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"Only the best news outlets, the ones who like us, can stay. The losers, get out! We are also going to have popcorn, and other things, that the failed news outlets won't get. It's going to be a super fun time. Too bad. So sad. That's what you get for being fake."
Trump Blocks NYT, Politico, CNN, and The LA Times from White House Briefing.
And... they are editorializing again, not reporting:
It seems to be a calculated decision, possibly aimed at getting reporters to focus on inside-the-Beltway stories about the White House blocking access and playing games rather than bigger stories on what major actions the Trump administration is carrying out.
Who cares about the speculation of some reporter on Trump's motives? "playing games"? WTF?
That is not journalism. It's partisan politics.
We've never seen the following two things before:
a.) A president actually doing this
b.) Outlets like CNN and WaPo writing sensationalized editorials of this magnitude leading to a.) above
Donald is on dangerous grounds, but at the same time CNN/WaPo are doing a disgusting disservice to our country.
We've never seen the following two things before:
a.) A president actually doing this
b.) Outlets like CNN and WaPo writing sensationalized editorials of this magnitude leading to a.) above
Donald is on dangerous grounds, but at the same time CNN/WaPo are doing a disgusting disservice to our country.
Trump is going to "win" this one. He wins at everything.
Dude is dominant.
Journalists need to fall in to line and tell the news the way the white house tells them to tell it. Why does CNN hate freedom so much ?
Can't we just cut out the middleman and have a White House News network ? Possibly the government could start totally controlling all news. Why not right ? Obviously this fake news thing is getting out of hand.
Is anyone getting any insights in to why Trump admires Putin so much ?
It's very wise of you Patrick to defend Trump as often as possible. Nobody running a forum such as you do wants to lie awake at night wondering how the President is going to punish them for criticizing him.
Isanyone getting any insights in to why Trump admires Putin ?
Can't be as bad as licking Saudi royal family asses.
Saudis have something to lose when US has a stronger relationship with Russia.
What has Putin done that is worse than the Saudi royal family?
We've never seen the following two things before:
a.) A president actually doing this
b.) Outlets like CNN and WaPo writing sensationalized editorials of this magnitude leading to a.) above
Donald is on dangerous grounds, but at the same time CNN/WaPo are doing a disgusting disservice to our country.
Trump is going to "win" this one. He wins at everything.
Dude is dominant.
Everytime I bet against Trump, I lose.
Mark Twain - "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed"
The trick is bet only on things that involve bankruptcy...
Everytime I bet against Trump, I lose.
The reporters will be SUCKING! HIS! DICK! by Saturday afternoon, exactly as the Founding Fathers intended.
Pretty much. Trump will win that one too. Hell win the "lasts longer" and "most copious money shot". I'm telling you, dude never loses.
Journalists need to fall in to line and tell the news the way the white house tells them to tell it. Why does CNN hate freedom so much ?
It appears Trump doesn't owe them briefings either. Liberals like you just don't see it, you see world as a one way street, and it's how your team ends up getting banned from briefings.
I do remember really well Obama bashing Fox news on a daily basis, you haven't said a peep about that.
where is it written that every news organization has to be represented in a press conference?
There's only so many people you can fit into whatshisnames office...
I do remember really well Obama bashing Fox news on a daily basis, you haven't said a peep about that.
If TRump only had a problem with MSNBC and Huffington post, that would be comparable to Obama having issue with Fox. But right wing dimbulbs are never going to understand that.
Isanyone getting any insights in to why Trump admires Putin ?
Can't be as bad as licking Saudi royal family asses.
Saudis have something to lose when US has a stronger relationship with Russia.
What has Putin done that is worse than the Saudi royal family?
Excellent point.
Try criticizing the Saudi royal family and see if your head stays attached.
Saudi people do not even have the limited freedom of speech that the Russians have under Putin.
It's the right move by Trump as long as the lamestream media won't stop reporting fake news. They've played the Russian hoax for too long and too far that they don't realize how stupid they sound with their insinuation that people in Russia could "hack" or otherwise influence the US election, mind you all of a sudden in 2017, while all the years before elections seemingly were safe enough from outside influence to not even be worthy of a single news story.
'Trump Blocks NYT, Politico, CNN, and The LA Times from White House Briefing'
Totally explainable.....they ran out of toilet paper.
fkn hilarious