by 40c8 ➕follow (0) 💰tip ignore
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Ahhh how sweet this is.
A cheat looses.
She fucked the real candidate.
And then looses.
Kama exists!
@40c8 If you happen to talk to the DNC, let them know how badly they fucked up. Bernie would have won.
Or even if they had picked Bernie for VP. They have socks for brains. Michael Moore nailed it:
you assholes deserve a trump presidency, but sadly the rest of us who aren't stupid will have to live with what you've done.
fuck you forever.
This is a trolls wet dream. I couldn't help laughing watching all the women at Clinton headquarters getting all teary eyed. Hilarious!!
I told you MI he would carry easily
I lived in Michigan for seven years. Alot of blue collar, low income towns. Don't see Clinton playing well with that crowd. But Trumps bring manufacturing spiel would play, and then some.
If only there were video recording of SJW meltdowns across this country-LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
If only there were video recording of SJW meltdowns across this country-LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
Wait for the fallout on Facebook/Youtube/Twitter tomorrow. Thar's triggerin in them thar hills!
Statistics hurt your feelings do they ?
Statistics on teachers merely confirm the prevailing prejudice: those who can't ... teach. But I'm sure that you are the exception: you're way more stupid than the average teacher!
Not one. Sometimes human nature is resistant to quantification.
But Trumps bring manufacturing spiel would play, and then some.
Oh yeah, he is going to bring thousands of jobs making widgets to Michigan.
Joe Biden would have won.
Doubtful. Trump is by far the strongest candidate since Ronald Reagan.
People are not voting for the best person. They are voting with their middle fingers.
@40c8 If you happen to talk to the DNC, let them know how badly they fucked up. Bernie would have won.
Statistics hurt your feelings do they
Clinton losing hurts your ass, does it?
Statistics on teachers merely confirm the prevailing prejudice: those who can't ... teach. But I'm sure that you are the exception: you're way
Stop telling truth quigley; while you're at it, stop being so deplorable by telling truth about most teachers
Statistics on teachers merely confirm the prevailing prejudice: those who can't ... teach. But I'm sure that you are the exception: you're way
Stop telling truth quigley; while you're at it, stop being so deplorable by telling truth about most teachers
Those are a couple of very tired old comments. What exactly do you think the world would be like without teachers and professors? People who do very demanding jobs for often pretty mediocre pay. They deserve a bit more respect than the two of you seem willing to offer. What is so special about what the two of you do that allows you to scoff so easily at the work of educators?
Statistics hurt your feelings do they
Clinton losing hurts your ass, does it?
College-educated whites
White college graduates made up 37 percent of voters
49 percent of them voted for Trump, while 45 percent voted for Clinton.
54 percent of college-educated white men voted Trump.
45 percent of college-educated white women chose Trump, while 51 percent chose Clinton. This is the only white demographic tracked by the exit poll that Trump didn’t win.
Marcus remains an idiot.
allows you to scoff so easily at the work of educators?
You're right. That comment was out of line. I do appreciate teachers. Marcus is still a dunce tho.
allows you to scoff so easily at the work of educators?
You're right. That comment was out of line. I do appreciate teachers. Marcus is still a dunce tho.
Not many on here hold their hands up and admit they were a bit off with their comment(s).
If only there were video recording of SJW meltdowns across this country-LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump is already melting special snowflakes.
Kama exists!
Did you mean kama sutra?
Stupid iPhone, along with spell correct... I meant Karma
Didn't help I was typing under the table out for dinner with Dem friends who were borderline hysterical.
Wife kicked me so hard under table when I cloudn't contain the..."I told you so", kill shot
allows you to scoff so easily at the work of educators?
You're right. That comment was out of line. I do appreciate teachers. Marcus is still a dunce tho.
Teachers provide a great service, but Marcus should NEVER be allowed in a classroom alone with children. That's a TOTAL failure by the LA school board.
There's a reason LAUSD is one of the worst school districts in the country.
Thunderlips Russian Agent 0069 says
Not one. Sometimes human nature is resistant to quantification.
Manipulated polls!? May it never be!
Oh yeah, he is going to bring thousands of jobs making widgets to Michigan.
Of course. Presidents ALWAYS keep their campaign promises.
i just want to bump this roberta triggered thread.
sharing his intelligence, and whatnot.
What exactly do you think the world would be like without teachers and professors
I got good grades in school and my teachers were rarely responsible for it. I'm not a professional because of my teachers "shaping my mind " with bullshit
Most professors in college don't teach a damn thing; they are there to study and publish and leave teaching to TA's who don't teach well
That's a TOTAL failure by the LA school board.
Bad teachers can never be fired. My wife, an MSEE, could teach math better than the average high school math teacher.
Teachers make little to no impact in inner city and those in upper middle class neighborhoods have access to resources that make teachers not always necessary.
Either has PussyUltra57, Hydro, and a few others..
fucking scumbags.
Hey patnetters,check out your mirrors.
In the comments above, statistics is mentioned.
Some come home to roost.
ALL D & R voters are retarded idiots.
They need help,STAT! before they destroy america.
What exactly do you think the world would be like without teachers and professors
I got good grades in school and my teachers were rarely responsible for it. I'm not a professional because of my teachers "shaping my mind " with bullshit
Most professors in college don't teach a damn thing; they are there to study and publish and leave teaching to TA's who don't teach well
Teaching is all over the place. True - at top research universities teaching is not important, however, there are still some profs who teach very well. My former supervisor, for example (a very famous guy), was outstanding both in class and 1 on 1. I have also had some excellent school teachers (not in the US) who have made a real difference. Here in the US, I can think of only one middle school math teacher of my children who was good and did not require home schooling on my part.
Good grades in school does not mean you are learning the subject. It could simply be that the teacher is teaching at a very low level.
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