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Yup, I find his winning attitude refreshing, of course at the expense of PC.
"The President Who Buried Humility
Donald Trump’s inauguration heralds a new age
of arrogance and says something sad and scary."
That's the kind of President we need. A man with balls who can get things done.
A nice guy like Obama has no chances of standing up to our enemies.
Liberals are soulless gutless sanctimonious fuckheads.
When the Nigger got elected they hijacked free thought and anyone opposed was deemed racist.
We played along, in fact I never used the word "Nigger" before then. But it describes Obama and those like him that will race bait and divide this country, to a Tee.
Fuck you Liberal shitbirds, the PEOPLE don't give a fuck what you think Motherfuckers.
You lie you lie you lie, then you elect Muslim floor kissing Kenyans to destroy this country while you label Americans criminal.
Fuck off we don't give two fucking shits what you think about President Donald Trump.
It's an American thing you Commie Chicken shit bastards don't get it.
@TPB - per your comments in the last 72 hours, same for Ironman...
Apparently enough to make this post...
When the Nigger got elected they hijacked free thought and anyone opposed was deemed racist.
Fuck off we don't give two fucking shits what you think about President Donald Trump.
It's an American thing you Commie Chicken shit bastards don't get it.
I used to think you were just gullible, and not very bright. Now I'm thinking you're mentally ill. Get help man.
Or perhaps you're a troll in Romania that makes a great living with fake news websites ? YOu should look in to the fake news website business if you haven't already. It would match up well with your personality. They can be done from Florida too you know. There's no law against them yet. Do yourself a favor though if you do.Try not to drink the cool aid so much. What kind of a person is it anyway, that can make up a lie, and deeply believe it almost instantly ?
Oh yeah, that would bring me back to the mental illness thing. Too much weed perhaps ? I understand it can cause schizophrenia (i.e. being totally out of touch with reality).
Seriously, seek help while you still have health insurance.