by marcus ➕follow (7) 💰tip ignore
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People voted for Trump because they were vulnerable to believing glorious lies, and al the other emotional buttons he pushes.
This is probably what jazz meant by "glorious lies." "He talked about bringing back their jobs back from China" so what ?
With the December jobs number, President Trump now has two full years of economic performance to compare with his predecessor, President Obama. The two biggest statistical standouts are:
Manufacturing jobs are growing at a 714% faster clip under Trump than over a similar time under Obama, and;
Under Obama, federal state and local government employment grew 6 times faster than did manufacturing jobs, while under Trump, that ratio has been reversed, with manufacturing jobs growing 5 times faster than government jobs.
The idea that immigrant (including illegal) nannies, landscape workers, farm workers, or cheap construction workers (in the non union construction job states), are a significant downward force on wages is extremely questionable in my book
This is a typical story of the problem with illegal immigration and jobs in Chicago. Cloverhill bakery hired over 800 illegals to work for about $10/hour for 10-12 hours a day. But after the raid on illegals at the company, they were left with 800 jobs to fill. So they hired blacks. The blacks were paid at a higher wage a minimum hourly wage of $14/hour.
Villegas says blacks have been pitted against Hispanics in the day-labor world “for quite some time. African-Americans were discriminated against because day-labor agencies knew they could take advantage of the undocumented workers. Everybody who wants to work should have a fair opportunity and not be taken advantage of.”
Or maybe they voted against Hillary?
Wouldn't it be nice to have a candidate to vote for instead of against?
They voted for Trump primarily because Trump talked about bringing back their jobs from China, and preventing our owners from forcing wages for poor US citizens even lower via the mass import of illegals.
Manufacturing jobs are growing at a 714% faster clip under Trump than over a similar time under Obama, and;
Under Obama, federal state and local government employment grew 6 times faster than did manufacturing jobs, while under Trump, that ratio has been reversed, with manufacturing jobs growing 5 times faster than government jobs.
If you're pro-illegal, you're depriving black US citizens of jobs.
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