Feminism Update

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2017 Mar 30, 12:22pm   254,947 views  1,798 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Using Hijab as a symbol of the Women's March: This garment is a symbol of FREEDOM! for Women.

Mike Pence doesn't go to social events without his wife to avoid temptation and possible honey traps or false accusations: MUH SOGGY KNEE

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654   Ceffer   2022 May 11, 10:28am  

Like the princess my nephew married, who thinks that because Daddy Warbucks spoiled her, she is entitled to six weeks a year of foreign travel, it's gonna happen come hell or high water. Being spoiled is a nice gig if you can get it. Nephew likes to travel, too, though, family was/is in foreign service.
AmericanKulak says
655   AmericanKulak   2022 May 11, 11:55am  

Yeah, not into spoiling chicks. Most of them need a weekly raw ass treatment rather than a spa treatment.
656   AmericanKulak   2022 May 16, 9:47am  

"It's SOCIALIZATION that makes people male or female!!!"

"As a skeptic, I'm extremely skeptical of anything that threatens my nurture-uber-alles, tabula rasa-blank slate narrative!"
660   Booger   2022 May 22, 3:15pm  

Tinder With the Genders Reversed

661   Ceffer   2022 May 22, 4:45pm  

Booger says
Tinder With the Genders Reversed

The father didn't mention if he was pregnant or not.
664   AmericanKulak   2022 May 24, 4:44pm  

The Media:



* This is mathematically impossible to anybody that's seen a life insurance pamphlet.
665   Patrick   2022 May 24, 7:02pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says
clown world won

It's not over. It's never over.
667   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2022 May 27, 12:24pm  

Patrick says

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says
clown world won

It's not over. It's never over.

Let me update it then... at a present time Clown World is winning hard. This is just my personal observation, and I really have no idea when or how this will turn around. I'm working on it, I'm raising my kids right. But feels very outnumbered right now. Not giving up, not being a doomer, just think America (that includes all of us) have a lot of work cut out for us to make it great again.

Reasons for my thinking:
- economy is collapsing
- homeless everywhere
- government corruption is blatant and everywhere
- ruling class doesn't even hide contempt for us working people
- great replacement is real
- trannies are exalted in media and corporations
- schools now worship and celebrate gay shit for entire month and then some, it's a fucking gay worshipping shrine these days.
- gays (and rest of alphabet) exalted in media and corporations
- cancel culture does not allow any criticism of any of those
- black lives matter group cannot be criticized
- Disney promotes gay to kids
- every corporation now focuses on diversity, and government mandated it
- all rich people celebrate degeneracy and sexual deviances (Abigail Disney and many others)
- Republican party is cucked same as Democratic party
- churches are empty, gay bars are full (Omar Mateen had no shortage of targets in Florida)
- social media controlled by crazy cancel culture drones
- media controlled by cancel culture drones
- government controlled by cancel culture drones
- FBI (see above)
- we were forced to lock down for 2 years over a mild cold and only unlocked temporarily due to Ukraine war
- we are constantly demoralized by our media and our economy is collapsing
668   AmericanKulak   2022 May 27, 6:40pm  

Bankrupt Federal Government will pay many dividends, starting with unavoidable decentralization.

The Fed simply won't be able to issue unlimited bonds, and thus programs will be cut.

This includes Soc Sec, probably first, the wet dream of the elite. But also many federal programs, crisis coordination centers, disinfo campaigns.

If the WEF-Woke have to choose between a fat gov subsidy for solar and donating surplus military equipment to cops, they'll choose the former.
669   mell   2022 May 27, 7:02pm  

AmericanKulak says

The Media:



* This is mathematically impossible to anybody that's seen a life insurance pamphlet.

This is brutal. This needs to be placated over every lamestream media disinformation billboard, so that wommynz come to their senses. The globohomo media is the fakest "friend" wommyn have, ruining them forever when reality catches up with them post-wall, priming them for a lonely 2nd half of their life on ssris
670   AmericanKulak   2022 Jun 4, 11:23am  

Truth Bomb is REEEE'ed by the Thought Police.
672   AmericanKulak   2022 Jun 5, 6:38pm  

List of all the times Collegiate Women lost to High School Boys:

679   mell   2022 Jul 17, 12:28pm  

Patrick says

lol 50 million cock worthless whore stare
680   AmericanKulak   2022 Jul 24, 8:39pm  

Olivia Stevens passed her test at the sixth attempt and believes females face challenges that males do not
Every year since 2002, more men have passed their driving test in Wales than women, but why?
Last year's Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) data show, just three test centres had a higher female pass rate - Swansea, Wrexham and Bala.
Males are also statistically much more likely to be hurt or killed in crashes.
The DVSA said "all candidates are assessed to the same standard" and their results are "entirely dependent" on how they drive on the day.
Despite greater success in tests, young men are much more likely to be involved in crashes once they are on the road.
The AA said this was due to their "increased likelihood to take more risks on the road".
Woman took 150 driving tests for others
learners face 10-month wait for driving test
It said making road safety part of the school curriculum could "reduce casualty numbers on our roads".
Wales mirrored the rest of the UK, with an overall pass rate of 51.7% for men and 47.3% for women.
The biggest difference between the pass rates was in Pwllheli, Gwynedd, with 72.3% of male candidates successful, but just 60.1% of females.
Olivia thinks there are stigmas that affect women drivers differently to men
Olivia Stevens, 22, who passed her driving test in Cardiff last summer on her sixth attempt, believes more consideration could be given to the differences between the sexes.
"I think there is still a bit of a subconscious stigma around female drivers being bad or nervous.
"Male drivers seem to go into their test with a lot more confidence, based on my personal experience," she said.
"Also, there should be more consideration on how hormones affect driving.
"Tasks involving co-ordination and dexterity are more difficult when oestrogen is low and this can impact things like driving."
What do driving instructors say?

Karen Price says she prefers teaching males to drive
Karen Price, 61, owns KS Driving school
based in Shrewsbury, but many of her students take their test in Newtown in neighbouring Powys.
She said: "If I had a choice between teaching a male or female student, I would prefer to teach the male.
"They listen and they will think about what you are saying.
"They will start to do things straight away. With a female, five hours later, you are still coping with the same problem.
"I have found that females want to go for their test before they are ready. With lads, they tend to have more practical experience in a car."


I always wonder if the male fatality rate is adjusted for the fact that men spend more time driving, period, and are more likely to drive at night and in rough weather due to having more driving jobs than women.
681   Ceffer   2022 Jul 24, 10:21pm  

AmericanKulak says

"They will start to do things straight away. With a female, five hours later, you are still coping with the same problem.

LOL! Doncha know. I told my wife to go to the Apple store for her computer problems, because I am tired of telling her the same stuff over and over that she forgets over and over because she thinks I should be her computer servant on call. Women spend a lot of time attempting to train you to be their various kinds of servant in one way or another in exchange for 'female gratitude'.

Of course, my wife just says that I am a bad teacher. I said, exactly, that why she should seek out real experts and talented teachers who are paid for this shit.
682   Patrick   2022 Jul 29, 10:29am  

Lol, Jesse Kelly is living dangerously, but I think he may have a point.

I think you could show that women are far more likely than men to vote for homo indoctrination in schools, open borders, lockdowns, vaxx mandates, suppression of the Bill of Rights, and for Democrats.
683   HeadSet   2022 Jul 29, 10:44am  

Ceffer says

Women spend a lot of time attempting to train you to be their various kinds of servant in one way or another in exchange for 'female gratitude'.

You actually get female gratitude? Please tell us your secret.
684   Ceffer   2022 Jul 29, 10:59am  

I don't know that the way back is reversing female suffrage. I think women provide essential mental services that are opaque to male of the species (heterosexual, that is). However, because they have the power of reproduction and hold the keys to ostensible genetic eternity, they can include a lot of crazy ass shit that is extraneous and get away with it.
685   AmericanKulak   2022 Jul 29, 11:55pm  

Jada Smith "interviews" Will Smith, forces him to say on TV that as her husband, he has no say in who she sleeps with.


Wow, how far we went from "parents just don't understand" and "Prince of Bel Air" to a completely wussy simp.
686   AmericanKulak   2022 Jul 31, 4:16pm  

Ceffer says

I don't know that the way back is reversing female suffrage. I think women provide essential mental services that are opaque to male of the species (heterosexual, that is). However, because they have the power of reproduction and hold the keys to ostensible genetic eternity, they can include a lot of crazy ass shit that is extraneous and get away with it.

And the only way to stop it is the Hand of Ah-Shaddup.
687   richwicks   2022 Jul 31, 6:16pm  

AmericanKulak says

Jada Smith "interviews" Will Smith, forces him to say on TV that as her husband, he has no say in who she sleeps with.

Who the fuck is Jada Smith? Seriously, who is she? Some asshole that was popular in the 1990's among the black population? Who the fuck is she?

Whose Will Smith? Some twat that was popular on a shitty sit com in the late 1980s that was in some substandard action and science fiction films (they are the same now) in the 1990's?

What they are doing is what is called "performance art". To "stay in the spotlight" they are getting on film prostituting themselves in front of a camera about "their marriage difficulties".


All this, all of it is acting. You're seeing nothing more than a "reality television show". Who knows what their lives are like personally? Anything on camera is scripted. It's all scripted. Think people won't whore themselves out? That's 1/2 of youtube.

Nobody cares about these washed up nobodies. It's just a PR stunt. Oh are you talking about these twats? Well, that's why they are getting on camera "confessing their most private moments".. We all do that, right?

you want to know how to become a sensation on youtube?

Start making innocent videos with your lovely wife and great children, but over time become more and more dysfunctional until you are literally in fistfights with your wife and beating your children, become the most dysfunctional family imaginable.

Eventually the media will pick it up "who are these terrible people on youtube?" and you'll get millions of hits. You'll get 100's of thousands of people sending hate mail, but it's all an act, and the gig is up.

That's reality television. Honey Booboo was this shit. Terrible piece of shit mother, hooked up with the man that molested her daughter - that's too much. Burn out. You better have a very clear dividing line between reality and fiction.
689   stereotomy   2022 Aug 1, 11:51am  

Before female suffrage, women had to convince men to vote the compromise between the two of them. Now, women can just say "Fuck toxic masculinity" and politically castrate the male vote. Women are 51-52 percent of the population. In earlier societies ravaged by war, I'm guessing it was 60/40 F/M. Female suffrage would have been ridiculous back then.
690   Shaman   2022 Aug 1, 12:03pm  

Female suffrage means your women vote for the more handsome and exciting barbarians at the gates to ravish their town and their vaginas.
Just look at what happened in Europe with the Muslim invasion!
Female suffrage is a disaster.
We should cut our losses and unsubscribe.
691   stereotomy   2022 Aug 1, 3:04pm  

Shaman says

Female suffrage means your women vote for the more handsome and exciting barbarians at the gates to ravish their town and their vaginas.
Just look at what happened in Europe with the Muslim invasion!
Female suffrage is a disaster.
We should cut our losses and unsubscribe.

Just remember - all surviving females are descended from the women who, after they witnessed the murder of their husband and all their children, bedded down with the man who killed her entire family. Any women who remained loyal were raped unto death. No loyal women survive - they were killed in the previous 10,000 years of warfare.

Branch swinging is real. War brides are real. She's not yours, it's just your turn.

How do you keep immigrant rapefugees from taking your women? Simple, keep them the fuck out of your country. Otherwise, kill the motherfuckers.

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