Leaked Republican Bill Aims To "Completely Abolish" The EPA

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2017 Feb 1, 3:58pm   25,131 views  105 comments

by indigenous   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


The events of the last two weeks have been described by Jon Stewart as 'purposeful, vindictive chaos,' and this new GOP bill is no exception to this.

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2   HEY YOU   2017 Feb 1, 5:10pm  

Delete the EPA!
How many Republican have lead,mercury,glyphosate,etc. in their organs?
Sorry your children are sick.
No problem! trumpcare will handle 100% of medical bills.

3   AllTruth   2017 Feb 1, 5:48pm  

Fucking imbeciles.

It will be like Charles Dickens' time again, with black lung & children chimney sweeps.

5   anonymous   2017 Feb 1, 9:40pm  

I disagree with abolishing the EPA, but I want it leaned down as much as possible. We need an agency to ensure our environment is protected.

6   patriotgamer148   2017 Feb 1, 9:42pm  

just any guy says

I disagree with abolishing the EPA, but I want it leaned down as much as possible. We need an agency to ensure our environment is protected.

7   indigenous   2017 Feb 1, 10:30pm  

The fact is that there is a VERY workable system already extant to replace the EPA at a much lower cost and vastly more effective.

It is called common law. When someone is damaged by a person or company the court needs to make that person whole again by a streamlined geterdone court system that actually creates tort justice.

It is not a new idea.

8   bob2356   2017 Feb 2, 4:22am  

indigenous says

It is called common law. When someone is damaged by a person or company the court needs to make that person whole again by a streamlined geterdone court system that actually creates tort justice.

It is not a new idea.

The funniest thing ever posted on patnet. Is it crowded up in your brain with santa clause, the easter bunny, and sugar plum fairies dancing around? Joe average blow is certainly going to be able to hire a legal team to go up against the koch brothers legal team. Cut to rocky theme song.

9   indigenous   2017 Feb 2, 4:47am  

Why don't you ask Phillip Morris about that?

BTW any real advances come from technology.

Or do you believe the magical government agency earns it's keep? Like OSHA, AQMD, Dept of Energy, etc ad naseum.

That requires some real humor...

10   bob2356   2017 Feb 2, 5:37am  

indigenous says

Why don't you ask Phillip Morris about that?

BTW any real advances come from technology.

Or do you believe the magical government agency earns it's keep? Like OSHA, AQMD, Dept of Energy, etc ad naseum.

That requires some real humor...

Have you been smoking the captains dope?

Ask philip morris about what, they were sued by the DOJ. DOJ is a government agency.

Real advances in what? Babble much?

When I grew up in the 50's/60.s most major waterways were severely polluted to the point where many didn't support life (the cuyahoga river in cleveland actually caught fire 13 times), the major cities had many days they weren't even able to be seen because of the smog cloud, and there were thousands of toxics dumps (the superfund sites) all over the country. Today America is one of (in the top 20) the least polluted countries in the world. Yes I think the EPA has earned it's keep. Feel free to visit china if you want to experience what pre EPA america was like.

Maybe you should learn what government agencies do. Government agencies administer and enforce the laws. Simple as that. Nothing magic about it. But in your tinker bell world first there should be no laws. Businesses are after all good citizens that have only the good of the country at heart. They would never dump toxic waste all over the country or have their employees work with carcinogens with no protection of any kind. This has never happened. But if there were a law businesses would of course obey it faithfully without question so there would be no need for agencies. They have always done it in the past. Pixie dust and magic wands for you.

12   indigenous   2017 Feb 2, 6:57am  

bob2356 says

Ask philip morris about what, they were sued by the DOJ. DOJ is a government agency.

So they weren't stopped in a court of law? Somehow the law has nothing to do with this because it was a government agency?

bob2356 says

most major waterways were severely polluted

Yup the tragedy of the commons, the solution is private property as then the offending companies would be sued. E.G. train companies were often sued for damaging crops or even someone's clothing being damaged by embers coming from the train's coal engine.

If you don't think technology had anything to do with the reduction in pollution (that you want to obsequiously slather over the EPA) you are uniformed.

bob2356 says

Government agencies administer and enforce the laws.

The law is the vehicle I'm talking about. Mostly what the agencies do is create empires built on regulations. No magic just exploitation at the end of a gun/force.

13   patriotgamer148   2017 Feb 2, 7:01am  

indigenous says

The law is the vehicle I'm talking about.

15   bob2356   2017 Feb 2, 8:01am  

indigenous says

bob2356 says

Government agencies administer and enforce the laws.

The law is the vehicle I'm talking about. Mostly what the agencies do is create empires built on regulations. No magic just exploitation at the end of a gun/force.

Regulations are the law you dolt. The law lays out a principle. Regulations implement it. Mises didn't explain that to you?

16   bob2356   2017 Feb 2, 8:06am  

indigenous says

bob2356 says

Ask philip morris about what, they were sued by the DOJ. DOJ is a government agency.

So they weren't stopped in a court of law? Somehow the law has nothing to do with this because it was a government agency?

Contradict yourself much? You said "if someone is damaged". Someone is a person. The DOJ is a government agency enforcing the law, You are advocating getting rid of government agencies that enforce the law.

17   indigenous   2017 Feb 2, 8:09am  

bob2356 says

Regulations are the law you dolt. The law lays out a principle. Regulations implement it. Mises didn't explain that to you?

Gees Bobby I didn't realize you were so emotional.

What color is the sky in your world?

As stated previously these agencies that pull the regulation out of their ass, are there to enhance their own interests at the expense of almost everyone else, that is the magic of government that you obsequiously enshrine.

18   bob2356   2017 Feb 2, 8:14am  

indigenous says

bob2356 says

most major waterways were severely polluted

Yup the tragedy of the commons, the solution is private property as then the offending companies would be sued. E.G. train companies were often sued for damaging crops or even someone's clothing being damaged by embers coming from the train's coal engine

So the thousands of toxic waste dumps, mostly on private land owned by the polluters, fit into this vision how? Who do you sue about an abandoned toxic waste dump that belonged to a company that doesn't exist any more now polluting your well.

How do we make air private property? Who do we sue for toxins in the air we breath.

How do we make entire watersheds private property? Which upstream polluter do we sue if there are many?

You totally dodged the relevant question, as always. How does an individual hire lawyers to take on a huge multinational corporation. I'll be waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting. As always.

I didn't see any of your case law about burning ember case law from 100 years ago. Want to provide a link.

19   bob2356   2017 Feb 2, 8:16am  

indigenous says

bob2356 says

Regulations are the law you dolt. The law lays out a principle. Regulations implement it. Mises didn't explain that to you?

Gees Bobby I didn't realize you were so emotional.

What color is the sky in your world?

As stated previously these agencies that pull the regulation out of their ass, are there to enhance their own interests at the expense of almost everyone else, that is the magic of government that you obsequiously enshrine.

Not all emotional. Just amazed that anyone could be so ignorant of the system of government they live under.

20   indigenous   2017 Feb 2, 8:23am  

bob2356 says

How do we make air private property?

bob2356 says

How does an individual hire lawyers to take on a huge multinational corporation.

Yes who will build the roads blah blah

Here is one, didn't even have to go back a decade, is the Burlington Northern big enough for you?


21   indigenous   2017 Feb 2, 8:25am  

bob2356 says

Not all emotional. Just amazed that anyone could be so ignorant of the system of government they live under.

Back at ya, amazed that anyone could be so ignorant of the VERY mechanism that drives the standard of living this country enjoys.

22   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Feb 2, 9:36am  

indigenous says

BTW any real advances come from technology.

It takes technology and gov orgs such as the DOE and EPA to make improvements. Alt energy companies are getting funding from the DOE to help take technology to market. Fuel standards such as CAFE are legislated. They create the market that drives product development as well as research. Technology eventually allows companies to achieve standards, but they would never develop the technology if the standards were not in place in the first place.

23   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 2, 9:59am  

Holy shit!! You people are all MORONS. The EPA is protecting the environment!!!???

Let's ask the tribes along the Colorado River how that's working out for them...

24   indigenous   2017 Feb 2, 10:43am  

YesYNot says

It takes technology and gov orgs such as the DOE and EPA to make improvements.

The fuck they do, they react and regulate, they can mandate whatever they want it doesn't make it so.YesYNot says

They create the market that drives product development as well as research. Technology eventually allows companies to achieve standards, but they would never develop the technology if the standards were not in place in the first place.

The fuck they do you have it exactly backwards.

25   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 2, 10:45am  


You're an idiot. No company would EVER spend a dime on new cleaner technology if it wasn't mandated by the EPA or similar government agency.

Companies exist for one reason--to make profit. If polluting is more profitable, they will pollute 100 times out of 100.

26   indigenous   2017 Feb 2, 10:49am  

joeyjojojunior says

Companies exist for one reason--to make profit. If polluting is more profitable, they will pollute 100 times out of 100.

Spoken like a true Lefty. The customer tells the companies what to build with their spending. Government meddles this process

27   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 2, 10:49am  

"Spoken like a true Lefty. The customer tells the companies what to build with their spending. Government meddles this process"

And how does that have anything to do with the fact that companies exist only to make profit?

28   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 2, 10:50am  

joeyjojojunior says

You're an idiot. No company would EVER spend a dime on new cleaner technology if it wasn't mandated by the EPA or similar government agency.

Yeah, what an economic boon that's been. How many "green" companies where started and went under the past 8 years? How many had execs with direct ties to feds? Although that does lead perfectly into...
joeyjojojunior says

Companies exist for one reason--to make profit.

And they do, at our expense. Or did you think the government somehow earned that money they're giving away?

29   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 2, 10:53am  

Tim Aurora says

All type of companies go under.

At the rate of 80% for the industry? Why not when the CEO is guaranteed to come out in the black thanks to our tax dollars.

30   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 2, 10:54am  

Tim Aurora says

If you are not so worried about pollution try living next to a nuclear or a coal power plant.

Maybe you didn't see my picture of what the EPA does. Maybe YOU should go drink some of that kool.. er water.
NuttBoxer says

31   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 2, 10:56am  

"Yeah, what an economic boon that's been. How many "green" companies where started and went under the past 8 years? How many had execs with direct ties to feds? Although that does lead perfectly into..."

Who cares? The issue of government funding of green initiatives is completely separate from the EPA.

"And they do, at our expense. Or did you think the government somehow earned that money they're giving away?"

What are you talking about? We're talking about the EPA--not government grants.

32   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 2, 10:56am  

"Maybe you didn't see my picture of what the EPA does. Maybe YOU should go drink some of that kool.. er water"

Great--what actions did the EPA take to do that?

I'm assuming they issued a regulation requiring pollution of the river?

33   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 2, 10:57am  

Let's get the cards on the table here. All of you support the EPA because your a bunch of fat lazy fucks, who want someone else to do their job of keeping the earth clean. Far be it from you to ever start a compost pile, recycle anything without being told to, or consume less.

34   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 2, 10:58am  

Tim Aurora says

Remember the dot com boom. That was even the worse survival rate

Who was throwing the money into that? You aren't comparing apples with apples...

35   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 2, 10:59am  

"Let's get the cards on the table here. All of you support the EPA because your a bunch of fat lazy fucks, who want someone else to do their job of keeping the earth clean. Far be it from you to ever start a compost pile, recycle anything without being told to, or consume less."

Yep. Let's do it. I want the EPA because I know that fat lazy fucks like you won't do jack shit because you'd rather earn an extra $0.50 instead of changing a process to become more environmentally friendly. And the only language you understand is $$ so we need a government agency with the ability to levy large fines.

36   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 2, 11:00am  

joeyjojojunior says

Who cares? The issue of government funding of green initiatives is completely separate from the EPA.

Really, so the EPA exists on who's dime? If you can't make the connection between backdoor deals and government agencies, then you'll never understand why the EPA doesn't give a shit about pollution.

37   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 2, 11:01am  

"Really, so the EPA exists on who's dime? If you can't make the connection between backdoor deals and government agencies, then you'll never understand why the EPA doesn't give a shit about pollution."

OK, educate me. Show me the backdoor deals that connect the EPA to the government funding from completely separate agencies.

38   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 2, 11:03am  

joeyjojojunior says

Yep. Let's do it. I want the EPA because I know that fat lazy fucks like you won't do jack shit because you'd rather earn an extra $0.50 instead of changing a process to become more environmentally friendly. And the only language you understand is $$ so we need a government agency with the ability to levy large fines.

Instead of proving me wrong by stating how YOU protect the environment, you just parroted my post. I don't need the EPA to keep my yard clean, turn off my lights when I'm not using them, install energy saving bulbs, compost, eat organic, garden, pick up garbage around my house(even next to my property). But then again, I'm not a...
NuttBoxer says

fat lazy fuck

39   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 2, 11:05am  

"Instead of proving me wrong by stating how YOU protect the environment, you just parroted my post. I don't need the EPA to keep my yard clean, turn off my lights when I'm not using them, install energy saving bulbs, compost, eat organic, garden, pick up garbage around my house(even next to my property). But then again, I'm not a..."

You think the EPA exists to keep your lawn clean?? What the hell is wrong with you??

You think they go around looking for Sanford and Son?

40   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 2, 11:08am  

joeyjojojunior says

You think the EPA exists to keep your lawn clean?? What the hell is wrong with you??

You haven't responded back with a single thing that you do that shows you care about the environment, I've responded with multiple. You are the person I meant to insult in every post here, glad I drew your hypocritical, do nothing, wasteful ass.

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