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42   junkmail   2016 Oct 8, 10:40am  

I have to concede.
This doesn't help.

So there you have it.

BUT. I did listen to the tape and I think he's just boasting and Billy Bush was laughing. Basically a conversation where 2 guys are measuring their dicks. A conversation not meant for the world and I guess we'll all have to pay for it.

43   thepaine   2016 Oct 8, 10:41am  

A wise man once said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

44   Patrick   2016 Oct 8, 10:52am  

YesYNot says

he basically admits to low level sexual assaults, saying that he gets away with it, because he is famous.

Perhaps they were very happy that he found them sexually attractive, because he is famous.

How do you know what they wanted at the time?

Similarly, Monica was in no way assaulted by Bill. She pursued Bill.

Women have always and everywhere been attracted to rich, famous, and powerful men. And they have good reason to feel that way.

45   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Oct 8, 11:03am  

rando says

Perhaps they were very happy to be wanted by him, because he is famous.

Well, I'm going to guess that the married woman who he 'moved on her like a bitch' and who ultimately told him no probably was not very happy with him.
I had a friend who use the shot-gun approach to hitting on women. He figured if he asked 100 women to sleep with him, and one said yes, it was a successful night. You can't convict Trump based on the words, but the way I interpreted it, Trump aggressively initiated sexual activities on a regular basis essentially using the shot-gun approach, but by just starting to kiss them instead of asking them out. That takes him out of the creep zone and into the assault zone. It's not a one time mistake a guy made when he was 18. It's something he was bragging. about in his 50s. If you are concerned about the rules of sexual engagement on college campuses today, they are being put in place to stop people like the Donald. He apparently routinely makes women have to decide whether to to grin and bear it or take on the most litigious assholes in the country. Am I taking some leaps of faith in this interpretation? If this was a stand alone incident, sure. But it fits his personality well.

46   HydroCabron   2016 Oct 8, 11:11am  

Blurtman says

This may come as a surprise to you, but men like to fuck women. It is how you got here.

Your dad raped your mom?

47   Patrick   2016 Oct 8, 11:36am  

YesYNot says

If you are concerned about the rules of sexual engagement on college campuses today, they are being put in place to stop people like the Donald.

That's not true at all. Those rules are being put in place on campuses to stop only the average men that women are not attracted to. Just the opposite kind of guy. Most women, especially in college, get too much sexual interest from guys they don't want (ordinary guys), and not enough from the guys they do want (high-status guys). Her ability to selectively enforce the new rules saves her a lot of time and effort by putting fear of kangaroo courts into these ordinary guys' minds. They are the losers here.

When a woman is attracted to a man (and they are usually the high-status guys) she definitely wants him to make the first move like a kiss, and definitely does not want him to beg for permission first. That would simply kill her attraction for him on the spot. If you've been alive on earth any length of time, you know this is true.

Donald probably gets a skewed version of reality, because like Mick Jagger, he has women competing for him. Then he runs across the odd one who was actually not interested in an over-confident billionaire and there's trouble.

48   anonymous   2016 Oct 8, 11:55am  

This is stupid. How about we put a hidden microphone on every man and woman and listen to what goes on in private without them knowing? I'm talking the bathroom, bedroom, locker room, girls nights out, etc. Everyone, I mean everyone, would be caught saying embarrassing, "deplorable" things. Unless it's clearly language that declares illegal activity (not just joking and guy/girl talk), does that make them unfit for president or any other job?

49   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Oct 8, 11:57am  

Trump is the "Polyamorous Alpha Male Serial Kisser" Gender. Cuckquean defenders need to stop shaming his sexual preference, especially since Cuckquean is married to Bimbo Dickens.

50   HydroCabron   2016 Oct 8, 12:02pm  

just any Guy says

How about we put a hidden microphone on every man and woman and listen to what goes on in private without them knowing?

He wasn't in private, FFS. He knew he was miked.

In men-only settings, I have never heard a male seriously talk like this about women. I once heard an entitled rich kid brag about shooting someone's pet dog - and we knew he'd done it, because the details jibed. But that's it.

51   Tenpoundbass   2016 Oct 8, 12:05pm  

HydroCabron says

He wasn't in private, FFS. He knew he was miked.

It's called scripted Television, wait until Trump is finished with the producers and the production of that show. They along with Billy Fucksticks is toast.

52   marcus   2016 Oct 8, 12:26pm  

538 has an opinion piece titled "Will The Trump Tape Have A Bigger Effect On The Race Than Past Controversies?" Boring stuff, I didn't read the whole thing, but the question is the question of the hour.

My opinion is that no, it won't. Not very much. Many people believe feminism at this point has gone too far. Anyone who has or will consider voting for Trump already knew he was something of what we used to be called a male chauvenist pig, and many see that as simply one more thing they kind of like about him, because of the contrast to wacko feminist SJWs and institutions that now seem too often to have yielded too much to feminism.

I'm not advocating his behavior. I think you know what I think of him. I'm just saying a lot of his voters will find it kind of a cute and endearing quality. After all, he's all about turning back the clocks.

It's counter intuitive, but people's views of sexual behavior are not as simple as we might think. I don't think anyone is forgiving of pedophiles. But aldult sexuallity is another story. Did all the "dirt" on Clinton when he was originally running for President, hurt him or help him ? Al Gore fucked up big time by not having Clinton campaign for him, thinking his reputation was too severely tarnished by the Lewinsky scandal. Later surveys found Bill Clinton to be more admired than ever.

It's just not that simple. Women will tell you that they hate men that act like pigs, but it's complicated. My guess is that believe it or not, there will even be some women, who switch to being Trump voters becasue of this tape, but not that they will ever know that was the reason they decided in his favor. It's just that for some reason they will be thinking he really is a powerful man.

Hopefully more will switch the other way becasue of it, but I don't know. Most of those types of people already saw Trump as way too much of douchebag to ever consider voting for him.

Having said all that, lets see where things are now, before any of this has been factored in.

53   neplusultra57   2016 Oct 8, 12:33pm  

Thunderlips is a Pussy Grabber says

Trump is the "Polyamorous Alpha Male Serial Kisser" Gender. Cuckquean defenders need to stop shaming his sexual preference, especially since Cuckquean is married to Bimbo Dickens.

Translation: Grab Pussy because Trump!!

54   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Oct 8, 12:36pm  

Why are you prejudiced against Pussy Grabbers?

It's Current Year!

We have to accept all sexual preferences and genders.

55   Tenpoundbass   2016 Oct 8, 12:42pm  

If they try to even pull numbers out like that during the election. These rigged machines and all of George Soros foreign invaders can't win America by a simple rigged election.

Her inaugural stage will burned to the ground as the first shots of the revolution is fired.

Regardless what happens with this election just know we're done with California and the other 2 or 3 Liberally retarded towns dictating life for the rest of America. Especially when they exhibit no respect for every other town in America with sheer disregard.

56   neplusultra57   2016 Oct 8, 12:43pm  

Thunderlips is a Pussy Grabber says

Why are you prejudiced against Pussy Grabbers?

Why do you hate #UngrabbedPussy? Because it might still be talking and only beta males tolerate that!


57   BayArea   2016 Oct 8, 12:43pm  

rando says

Donald probably gets a skewed version of reality, because like Mick Jagger, he has women competing for him.

Spot on... Once you pass a certain level of notoriety and/or riches, the game changes.

Imagine how differently you view the world if women compete for you rather than the other way around.

58   neplusultra57   2016 Oct 8, 12:45pm  

BayArea says

rando says

Donald probably gets a skewed version of reality, because like Mick Jagger, he has women competing for him.

Spot on... Once you pass a certain level of notoriety and/or riches, the game changes.

Imagine how differently you view the world if women compete for you rather than the other way around.

Perfect type to represent the common man.


59   marcus   2016 Oct 8, 12:48pm  

Tenpoundbass says

If they try to even pull numbers out like that during the election

You're confused again. Those numbers are probability numbers, not percentage of votes. Clinton is only up by at most 5 or 6% in the polls. And you're WAY wrong. THe fact that your intellectually dishonest ass can't see the truth about Trump, doesn't mean the election is rigged, just becasue 55% of the population can figure it out.

If anything, the fact that maybe 40% of American's or more might vote for Trump is indicative of things being rigged on an entirely different kind scale. I don't know whether it's some kind of mind control or what. But this makes absolutely no sense.

60   marcus   2016 Oct 8, 12:50pm  

BayArea says

Imagine how differently you view the world if women compete for you rather than the other way around.

Well, okay, point taken, but slow down a little. Who are the hottest and most awesome American women we have seen fighting over who gets to have the Donald ?

61   anonymous   2016 Oct 8, 12:54pm  

It makes no sense to you, that there are people in this country that are put off by the idea of Bill Clinton scamming his way to a third term?

It makes no sense to you, that there are people so put off by feminism (in it's current iteration), that they would vote for anyone, in order to vote against it?

I'm amazed that you people still don't get it

62   anonymous   2016 Oct 8, 12:58pm  

Hillary Clinton is like chugging milk right out the fridge, without bothering to smell it first.

In that moment when the soured milk taste hit your taste buds, when you first come up for air, you'd do anything to make it go away.

This is Americans duende moment

63   neplusultra57   2016 Oct 8, 12:58pm  

errc says

there are people so put off by feminism (in it's current iteration), that they would vote for anyone, in order to vote against it?

Is this your confession, my son? Say three Hail #Douchebags and be at peace when you vote.

64   marcus   2016 Oct 8, 12:58pm  

errc says

It makes no sense to you, that there are people in this country that are put off by the idea of Bill Clinton scamming his way to a third term?

Come on 150. I said it makes no sense that it's 40% or more. And btw, I really do believe Hillary will be driving this time, so it's not a third term for Bill. Although she gets more votes than she loses because of people thinking it's about Bill Clinton being back.

65   mell   2016 Oct 8, 12:59pm  

BayArea says

Imagine how differently you view the world if women compete for you rather than the other way around.

I know how it is.

66   neplusultra57   2016 Oct 8, 1:00pm  

errc says

Hillary Clinton is like chugging milk right out the fridge, without bothering to smell it first.

I missed this at first. I like it. Good one. I'll steal this if you don't mind.

67   Tenpoundbass   2016 Oct 8, 1:04pm  

marcus says

You're confused again. Those numbers are probability numbers, not percentage of votes.

She only wins because of her and Obama's foreign invasion. They will both be fired on November 9th.

BLM has been civil church gatherings bah leeb meh!

68   HydroCabron   2016 Oct 8, 1:11pm  

errc says

It makes no sense to you, that there are people in this country that are put off by the idea of Bill Clinton scamming his way to a third term?

Yes: we shouldn't trust her with our Coors empties because she's the most willful, conniving bitch EVAH, but she'll listen to Bill.

Reminds me of “Trump's actual statements don't represent who he really is, but Bill's skeevy affairs tell us so much about Hillary's character."

Try harder.

69   FortWayne   2016 Oct 8, 3:19pm  

Trump is what Trump is, but he is honest about himself. Hillary just bullshits everyone. I'd rather vote for an honest asshole (Trump), than a liar with no integrity (Hillary).

71   mell   2016 Oct 8, 4:51pm  

Rew says

I think there is only ravenous illogical support left for Trump. There is also a lot of "keep going, because I cannot admit I was wrong", support too. That later camp will turn into the "election was rigged conspiracy" theorists.

There is nothing much to admit that they were wrong, because on the issues politifact and the media lied and skewed the true/false ratio quite a bit (many things are being revised now that it's "safe" to do so due to Hillary's lead, such as black unemployment, open borders and open trade, as well as Melania's lawful immigration), and issues aren't even discussed anymore at all. The election itself hasn't been rigged, the media coverage surely has been extremely biased. Those throwing in the towel are likely those who cannot afford to "defend" speech that can be interpreted as degrading women, they think of their careers, their wives (esp. betas) and/or kids and social circles, and many have hard choices to make and sometimes a retreat to save the family may be the saner choice for them. There will be the usual set of hard core supporters left, but I agree with the assessment that it is looking quite difficult for the Donald. Either way, this election will go down as a first, being entirely dominated and decided by identity politics while actual issues or policies didn't matter much. Both campaigns contributed their fair share to this. That being said, I'm not sure what happens if the Donald shows up tomorrow and presents himself acknowledging the issues of the past and being apologetic in an empathic way without being defeatist tomorrow. His campaign may change his strategy quite a bit. Also notice how the focus has entirely shifted from racism (and all the other -isms and phobias) to sexism now that the ultimate weapon has been found.

72   Rew   2016 Oct 8, 4:56pm  

mell says

Those throwing in the towel are likely those who cannot afford to "defend" speech that can be interpreted as degrading women, they think of their careers, their wives (esp. betas) and/or kids and social circles, and many have hard choices to make and sometimes a retreat to save the family may be the saner choice for them.

I don't think many can afford to be associated with Trump. I think the brand is also suffering bigly at the hands of this campaign.

You know what civilization is right? It's a group of Beta males banding together, and kicking the crap out of lone Alphas trying to edge in on their turf. That and agriculture.

73   Patrick   2016 Oct 8, 5:10pm  

marcus says

It's just not that simple. Women will tell you that they hate men that act like pigs, but it's complicated. My guess is that believe it or not, there will even be some women, who switch to being Trump voters becasue of this tape, but not that they will ever know that was the reason they decided in his favor.

@marcus I'm impressed. I think you do understand how things are.

To quote myself: "What is unspoken is hard to hear, but it's always the most important point."

74   mell   2016 Oct 8, 5:16pm  

Rew says

mell says

Those throwing in the towel are likely those who cannot afford to "defend" speech that can be interpreted as degrading women, they think of their careers, their wives (esp. betas) and/or kids and social circles, and many have hard choices to make and sometimes a retreat to save the family may be the saner choice for them.

I don't think many can afford to be associated with Trump. I think the brand is also suffering bigly at the hands of this campaign.

You know what civilization is right? It's a group of Beta males banding together, and kicking the crap out of lone Alphas trying to edge in on their turf. That and agriculture.

Interesting, the assumption is that the betas lose the same or even more by being "cucks", but maybe there's another angle here. As a lesser alpha I will examine the situation. I don't mind that band in private life (it may make sense there), but I don't know how this is compatible with a meritocracy since it has been infiltrating public life and the workplace, and how you avoid being eaten by your own eventually if you have a rare slip in "moral conformity".

75   marcus   2016 Oct 9, 1:29am  

rando says

@marcus I'm impressed. I think you do understand how things are.

To quote myself: "What is unspoken is hard to hear, but it's always the most important point."

Well thanks Patrick. But I would emphasize that I don't generalize it to the extent you do. Way over half of the women out there were disgusted by Trump before this happened for many reasons. That is, you get so few women that would hate him becasue of this (that didn't already hate him before), that it might net out to be a benefit to him, becasue of a relatively small number of women that would actually like this alpha male behavior. That was my point.

I can't see how it's a big net negative. Some men might even respect it too. But not the ones that already saw Trump as way too much of a risk, and an all around douchebag. But republicans with strong fundamentalist support are supposedly distancing themselves. We'll see. Look at Fort Wayne. What a joke. That guy talks the fundamentalist talk when it suits him. But now he says who gives a fuck about this story. I guess maybe the truth is that fundamentalist Christianity might be all about not sinning, but that doesn't mean certain kinds of sins don't sometimes get respect. YOu know, like fucking hot women (actually - that never was a sin - not even to catholics - regardless of what they said) or killing our sanctioned enemies.

The interesting thing is tomorrow's debate with all of this pressure on Trump. The chances of him doing great or winning seem mighty slim.

76   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Oct 9, 3:01am  

rando says

she definitely wants him to make the first move like a kiss, and definitely does not want him to beg for permission first.

That's not what Donald claimed he did. If it were, there would be no problem.

77   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Oct 9, 3:25am  

mell says

Either way, this election will go down as a first, being entirely dominated and decided by identity politics while actual issues or policies didn't matter much. Both campaigns contributed their fair share to this.

If just like to point out that the Democratic primary was about issues. The Republican primary was an insult comic show. I have an idea about who led this race into the gutter.

78   bob2356   2016 Oct 9, 5:31am  

Thunderlips is a Pussy Grabber says

she is (literally her words) for "Open Trade and Open Borders",

Her words were "a hemispheric common market". Common market like Mercosur (Southern Cone Market), East African Common Market, and West African Common market. Not an economic union like the EU. I read that as open borders for trade, not immigration. The traditional definition of a common market. Everyone else reads it the same way except the trumptard apologists and attack dogs.

79   neplusultra57   2016 Oct 9, 7:57am  

marcus says

But republicans with strong fundamentalist support are supposedly distancing themselves. We'll see. Look at Fort Wayne. What a joke. That guy talks the fundamentalist talk when it suits him. But now he says who gives a fuck about this story. I guess maybe the truth is that fundamentalist Christianity might be all about not sinning,

The Evangelicals simply presume sin but bank on begging forgiveness. All the #Douchebag need do is apologize and sound as if he's applying for forgiveness and BINGO he's good to go for another round of vulgarity in just a few days.

marcus says

that doesn't mean certain kinds of sins don't sometimes get respect. YOu know, like fucking hot women (actually - that never was a sin - not even to catholics

If we're talking Catholics it's more likely to be really hot young boys.

marcus says

The interesting thing is tomorrow's debate with all of this pressure on Trump. The chances of him doing great or winning seem mighty slim.

I totally agree. With nothing to lose and everything to gain he's going to plumb new depths of cringe-worthy, say-anything, abandon. Wounded animal #DoucheBag here we come.

80   Blurtman   2016 Oct 9, 8:16am  

neplusultra57 says

If we're talking Catholics it's more likely to be really hot young boys.

Hey, what do you think about Jews and Muslims, eh?

81   marcus   2016 Oct 9, 8:25am  

neplusultra57 says

If we're talking Catholics it's more likely to be really hot young boys.

More than 99.9% of Catholics are not priests. And a fairly large percentage of priests are not pedophiles. I know you were kidding, but as someone who was raised Catholic, I feel a little defensive about that comment.

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