Can You Feel The Revolution In The Air? Join Les Deplorables Now, Patriots!

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2016 Sep 15, 7:58pm   21,328 views  72 comments

by 8e6e0   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

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34   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 17, 11:50am  

Rashomon says

thunderlips11 is deplorable says

Why can't the millions of unemployed whites, blacks, and others do these jobs?

Because they don't want to do that kind of labor in large enough numbers for the money that is paid apparently.

Yep, because big business has gerryrigged the labor market by pushing for immigration, and hardly ever is a large employer imprisoned or shut down for hiring illegal immigrants. Since they're as likely to be arrested or fined millions as I am for removing the mattress tag on my mattress and being taken away by the Mattress Police.

Then on the other hand you have outsourcing where businesses can actually claim a tax deduction for their moving abroad expenses, just as if they were moving across town, fire all their employees, and import with little to no tariff. On top of it all they squirrel the money away abroad, which is much easier when their center of manufacturing is abroad.

So we lose the property taxes, the higher wage employment, corporate taxation, and the taxes that come from taxing the worker. I'm shocked we have $20T+ deficits.
All this for a slight increase in ROI, leaving a trail of destroyed communities.

And, the less good paying manufacturing jobs, the less "salad bars" have to compete with other, better paying employers of unskilled workers, so the pressure is lessened on them to keep wages high.

The standard of living for the bottom workers has been collapsing for decades. The top quintile is getting all benefits. Hence massive increases in inequality.

And the Democrat party, just like the Blairtard wing of Labour, doesn't give a shit, because the top quintile is the professional vote they count on.

thunderlips11 is deplorable says

Whties and Blacks used to queue up for hours when a plant announced they were hiring. So much for a job they won't do! Now that Corporations have used illegals to crush wages, they make jack shit.

And they still would, but quite obviously factory work is not the same as working in the salad bowl for example.

They still would, these jobs paid the modern equivalent of $15/hr + benefits in 1980. Not enough to be a lord, but enough to live modestly in small midwestern city and maybe even drive down to the Gulf for a vacation.

Again, how can Denmark, Australia, etc. pay this amount to their McD's workers right now, but we can't? In fact Denmark might be closer to $20. Fewer natural resources, less overall wealth than the USA, too.

When the Democratic Party tries to Gaslight working classes on Trade, Massive Scale Corporate Inversion, Tax Avoidance, and General Economic Conditions, it can't claim to be the party of the poor.

We already know why so many refugees were sent to Idaho, Chobani.

35   OneTwo   2016 Sep 17, 12:03pm  

thunderlips11 is deplorable says

And, the less good paying manufacturing jobs, the less "salad bars" have to compete with other, better paying employers of unskilled workers, so the pressure is lessened on them to keep wages high.

I'm not sure what salad bars have to do with anything. I was talking about the salad bowl farming area. It's a good long time since whites worked the farmland there.

36   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 17, 12:26pm  

Rashomon says

I'm not sure what salad bars have to do with anything. I was talking about the salad bowl farming area. It's a good long time since whites worked the farmland there.

Why do farmers get special treatment other businesses don't get?

How come the guy who owns the Pizzeria doesn't get to say "I wanna pay below the minimum wage, and the government has to help me with a special program!"

Goodwill is the only one I can think of where this is systemic.

But that's neither here not there. White and Blacks did these jobs before the government turned it's back on the rural American poor in favor of wealthy Lettuce Plantation Owners.

37   marcus   2016 Sep 17, 12:43pm  

8e6e0 says

Can You Feel The Revolution In The Air?

To me it feels more like de-evolution in the air. But this too shall pass.

Becoming more or less "multicultural" isn't something that we democratically choose (at least not now). It's very simple biology. The U.S. defined itself and opened it's arms to different cultures and races long ago. IT's far too late to change that now. At this point, caucasians (more specifically non-latino whites) are already less than 50% of the new births in this country. In a few generations people will look back at this time and laugh at this stupidity. That is, they will laugh at what Trump was able to do with his appeals to making America white again.

38   Tenpoundbass   2016 Sep 17, 2:01pm  

I was there last night, when he asked how many Cubans are in the audience over 60% of the place raised their hands.

I would say Trump has Florida. Oh and the White ACLU Of South Florida and the White BLM protesters were adorably stupid.

39   marcus   2016 Sep 17, 3:32pm  

Cubans always vote republican. This is nothing new. Did they deliver Florida for Romney ? Or McCain ? Maybe some of them or a lot of them are excited about Trump. That doesn't mean they will vote for him in any bigger numbers than they voted for McCain or Romney. As for the redneck racist segment in general, they clearly aren't going to vote for Trump in any larger numbers than they voted against Obama.

So, you need to ask yourself, how many of the old jewish voters, and the moderate "independents" (who are actually semi republican), and moderate democrats will Trump get?

We will see. IT might be close. Or, perhaps many of those who want to pull the trigger and vote for Trump, just won't be able to take that risk, when it comes down to it on election day.

40   anonymous   2016 Sep 17, 4:19pm  

marcus says

just won't be able to take that risk

so hillary is without risk? less than trump?

fascinate us, public school teacher.

41   anonymous   2016 Sep 17, 5:56pm  

landtof says

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wow, what a well though out response marcus.

42   Y   2016 Sep 17, 7:01pm  

Sounds racist to me...
marcus says

Cubans always vote republican.

43   Shaman   2016 Sep 17, 7:48pm  

Ranina ranina says

Sounds racist to me...

marcus says

Cubans always vote republican.

I work with a Cuban who is a YUUUGE Trump fan.

45   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 17, 8:59pm  

Rashomon says

And what terrible burden have they brought on the US apart from putting salad on plates, doing gardening, making construction cheaper...

When they fall off a roof, their "employer" who is paying them cash off the books takes no responsibility, so he goes to the ER where taxpayers, who have seen their wages drop due to competition (esp. in working class areas) from illegals, end up footing the bill.

Essentially a subsidy for shady contractors.

They also put upward demand on housing, particularly again in working class neighborhoods where they add to the competition for affordable housing, raising rents and prices.

Also, they pay no state income tax, but their kids go to school. In states like Cali where you have controlled Property Tax values and schools get a bigger chunk of the budget from state revenue which in turn is quite dependent on income taxes, this is another subsidy.

You can see why landlords and employers love illegals: Crush wages, disclaim all worker's comp and place it on taxpayer, raise rents/home prices.

46   OneTwo   2016 Sep 17, 9:03pm  

Ironman says

Sure thing Tatty... Last post you made on the old profile was Aug. 11th

You started this profile on Aug. 18th.

Wrong as usual. Is your fascination with this because you have so many alts on the go at the same time?

Ironman says


The Rashomon effect is the effect of the subjectivity of perception on recollection, by which observers of an event are able to produce substantially different but equally plausible accounts of it.


Wow, well googled. Thanks for telling me something I already knew. It's one of the greatest films of all time, but you're such an uneducated buffoon I'm sure you didn't know that.

47   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 17, 9:03pm  

A Welfare State is incompatible with mass immigration.

I should point out during the "Malaise" in the late 70s, after paying for Vietnam and greatly expanding the welfare state, our National Debt was negligible.

Yet in Glorious Inevitable and Unstoppable Neoliberalism Era of Free Trade, Labor Market Arbitrage, and Low Taxes, we are now approaching a GDP-to-debt ratio of 100%.

There's a huge wealth transfer via unofficial and official government economic policy based on Globalization that is making the 1% super rich at the expense of the bottom 2/3.

48   Shaman   2016 Sep 17, 11:09pm  

Rashomon says

Duh, obviously not. I see you're not denying you're Quigley.

I actually had Ironman on ignore for a year or so when he was being unspeakably racist.
I might be a bigot, but I'm not racist.

49   Y   2016 Sep 18, 6:02am  

Salad bars are the bastard spawn of salad bowls.
Now do you get it???

Rashomon says

I'm not sure what salad bars have to do with anything. I was talking about the salad bowl farming area.

50   vanbomel   2016 Sep 18, 7:58am  

anonymous says

Are the minorities so naïve to believe this senile lying psychopath really gives a rat's ass about any of them or their families or problems other than seeing how much if any they will contribute and if they will for vote for her and the "machine" ?

Well I guess it must be good thing that she's become senile. The senility must make psychopathy much less of a concern.

51   freespeechforever   2016 Sep 18, 5:42pm  

Les Deplorables grow in numbers & server with each passing day!

Join Les Deplorables, Patriots, and help us take our SOVEREIGN DESTINY BACK FROM THE GLOBALIST SCUM!


52   freespeechforever   2016 Sep 25, 6:10pm  

Les Deplorables (many millions) shall tune in to watch the kabuki-theater that is Hillary Rodham-Clinton's "let them eat cake" rhetoric tomorrow.


Here are seven of Clinton’s biggest flip-flops:

1. Gay Marriage.

For almost a decade and as late as 2010, Clinton opposed gay marriage but backed civil unions for gay and lesbian couples, as this video makes clear. In 2002, Clinton was asked by Chris Matthews of MSNBC, “Do you think New York State should recognize gay marriage?” Clinton’s answer: “No.” In 2004, as New York senator, she said: “I believe that marriage is not just a bond, but a sacred bond between a man and a woman.”

Related: Is Trump v. Clinton the Baby Boomers’ Last Hurrah?

By 2013, she was saying: “I support marriage for lesbian and gay couples” personally and as a matter of policy. But in a 2014 interview with Terry Gross of NPR’s Fresh Air, she denied having changed her stance and suggested that Gross was trying to twist her words.

2. The Iraq War.

In 2002, explaining her vote for invading Iraq, Clinton said: “It is clear… that if left unchecked Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage chemical and biological warfare and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons …This is probably the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make. Any vote that might lead to war should be hard, but I cast it with conviction.”
On Meet the Press in 2008, Clinton defended her vote authorizing the war, telling the late Tim Russert: “it is absolutely unfair to say that the vote as [former Senator and Defense Secretary] Chuck Hagel, who was one of the architects of the resolution, has said, was a vote for war. It was a vote to use the threat of force against Saddam Hussein, who never did anything without being made to do so.”

Last May, she changed her tune about the vote, saying: “I made it very clear that I made a mistake, plain and simple. And I have written about it in my book.”

3. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

As secretary of state under President Obama, Clinton backed this ambitious 12-nation trade agreement, which was never concluded and is now in jeopardy. But Sanders – and Republican nominee Donald Trump – have denounced trade deals such as TPP as detrimental to American workers. Now Clinton opposes TPP, which she once called the “gold standard” of trade deals.

4. North American Free Trade Agreement.

As first lady, Clinton was credited with helping her husband, President Bill Clinton, secure passage of NAFTA, a major trade deal that has since been criticized as a killer of U.S. manufacturing jobs. As a senator in 2004, she said: “I think on balance, NAFTA has been good for New York and America.” In her unsuccessful primary battle against then Senator Barack Obama in 2008, she said she was one of the voices within Bill Clinton’s administration “warning about NAFTA.” 

Related: What Happens If Neither Clinton Nor Trump Get Enough Electoral Votes? 

5. The Keystone Pipeline.

In 2010, Secretary of State Clinton said the administration was “inclined” to support the building of the controversial pipeline, which would transport heavy crude oil from Canada to the U.S. She now flat-out opposes Keystone, saying “I never took a position on Keystone until I took a position on Keystone.” PolitiFacts calls that a “No Flip,” but others see it as a decision based on which way the political windsock was blowing.

6. Criminal Justice.

In 1996, Hillary Clinton spoke in New Hampshire in support of a law signed by Bill Clinton, the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, which has since been blamed in part for America having the highest mass incarceration rate in the world. She said: "We also have to have an organized effort against gangs. Just as in a previous generation we had an organized effort against the mob. We need to take these people on …They are often the kinds of kids that are called super predators — no conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first, we have to bring them to heel." Clinton has been criticized by Bernie Sanders and most recently Republican National Chairman Reince Priebus for calling African-American youths “super predators.” Though she didn’t make a direct connection, Sanders said, “it was a racist term, and everyone knew it was a racist term.” Clinton has said she regrets using those words. Her website now says: “This mass incarceration epidemic has an explicit racial bias, as one in three black men can expect to go to prison in their lifetime. A significant number of those incarcerated are held for low-level, nonviolent offenses. We must end the era of mass incarceration.”

7. Illegal Immigrant Children.

In 2014, Clinton discussed the influx of children from Central America illegally crossing into the U.S. with Christiane Amanpour of CNN. She said: “We have to send a clear message that just because your child gets across the border, that doesn’t mean your child gets to stay.” But in an MSNBC/Telemondo Town Hall in February, Jose Diaz-Balart asked if those children should be treated like a message. “Well,” Clinton said, “the children themselves need to be taken care of. They are children. They should be given every help that we can.”
Top Reads from The Fiscal Times: Why Julian Assange Could Be Hillary Clinton’s Biggest Problem 5 Ways Trump Can Win the Debates and Close the Gap with Clinton Obamacare Price Hikes Could Cost Democrats Control of the Senate



57   8e6e0   2016 Sep 26, 1:31pm  

zzyzzx is deplorable says


Hillary won't get 50% of the black turnout that Obama got, nor 70% of the Hispanic turnout.

IN FACT, if one offsets the gains Trump will get in Hispanic converted votes, Hillary may get less than 60% of the Hispanic votes that Obama received (and less than 50% in Florida)!

58   freespeechforever   2016 Nov 2, 10:09am  

Viva Les Deplorables!

Viva la revolution!!

Viva la America!!!


60   freespeechforever   2016 Nov 4, 12:29pm  

Get out Les Deplorables vote!


61   freespeechforever   2016 Nov 8, 9:02pm  

Viva La Revolution!

62   AllTruth   2016 Nov 8, 11:43pm  

Les Deplorables Victorious!!!

63   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 9, 8:04am  

I got to see the President!!!

64   freespeechforever   2016 Nov 9, 8:08am  

Trump must deliver on many of his promises to help the middle and working class, who GOT HIM ELECTED and who were largely forgotten under both George W. Bush & Barack Obama, now.

65   FortWayne   2016 Nov 9, 8:22am  

Tenpoundbass says

I got to see the President!!!

67   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 9, 8:33am  

jazz music votes early says

You can take those 50% of the black turnout that Obama got, nor 70% of the Hispanic turnout to the bank for sure. Plus there's this cuban guy who has a high paying gig too.

Until the Spirit Cooking came out. Most Latinos don't dig that Santera shit. We were looking at rentals in Miami once, and saw an apartment where they had converted a closet to Santera worship, there was like a jug of chicken blood and all these black candles and shit, both the landlady and my wife (Puerto Rican and Cuban) ran the fuck out of there.

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