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Every atrocity in history now makes sense to me.
Karloff says
Every atrocity in history now makes sense to me.
COVID was the greatest lesson of all in my life. How flippin' stupid people are, they will dismiss Natural Immunity, the definition of vaccines, and all the other shit they learned their whole freakin' lives and just obey the Current Thing from the Authorities.
And being an MD or whatever is no insurance, much less a BA.
AmericanKulak says
Karloff says
Every atrocity in history now makes sense to me.
COVID was the greatest lesson of all in my life. How flippin' stupid people are, they will dismiss Natural Immunity, the definition of vaccines, and all the other shit they learned their whole freakin' lives and just obey the Current Thing from the Authorities.
And being an MD or whatever is no insurance, much less a BA.
100% the government lost more trust with Covid than any other even in recent history. Permanent loss of trust that will not go away until the affected population is completely gone which will take generations.
Bill Clinton is lying as usual.
No fucking way was he that upset that his harpy hag bitch wife Hillary lost to Trump.
Within two weeks, she'll be fucking this guy.
Every atrocity in history now makes sense to me.
What's interesting to me is how she never even considers that the guy might have very good reasons for his beliefs. She doesn't want to know.
Which is more than can be said for the people she ate
Maga_Chaos_Monkey says
Pffft... Because it's Gorlock the Destroyer obviously.
the authoritarian/leftist intersect seems to always focus on individuals and avatars as “prime movers” imbuing movements and times with purpose and doctrine. they do not become fixated upon the positions or the values of that which they oppose so much as the people. the idea of emergent order or opinion is conspicuously absent.
they may care about roe v wade or climate, but it’s always “trump did this” and “musk did that” and always myopia and selective blindness to european standards for abortion or celebrities taking private jets to collect climate awards. there is no consistency nor any seeming whole or holistic framework.
such variance of standard on in group/out group belies a lack of general case logical or ethical thinking or extrapolation from first principles. instead, this collage of viewpoints tends to be tribal allegiance rather than intellectual underpinning. the fact that the tribe has mistaken itself for intellectual and critical (right down to naming their theories after it) makes this far more flagrant. in fact, this is, to great extent what gives rise to the problem:
there is no critical thinking allowed in critical race or gender theory. ...
so what is taught instead is the aping of critical thinking by the rote memorization of case by case tribal position enabling and ennobling what ultimately amount to arbitrary sets of rules to “be in the tribe” and be told you’re a good little boy or girl or whatever dizzyingly complex bespoke pronouned ersatz identity has been foisted upon you.
this elevates a very different sort of person to prominence, captive thinkers and memorizers rather than free thinkers and analyzers.
it’s also simply awful for those who do think critically, a suppressive tour of false education and assessment, a doctrinaire force feeding devoid of nourishment. it drives them away. selection become adverse.
and pretty soon you have a complex system of thought that few (if any) of the individuals who comprise it are capable of actually assessing for accuracy or consistency. everyone is just following some guru who followed some other guru turtles all the way down until just about no one has any ideas what any of this means and a few “bosses” are interpreting everything for everyone with the hyper-prickly exclusionist zeal of medieval popes.
what pervades is not as spirit of inquiry but rather one of inquisition.
meanwhile, such a system is infinitely seductive to low identity followers who form the marrow and musculature of a new sort of cargo clerisy. these are the “upper midwits” who so willingly subsume self to the useful idiocy of playing at tribal teleological enforcer because to gain the coveted hall monitor sash and lord power and position over those smarter than one, all one need do is memorize by rote, regurgitate upon demand, and brook no deviation or dissent. you just learn whatever new word be it “racist” or “sexist” or “fascist” or “transphobe” that has been semantically mapped onto “heretic” and off you go! easy peasy.
the selector is not for intellect but rather for obedience.
as a result this scupper collects all the aspiring head girls and lead boys as it offers the promise of vaulting the lesser up onto the vaunted perches of elite intellect by displacing and discrediting those who belonged there.
perversely, this seems to carry with it an inherent need for the organizing dogmas to be false, even ostentatiously so.
after all, what better way to purge the sound of mind and extensive of vision than to claim that up is down, sideways is straight, and ruin is renovation until no right thinking person can inhabit the hallucinatory landscapes of your contrived cancel culture?
what could be a more perfect strainer to remove competence and accuracy and supplant it with doctrinaire dictatorship than immediately casting anyone who gets the right answer to “how many genders am i holding up, winston?” into the struggle sessions of cancel culture and branding them bigot and oppressor? ...
and so it is natural for them to presume that other ecosystems function likewise. but they don’t. those capable of critical thinking did not go away. they did not stop thinking, they were silenced, buried beneath omerta and proscription. ...
the university as institution has been destroyed and stripped of its original purpose, colonized by weak, useless people, but the purpose itself perseveres persisting and thriving in new environs and ushering in an era of unprecedented access and true popular populism in intellectual, economic, political, and philosophical ideation.
social media is the new academy. ...
the authoritarian left experiences this as assault and erasure, as genocide. they keep doubling down on “but muh credential” and “but all this stuff i memorized” but bringing doctrine to a critical thinking fight is like bringing concrete foot blocks to a game of tag: you just lose. bigly. ...
the whole thing has become wonderfully self defeating, a doubling down on becoming less rational and less consistent and ever more dogmatically demanding with each new interaction with the very critical thought the authority left apes but cannot achieve. each iteration invites and enables the next takedown and weakening of “the campus” yet further.
it’s like fighting ants with jam.
this battle is long since over.
and the fun is just getting going as we retake that which was ours.
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Post your examples of TDS here.
I'll start with a Shtetl Maus possessing great neurosis.