Hillary Lies Without Limit. Idiot Libs Don't Mind Cuz They Believe Their Own PR

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2016 Sep 25, 7:25pm   25,876 views  89 comments

by turtledove   ➕follow (11)   💰tip   ignore  

See, I can do it too. Doesn't change anything though... Trump doesn't come close to the gravity of Hillary's lies. Too bad the left is so naïve and easily brainwashed as to believe anything someone says as long as she says it with polish. Not having much common sense must make life very difficult.


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1   marcus   2016 Sep 25, 7:47pm  

TurtleDove is apparently triggered.

Yeah right. Did you see the list of 30 Trump lies from the last week ? http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/09/24/us/elections/donald-trump-statements.html

Maybe you could share Hillary's 3 biggest lies from the past month (that aren't her being defensive about using a private email server for messages that weren't sent over the SIPRNet system).

I won't be holding my breath. You can try to turn it around, but in a minute you're going to realize that you're lying to yourself. Are you another one of those people that doesn't know what a fact is ? Is it just something you make up ?

2   neplusultra57   2016 Sep 25, 7:47pm  

turtledove is deplorable says

Trump doesn't come close to the gravity of Hillary's lies

Ha! She has the gravitas of her public service, which burdens her to a much higher standard of responsibility, one which the #Orangedouchebag has never ever even begun to assume, and yet he far exceeds her as a natural-born even obsessive liar. As one of those who thinks everything is a lie you'll scoff and tote up the lies in Trump's favor when he lies without limit and hesitation. In fact, lying is the basis of his illusion of gravitas. Without it he would have nothing to say at all. His charitable giving; his policy positions; birtherism; crowds cheering as the towers fell; being "unable" to release tax returns. He's a fucking coward. Imagine him saying: " I got my start with loan upon loan of millions from my father and tax break upon tax break to the sum of hundreds of millions from municipalities that I bribed and paid off to pass laws in my favor after refusing to pay obligation after obligation by means of court proceedings no one but I could afford." Clinton came from much less privilege and her lies are objectively provable to be less frequent. The weight of her dishonesty carries more stigma to you, the deplorables, because she is seen as a fundament of the LIE that unerpins your understanding of everything. Embrace your lying, idiot bigot: he validates your world.

3   marcus   2016 Sep 25, 8:00pm  

I picture Turledove furiously searching the internet tonight for all of Hillary's lies from the past month about Trump. Probably the best she will come up with is Hillary saying that half the Trump supporters are deplorable. The thing is, we really don't know that isn't true. That's a matter of opinion, and can't really be fact checked. UNlike all all the fact checked lies on Politifact that show Trump to lie at least 5 times as much as CLinton.

TurtleDove, who used to be a journalism major could tear down those fact checked lies from politifact if she wanted to, but she can't be bothered. Like TPB and the worst of the right wing retards she'll just scoff and say it's the lying MSM, and then she'll go suck her thumb and find a Breitbart article to make her feel better.

4   turtledove   2016 Sep 25, 8:02pm  

marcus says

I picture Turledove furiously searching the internet tonight for all of Hillary's lies from the past month about Trump

Not even close... Watching Oceans 11 with my son. And curious to see who would bite. Ta.

5   marcus   2016 Sep 25, 8:09pm  

Who would bite ? So you were only pretending to be all triggered ?

turtledove is deplorable says

Watching Oceans 11 with my son

Definitely more productive use of your time than trying to defend your extreme intellectual dishonestly.

turtledove is deplorable says

And curious to see who would bite

What kind of person portrays themself as slimy and dishonest just to troll other people (not including TPB, CIC etc) ?

6   Tenpoundbass   2016 Sep 25, 8:10pm  

What if I told you everything Hillary Clinton says is a lie?

Would you take the Red pill or the Blue pill?

7   neplusultra57   2016 Sep 25, 8:11pm  

marcus says

it's the lying MSM

"It's the dismal tide." Once we stopped hearin' "Sir and Ma'am" the rest was soon to foller.

marcus says

UNlike all all the fact checked lies on Politifact that show Trump to lie at least 5 times as much as CLinton.

Irrelevant and immaterial. When everything is wrong, saying things that are provably wrong bear no consequence even to someone who otherwise is used to engaging her brain. THERE IS NO LONGER ANY STANDARD!! Now, go forth and spew. The Republicans have lost the popular vote for so long it no longer matters what is objectively real, it's just down to winning something, anything, as long as they get a win. Fuck the deficit, fuck the economy, fuck the Constitution, the overarching commandment is this: FUCK EVERYTHING BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS WRONG. Trump will fuck everything so vote Trump.

8   marcus   2016 Sep 25, 8:14pm  

Tenpoundbass says

What if I told you everything Hillary Clinton says is a lie?

In other words

neplusultra57 says

it's just down to winning something, anything, as long as they get a win. Fuck the deficit, fuck the economy, fuck the Constitution, the overarching commandment is this: FUCK EVERYTHING BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS WRONG. Trump will fuck everything so vote Trump.

Tenpoundbass says

What if I told you

You have zero credibility. Why can't Trump overthrow the establishment with at least a little truth ? Why can't you acknowledge his lies ?

9   turtledove   2016 Sep 25, 8:23pm  

marcus says

Who would bite ? So you were only pretending to be all triggered ?

Say it ain't so....

I just wanted you to see how ridiculous these endless "triggered" post titles are. I guess you didn't notice because they were telling you what you want to hear... Which is apparently more important than the veracity of the statement at hand.

11   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Sep 25, 8:46pm  

This thread is ridiculous.

12   marcus   2016 Sep 25, 9:08pm  

marcus says

Yeah right. Did you see the list of 30 Trump lies from the last week ? http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/09/24/us/elections/donald-trump-statements.html

Maybe you could share Hillary's 3 biggest lies from the past month (that aren't her being defensive about using a private email server for messages that weren't sent over the SIPRNet system).

I'm still waiting.

13   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2016 Sep 25, 9:19pm  

Heading looked just like an neplusultra57/hydrocuck post.

14   turtledove   2016 Sep 25, 9:44pm  

YesYNot says

This thread is ridiculous.

Bingo! Threads that consist of little more than a highly exaggerated thread title that also broad brushes everyone who doesn't think like them as "stupid" or "deplorable," or whatever, is ridiculous. So glad you agree. Now lets see if you can apply the same standard across the board.

15   Tenpoundbass   2016 Sep 25, 9:49pm  

Answer the phone Marcus!

.... but take the red pill first.

16   marcus   2016 Sep 25, 10:03pm  

TurtleDove sure has a convoluted way of justifying how much she likes Trumps constant lies.

I could at least have some small amount of respect for her, if she would own up to them, and say yes, he does constantly make up falsehoods about Hillary, and his own past positions, but I'm okay with that because....

But instead, she's willing to be seen as basically pond scum.

17   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 25, 10:16pm  

Big Money in politics was a major problem to most Democrats - until Hillary was a candidate. Then Bernie was dangerous risk, Hillary was just doing what they all did, and nevermind both her opponents - in the primary and in the General - have raised much less from Big Vested Interests and disproportionally from small donors of less than $50.

18   Ceffer   2016 Sep 25, 11:27pm  

Women love men that lie, as long as it is persuasive sociopathic flattery. Haven't you ever seen a soap opera?

Whenever women say they want you to be completely honest with them, it is because they are setting you up for an hysterical shit fit majeure.

Strange thing is, Trumpligula, while he lies incessantly, is so utterly derogatory and condescending to women, and they like it anyway. I guess it's the same reason they send love letters to death row inmates.

19   lostand confused   2016 Sep 25, 11:45pm  

Ceffer says

Women love men that lie, as long as it is persuasive sociopathic flattery. Haven't you ever seen a soap opera?

Soap opera. Ever tried telling a woman that her butt looks like two waterrmelons in that jeans?

20   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Sep 26, 2:13am  

turtledove is deplorable says

highly exaggerated thread title

I don't mind that.turtledove is deplorable says

that also broad brushes everyone who doesn't think like them as "stupid" or "deplorable," or whatever

This is silly, but both sides do it. I think it is fair to use the deplorable moniker because both sides are trying to open the word. Trumpkins are claiming she called them deplorable when she only called the racist, *is, etc. deplorable.turtledove is deplorable says

Now lets see if you can apply the same standard across the board.

The thread is ridiculous, because you are drawing an equivalence between Trump's lies and Clinton's lies. Trump lies more frequently, and he repeats blatant lies when called on them. They may both be worse than a typical pol, but Trump is in a league of his own.

21   Y   2016 Sep 26, 6:03am  

This is a damning indictment of thread title afterbirth...

turtledove is deplorable says

YesYNot says

This thread is ridiculous.

Bingo! Threads that consist of little more than a highly exaggerated thread title that also broad brushes everyone who doesn't think like them as "stupid" or "deplorable," or whatever, is ridiculous. So glad you agree. Now lets see if you can apply the same standard across the board.

22   Y   2016 Sep 26, 6:07am  

The difference is that most of Trumps lies are just bullshit extraordinaire, while the lies of clinton are designed to hide her criminal acts...
bullshitting vs criminal acts.

YesYNot says

Trump lies more frequently, and he repeats blatant lies when called on them. They may both be worse than a typical pol, but Trump is in a league of his own.

23   bob2356   2016 Sep 26, 6:25am  

YesYNot says

They may both be worse than a typical pol, but Trump is in a league of his own.

Not true, when trump says black is white he is establishing a negotiating position, not lying. See how that works for people who can' t think?

This is the election where the fundamental, and probably ultimately fatal, flaws of the US election system are fully exposed. Especially with the idiots in the supreme court allowing unlimited spending in secret. The tyranny of the multitudes is in full display. The founding fathers were correctly afraid of this. The state legislators chose the electoral college electors in 11 of the 13 original states for the first election. Popular vote didn't happen for a long time. Adams, Clay, Jackson, Crawford 1824 was the first election with popular vote in over half the states. Maybe we should go back. I don't see how it could be worse.

24   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Sep 26, 6:27am  

Ranina ranina says

designed to hide her criminal acts.

She has repeatedly been found not guilty, so you don't have a good reason to believe this other than a hunch. She maybe broke some laws here and there, but the wild ass claims are probably just bullshit.

Ranina ranina says

The difference is that most of Trumps lies are just bullshit extraordinaire

They are fundamental to his argument that he is qualified for the job. If you take away the bullshittery, there is nothing left. Literally, the only thing that was not 100% bullshittery is his desire to build a continuous wall and have Mexico pay for it. Even that is 2/3 bullshittery, since there is no way that Mexico is going to pay for it, and he has already said it won't be continuous. Plus, there is plenty that Trump has done that is probably illegal that he has not been found guilty of. For example: not paying people he was legally obligated to pay, bribing people, and cheating on his taxes. There are also claims of rape etc., but those are wild ass claims that are probably bullshit as well.

25   bob2356   2016 Sep 26, 6:27am  

Ranina ranina says

The difference is that most of Trumps lies are just bullshit extraordinaire, while the lies of clinton are designed to hide her criminal acts...

bullshitting vs criminal acts.

Illegally paying settlements out of the trump foundation isn't a criminal act somehow? Explain that.

26   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Sep 26, 6:37am  

bob2356 says

Not true, when trump says black is white he is establishing a negotiating position, not lying. See how that works for people who can' t think?

People who can think hear "Black is white," and respond "What the fuck are you talking about? Go sit in the corner and think about things and come back when you can have a grown up conversation."

If you want to buy my house, and offer $10 to establish a negotiating position, I would tell you to fuck off and stop wasting my time. As long as everything that Trump says is the equivalent of starting a negotiation by offering $10 for a house, my feelings about Trump are the same. Just fuck off, and come back when you can discuss things rationally instead of wasting everybody's time by trying to manipulate emotions with silly tricks. It's embarrassing that we live in a country where those silly tricks seem to work.

If the black is white negotiating position gag were offered up as a joke, which we could quickly move on from, I would say "Thanks for breaking the ice you cheeky monkey." But it's all we've heard for over a year. That seems to be the extent of him.

In any case, you have not said that Trump hasn't been lying constantly. You've just explained his shitty reason for constantly lying.

27   Blurtman   2016 Sep 26, 7:50am  

Listening to Major Garret continuing to take shots in an opinionated blurb that is supposed to be reporting.

Garret supposedly reporting on Trump's debate preparation: "Donald Trump who believes a life of acting as a reality TV star and RE developer has prepared him for the debates...."

Garrett does not know what Tump believes. This is not reporting but editorializing.

What has happened to our news media?

28   Dan8267   2016 Sep 26, 8:16am  

turtledove is deplorable says

Too bad the left

Exactly, the left, not liberals.

No liberal supports Hillary. The best some liberals, like Noam Chomsky, say is "hold your breath and vote for Hillary instead of Trump", which is hardly supportive and not that much different from other liberals who say "hold your breath and vote for Trump instead of Hillary".

Liberals hate Hillary, Obama, Bush, and Cheney, and for pretty much the exact same reasons.

29   turtledove   2016 Sep 26, 8:23am  

Ceffer says

Women love men that lie, as long as it is persuasive sociopathic flattery. Haven't you ever seen a soap opera?

Whenever women say they want you to be completely honest with them, it is because they are setting you up for an hysterical shit fit majeure.

Strange thing is, Trumpligula, while he lies incessantly, is so utterly derogatory and condescending to women, and they like it anyway. I guess it's the same reason they send love letters to death row inmates.

That's nuts. And not, at all, why I like him. Perhaps some suffer from that pathology, but that's no different than guys who give up their manhood (and financial freedom) for big boobs and a pretty face. People need to get a sense of humor and understand that every word isn't an attack against some protected class.

30   HydroCabron   2016 Sep 26, 8:27am  

Blurtman says

Garret supposedly reporting on Trump's debate preparation: "Donald Trump who believes a life of acting as a reality TV star and RE developer has prepared him for the debates...."

It's a safe assumption, because Trump and his staff have openly stated that he doesn't prepare for debates, and he is admittedly unable to focus on anything for more than 2-3 minutes, per multiple sources who have worked with him over the past few decades. Aides have shown him replays of his answers during primary debates, aiming to help him improve, and he has waved them off, saying his answers looked perfect.

Also, it's probably true that reality television and being a developer have prepared him well, since he went up against Ted Cruz (national debate champion) and beat him soundly while lying frequently and grossly.

I'm with Trump on this one. He doesn't need help as a debater, because he can beat someone without using facts. If Trump gets killed by Hillary (unlikely), it won't be because of a lack of preparation, which wouldn't have helped him anyway.

31   bob2356   2016 Sep 26, 8:31am  

YesYNot says

In any case, you have not said that Trump hasn't been lying constantly. You've just explained his shitty reason for constantly lying.

Try thinking sarcasm/humor/tweaking the trumpbots. My fault. Next time I'll post a sarcasm alert for the literal thinkers and people too emotionally involved with their candidate to have any sense of humor at all.

Of course trump is lying, his lips are moving. The people who support him are too lazy or too swept up in feasting on his bullshit to bother going back and looking at the real trump. I lived in NY during the trump rise in the 80's. He was widely considered a bit of a joke then, doing ok as long as daddy was carrying him. Seen as someone who started life 89 feet down the the third base line thinking he hit a home run.

32   bob2356   2016 Sep 26, 8:41am  

YesYNot says

It's embarrassing that we live in a country where those silly tricks seem to work.

They don't seem to work, they are working just fine. There are plenty of people very willing to believe absolute bullshit, no matter how absurd, as long as it agrees with what they believe should be true. That's how bretibart (the patnet trumpbot reference source of choice these days) has become so big so quickly. Nationalism/racism/divisiveness is always a sure fire vote getter. No different than any other country. How do you think so many terrible people have come to power throughout history?

33   Robert Sproul   2016 Sep 26, 8:53am  

Lies don’t matter anymore. Nothing that either of them says matters. This election is a referendum on the status quo. Those that are OK (or close enough to pretend they are) after decades of financial racketeering will likely support the current regime, hold their nose, and vote for Hillary.
It won’t matter what she says or if she has a grand mal seizure on stage tonight.
Those former “consumers" who have been thrown under the neoliberal bus, and are now known as “deplorables", will vote for Trump in a misguided attempt regain some power and agency in the former democracy known as America. No matter what.

Of course as a recent Princeton study shows, it is all a fruitless pursuit:
America is an oligarchy and voting is nothing more than a reassurance ritual.

34   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 26, 8:57am  

bob2356 says

Seen as someone who started life 89 feet down the the third base line thinking he hit a home run.

Whereas Hillary started from the streets, right? Couldn't pass the DC Bar and only got her first real job thanks to Bill's influence network.

"My father was a salesman." LOL!

35   bob2356   2016 Sep 26, 9:00am  

Robert Sproul says

Of course as a recent Princeton study shows, it is all a fruitless pursuit:


America is an oligarchy and voting is nothing more than a reassurance ritual.

So true. I like the summary.

When the preferences of economic elites and the stands of organized interest groups are controlled for, the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.

36   bob2356   2016 Sep 26, 9:07am  

thunderlips11 is deplorable says

bob2356 says

Seen as someone who started life 89 feet down the the third base line thinking he hit a home run.

Whereas Hillary started from the streets, right? Couldn't pass the DC Bar and only got her first real job thanks to Bill's influence network.

"My father was a salesman." LOL!

I love how you add 2+2 and come up with the square root of -pi. Where did I say anything good about hillary at all? Ever? She is as deplorable as trump, but for different reasons. Get you head out of trumps ass, it's really hard to see the light from there. Just because his bullshit makes your dick hard doesn't mean it's not bullshit.

37   HydroCabron   2016 Sep 26, 9:08am  

Anyone else bothered that Trump is lobbying hard against the debate moderator checking facts?

38   Dan8267   2016 Sep 26, 9:15am  

Ironman says

Stop showing off pictures of your "house", Oscar.

39   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 26, 9:15am  

bob2356 says

I love how you add 2+2 and come up with the square root of -pi. Where did I say anything good about hillary at all? Ever? She is as deplorable as trump, but for different reasons. Get you head out of trumps ass, it's really hard to see the light from there. Just because his bullshit makes your dick hard doesn't mean it's not bullshit.

bob2356 says

Of course trump is lying, his lips are moving. The people who support him are too lazy or too swept up in feasting on his bullshit to bother going back and looking at the real trump. I lived in NY during the trump rise in the 80's. He was widely considered a bit of a joke then, doing ok as long as daddy was carrying him. Seen as someone who started life 89 feet down the the third base line thinking he hit a home run.

I just wanted to contrast Trump's life with the life of Hillary, who grew up in the hood, the daughter of Coal Miner Immigrants, got sent to Harvard and Yale but couldn't pass the DC Bar, yet became a multimillionaire 100 times over as a public servant.

40   Tenpoundbass   2016 Sep 26, 9:16am  

HydroCabron says

Anyone else bothered that Trump is lobbying hard against the debate moderator checking facts?

Not as much as I am that the Networks wont be putting up Fact check graphics.
But they had to come to that conclusion because they couldn't possibly put up lies fact checks about Hillary. Not with 100 million viewers watching.
What if Grucifer 3.0 is watching?
That will just piss him off.

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