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equal pay for women and minimum wage 2 fallacies
Profit sharing not government's purview
Increasing the taxes on the rich right?
The focus on jobs has to be on the creation of new jobs.
The government does NOT create jobs.
Patrick, I was just about to say that Trump seems to have been hitting the white powder.
Patrick, I was just about to say that Trump seems to have been hitting the white powder.
You are a Dumb ass
Omg the recession was caused by low taxes?
Can we get Hildebeast an account here?
She's just busting out bromides at high speed.
We heard the Clean Energy Economy bullshit the last two elections.
Edit: And he went there, that Solar Company we subsidized that went out of business real quick.
Patrick, I was just about to say that Trump seems to have been hitting the white powder.
Nah, he doesn't sounds like it. Coked up people are hyper. My bet is that it's a cold.
Hillary should not have any fucking thing to do with trade she doesn't know shit.
Go for the jugular Donald! Rip her the new butthole that Bill couldn't!
His excitement about NAFTA seems to have cured his sniffle. Hopefully, it stays away.
She's getting hammered right now.
Looks like Trump doesn't need a fact checker, LOL
Gasps when she said Donald we know you live in your own reality. Not a good move to try and match Trumps tactics
She don't wanna talk TPP because she plans on flip-flopping on it within weeks of office. The more she talks, the more soundbites will come back to haunt her on the subject if she's elected.
C'mon, comment. How is Trumpy doing?
I can't watch now :(
He is interrupting a lot. Hillary is going to have to push back, strongly on that. He's being a bit of a bully, frankly.
She's doing her usual "Speed through shit load of bromides."
Damn, I gotta make this blog live, where the text just appears without reloads.
I'm digging how Trump is controlling the conversation. And getting rid of regulation, fuck yes
This debate is like the old Hannity and Colmes ... It's outta control with the talking over!
I have 0 interest in what Hillary is saying. My interest in what Trump is saying is whether he nails the witch or not.
You've gotta hand it to her... So far, she's keeping her cool. She doesn't look flustered, at all.
Of course, it's early.
Holy Shit, what happened to her voice?!
We're what, 10 minutes in?
Donald needs to smile more - he's coming across as tense, shrill, bitchy. And what's with that outfit he's wearing?
Donald needs to smile more - he's coming across as tense, shrill, bitchy. And what's with that outfit he's wearing?
Your sarcastic flipping of the script got lost in the Donald overdubbing the whole thing.
Knockout punch
"I will release my tax returns, as soon as she releases her 30,000 deleted e-mails"
Three times now my streaming of this on roku has cut off while trump is talking.
Whoever left the Porsche with the license plate "BNKCOK" in Lot 3, your left your lights on.
Hillary " he paid zero in federal income taxes"
Trump " that makes me smart"
Holy shit. I just tuned in to see HRC dressed as a tomato.
I think she looks nice, actually. Red is a good color on her. It's more like apple... or fire truck.
That ensemble - tie and collar - is accentuating his pallor. He's coming off as defensive, not smiling.
I don't think I can visualize Trump in my kitchen, making me a sandwich.
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I hope everyone will be tuning in... Perhaps, we can have some live discussion. Kind of like Mystery Science Theater... only with Patnet members and politics...
For those living under a rock, the debate begins tonight at 9:00 PM EST (6:00 for us west coasters).
So... Any pregame discussion? Are we taking odds on Hillary coughing/tripping/fainting...? Or Trump losing his temper and calling Hillary a "pig...?" Or perhaps bets on how many times he says the word "yuuuuge?"
Finally! Some drama!
