Truth About the Alt-Right and Milo Yiannopoulos

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2016 Dec 5, 10:25am   9,140 views  5 comments

by CaltRightCrazy   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Breitbart's alt-right darling Milo Yiannopoulos is a Jewish gay promoting anti-intellectual "troll culture" bigotry, misogyny, anti-semetic, memes, clichés, using identity politics to moan for white male non-jewish, "genocide" victim sheep. Indecency for the sake of indecency.

You know, cucks, The only thing you got is anonymity and stale terms, repetitious memes and a stupid cartoon frog.




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1   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 5, 10:56am  

The Gay Left should be commending the guy, he's brought a breath of freshair to the LBGT argument.
"Shut the Fuck up already" is his message. "You're gay not the fucking king of everything goes."

2   finehoe   2016 Dec 5, 11:32am  

I have to give Milo credit. At least he is open about liking dick, as opposed to most cons/Republicans who have sex in public toilets and truck stops before going home to their Christian wives.

3   zzyzzx   2016 Dec 5, 4:29pm  

zzyzzx is deplorable says


You say memes as if they were a bad thing.

4   marcus   2016 Dec 5, 9:45pm  

SJWs of the trigglypuff variety are a problem on college campuses. But the democrats and or progressive liberals that are actually cranked up about those SJW issues, such as what pronouns to use for how ever many genders there supposedly are now ? It's about 5% at most of democrats and progressives.

It's true that liberals have dropped the ball when it comes to fighting for substantive issues that matter. They had it going for a while with the "occupy" movement - but that was not well enough planned, focussed or sustained. There wasn't a follow up plan or political movement to accompany it.

I think the reason they dropped the ball is the fact that there aren't easy answers to the wealth inequality problem as it's currently defined. You can't simply tax the rich more (although it would be nice). You can't bring low wage labor back to the U.S.. And if you could it doesn't solve anything. Until we have a HUGE shift in our economic system, the shrinking middle class, and declining standard of living for many in the working class will continue.

It simply isn't ready to be addressed. But the right wing is doing it's best to expedite things to where it will be bad enough that it must be addressed.

If we were going to be able to address and tweak our system sooner rather than later, Warren buffet has a lot of good ideas that might be implemented before things get to a crisis stage. Too bad Trump isn't turning to him as a billionaire to have on one of his .01 percenter committees.


5   Dan8267   2016 Dec 6, 12:00pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

You use the term "liberal" in a way that is orthogonal to the left-right divide.

There is no proper way to use the word liberal that isn't orthogonal to the left-right divide. Both the left and the right are conservative. Both believe in using state violence to enforce cultural preferences. The differ only in which arbitrary cultural preferences to enforce.

Heraclitusstudent says

And if you do that, then "liberal" doesn't mean left.

Of course it's not. I've been saying that for years. A leftist says that hate speech and offensive speech should be banned from campus. A liberal says that although he strongly disagrees with what you say, he will defend with his life your right to say it. That's completely different.

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