tax breaks for the rich. How's he going to fund that?

16   AllTruth   2016 Sep 16, 12:35pm  

The worse shape Shillary Clinton is in (and she's sinking FAST), the longer, more rambling & more desperate stoner Jazz Music's posts become!

The Dems even unleashed Moooochele to try & whip up some righteous inspiration for the inspiration-sucking Hildabeast today!








18   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 16, 3:48pm  

It might be a good time to remind people that around 1996, Clinton used "Make America Great Again" phrase himself, and fulminated against illegal immigration, proposing mass deportation, as part of triangulation efforts to position the Democratic party Center-Right.



Hillary also claimed she was against illegals in 2003.

What a bunch of fascists, these two.

19   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 16, 3:54pm  

Rashomon says

And what terrible burden have they brought on the US apart from putting salad on plates, doing gardening, making construction cheaper...

Why can't the millions of unemployed whites, blacks, and others do these jobs?

Illegal immigrants were very useful helping to deunionize and prevent new unions in the 1980s. A meatpacker used to make in the mid-teens in today's money, plus benefits. All throughout the midwest, Whties and Blacks used to queue up for hours when a plant announced they were hiring. So much for a job they won't do! Now that Corporations have used illegals to crush wages, they make jack shit.

Besides, Bill Clinton disagrees with you.


By the way, these kind of posts are proof the Democratic Party isn't the party of the Working Class anymore.

20   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 16, 4:01pm  

Jobs Americans won't do - but did them in my lifetime when they paid a living wage.

Doesn't Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Australia, etc. pay like $15/hr + benefits to McD's burger flippers?

21   OneTwo   2016 Sep 16, 4:19pm  

thunderlips11 is deplorable says

Why can't the millions of unemployed whites, blacks, and others do these jobs?

Because they don't want to do that kind of labor in large enough numbers for the money that is paid apparently.

thunderlips11 is deplorable says

Whties and Blacks used to queue up for hours when a plant announced they were hiring. So much for a job they won't do! Now that Corporations have used illegals to crush wages, they make jack shit.

And they still would, but quite obviously factory work is not the same as working in the salad bowl for example.

22   vanbomel   2016 Sep 16, 4:56pm  

Quigley says

Nobody was talking about bigotry here until you brought that up. Trump is no bigot and neither are the majority of his supporters.

Hillary coined the term deplorable. She defined the term as meaning bigots. If the discussion is about a group of people called Les Deplorables, then we're talking about bigots.

23   OneTwo   2016 Sep 16, 5:11pm  

Quigley says

Trump is no bigot and neither are the majority of his supporters.

He isn't? I guess that depends on how you define bigot. OED: bigot: In extended use: a fanatical adherent or believer; a person characterized by obstinate, intolerant, or strongly partisan beliefs.

24   neplusultra57   2016 Sep 16, 5:14pm  

Rashomon says

haven't the number of illegal immigrants been declining recently? And what terrible burden have they brought on the US apart from putting salad on plates, doing gardening, making construction cheaper... It's not really the most pressing of issues - it's just a lazy go to issue for a want to be demagogue.

Yes, they have been declining since the '08 crash and have gone net negative. But that's not what makes them a meaningful topic to those who support a spoiled rich Oligarch demagogue. His premise is "everything is wrong", and nothing else really matters, obviously, just look at his vacuous remedy.

Rashomon says

As for ACA, what's the Trump alternative as it seems non existent?

Again, this doesn't matter. Everything he says subsequent to his complaint is unimportant. To those who yearn for revolution, the revolution is the point: do something even if it's wrong. Do something even if it's nothing but complaint. Trump supporters would vote for a fire hydrant if it contained a speaker that played the same vulgar complaint 24/7.

So many Americans just want to throw out the entire deck of cards in order to send a message to the pricks that ostensibly run this country. The laughable truth is that they think the fool who will take over will be different than the pricks that got us here. They themselves are the fools in that bargain. Trump already offered to sub out the running of the country to Kasich; that shows the depth of his vision: he's just here for the fun of the run. If Trump wins, the Republicans will run this country the same way they always have: tax cuts for the rich and trickle-down trade. If there is a revolution it will come against the Trump government.

25   neplusultra57   2016 Sep 16, 5:28pm  

Rashomon says

Quigley says

Trump is no bigot and neither are the majority of his supporters.

He isn't? I guess that depends on how you define bigot. OED: bigot: In extended use: a fanatical adherent or believer; a person characterized by obstinate, intolerant, or strongly partisan beliefs.

Of course Trump is a bigot. Of course, half his supporters are bigots. So what? The question is: what is his plan? His plan is to complain and offer an ever-changing stab in the dark at whatever moves across his field of vision. So far he promises: to bring back 25 million jobs from China faster than it took to lose them; to know more about ISIS than "the Generals" do and to wipe it out in about a week; to build a wall which Congress will not fund for one twentieth of what real estimates claim it would cost; balance the budget in ten years despite huge spending military and infrastructure spending along with deep tax cuts while utilizing the option of defaulting of sovereign debt payments. Oh, the bigotry does have an impact. All his nominees for SCOTUS will be certified GOP bigots. I guess that matters. I forgot.

26   Shaman   2016 Sep 16, 10:13pm  

Rashomon says

bigot: In extended use: a fanatical adherent or believer; a person characterized by obstinate, intolerant, or strongly partisan beliefs

Thanks, you just described yourself to a T.
Add stupid and pigheaded and it'll be like looking in a mirror!

27   OneTwo   2016 Sep 16, 10:35pm  

Quigley says

Thanks, you just described yourself to a T.

Add stupid and pigheaded and it'll be like looking in a mirror!

You're Ironman, aren't you? Or are you both as equally childish?

28   anonymous   2016 Sep 16, 10:41pm  

29   OneTwo   2016 Sep 16, 10:42pm  

You don't like my picture? That's a shame.

30   Shaman   2016 Sep 17, 9:10am  

Rashomon says

You're Ironman, aren't you? Or are you both as equally childish?

Way to run away from the argument when you're losing harshly! But you never were that smart, Tatty.
Want to explain how you're not also a bigot by your own definition? I thought not. "Bigot" is a catch-all term that can refer to anyone who has a strong opinion about nearly anything. As such it is meaningless. I'm also a bigot against Satanists like you. I think anyone who is NOT a bigot is a real wimpy push-over who stands for absolutely nothing!
So quiet with your attempts to shame people by calling them "bigot." What a meaningless and useless designation! Might as well be calling me "patriot" for all the offense I am going to take!

31   OneTwo   2016 Sep 17, 9:18am  

Quigley says

Way to run away from the argument when you're losing harshly! But you never were that smart, Tatty.

Hmmm, 'tatty.' Strange that Ironman just started using that in another thread...
Quigley says

Want to explain how you're not also a bigot by your own definition? I thought not. "Bigot" is a catch-all term that can refer to anyone who has a strong opinion about nearly anything. As such it is meaningless. I'm also a bigot against Satanists like you. I think anyone who is NOT a bigot is a real wimpy push-over who stands for absolutely nothing!

Satanist? Dear, oh dear. And as for bigot, l think you need to learn the general usage of the word, CIC, before you start spouting off.

32   OneTwo   2016 Sep 17, 9:19am  

Ironman says

You're tatupu70, aren't you? Just as Trollish...

Duh, obviously not. I see you're not denying you're Quigley.

33   OneTwo   2016 Sep 17, 9:24am  

Quigley says

So quiet with your attempts to shame people by calling them "bigot."

People? You mean calling Trump a bigot? I think you may also recall calling me a bigot though, so...

34   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 17, 11:50am  

Rashomon says

thunderlips11 is deplorable says

Why can't the millions of unemployed whites, blacks, and others do these jobs?

Because they don't want to do that kind of labor in large enough numbers for the money that is paid apparently.

Yep, because big business has gerryrigged the labor market by pushing for immigration, and hardly ever is a large employer imprisoned or shut down for hiring illegal immigrants. Since they're as likely to be arrested or fined millions as I am for removing the mattress tag on my mattress and being taken away by the Mattress Police.

Then on the other hand you have outsourcing where businesses can actually claim a tax deduction for their moving abroad expenses, just as if they were moving across town, fire all their employees, and import with little to no tariff. On top of it all they squirrel the money away abroad, which is much easier when their center of manufacturing is abroad.

So we lose the property taxes, the higher wage employment, corporate taxation, and the taxes that come from taxing the worker. I'm shocked we have $20T+ deficits.
All this for a slight increase in ROI, leaving a trail of destroyed communities.

And, the less good paying manufacturing jobs, the less "salad bars" have to compete with other, better paying employers of unskilled workers, so the pressure is lessened on them to keep wages high.

The standard of living for the bottom workers has been collapsing for decades. The top quintile is getting all benefits. Hence massive increases in inequality.

And the Democrat party, just like the Blairtard wing of Labour, doesn't give a shit, because the top quintile is the professional vote they count on.

thunderlips11 is deplorable says

Whties and Blacks used to queue up for hours when a plant announced they were hiring. So much for a job they won't do! Now that Corporations have used illegals to crush wages, they make jack shit.

And they still would, but quite obviously factory work is not the same as working in the salad bowl for example.

They still would, these jobs paid the modern equivalent of $15/hr + benefits in 1980. Not enough to be a lord, but enough to live modestly in small midwestern city and maybe even drive down to the Gulf for a vacation.

Again, how can Denmark, Australia, etc. pay this amount to their McD's workers right now, but we can't? In fact Denmark might be closer to $20. Fewer natural resources, less overall wealth than the USA, too.

When the Democratic Party tries to Gaslight working classes on Trade, Massive Scale Corporate Inversion, Tax Avoidance, and General Economic Conditions, it can't claim to be the party of the poor.

We already know why so many refugees were sent to Idaho, Chobani.

35   OneTwo   2016 Sep 17, 12:03pm  

thunderlips11 is deplorable says

And, the less good paying manufacturing jobs, the less "salad bars" have to compete with other, better paying employers of unskilled workers, so the pressure is lessened on them to keep wages high.

I'm not sure what salad bars have to do with anything. I was talking about the salad bowl farming area. It's a good long time since whites worked the farmland there.

36   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 17, 12:26pm  

Rashomon says

I'm not sure what salad bars have to do with anything. I was talking about the salad bowl farming area. It's a good long time since whites worked the farmland there.

Why do farmers get special treatment other businesses don't get?

How come the guy who owns the Pizzeria doesn't get to say "I wanna pay below the minimum wage, and the government has to help me with a special program!"

Goodwill is the only one I can think of where this is systemic.

But that's neither here not there. White and Blacks did these jobs before the government turned it's back on the rural American poor in favor of wealthy Lettuce Plantation Owners.

37   marcus   2016 Sep 17, 12:43pm  

8e6e0 says

Can You Feel The Revolution In The Air?

To me it feels more like de-evolution in the air. But this too shall pass.

Becoming more or less "multicultural" isn't something that we democratically choose (at least not now). It's very simple biology. The U.S. defined itself and opened it's arms to different cultures and races long ago. IT's far too late to change that now. At this point, caucasians (more specifically non-latino whites) are already less than 50% of the new births in this country. In a few generations people will look back at this time and laugh at this stupidity. That is, they will laugh at what Trump was able to do with his appeals to making America white again.

38   Tenpoundbass   2016 Sep 17, 2:01pm  

I was there last night, when he asked how many Cubans are in the audience over 60% of the place raised their hands.

I would say Trump has Florida. Oh and the White ACLU Of South Florida and the White BLM protesters were adorably stupid.

39   marcus   2016 Sep 17, 3:32pm  

Cubans always vote republican. This is nothing new. Did they deliver Florida for Romney ? Or McCain ? Maybe some of them or a lot of them are excited about Trump. That doesn't mean they will vote for him in any bigger numbers than they voted for McCain or Romney. As for the redneck racist segment in general, they clearly aren't going to vote for Trump in any larger numbers than they voted against Obama.

So, you need to ask yourself, how many of the old jewish voters, and the moderate "independents" (who are actually semi republican), and moderate democrats will Trump get?

We will see. IT might be close. Or, perhaps many of those who want to pull the trigger and vote for Trump, just won't be able to take that risk, when it comes down to it on election day.

40   anonymous   2016 Sep 17, 4:19pm  

marcus says

just won't be able to take that risk

so hillary is without risk? less than trump?

fascinate us, public school teacher.

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