FACT Sheet: Can ANYONE dare claim that Hillary IS NOT a CAREER CRIMINAL?

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2016 Oct 31, 3:27am   2,108 views  12 comments

by freespeechforever   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  


Can anyone read this list of FACTS regarding Hillary's ACTIONS and dare claim that she IS NOT a CAREER CRIMINAL WITHOUT A CONSCIENCE?


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Cheat Sheet of Hillary Scandals

Just a piece of paper for members of the royal family.
I know it’s hard to keep track. I am trying to keep this page updated. Thanks to all Redditors who helped me out (see comments).
Are you worried that you have to vote for Hillary because of the supreme court? Read this before being pushed to vote for someone you don’t support because of the supreme court. If you’re worried about Trump starting a cataclysmic war, keep reading here for Hillary’s war record. I can’t keep up with the breaking email scandals, but I don’t have to. My two hottest links in this piece right now are this and this. Check those out. And how did I miss this? Selected emails from the leaks.
PLEASE SHARE THIS LIST (or make your own). The media is not covering the biggest stories of this election, breaking right now, but silence in the mainstream media about Nevada fraud, Hillary using the very C in cables and letter she said she didn’t recognize, etc. You can vote for Hillary or not, but no one should tolerate a Prava style propaganda system covering up the truth.
Here are some of Hillary scandals, neat on one page. I prefer mainstream, legacy media when available, fact-checked, old fashion news outlets. The DNC WikiLeaks demonstrate pro-Hillary bias in many such organizations (more discussion here and here). Nevertheless, some negative stories do make their way into the reporting of mainstream media. Here is a nice summary of early issues with Clinton, Inc.
Let’s get the well known scandals out of the way first. Then, I’ll add some breaking scandals, then cover the period when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, more financial scandals than national security and obstruction of justice, although all those areas of scandal are linked.
Keystone pipeline Canadian backers paid Clinton Foundation a million while she was secretary of state.
The idea that Clinton trumped up Trump, is clearer and clearer. And the uranium deal scandal is not debunkned yet.
Email Scandal. FBI Report here. This has been extensively covered: hiding emails, destroying devices with a hammer, etc. She did not turn over emails relating to Bengazi. A write up of what is in the report here (The Atlantic) that is somewhat pro-Hillary. WSJ is shorter and more pointed (source). And here is a great breakdown of the email scandal, not to be beat. Here is a fantastic, frequently updated site tracking the many revelations from Wikileaks about Hillary’s email scandals.
For those that say, “what about the Bush email scandals?!!” (Karl Rove and other officials had used private email accounts and then deleted all their emails before investigators could get them source and source) here is Hillary on that topic: “Our Constitution is being shredded. We know about the secret wiretaps. We know about secret military tribunals, the secret White House email accounts. […] It’s a stunning record of secrecy and corruption, of cronyism run amok.” ABC and The Hill.
Whitewater Scandal here (Washington Post). All details. Clear. If you lived through the Ken Starr investigation, you might think the fact that he could not indict the Clintons on a crime means the deal was clean. Re-reading the details again, you see a modis operendi that is still in effect and some pretty ugly tactics by the Clintons. The Vince Foster suicide comes into this story, with some suggesting it was murder by the Clintons.
Remember Travelgate? Hillary fired professionals to hire cronies. Source (NYT). Furnituregate? Hillary and Bill had to return $200,000 in gifts to the government after they left the White House. Source (Washington Post). Teamstergate is where Bill Clinton accepted money from a union in exchange for cycling some of that back into the personal campaign of the union leader. Pardons: Marc Rich is the most famous. Here. In laws: Her daughter’s husband’s hedge hund and his father are potential problem areas. Source.

Muddy the water, and she was the pick in May 2015, before a vote was cast
Benghazi: Don’t need this one. Here is the wiki.
Since I wrote this list on 9/10/16 new scandals emerged (in one week):
Talk about chronic leadership failure… her failures at the state department were foreseen:
Hillary Clinton's coterie of 'attack dog' aides has Obama's team worried

Mr Reines, who has been described by journalists as "power hungry" and "highly controlling", had one reporter suspended…
Hillary proposed killing an innocent journalist she didn’t much care for.
Foriegn Policy Advisors Scandal: In September 2016, Hillary Clinton announced her list of foreign policy advisors. So, this is breaking news. Here is the list. David Petraeus, Iraq war architect. Michael Chertoff, head of Homeland Security under Bush, then went on to make big money as a consultant on security in the “private sector.” Two hawks. Mike Morell, former head of the CIA, says the US should kill Iranians and Russians in Syria. Jim Stavridis, favors US ground war in Syria. They all have cash ties to defense contractors (military-industrial complex) and many participated in the series of terrible decisions around Iraq. More Bushies than you can shake a stick at. Hillary Clinton voted to invade Iraq, aggressive war, a violation of international law.
Hiding Health Problems Scandal: Life threatening cerebral venous thrombosis (ABC News) in 2012, not relevant to collapse in 2016? Seasonal allergies to explain coughing fits, until the story changed to pneumonia. MSNBC cuts away to cover up health problems. Over heated was only the story on 9/11 for two hours, less than allergies. Who is this and what’s going on before she collapsed? Here is the same woman, running a neurological test. NathanOhio says “Also, the ‘neurological test’ photo is incorrect. There is a video out there that shows what happened.”
Also, Bill Clinton says she faints frequently and had the flu, not pneumonia (virus, not bacterial infection). She had a seizure on camera. In no interview or other statement has Hillary said her health is a personal matter and said we the public should not ask for the truth.
The Meaning of C Scandal: Hillary lied to the FBI about not knowing what the © — C- meant on documents (classified). More to come certainly on this as of 9/16/16.
NGPVAN Scandal: The automated enrolling of voters. Nevada here. Other reports of this. If not for kicking new voters off the roll, Bernie would have won New Hampshire, then won Nevada convincingly, says a Democratic party worker and as is corroborated by leaks. Source
Dan Rolle: He seems to be another principled American.
So much for new scandals. Back to the old ones.
Cattle Futures Scandal: Insider at Tyson Foods gives tip, Clintons turn a $1000 investment in $100,000 in less than a year. Source here but you can google it.
The Clinton Foundation generally is covered in Peter Schweizer’s Clinton Cash, and although the author is conservative, the book seems to be fair with facts, and I haven’t read it. The Foundation is a series of scandals, not one. The claim that less than 6% of funds raised went to programs appears to be true according to factcheck.org. That article cites Charity Navigator as of a few months ago. Charity Navigator scrubbed their negative assessment of the Clinton Foundation last month. Before the whitewash, they said:
We had previously evaluated this organization, but have since determined that this charity’s atypical business model can not be accurately captured in our current rating methodology.
That was then. Now they get a shiny new A grade.
Now, I would like to go to a pretty unknown scandal. Cement Factory Scandal: The community around Hudson NY was fighting to keep a major polluter out of the area. Hillary was senator at the time. She did nothing to help the people, then took credit for the defeat of the plant by grassroots activists. Source (DailyKos) source (Sam Pratt). I live in the area and was a small part of the anti-plant movement, so this bothers me.
Goldman Sachs Transcripts Scandal: A key point about the money paid to Hillary Clinton for speeches at GS is that no person has come on the record to say they were at any of the speeches, nor has Hillary Clinton released the dates and locations of the three speeches she was paid to perform. She may not be releasing the transcripts of the speeches because the speeches never ocurred. Only reporter Ben White at Politico claims to have spoken to someone at the speeches (or at one speech) and no one has ever stated they attend a speech for Goldman Sachs on the record. Why not put your name on the record? Is attending a speech a crime? Why not release Hillary Clinton’s schedule and show when and where the speeches occurred?
Pay to Play A: Giving money to the Clinton Foundation and paying for speeches by Bill Clinton lead to more access and consideration for jobs in the State Deparment. Source (Washington Post) and source (JW)…
Pay to Play B: This one keeps breaking. How is it that it’s cheaper to buy an ambassadorship to France than Finland? USAmbFrance paid $605,000 to TheDemocrats & then was nominated as Ambassador. Bruce J. Oreck Donated $1,136,613 To The DNC And Served As US Ambassador To Finland.
Pay to Play C: Via Guccifer2, Crystal Nix-Hines Donated $600,000 To The DNC -Nominated By Obama To US Rep. UN Educational Ambassador. Julius Genachowski Donated $3,494,919 To The DNC And Served As Chairman of the FCC. Pamela Hamamoto Donated $605,000 To #DNC Then Became The Permanent Representative Of The USA To The UN… and on and on.
Libya Scandal: Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama conducted war without congressional approval in Libya and destabilized much of Africa. Source (NYT)
Abu Dhabi Scandal: Abu Dhabi government paid Bill Clinton directly, personally (also Clinton Foundation tens of millions in donations) two million dollars and Hillary Clinton arranged for the Abu Dhabi airport to have unprecedented pre-clearance of customs for flights to the US. Source (Polifact) and source (Dailymail) and source (WSJ)
Looting Scandal: Hillary and Bill Clinton made 153 million almost entirely (more than 80%) in speaking fees from sources that also lobbied the US government at the same time yet have only 60 million in net worth (assets) as of 2015. Did they spend five to ten million a year or are they hiding their money? Source (Forbes) and source (AP) and CNN source.
UBS Scandal: Bill Clinton received 1.5 million from Swiss bank UBS and Hillary arranged for the bank to only release only a small fraction of the orignal list of tens of thousands of multimillionaires with Swiss bank accounts in exchange for Switzerland accepting a couple Weger prisoners from Guantanamo Bay. Source (The Atlantic)
Blown Operations Scandal: Hillary’s sloppy handling of classified information may have had real consquences for counterterroism operations in Thailand, Phillipines and the Gulf. Source (Newsweek)
Shell Company Scandal: Bill and Hillary have shell companies that do no business, some with the same address as Donald Trump. Source (The Guardian)
Hit List Scandal: Bill and Hillary have a hit list and try to ruin those who do not support them. Source (Politico)
DNC Leaks are an Infinite Supply of Slander: If malice is your thing, read a few DNC emails. That’s a direct Wikileaks link to a “nuetral” DNC employee calling Sander’s campaign manager and Bernie supporters “scummy… violent and threatening…”
Hidden Foreign Cash Scandal: Bill and Hillary tried to hide the sources of their foreign donors. Source (Bloomberg)
Uranium Scandal: Hillary and Bill Clinton and their foundation took money from Russian owned Canadian company and then allowed them to control much of US Uranium market. Source (NYT)
Golden Mouth Scandal: Before Hillary became secretary or State, Bill averaged $150,000 per speech. After she took office, he made $500,000 per speech. Source (The Atlantic)
Haiti Scandal: Gold mining concession to company with Hillary Clinton’s brother on the board, donor money disappearing, promised elections cancelled, interference in 2011 election. Source (Daily Mail) and source (NYT). Bill leads on Haiti, 6 houses built for 500 million dollars raised (source). Watch this, former president of the senate of Haiti speaking to Donald Trump, and Trump blowing his response. http://www.wsj.com/articles/more-clinton-shenanigans-in-haiti-1474235175
Huma Abedin Scandal: Clinton right-hand woman Abedin worked for the Clinton Foundation and an associated consulting firm while at the State Department. Source (NYT)
Triple Dip Scandal: The Clintons got speaking fees, campaign contributions and foundation contributions from the same organizations most of the time. Source (WSJ)
Warmonger Scandal: Hillary Clinton is consistently pro-war. Source (NYT)
Rajiv Fernando Scandal: Hillary put a weathly donor with no relevant experience on a committee to address nuclear arms. “ISAB Board (board Raj wanted) now has an opening.” It literally says “board Raj wanted.” Source (ABC)
Slippery Foundation Scandal: The Clinton Foundation has been a flop on the ground, helping almost no one. Source (Politico) and source (The Atlantic)
Lebanon Policy for Sale Scandal: Billionaire with ties to Nigerian dictator donates to Clinton Foundation and receives access to policy makers pertaining to Lebanon. Source (LA Times)
Arms for Bucks Scandal: Hillary Clinton dramatically increased arms sales to the Middle East from the Bush Administration as secretary of state and donors to the Clinton Foundation got the majority of the weapons. Both defense contractors and foreign governments contributed and paid for speeches by Bill. Source (Mother Jones)
Congo Scandal: The government poorest country in the world paid Bill Clinton $650,000 to speak, for sure, and the mining company the Lundin Group probably donated to the Clinton Foundation while removing whole villages in the congo to mine. Source (WSJ) not so great source
Honduras Scandal: Hillary Clinton supported a coup that ousted a democratically elected government and lead to chaos. Source (Truth Out)
Hilllarycare Scandal: Hillary Clinton was secretive and ineffective and failed to get any meaningful, widespread reforms accomplished when tasked with reforming health care under Bill Clinton. Source (wikipedia)
Racist Friend Scandal: Bill Clinton played golf with Donald Trump at least 12 times, by the available photos. He aslo went to the US Open with him, Bill and Hillary attended Donald’s wedding and their daughters went to parties together and can be seen kissing each other in photos. Google “trump and clinton together socializing.”
Race Baiting for Political Gain Scandal: Politifact, which if anything has a pro-Clinton bias, says that it is mostly true that Hillary called all black youth super predators. Mark Penn, 2008 campaign manager questioned Obama’s American credentials. Factcheck.org thinks she did use a “he’s a foreigner” strategy in 2008. She then insinuated that Obama was less than a real American in 2008. Source from the time. There have been rumors Hillary spread the story Obama was not a US citizen for a long time. There is this video about the anti-Obama strategy in 2008. Obama believes Sid Bloomenthal started the birther rumors according to Political.
DNC Leak Scandal: While the individuals involved in DNC leaked emails were DNC staffers, not Hillary employees, and none of her emails were include in the WikiLeaks release, it is fair to say that Hillary Clinton’s primary win against Bernie Sanders in 2016 was less than transparent, free and fair. Hillary promoted Debbie Wasserman Schultz in response to this wholesale effort to rig an election. Source (Washington Post) and WikiLeaks here. Hillary was able to get as far as she did in a specific system. The DNC leaks show how that system operates.
Election Fraud Scandal: The United States does not have a good system for open accountable verification for elections. If elections were stolen, we would never know. Hillary could be stealing elections, certainly in New York and maybe Arizona, Illinois etc. This guy has been covering this pretty well. Source Lee Camp.
33 State Parties Scandal: In August 2015, Hillary Clinton collaborated with 33 state democratic parties to launder 25 million dollars back to the Clinton campaign, using supreme court decisions against campaign finance laws and then bragging about her support of local democrats, although her campaign kept 99% of the money. This aggressive use of Citizen United and other decisions trashing campaign finance was designed to keep other Democratic candidates from the race before it started. Source (Counter Punch)
Under Fire Scandal: Hillary lying about Bosnia. Making up stuff. Source (CBS News)
Podesta/Panama Scandal: Tony and John Podesta, former chief of staff to Bill and campaign manager for Hillary… Not sure how to summarize this one yet. Source and source and source.
Dead People Scandal: I personally do not put much stock in these stories, from Vince Foster to the DNC employee recently murdered in DC, but if you want a list of people who it would be convenient for the Clintons if they died and then they died, here you go: source source etc. I just don’t think this would be kept quiet or that the Clintons have the connections or instill enough loyalty in people to pull this off for so long. I just don’t see much evidence but I’ll throw it into the list anyway.
Crony Ear Scandal: Through out this long career of corruption, Hillary Clinton has maintained the same cronies by her side. If she listened to independent, free thinking advisors it is unlikely that she would have put a server in the basement of her house. She routinely refuses to learn from her mistakes and keeps the same sycophants around her at all times as echo chamber for her own idiocy. This is the worst leadership style possible. Huma Abedin joking about Bengazi, talking about Hillary’s life-threatening illnesses. Sydney Bloomenthal, the original birther. Panama Papers John Podesta. Heather Samuelson to Cheryl Mills.
The scandal of her foreign policy team is that her choice of hawk, opportunistic, Bushies proves Hillary has learned nothing from her failures in Iraq and Libya. Same mistake twice and she still only has one play in her play book: war.
Same people, same mistakes, over and over again.
Temper Temper Scandal: She doesn’t listen to anyone who might contradict her and she flies into a rage at people who cannot fight back with her, like a bully. Or so says some Secret Service agents who were assigned to her. This guys says she became so enraged that he feared she would burst a vein in her brain.
Greek Looting Scandal: Insider trading with son-in-law & Goldman Sachs as fas as the Greece bailouts.
Hillary is corrupt, according to Lincoln Chafee.
Go ahead, vote third party.
Good criticism from NathanOhio at Reddit:
For one thing, the Wall St Journal piece you linked is behind a paywall, and the article in the Atlantic is more a pro-Clinton propaganda piece than an actual analysis of the email scandal. One last criticism, IMO you relied too much on mainstream media. The “negative stories” about Clinton in legacy media are still completely slanted in her favor.



Comments 1 - 12 of 12        Search these comments

1   freespeechforever   2016 Oct 31, 3:50am  

$153 million in Bill and Hillary Clinton speaking fees, documented


2   HydroCabron   2016 Oct 31, 4:56am  

Hillary is not a career criminal.

3   bob2356   2016 Oct 31, 5:31am  

freespeechforever says

$153 million in Bill and Hillary Clinton speaking fees, documented

Speaking is a criminal activity? You have america very badly confused with north korea.

4   Tenpoundbass   2016 Oct 31, 5:32am  

HydroCabron says

Hillary is not a career criminal.

NO that's an assertion.

5   Y   2016 Oct 31, 6:17am  

Uninterpretable, unless you tell us what the definition of "is" is in this particular instance...

HydroCabron says

Hillary is not a career criminal.

11   HEY YOU   2016 Nov 2, 11:29am  

Entrepreneurship comes in many forms.

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