Another reason to revoke religious privilege and ban religions

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2017 Feb 23, 8:43pm   34,646 views  230 comments

by Dan8267   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

After refusing to watch LGBT diversity video, Social Security judge sues to avoid being fired

Again, how is religion in general and Christianity in particular not harmful to our society?

#politics #religion

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81   Dan8267   2017 Feb 26, 10:37am  

Strategist says

So you blame Christianity for the crimes of ISIS. Wow.

If Christianity never existed, nor would Islam which was based on it. The world is highly interconnected. Your inability to understand that is a failing of your simple-mindedness. Of course religions don't act in a vacuum, and Islam's history is highly intertwined with Christianity's history. And ISIS in particular is a direct result of Christian George W. Bush's "crusade" -- his own words.

Just because you take a simple view of the world does not mean the world fits that simple view.

82   Strategist   2017 Feb 26, 10:40am  

junkmail says

I'm 100% with Dan on this. I've been an atheist for 40 years.

I can proudly state I have been an atheist since puberty. Religion never made sense to me then, it does not make sense to me now.

83   Strategist   2017 Feb 26, 10:44am  

Dan8267 says

And ISIS in particular is a direct result of Christian George W. Bush's "crusade" -- his own words.

It's a myth. Islam has always been a barbaric religion. Only Muslims can be blamed for anything to do with Islam. Stop blaming others.

84   Dan8267   2017 Feb 26, 10:56am  

Hardly a myth.

Former U.S. Military Official Says George W. Bush Created ISIS

The Iraq war was "a huge error," he said, adding that the fall of Saddam Hussein presented an opportunity for groups like ISIS to grow.

"As brutal as Saddam Hussein was, it was a mistake to just eliminate him," he told the magazine. " ... The historic lesson is that it was a strategic failure to go into Iraq. History will not be and should not be kind with that decision."

For The Record, Yes, George W. Bush Did Help Create ISIS

Thousands of well-trained Sunni officers were robbed of their livelihood with the stroke of a pen. In doing so, America created its most bitter and intelligent enemies. Bakr went underground and met Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Anbar Province in western Iraq. Zarqawi, a Jordanian by birth, had previously run a training camp for international terrorist pilgrims in Afghanistan. Starting in 2003, he gained global notoriety as the mastermind of attacks against the United Nations, US troops and Shiite Muslims. He was even too radical for former Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden. Zarqawi died in a US air strike in 2006.

Although Iraq’s dominant Baath Party was secular, the two systems ultimately shared a conviction that control over the masses should lie in the hands of a small elite that should not be answerable to anyone — because it ruled in the name of a grand plan, legitimized by either God or the glory of Arab history. The secret of IS’ success lies in the combination of opposites, the fanatical beliefs of one group and the strategic calculations of the other.

So no, you don't get to rewrite history.

85   Strategist   2017 Feb 26, 11:05am  

Dan8267 says

Thousands of well-trained Sunni officers were robbed of their livelihood with the stroke of a pen. In doing so, America created its most bitter and intelligent enemies. Bakr went underground and met Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Anbar Province in western Iraq. Zarqawi, a Jordanian by birth, had previously run a training camp for international terrorist pilgrims in Afghanistan. Starting in 2003, he gained global notoriety as the mastermind of attacks against the United Nations, US troops and Shiite Muslims. He was even too radical for former Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden. Zarqawi died in a US air strike in 2006.

No one asked these people to become terrorists and kill babies. It was their choice, inspired by Islam.
Would they have become terrorists if they were Buddhists? Absolutely not. They are terrorists because they follow the path of their terrorist founder, Mohammad.
So no, you don't get to make up myths.

86   FortWayne   2017 Feb 26, 11:18am  

Dan8267 says

Was Nazi Germany a moral society? It was a Christian society and very anti-gay.

Were the Spanish conquistadors moral? Were not the genocides of Native Americans by Christians a huge moral failure? Or are you going to blame that on the gays as well.

Those are unrelated to the topic. We were talking about Romans, the Sodom and Gomorrah. Way to go off on tangent instead of dealing with reality Dan, so typical of you.

87   NDrLoR   2017 Feb 26, 2:30pm  

curious2 says

Christianity caused the fall of Rome,

Yay Christianity!

88   Entitlemented   2017 Feb 26, 3:15pm  

The socialists who want to end run the rule of law would be the new religion.

Groupthink taught to 1st graders, major rewritten history, lack of scientific exploration, entitlements and runaway government growth, destruction of innovation and property, smash and grab politics and mafias (yes teamsters and teachers unions for all!)

Read the 10 commandments, our constitution is the spirit of the goodfaith written in these.

These laws are fair to every creed, and even the democrat creed, but the demos essentially against fairness, virtue, and honesty.

89   curious2   2017 Feb 26, 4:01pm  

Quigley says

It would be far more likely for a Ferrari to be created by an explosion in an auto parts factory.

Not really. Richard Dawkins addressed this objection with the metaphor of Mount Improbable. Evolutionary mutations happen a little bit at a time, over billions of years, with natural selection favoring whatever works. We have four limbs and a vestigial tail leftover from our primate ancestors, who share more than 90% of our DNA. Tiny mutations, over time, add up. If you look only at the leap from molecules to cells, or cells to humans, then it can seem as improbable as leaping up a cliff, but if you look at the long record of incremental change, then you see the gentle slope leading around the side of the cliff and up to the top. The "intelligent design" believers are a type of creationists, and are rejected by most scientists.

90   curious2   2017 Feb 26, 4:24pm  

FortWayne says

Romans, the Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Romans built the greatest empire the world had ever seen, and the empire lasted more than 1,000 years. Same-sex marriage existed at the time of Cicero, and Rome continued to prosper for 300 years, until Constantine imposed Christianity. Within one century after that, the city of Rome fell, and humanity fell into a dark age.

Even now, many secrets of Roman technology are only being re-discovered. Roman plumbing delivered more water than any city anywhere until New York in 1986. Within the last three decades, the secrets of Roman concrete have been re-discovered. Roman nanotechnology was rediscovered within one decade ago.

Sodom and Gomorrah may never have existed, and besides their story doesn't say what you say. There is no evidence of their existence outside the Bible, which says the sin of Sodom was rape. In the New Testament, Paul criticized homosexuality, which he saw all around him, but none of the quotations attributed to Jesus or the original disciples do. To the contrary, Luke 17:34-36 (emphasizing belief as the requirement for rapture) refers to two same-sex couples, wherein the believers get raptured up. The Christians rejected expressly the prohibitions of Leviticus:

"Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man."

You try to distract from your sins by hating neighbors whom you should love, and your lies defile you.

91   Dan8267   2017 Feb 26, 6:09pm  

Strategist says

No one asked these people to become terrorists and kill babies. It was their choice, inspired by Islam.

You missed the point, honey. The point is that a Christian crusade led to the rise of ISIS. So yes, Christianity does make the world a worse place.

You can't fight irrationality with more irrationality.

92   Dan8267   2017 Feb 26, 6:15pm  

FortWayne says

Those are unrelated to the topic. We were talking about Romans, the Sodom and Gomorrah. Way to go off on tangent instead of dealing with reality Dan, so typical of you.

Off topic, my ass. Let me remind you of the history of the posts.

First you make the baseless assertions that (FortWayne says)

Christianity brings cohesiveness, LGBT crap destroys society.

Then curious2 refutes this with the empirical fact that (curious2 says)

NO society, anywhere in human history, has ever been destroyed by LGBT.

You then double down on your assertions, again with no evidence to back them up. FortWayne says

That is completely not true. It has been destroyed by LGBT, by failure of morality. LGBT is a symptom of failing morality.

I counter with two more historic examples that Christianity, not homosexuality, has destroyed civilizations. Dan8267 says

Was Nazi Germany a moral society? It was a Christian society and very anti-gay.

Were the Spanish conquistadors moral? Were not the genocides of Native Americans by Christians a huge moral failure? Or are you going to blame that on the gays as well.

So, yes, it is quit relevant. The real history of the world is very relevant to exposing the lies you tell. I can give hundreds of examples of civilizations deliberately destroyed by Christians. You cannot give a single example of a civilization destroyed by homosexuality.

History 100
Fort Wayne 0

93   Dan8267   2017 Feb 26, 6:24pm  

I find Fort Wayne's arguments that homosexuality destroys the moral fabric of society and society itself to be utterly hypocritical. If Fort Wayne had any moral backbone, he would be objecting to the real moral decay that our society has engaged in. Yet, Fort Wayne defends the truly horrific and immoral actions our society undertakes. Pictures say more than words could.

94   Dan8267   2017 Feb 26, 6:26pm  

And you claim that consensual loving relationships between homosexuals is what's destroying the moral fabric of our country? How fucking crazy are you? Why don't you express any outrage over the above morally bankrupt and despicable actions? You never have possessed the moral high ground, and you are an illustration of how religion corrupts and twists morality into something disgusting and perverted.

And you give us yet another reason to revoke religious privilege and ban religions starting with Christianity.

95   Dan8267   2017 Feb 26, 6:28pm  

curious2 says

Christianity caused the fall of Rome, setting back western civilization for 1,000 years until the Enlightenment and our Republic broke religion's hold on power.

Another reason to ban religion.

96   Strategist   2017 Feb 26, 8:26pm  

Dan8267 says

I see nothing wrong with the pictures. Have you seen the beheading pictures?

97   NDrLoR   2017 Feb 26, 8:29pm  

Strategist says

Have you seen the beheading pictures?

That's not a fair question.

98   Dan8267   2017 Feb 26, 8:54pm  

Strategist says

I see nothing wrong with the pictures. Have you seen the beheading pictures?

And that is why you are morally bankrupt. According to your god in the gospel according to Matthew 5:38-47,

38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Are you saying that Jesus is wrong? That going against your god's commandments of "thou shalt not murder" and "love your neighbor" is justify if they have wronged you?

@Patrick, you say that Christianity is different from Islam because Jesus is always teaching people to be good. How do you square that with the fact that his followers completely and utterly reject those teachings and hold the same beliefs as Muslims?

99   Dan8267   2017 Feb 26, 8:55pm  

Side note: Many of the people tortured and murdered in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib had nothing to do with terrorism. But I guess torturing innocent people doesn't bother Christians like Fort Wayne. Again, how is Christianity a religion of peace?

100   Strategist   2017 Feb 26, 9:11pm  

Dan8267 says

According to your god

Atheists have God's?

Dan8267 says

Many of the people tortured and murdered in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib had nothing to do with terrorism.

Bullshit. They should all be tortured for information and then shot.

101   Dan8267   2017 Feb 26, 9:13pm  

Strategist says

Dan8267 says

According to your god

Atheists have God's?

Sorry, I was having a discussion with Fort Wayne and you interrupted. I thought your response was his.

No, you're not a hypocrite. You're just morally wrong. Fort Wayne, however, is clearly a hypocrite as he's accepting, even approving, of something that goes completely against his so-called moral code and Christian values.

102   Dan8267   2017 Feb 26, 9:15pm  

Strategist says

Dan8267 says

Many of the people tortured and murdered in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib had nothing to do with terrorism.

Bullshit. They should all be tortured for information and then shot.

Wrong again. In a witch hunt a lot of innocent people get accused. A man wants his neighbor's flock or holds a grudge against the neighbor and tells the American soldiers that his neighbor is a terrorist and ISIS sympathizer. The American soldiers storm the man's house and bring him to the torture center to see what he knows. He knows nothing and dies from the torture. Are you OK with that?

103   Dan8267   2017 Feb 26, 9:16pm  

Fort Wayne seems suddenly silent. I guess he can't face questioning.

104   Strategist   2017 Feb 26, 9:18pm  

Dan8267 says

Wrong again. In a witch hunt a lot of innocent people get accused. A man wants his neighbor's flock or holds a grudge against the neighbor and tells the American soldiers that his neighbor is a terrorist and ISIS sympathizer. The American soldiers storm the man's house and bring him to the torture center to see what he knows. He knows nothing and dies from the torture. Are you OK with that?

And what if he knows something that could save a lot of lives, but you don't get that information because you don't torture him.
Are you OK with that?

105   Dan8267   2017 Feb 26, 9:36pm  

Strategist says

And what if he knows something that could save a lot of lives, but you don't get that information because you don't torture him.

Are you OK with that?

Hitler, Stalin, and Mao each killed more people than all the terrorists and all the criminals in all of human history combined. So yes, I'm OK with that. I'd rather live in a world where I have to fear a one in a million chance of being killed by a terrorist than a one in a thousand chance of being killed by the state. The state is far more dangerous. So yes, I'll take chaos over structured evil any day. It's by far the more rational choice.

Terrorism has never been and will never be an existential threat to free society. State tyranny most certainly is. No democracy or republic has EVER fell to terrorism. Many have fell to tyranny.

106   Dan8267   2017 Feb 26, 9:42pm  

Strategist says

And what if he knows something that could save a lot of lives, but you don't get that information because you don't torture him.

My above answer was a practical one, but let's address the moral question.

Remember Jaycee Dugard? She was the pretty white blonde girl who was kidnapped at 12 years old, and raped and abused for 18 years, giving birth to two children from rape.

So let's say that Jaycee's dad knows "something" that could save a lot of lives, a major terrorist attack, but he won't tell you even under torture. Would you rape Jaycee in front of him to get him to talk? That's the moral question.

My answer is hell no. What's yours?

107   Dan8267   2017 Feb 27, 7:52am  

Wow, this thread suddenly went silent. Moral dilemmas too tough? Do they challenge black-and-white worldviews?

108   Strategist   2017 Feb 27, 8:50am  

Dan8267 says

Strategist says

And what if he knows something that could save a lot of lives, but you don't get that information because you don't torture him.

Are you OK with that?

Hitler, Stalin, and Mao each killed more people than all the terrorists and all the criminals in all of human history combined. So yes, I'm OK with that. I'd rather live in a world where I have to fear a one in a million chance of being killed by a terrorist than a one in a thousand chance of being killed by the state. The state is far more dangerous. So yes, I'll take chaos over structured evil any day. It's by far the more rational choice.

Terrorism has never been and will never be an existential threat to free society. State tyranny most certainly is. No democracy or republic has EVER fell to terrorism. Many have fell to tyranny.

We don't live in a Hitler, Stalin, or Mao country. We live in the 21st century America. Get real.

109   Strategist   2017 Feb 27, 8:51am  

Dan8267 says

So let's say that Jaycee's dad knows "something" that could save a lot of lives, a major terrorist attack, but he won't tell you even under torture. Would you rape Jaycee in front of him to get him to talk? That's the moral question.

My answer is hell no. What's yours?

I would torture the dad, not the girl.

110   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 27, 9:29am  

FP says

Not everything is in the Bible. Try reading something else.

My protestant beliefs teach me to never use anything other than God's Word as the authority for my life.

111   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 27, 9:34am  

Dan8267 says

This is a false argument. It is not merely the case that bad people use religion as an excuse. That statement is based on the false assumption that religion does not influence people's behavior and worldviews.

I'm gonna cut you off right there Dan. My point, which you completely missed, was that false interpretation, and actions that result there of, do not a religious zealot make. Quite the opposite, people who go off half-cocked without taking the time to fully understand their systems beliefs usually commit heresy, and are therefore heretics.

Sounds like the religion your really against is the religion of man, not God.

112   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 27, 9:37am  

Dan8267 says

More evidence that religion rots brains. It's not something without extremely bad consequences, including in America today. No one would be foolish enough to believe in creationism if not for religion.

My example came out of YOUR field of work. You're so closed off to anything but hating God, you can't even see intelligent design when it's smacking you right in the face.

113   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 27, 9:41am  

Dan8267 says

However, its followers have committed the greatest atrocities in all of human history and continue to do great harm to America today.

I'm gonna get right in your face and make you justify your BS position. What did believers of Jesus Christ ever do to YOU. Not humanity, not 500 years ago. YOU personally.

114   NDrLoR   2017 Feb 27, 11:30am  

curious2 says

the empire lasted more than 1,000 years

That's actually a sad commentary on our own society. We may be farther along the continuum in our 200 plus years than it took Rome 1,000 years to attain--like maybe we're already at Rome's 800th year. I think most Romans would blush at the level of both heterosexual and homosexual promiscuity. What do you think a plague like AIDS would have meant for those so-far-advanced Romans? We have the benefits of modern science and medicine and AIDS is still incurable and subject to eternal permutations as different strains become immune to drugs. It's barely manageable, but at great expense and personal inconvenience. AIDS was first observed in 1981, 36 years ago. A person would have had to be about ten to be fully aware of AIDS and by 15 people were dying all around that same person in their mid-teens. Can you imagine, a person only 46 years old today can't remember a world without AIDS--in just one generation! Yet not one militant gay person in the 70's could have been convinced that what they were doing had the capacity to kill them, but in a few years they would be dying right and left. It was the level of promiscuity that finally gave the fragile virus, probabaly around for over 100 years, the proper environment to replicate and begin killing. The heterosexual promiscuity of the 70's, exemplified in such movies as 1976's Looking for Mr. Goodbar, the true story of a sexually insatiable young woman who gets herself killed, also gave us the plague of genital herpes that is incurable and often leads to anal/oral/penile cancers, Such things 200-300 years into the Roman empire would have killed it off by the 400th year because they would have had no idea what was causing the diseases nor the ability to cure them.

115   Strategist   2017 Feb 27, 11:37am  

NuttBoxer says

Dan8267 says

However, its followers have committed the greatest atrocities in all of human history and continue to do great harm to America today.

I'm gonna get right in your face and make you justify your BS position. What did believers of Jesus Christ ever do to YOU. Not humanity, not 500 years ago. YOU personally.

Probably nothing, but still not a fair question. What did Muslims personally do to anyone on Patnet? Probably nothing. Not a reason to support the atrocities they practice on others.

116   Dan8267   2017 Feb 27, 11:46am  

Strategist says

We don't live in a Hitler, Stalin, or Mao country. We live in the 21st century America. Get real.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Germany was one of the most enlightened civilizations in the early 20th century. They had a long history of scientific advancement and refined culture. Yet Germany decayed very quickly into Nazism. It is utter foolishness to think that there is something magical about the United States that makes it impervious to tyranny and atrocities. In fact, America's history is full of atrocities from genocide to slavery to apartheid to nuking noncombatant civilians, to lethal medical experiments on unsuspecting civilians to blatant election fraud to torture. The idea that America could not commit crimes against humanity is empirically false. You need to get real about history.

In any case, the moral question still stands even if you do not have the courage to answer it. If you cannot answer it, then your opinion should carry no weight. The same goes for Fort Wayne. So again, do you rape Jaycee to get her father to talk and save American lives?

If you set up a system in which "bad people" get tortured for the greater good of society, the people performing the torture won't have any qualms about torturing, including rape torturing, underaged girls, even toddlers to get what they want. Torturers don't have moral backbones. They don't draw lines. To them the ends always justify the means.

117   Dan8267   2017 Feb 27, 11:50am  

Strategist says

I would torture the dad, not the girl.

Cop-out. Let's say the dad doesn't talk or you don't have custody of him and cannot get custody of him in time. Do you torture the daughter to get him to tell you what you want?

Sounds like the answer is no, in which case you are admitting that torture should not be used unless you are absolutely certain of a person's guilt. This is not how it was applied in Gitmo or Abu Ghraib. You just want to pretend that the people deciding who gets torture never, ever make a wrong call. That's bullshit. Our country has executed at least two individuals who were utterly innocent beyond any doubt even unreasonable doubt. Our country has probably executed hundreds of innocent persons. So pretending that we've never tortured an innocent person is ridiculous.

And quite frankly, anyone who is OK with torturing an innocent person is no better than ISIS.

118   Strategist   2017 Feb 27, 11:56am  

Dan8267 says

trategist says

We don't live in a Hitler, Stalin, or Mao country. We live in the 21st century America. Get real.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

The only threat to our freedoms in this day and age is Islam. You talk about eternal vigilance, but ignore the threat from Islam.

Dan8267 says

Cop-out. Let's say the dad doesn't talk or you don't have custody of him and cannot get custody of him in time. Do you torture the daughter to get him to tell you what you want?

I would not torture someone i know is innocent. What's the point?
To answer your question directly. I would not torture or rape the daughter. We have to draw the line somewhere.

119   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 27, 11:58am  

We can start by banning people from Salafi-Wahabi countries or countries where Salafi-Wahabis control large swaths of territory.

120   Dan8267   2017 Feb 27, 12:04pm  

NuttBoxer says

Quite the opposite, people who go off half-cocked without taking the time to fully understand their systems beliefs usually commit heresy, and are therefore heretics.

This is a No True Scottsman argument. The left applies it to whitewash Islamic terrorism. The right applies it to whitewash atrocities and other evil actions committed by Christians.

Achmed the Muslim commits murder in the name of Islam because he believes his god demands the blood of the Jews. Larry the leftist then retroactively disassociates Achmed with Islam stating that Achmed could not be a true Muslim because the Quran explicitly states
1. None of you have faith until you love for your neighbor what you love for yourself.
2. Whoever wishes to be delivered from the fire and to enter Paradise should treat the people as he wishes to be treated.
3. None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.
4. None of you is a believer if he eats his full while his neighbour hasn’t anything.
5.Do unto all men as you would wish to have done unto you; and reject for others what you would reject for yourselves.
6. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you.
7. There should be neither harming nor reciprocating harm.

And that's just a few examples.

So, by your criteria, no terrorist can be a Muslim by definition, and therefore no Muslim is a terrorist. 9/11, the Boston Marathon bombing, and ISIS have nothing to do with Islam. Sounds exactly what the wacky left says.

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