Michelle Obama is a DUDE?

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2016 Nov 11, 7:41am   28,274 views  62 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Ok... I always thought this "chick" (Michelle) looked sketch the last 8 years, and then someone forwarded me a few youtube video's about "her" - and damn, I'm partially-convinced that Michelle is transgender. WHICH would clear up why Obama has been so pro gay/transgender rights.

I'm not big into conspiracy theories, but I always thought "Michelle" looked insanely dude like.

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15   joshuatrio   2016 Nov 11, 8:56am  

marcus says you made your bed says

ZZYZZX is another asshole that doesn't know how to win gracefully. PErhaps that's becasue on some level he knows how big of a fuck up for America this is.

FWIW, this thread isn't about the election. It's about the possibility of Michelle Obama being a dude.

16   marcus   2016 Nov 11, 8:57am  

joshuatrio says

I'm trying to pose a rational argument (as crazy as it might sound) here, about the possibility of Michelle Obama being a man. On a free speech forum.

Observe the honesty of the typical Trump supporter.

I guess he could be that stupid. But he should hide it a little better. It reflects on the other Trump supporters.

17   joshuatrio   2016 Nov 11, 9:00am  

marcus says you made your bed says

Observe the honesty of the typical Trump supporter.

You did read the part where I admitted to voting for Obama... Twice... Right?

marcus says you made your bed says

I guess he could be that stupid. But he should hide it a little better. It reflects on the other Trump supporters.

You obviously refuse to look at the pictures, the video, or the possible evidence. I suggest you move on to another thread.

18   turtledove   2016 Nov 11, 9:02am  

How did "she" bare two children?

Get ready to have your mind blown... Maybe we've already had our first woman president and just never knew it?

19   zzyzzx   2016 Nov 11, 9:30am  

joshuatrio says

FWIW, this thread isn't about the election. It's about the possibility of Michelle Obama being a dude.

Marcus is still very very butt-hurt.

20   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Nov 11, 9:49am  

Tolerance primer for idiots:

The Democratic party is the 'big tent' party, because they are a coalition of minority people who would get nothing out of a democratic political system if they sat back and let the tyranny of the majority rule. The moral reason that Democrats stick up for 5% of the population is that those 5% deserve a decent life too. The political reason that they stand up for that 5%, is that they are banding together and hoping that that 5% and others will stand up for them too. Many Democrats are members of some minority group. Others just have empathy for some of those people. Maybe they have a family member who was bullied over being gay or something like that.

If you are saying that Obama looks like a monkey (another person in another thread) or is a dude, you are being a bully or a classless and possibly racist jerk. Tolerance doesn't mean you get to be a bully that without being called out for what you are doing. Free speech gives you the right to say whatever you want. It doesn't give you the right to avoid criticism. If you think I'm being too PC by suggesting you not call black people monkeys or call women dudes, I'd just like to point out that its really just common decency. Many people lack that.

21   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 11, 10:54am  

Yeah I've never bought into this theory. The Obama's are a lot of things, and I could say a lot of honest shit about Michelle enough to get 50 GOP headquarters firebombed by Liberals in at least 40 States.

Calling her a Tranny serves no purpose. Though she could possibly have one of those huge 4 inch long prehensile clits. A starter putz if you will.

22   fdhfoiehfeoi   2016 Nov 11, 12:15pm  

C'mon, the thought has crossed all of our minds at some point, admit it.

23   joshuatrio   2016 Nov 11, 1:57pm  

YesYNot says

The political reason that they stand up for that 5%, is that they are banding together and hoping that that 5% and others will stand up for them too.

No they don't. They only care about themselves and their own agenda. Obama had special interest in the LGBT community. I lived in CA 8 years and saw enough "special interest" - whereas the majority were completely intolerant towards anyone's view but their own.

YesYNot says

If you are saying that Obama looks like a monkey (another person in another thread) or is a dude, you are being a bully or a classless and possibly racist jerk.

I didn't call her a dude. I said she looks like a dude, and "she" has the physical makeup of a MAN. Goddamn. Look at the hands, the traps, the legs, the chest, you can't deny it. Even Joan Rivers said the same thing and if you did a quick youtube or google search, you'd find out this was an incredibly common thought among many people. And seriously, it would make sense why Obama was so politically motivated to do what he did.

Rather than say something like "no, I think her hands are normal, and maybe she lifts weights" - your response is basically "you're a racist, misogynistic, bigot, classless, bully." IE: typical liberal response.

For the record, I'm not a racist and some of my best friends are black. We talk about race all the time and it's not a big fucking deal like you liberals make it out to be. Funny how it was more taboo to talk about race out West (where people are supposed to be tolerant) - than on the East coast.

24   joshuatrio   2016 Nov 11, 1:58pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Yeah I've never bought into this theory. The Obama's are a lot of things, and I could say a lot of honest shit about Michelle enough to get 50 GOP headquarters firebombed by Liberals in at least 40 States.


NuttBoxer says

C'mon, the thought has crossed all of our minds at some point, admit it.

I'll buy you a beer for your honesty.

25   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Nov 11, 2:30pm  

joshuatrio says

No they don't. They only care about themselves and their own agenda

And banding together furthers their own agenda the same way that workers in a Union further their own agenda by banding together.

joshuatrio says

I said she looks like a dude,

You said she looks like a dude and you are partially convinced she is transgendered (was a dude).

I said that you might be a bully or you might be a racist jerk or you might be classless jerk. It's one thing to say, hey, this woman has masculine features. But, you're promoting some stupid conspiracy theory about her being trans-gendered. The fact is that she is a very highly respected and loved first lady, and this meme is a classless prank by people who are as mature as an 8th grader. There is a reason that liberals call out bullies, and I've already explained it.

I don't know if you were motivated by race, so I didn't stick you with that. Speaking of racist shit: in case you missed it, here are some posts you may enjoy: https://patrick.net/?p=1293340&c=1305547#comment-1305547 https://patrick.net/The+Two+Faces+Of+Michelle+Obama

26   joshuatrio   2016 Nov 11, 2:44pm  

YesYNot says

The fact is that she is a very highly respected and loved first lady

LOL. Best laugh of the day.
YesYNot says

I don't know if you were motivated by race, so I didn't stick you with that. Speaking of racist shit: in case you missed it, here are some posts you may enjoy:

You didn't read my previous post brah.

27   Patrick   2016 Nov 11, 4:28pm  

joshuatrio says

Rather than say something like "no, I think her hands are normal, and maybe she lifts weights" - your response is basically "you're a racist, misogynistic, bigot, classless, bully." IE: typical liberal response.

This is true, and several billion responses like that to even innocent questions are a major reason Trump got elected.

Righteous knee-jerk accusations of (racism|xenophobia|misogyny) are amazingly instant the moment you question even small details of The Narrative.

Zero thought required! No good will either.

28   joshuatrio   2016 Nov 12, 5:24am  

rando says

This is true, and several billion responses like that to even innocent questions are a major reason Trump got elected.

Righteous knee-jerk accusations of (racism|xenophobia|misogyny) are amazingly instant the moment you question even small details of The Narrative.

Zero thought required! No good will either.

I couldn't agree more Patrick.

The last year + of listening to Hillary and Obama speak, all they did were call conservatives names like: racists, xenophobic, misogynistic, bigots, alt-right, right wing extremists, islamaphobic, deplorables, sexists.. etc... and the list goes on and on.

In my non professional opinion, conservatives were mainly concerned about securing our borders, healthcare, & the return of jobs to America (trade). I don't see how any of that translates into all the incorrect name calling the left wing does.

My post illustrates this completely. A thread is started about Michelle being a man (which would explain Obama's agenda), and I'm called a disgusting troll, asshole, a borderline racists - when this post has nothing to do with race, and I didn't even call Michelle a dude.

I think this is a valid discussing, considering "her" physical attributes, and Obama's policies over the last several years.

All this bullshit and special interest pandering were some of the reasons I left the Democrat party.

29   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Nov 12, 8:21am  

If I hurt anyone's feelings by characterizing certain language as disgusting, racist, or classless, I apologize. I certainly didn't want to make anyone feel bad or like they couldn't have a conversation. If you weren't in fact trolling, please continue. I'll try not to hurt anyone's feelings in the future.

Honestly, to me the topic at hand is pretty absurd.

30   Patrick   2016 Nov 12, 8:26am  

YesYNot says

I certainly didn't want to make anyone feel bad or like they couldn't have a conversation. If you weren't in fact trolling, please continue.

Thanks! I'll assume you really mean that.

I wish the whole country were like that.

31   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Nov 12, 10:01am  

rando says

I'll assume you really mean that.

Honestly, I think it's a shame when a serious discussion gets cut off, like what happened to Larry Summers when talking about women in Science. Further, I don't intend to shut down conversations here. I do think it's somewhat ironic that we cannot discuss whether a statement is sexist or racist for fear of offending whoever made the statement. Most speech seems to offend someone, though, doesn't it?

32   joshuatrio   2016 Nov 12, 11:08am  

YesYNot says

If I hurt anyone's feelings by characterizing certain language as disgusting, racist, or classless, I apologize. I certainly didn't want to make anyone feel bad or like they couldn't have a conversation. If you weren't in fact trolling, please continue. I'll try not to hurt anyone's feelings in the future.

I highly doubt anyone's feelings got hurt - especially on an internet forum (truthfully, I could give two giant shits what you call me). I was just pointing out the utter hypocrisy of the left.

YesYNot says

Honestly, to me the topic at hand is pretty absurd.

Not really. If you look at it objectively, it makes sense. While I think Obama is a douche, I have no beef with Michelle. And this actually makes sense on why Obama pandered to the LGBT community.


Michelle used to win hard on contests against the hockey team in high school.


33   turtledove   2016 Nov 12, 12:23pm  

I'll try not to hurt anyone's feelings in the future.

All I know is, I'm deeply offended.

Oh wait... I meant offensive. I sometimes confuse the two.

34   justme   2016 Nov 12, 12:52pm  

joshuatrio says

I'm not big into conspiracy theories, but I always thought "Michelle" looked insanely dude like.

What conspiracy would that be? A conspiracy between your balls to leave you and attach themselves to Michelle Obama?

Even if you (claim you) are not big on conspiracy theories, you ought at least to know what a conspiracy is. I think.

35   Patrick   2016 Nov 12, 2:28pm  

justme says

What conspiracy would that be?

Well, assuming it's true that Michelle is a man (which is super-unlikely but not impossible, imho) then the conspiracy is simply their agreement to cover that up.

36   Shaman   2016 Nov 12, 2:48pm  

I believe it's considered crass to "out" a transgender person of either sex. So even if the obamas were proud of Michelle (or Barack) being transgender, they wouldn't say it. Am I wrong?

38   6b5f   2017 Jan 1, 9:27am  

The truth sucks, and so does Obama!

39   zzyzzx   2018 Nov 21, 9:10am  

I knew it!
40   CBOEtrader   2018 Nov 21, 9:16am  

marcus says
OBama is now guaranteed to be seen as one of America's greatest Presiidents

Only by people who don't care about war, debt, massive expansion and illegal use of the surveillance state, peaceful race relations, or civil rights of the accused and/or white males.

But yeah Obama was totally down w the celebs, so BEST POTUS EVER!!
41   CBOEtrader   2018 Nov 21, 9:19am  

I dont think shes a man, just a muscular woman. Tbf, shes also more attractive than HRC or barb bush. For some reason everyone loved Barbara Bush though.

Also not sure why anyone cares either way, outside of comedic value of watching libs scream racism for an observation.
44   marcus   2018 Dec 2, 7:44pm  

I guess criticizing her for the kind of first lady she was just doesn't have the same kind of social media punch and humor as questioning whether she might be a dude.

I'll be the first to admit that I honestly don't get it. I don't get why it's funny. And I think it's hurtful.

It's as if Trump supporters will never stop wanting to earn that deplorable label .

joshuatrio says
I'm trying to pose a rational argument (as crazy as it might sound) here, about the possibility of Michelle Obama being a man

Yeah, okay.

this meme is a classless prank by people who are as mature as an 8th grader.

I guess that's about as well as it's going to be explained. Although 8th might be a little high. And I still think I'm on to something about some right wingers being not just bullies, but also bad winners. They had just won the election with Trump when this was posted. And it was probably a repost of something Josh got on social media.

Think about that. The timing that is. Trump's election was about ignorance, fear and hate
45   MrMagic   2018 Dec 2, 8:10pm  

marcus says
Think about that. The timing that is. Trump's election was about ignorance, fear and hate

Think about this. The thread was started over two years ago.. Didn't notice that, did ya?

Didn't think so.


marcus says
I guess

46   joshuatrio   2018 Dec 3, 4:10am  

MrMagic says
Think about this. The thread was started over two years ago.. Didn't notice that, did ya?

Lol. Thanks for pointing the obvious out to Marcus.

And for the record, I still think Michelle Obama is a dude (two years later)..
47   Ceffer   2018 Dec 27, 1:42pm  

Michelle Obama has decided to change the name of her new book "Becoming" to "The One With The Penis".
48   Onvacation   2018 Dec 27, 2:03pm  

marcus says

B E C A U S E. Because.
49   MrMagic   2018 Dec 27, 2:33pm  

Ceffer says
Michelle Obama has decided to change the name of her new book "Becoming" to "The One With The Penis".

Barry agrees!

51   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jan 7, 5:20pm  

Wow! pure hatred!
52   CBOEtrader   2019 Jan 7, 5:56pm  

Only if you hate dicks
53   MrMagic   2019 Jan 7, 6:07pm  

CBOEtrader says
Only if you hate dicks

Makes you wonder....
54   MrMagic   2019 Jan 7, 7:13pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Wow! pure hatred!

Do many Black women grab themselves this way?

Hmmm, where have I seen that action before? Oh, yeah:

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