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Looks like Christian bale in American Psycho lol this is beyond 1000 cock stare, it's more like "I almost murdered my husband and love it" stare. Womynx are fucking unstable creatures
I doubt it's welfare, pretty hard for a white lady to get welfare
$7900 month in cash & benefits equivalents income
$7900 month in cash & benefits equivalents income
The same figures repeat worldwide
In preparation for two upcoming friendlies against Russia, the U.S. women’s national team played the FC Dallas U-15 boys academy team on Sunday and fell 5-2, according to FC Dallas’ official website.
Stuff in right that’s funny is Hodgetwins
Queen Hillary could not be Snow White and get what she wanted. She would never be content to waste away in a cottage baking cookies and singing to the birds. No, she wanted more. Much more. But to do that, she would have to accept that she was not good at all, but ruthless to the last.
Whistle while you work. Hum a merry tune.
Queen Hillary’s chance to flee her life as Bill’s shadow came at long last when a maiden named Monica begged Bill to sleep with her, engaged in tawdry acts in the Oval Office, then giggled her way through a Barbara Walters interview. Oh how Hillary must seethe thinking of Monica now, refashioned as a Me Too victim. Where is a Huntsman when you need one?
Queen Hillary had no choice but to conjure, like a disturbance in the open sea that threatens to become a hurricane. From now on, Hillary would come first. She would become the leader she always knew she could be.
“Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, who is the most electable of them all,” asked Queen Hillary.
”There are none more electable than thee,” said the Magic Mirror.
Senator Hillary emerged like a phoenix - a savior on 9/11. At long last, the promising political career that had been her destiny was at hand.
When 2008 came along, she asked her Magic Mirror once again.
“Mirror, Mirror on the Wall. Who is the most electable of them all?”
”Though you are electable My Queen, there is one far more electable than thee. He’s a skinny kid with a funny name whose speeches light the base on fire.”
No, fumed Queen Hillary. This can’t be true. From out of nowhere, he’s suddenly more experienced than the Senator who helped the city survive a terrorist attack. Are you kidding me?
“Sadly no,” said the Magic Mirror. “You’re likable enough, Hillary. Just not more likable than he.”
“Likable enough” got her a spot as Secretary of State, though much of that was the political maneuvering of the new beloved King. He wanted to unite both movements, and he needed the Hillary tribe, all of those high-earning feminists, the base of the Democratic Party - unmarried white women like me.
Taken in 2011, this photo by Kevin Lamarque/AP launched a thousand memes and an investigation into Hillary’s private email server. The Queen could not catch a break.
Queen Hillary bided her time through the “fairy tale” of being Bill’s wife. The end of this story was already written. It was just a matter of the right election at the right time. Joe Biden would have to wait his turn. By 2016, Hillary was more than a disturbance. She looked like the beginnings of a hurricane.
“Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, who is the most electable of them all,” she asked again.
“Though you are electable indeed, there is one more electable than thee. He is a grumpy old Senator from Vermont surfing the populist wave of discontent wrought from the Wall Street bailout in 2008.”
Hillary had waited long enough. There was no way that miserable old socialist coot was snatching victory from her.
Vanquishing Bernie was not easy. But by now, her leadership, her dominance, and her influence could not be denied. This was HER moment, and she would push through the humiliations, and accusations that she was a shill for Wall Street, the status quo, someone who could not give an inspiring speech to save her life. LIKABLE ENOUGH HILLARY.
Despite everything, she clinched the nomination in 2016. She’d crushed Bernie like a bug, Uncle Joe was stepping aside, and she had the full force of King Obama’s army behind her.
So she asked again, “Mirror Mirror on the Wall, who is the most electable of them all?
“Though you are likable enough, there is one more electable than thee. He hosted Celebrity Apprentice for seven seasons and has a new nickname for you, Crooked Hillary.”
By now, Queen Hillary breaks the fourth wall and stares right into the camera. “You have got to be f*cking kidding me. DONALD J. TRUMP? That’s who is more electable than me? No, you are a lying Magic Mirror. You have always been lying,” she said.
“Would that I were, My Queen, this isn’t exactly fun, you know, but I am compelled to tell the truth no matter how much you wish I wouldn’t. As Keats would say, Beauty is truth, truth beauty. That is all ye need know on this earth.”
“Keats, seriously? Unleash hell,” Queen Hillary said as the waters churned beneath her, creating a powerful swirl off in the distance. The dossier, the Access Hollywood tape, the FBI, nothing was off limits to stop this man from denying her what she knew was her destiny, to become the leader she knew she could be.
The New York Times assured her she could not lose. 95% chance of winning, they said. She didn’t just want a squeaker. She wanted a landslide win. She wanted Georgia. She wasn’t watching the swing states. And she did it! She won! She won the election in 2016!
Except that she didn’t.
She won the popular vote but not the election. The hurricane was gaining strength, looking to make landfall as a Category 5. Hillary could not lose this election. Not this one. Everyone would pay. The Democratic Party, the media, James Comey, Bernie Sanders.
Now she would become death, the destroyer, of worlds.
She wanted something she could never have. She wanted her fairy tale. The husband who didn’t cheat. The career that hand-delivered the presidency at long last. If she had all of that, if she was rich and powerful and won the vote of the people would that be enough? Could that stop a Category 5 hurricane?
No. Because what Queen Hillary wanted, what she needed, was love. Real love. Not a husband with a wandering eye, not a close election, not to use her position to force people to support her. She wanted them to like her, to love her. Why didn’t they?
It was like that story she told about her mother forcing her to go back outside and play with the kids who hated her. Make them like you, Hillary. But how? Whatever it was Hillary needed, or what those of us who supported her for so long needed - never seemed to be enough.
Is that the lie feminism sells? That we should be shamed for finding happiness in the simplicity of true love or spending our days doing chores of ordinary life? Are we made better because we see a movie like Snow White as oppressive and not beautiful? Or are we made more miserable because it’s never enough?
Whomever Hillary was once upon a time has now been swallowed up by ambition, corruption, and desperation - not just by her but by all of those titans in the Democratic Party and the media who could not stand it that so many people wanted to vote for Trump.
Snow White is the embodiment of love itself - so many forest creatures are drawn to her, and it is what compels the seven dwarfs to try to save her. She isn’t rescued by the Prince at all. She is rescued by the thing that defines her. And it is this thing that can’t be bought or won, but we just have to recognize it within us.
Snow White is happy no matter where she is or what she’s doing. She’s just as happy living in a cottage with seven dwarfs as she’d be living in a castle. A universal truth that, for an America coming out of the Great Depression, resonated.
Snow White doesn’t have to speak for all women. It shouldn’t be a map to guide young people on how to think or what to long for. It is that rare thing that can’t be replicated, a thing of beauty. There is truth in it. A truth they wish to eradicate.
Queen Hillary isn’t finished yet. She’s just now taking her victory lap on Rachel Maddow, cleaning off her Magic Mirror, and thinking about asking one more question one last time. But the answer will always be the same because the answer is in the asking of the question.
As for Hurricane Hilary, the rain is just starting to come down where I live. Warm, heavy raindrops carried to us from somewhere off the Mexican coast. It’s quiet and dark. We won’t know the full damage of her impact until she’s moved on, and the birds know it’s safe to start singing again.
8 grand to raise 12 kids per month? 12/8 = That's $666 (how funny) per kid. That's not a lot of money. What a nightmare it would be to have that many kids.
oh, I forgot to mention:
Receiving Child Support is not taxable, but paying it is. That's right. It's one of the clearest rules in the IRS Canon:
The payer pays the tax and transfers it to the payee tax free. She (almost always a she) doesn't have to claim it as part of her income, so it's not taxable.
But it CAN be used for her to get loans and financing as any other income.
Yes, all those sounds like virtues in a woman.
There is little commitment in younger males.
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Using Hijab as a symbol of the Women's March: This garment is a symbol of FREEDOM! for Women.
Mike Pence doesn't go to social events without his wife to avoid temptation and possible honey traps or false accusations: MUH SOGGY KNEE