Trump and Carrier reach deal to keep 1000 jobs in US

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2016 Nov 29, 6:54pm   22,204 views  90 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


The Donald Trump team and Carrier have reached an agreement to keep about 1,000 manufacturing jobs in Indiana, fulfilling one of Trump's major campaign promises.

Carrier confirmed the news, first reported by the New York Times, on Twitter.

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1   zzyzzx   2016 Nov 29, 7:25pm  


2   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 29, 7:37pm  

I bet giving in to shut him up was 90% of the reason.

Bet the TDS suffers will hype "He only saved 1000 of 1400 jobs" instead of acknowledging under Hillary, we would have lost all 1400 without the least attempt, even a little public shaming, to stop it.

Bully pulpit!

3   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2016 Nov 29, 10:56pm  

bububut he's a groper!

4   mell   2016 Nov 30, 6:56am  

anonymous says

Here's a disquieting thought...Trump may have just unleashed a new version of "pay to play" - there are three more companies here now who also want "deals" to keep their jobs.

Disagree. As if the companies needed a reminder that they can negotiate for keeping jobs in the US. Nothing has changed for them except for that they have a prez which may impose tariffs or other penalties if they don't negotiate. This is a huge small win for Trump and the mouthbreathing left and economic illiterates such as sheister Krugman have nothing better to offer than cynicism. This is exactly why Trump won and if they don't understand this he will win by a real landslide again in 4 years.

5   Dan8267   2016 Nov 30, 7:03am  

There will always be plenty of jobs sucking bankster cock in America! Benefits include free protein shakes.

6   zzyzzx   2016 Nov 30, 8:02am  

anonymous says

Trump may have just unleashed a new version of "pay to play"

This has already been going on for decades. That and the solution is tariffs. Trump isn't president yet and is only doing what he can, but yes the correct thing to do is to call Carrier and tell them that if the move the factory outside the US, tariff will be imposed. If the design team is outsourced as well, and even higher tariff will be imposed. And the tariffs apply to everyone, not just Carrier. Then remind Carrier that if they move the factory, they will just be moving it back after tariffs are imposed, so they should just keep it in the US and save the money they would have used moving twice.

I'd like to see Trump go after Disney and Mazda.

7   Dan8267   2016 Nov 30, 8:20am  

anonymous says

Here's a disquieting thought...Trump may have just unleashed a new version of "pay to play" - there are three more companies here now who also want "deals" to keep their jobs.

Yes, this is indeed disturbing. From the article,

In March, Carrier, one of the biggest air conditioning companies in the U.S., announced it would close its facility in Indianapolis and move operations to Mexico, eliminating 1,400 jobs.

The deal reportedly will keep a majority of the jobs in the state in exchange for friendlier business regulations and an overhauling of the corporate tax code.

The question is exactly what was in the deal. What "friendlier business regulations" and changes in the tax code were made? Sounds like lowering taxes on the rich and getting rid of environmental and worker protections. In other words, a race to the bottom.

The correct way to deal with the problems of globalization is to deny corporations access to the U.S. market if they move their operations overseas. If we can pass laws prohibiting unauthorized foreigners from working and being productive members of society in the U.S., then for the exact same reason we can prevent these unauthorized foreigners from doing the exact same work for U.S. sold goods produced outside the U.S. It's the same principle.

8   Shaman   2016 Nov 30, 8:23am  

zzyzzx is deplorable says

I'd like to see Trump go after Disney and Mazda

I really really hope he will continue with the crusade and not give in to the globalists. If he falters, stops doing what he was elected to do, and joins the good old boy club, we will vote him out again in 2020.

9   FortWayne   2016 Nov 30, 8:58am  


You won't find this on liberal media outlets.

10   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 30, 9:01am  

anonymous says

You mean the taxpayers are going to be all in for paying multi-nationals to keep their jobs in the country while they reap record profits ? As for the tariffs - that seems to have gotten very quiet in the last few days since most of the focus seems to have pivoted to tax incentives and similar.

We've been giving money - I mean including all the Old Guard Dems like Pelosi and Boxer - to Boeing for decades, flooding them with cash, and they're setting up in China anyway.

McDonald's got taxpayer training subsidies for H1Bs, while laying off American workers.


It's a problem. And it's been going on for a long time.

anonymous says

Bottom line - taxpayers shouldn't have to pay to keep decent paying jobs here. As for the lost revenue to taxes from income and spending related - sure it's a hit on the bottom line - is it fatal - no. Fortunately the bio-tech, sci-tech and others industries are moving in to pick up the slack.

I agree. That's why we need a tariff.

R&D for Tech and Pharma don't create that many jobs. We could multiply the number of people involved in Science R&D 500% and it would barely make a dent in the overall jobs picture. Note: the vast, vast majority of people who work for J&J or Apple aren't at all involved in research and development. We must have decent, low skill jobs for the tens of millions.

And what jobs are created often go to H1Bs.

Remember Hillary was going to "staple" green cards to STEM diplomas of foreign students, issue more H1Bs, and completely dodged the issue of H1Bs as the labor market is glutted with qualified workers.

11   HEY YOU   2016 Nov 30, 9:10am  

Someone tell me how he's going to DRAIN THE SWAMP
while he fills his administration with gators.
I guess one promise is all he needs to keep.
Poor simpleminded trump voters.

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

"He only saved 1000 of 1400 jobs"

Almost missed these numbers. Sorry you 400! You can move overseas & get an outsourced job.
Carrier will not have a price increase to make up the difference for staying in america?
Richard Nixon Trump will freeze prices & let wages rise.
Deal maker extraordinaire!

Damn warning pop-ups: Believing R & D BS will make you stupid.

12   Patrick   2016 Nov 30, 9:11am  

An intelligent post about how the corporate media reflexively casts everything Trump does as bad:

The New York Times and other outlets reported last night that Carrier had agreed to keep approximately 1,000 jobs in Indiana, instead of moving them to Mexico. Trump appears to have made some promise of “regulatory relief” or whatnot in exchange. Let’s assume the broad parameters of this reported “deal” are true, and that the ultimate outcome is approximately 1,000 workers who would’ve otherwise lost their jobs now get to keep them.
The immediate frenzied push to depict this as some kind of obviously “bad” thing speaks to a pathological tendency in the anti-Trump media sphere. Some things that Trump does absolutely will be obviously bad. If he authorizes torture, that will be obviously bad. If he extra-legally imprisons people for burning the American flag, that will be obviously bad.
But this Carrier deal isn’t “obviously” bad. Maybe it has some ancillary drawbacks, and those should be pointed out, but the impulse to make it seem right away as if this is a fraud or a fake really makes little sense, unless you are interested in simply “Opposing Trump” rather than intelligently assessing what's going on.
Here’s a very simple way of looking at it. Harry the Carrier worker was going to lose his job, because it was going to be outsourced to Mexico. As a result of Trump’s “deal,” Harry will now get to keep his job. That’s pretty clearly a positive outcome for Harry. Maybe there will be trade-offs for other actors, and maybe the ultimate economic impact of doing deals like this is sub-optimal, but in a very direct sense Harry benefits as a result of the deal. Therefore, the reflex to immediately cast the deal as “bad’ would make no sense to Harry.


13   zzyzzx   2016 Nov 30, 11:55am  

Dan8267 says

The correct way to deal with the problems of globalization is to deny corporations access to the U.S. market if they move their operations overseas.

True, but foreign companies need to set up manufacturing and R&D in the US if they want to sell here too (I'm specifically talking to you Mazda, and to a lesser extent all the other foreign based auto manufacturers that only have token US auto assembly plants, like Subaru).

14   Dan8267   2016 Nov 30, 12:51pm  

zzyzzx is deplorable says

True, but foreign companies need to set up manufacturing and R&D in the US if they want to sell here too

I don't think we need to go that far. I have no problem with foreign companies selling to the U.S. and producing in their own country provided they meet human and economic rights standards and environmental standards. Foreign companies do not
- trade on the U.S. stock market
- use U.S. land
- consume government resources including military protection
- lobby our government (at least I hope not)

U.S. companies do all these things. They have many privileges, and there are responsibilities that come with those privileges.

There should be some rules for foreign companies that sell in the U.S. market including
1. No use of child labor.
2. No sweet shops.
3. Minimum wage standards
4. Compliance with anti-money-laundering and anti-tax-evasion laws.
5. Not providing material support to terrorist organizations (I'm talking about oil companies in particular).
6. Not engaging in racial oppression like apartheid (I'm talking De Beers).
7. Pollution limits.
8. Not directly or indirectly violating any international agreement such as the banning of whale slaughtering.

Of course, meeting these standards will reduce the cost savings of many foreign adventures making U.S. business more competitive. That happens when you eliminate the race to the bottom.

15   zzyzzx   2016 Dec 1, 4:40am  

Mexico upset that Carrier is staying in the US:

Article commentary is priceless..

16   lostand confused   2016 Dec 1, 5:12am  

Trump negotiates and saves 1000 jobs and families-lefties upset over some nefarious tax implications. But perfectly fine with tax payer money going to illegals and refugees.
Obama signs executive order for unlimited H1B. lefties upset over congress supporting OBama's agenda.


17   Y   2016 Dec 1, 5:28am  

Snowflakes are prone to meltdown with the slightest amount of heat applied...

lostand confused says

Trump negotiates and saves 1000 jobs and families-lefties upset over some nefarious tax implications. But perfectly fine with tax payer money going to illegals and refugees.

Obama signs executive order for unlimited H1B. lefties upset over congress supporting OBama's agenda.


18   Y   2016 Dec 1, 5:33am  

According to trumps modus operandi, I fully expect trump to negotiate with mexico, stopping the flow of jobs southward until the aztecWannabees go ahead and build the wall.
Then he will stiff them with tax incentives to companies like carrier to stay put...
Winning is everything.

zzyzzx is deplorable says

Mexico upset that Carrier is staying in the US:

20   MMR   2016 Dec 1, 7:29am  

zzyzzx is deplorable says

I'd like to see Trump go after Disney and Mazda.

Southern California Edison, TCS and keep a close eye on Infosys

21   MMR   2016 Dec 1, 7:31am  

zzyzzx is deplorable says

Made in USA shoes by New Balance for $30 +postage:


Bought shoes from there before

22   MMR   2016 Dec 1, 7:32am  

Dan8267 says

1. No use of child labor.

Yes, just sell them off to highest bidder or make them child bride instead

23   MMR   2016 Dec 1, 7:59am  

zzyzzx is deplorable says

True, but foreign companies need to set up manufacturing and R&D in the US if they want to sell here too (I'm specifically talking to you Mazda, and to a lesser extent all the other foreign based auto manufacturers that only have token US auto assembly plants, like Subaru).

If plants are moved to US, what would prevent them from being more automated?

24   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 1, 1:01pm  


CNN's Suzanne Malveaux is on the ground in Indianapolis with reaction to President-elect Donald Trump's "deal" with Carrier to keep manufacturing jobs in the United States.

The only people bitching about Trump's deal are the ones who didn't raise a voice, or lift less a finger, to stop Carrier leaving in the first place.

Typical low-energy arm chair quarterbacking.

In fact they were mostly those who said "It's international competition. Competition is good! Workers should compete for jobs from employers globally. Gotta go - off to my tenured SEIU/Public School Teaching job!"

25   joeyjojojunior   2016 Dec 1, 1:16pm  

Nothing says "getting tough with corporations" like a $7MM giveaway. Trump really showed United Technologies a thing or two, didn't he.

All it took was the bully pulpit..... and a $7MM check.

26   finehoe   2016 Dec 1, 1:28pm  

What a deal like this does is incentivize other CEOs to threaten to offshore their companies unless the United States president offers them a specific deal to stay. The companies that spend the most on lobbying will gain access to such negotiations. Trump will negotiate with individual CEOs, one at a time, instead of working on policies that might create conditions for all companies to stay in the United States. The workers still won’t have a seat at the table and will be subject to the whims of the wealthy executives — same as it ever was.

27   HEY YOU   2016 Dec 1, 1:30pm  

Trump MAGA
Carrier will pay massive tariffs on anything that is outsourced when it crosses the border.
Democrats.progressives,independents BOYCOTT NEW BALANCE.
Are all their materials made by other americans in american factories? Who did they support for president? Take a guess.What part of New Balance has involved imported materials in their total operation.

Guess everyone missed this link in another thread by the brilliant HEY YOU.
"Since the company had originally put more than 2,000 at risk — 1,400 at the Indianapolis plant and 700 at the Huntington plant owned by Carrier’s parent company, United Technologies — the difference between those numbers mean that at least some production will move south of the border and more than half of the jobs will go with it. Fortune reports that 1,300 jobs will go to Mexico: 600 from the Indianapolis plant and the 700 in Huntington."

"The details of how Trump and Pence managed to convince Carrier to keep some production in the United States are also dubious. Neither side has officially released the terms of the deal they struck,"

Too bad all the quarterbacks on patnet haven't read the play book.
Does anyone have the full terms of the deal?
Wonder if one of the stipulations is : FUCK americans that lose jobs?


28   HEY YOU   2016 Dec 1, 1:42pm  

joeyjojojunior says

All it took was the bully pulpit..... and a $7MM check.

Hope to know exactly where the money comes from.
Certainly not from tax dollars. Wouldn't that be Rep/Con/Tea Neo-Nazi Socialist
govt. interference in FREE MARKET ENTERPRISE.

29   HEY YOU   2016 Dec 1, 1:45pm  

What's the individual cost per union jobs?
How many are Trump voters?

30   HEY YOU   2016 Dec 1, 2:01pm  

anonymous says

Trump did announce Carrier would be sinking 18MM into the plant and expanding during the next two years. No one wants to commit past two years.

18MM minus 7MM= ?

“It is not good enough to save some of these jobs,” Sanders wrote. “Trump made a promise that he would save all of these jobs, and we cannot rest until an ironclad contract is signed to ensure that all of these workers are able to continue working in Indiana without having their pay or benefits slashed.”

"Indeed, making a deal with one company does nothing to save jobs for the thousands of workers at other American companies still planning to shift production abroad."
This multi-tasking by Rep/Con/Tea/Neo-Nazis is beyond their brain functions.
How many of this slime will lose their jobs in other outsourcing corps?
Trump can use millions of tax dollars to save jobs. Rightwing SOCIALIST!


31   mell   2016 Dec 1, 2:42pm  

Yeah the problem is Sanders can't get anything done because he cucks majorly every-time the DNC - another organisation run into the ground by 'empowered' women - hyenas demand from him to leave his dick at the front desk to render him defenseless when they conspire against him and place their favorite womyn on the top of the org chain, not to be questioned! Instead of lashing out at Trump Sanders should take a page from Trump's excellent alpha-game and next time slam his dick on the table and demand the DNC to be disbanded unless they make him their lead candidate.

32   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 1, 3:32pm  

anonymous says

Personally I see Carrier / UTC playing the game for the next two years, then making a "business decision" to refocus on their core businesses that produce the highest shareholder value and dump the Carrier operations on to someone.

Like Boeing.

Didn't Boeing open a plant in China after receiving taxpayer countless millions over the past decade or so not to outsource?

Let's ask Rick Larsen (D-WA)

33   lostand confused   2016 Dec 1, 3:49pm  

HEY YOU says

It is not good enough to save some of these jobs,” Sanders wrote

True and how long has Sanders been in the senate and what has he done?? I think the lefties are scared their fake pretend act of caring for the little guy is tumbling down. They throw a few words, then collected gazillions from the wealthy and pretended to care. That charade is being ripped apart by Trump-who is not even President yet. I mean he got rid of the tPP. It will be real interesting to see what he does whne he gets in office.

A doer for a change vs a bunch of talkers.

34   lostand confused   2016 Dec 1, 7:06pm  

Trump saves a 1000 jobs, dems lose it and are angry. You wonder why the middle voted for trump?

35   lostand confused   2016 Dec 1, 7:20pm  

Ironman says

What the fuck is up with the delusional Dems?? Trump isn't even officially President yet and he's making efforts to keep jobs here but the fucked in the head Dems are complaining about it already.

That is what surprises me about these phony dems. I mean in places like where carrier is located, this is entire families saved. I think maybe these dems just like people in welfare and handouts and they get to be the great leader who doles out cash. Independent working people with minds of their own must scare them. It does not lead well to group think.

These people are disgusting. 1000 families saved and all you can say is some conspiracy and that dinosaur sellout commie bernie-LOL!!

36   indigenous   2016 Dec 1, 10:16pm  

The million dollar question, is this a one off deal or will changed regulations/taxes make this happen for many?

37   MMR   2016 Dec 1, 10:57pm  

HEY YOU says

Someone tell me how he's going to DRAIN THE SWAMP

Drain swamp is just feel good bs like:

"Hope and change"

38   joeyjojojunior   2016 Dec 2, 7:01am  

"1000 families saved and all you can say is some conspiracy and that dinosaur sellout commie bernie-LOL!!"

No, not a conspiracy. It was a deal-just a really crappy one. Trump bought off United Technologies. If that's going to be how Trump "saves" jobs, I'm afraid we're going to run out of money. Why don't you ask the Indiana taxpayers how they like subsidizing Carrier for the next 10 years?

What happened to getting tough with corporations? Tariffs on imports? Fines for outsourcing?

39   MMR   2016 Dec 2, 7:26am  

anonymous says

Made in USA shoes by New Balance for $99 and free shipping - http://www.newbalance.com/pd/new-balance-3040/M3040-V1.html?dwvar_M3040-V1_color=White_with_Silver_and_Classic%20Blue#color=White_with_Silver_and_Classic Blue

"We are proud to be the only major company to "make or assemble" more than 4 million pairs of athletic footwear per year in the USA, which represents a limited portion of our US sales."

"Where the domestic value is at least 70%, we label our shoes Made in the USA."

New Balance Acknowledges Shoe Materials Aren't All U.S. Made, Only About 70% of Their Value Reflects Domestic Content and Labor.


Regarding new balance, how does that match up
With nike and adidas, among otherS?

40   Y   2016 Dec 2, 7:28am  

What happened to taking office first?
When did the lame duck president have to leave office early well, because he's a lame duck?

joeyjojojunior says

What happened to getting tough with corporations? Tariffs on imports? Fines for outsourcing?

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