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Female suffrage means your women vote for the more handsome and exciting barbarians at the gates to ravish their town and their vaginas.
Just look at what happened in Europe with the Muslim invasion!
Female suffrage is a disaster.
We should cut our losses and unsubscribe.
Shaman says
Female suffrage means your women vote for the more handsome and exciting barbarians at the gates to ravish their town and their vaginas.
Just look at what happened in Europe with the Muslim invasion!
Female suffrage is a disaster.
We should cut our losses and unsubscribe.
Wait, but these Muslim "refugees" are dirt-poor and subside on gubmint handouts. Haven't we established here on p.net that pussy goes to one with the most money? Syrian refugees are not exactly flush with cash...
ZFG and an assholish masculine attitude trump money anytime. At least wrt fucking. Womyn may still go for the money when it's time to nest but with the option to fuck the pool boy if their "man" is a soyboy pussy, or - worse - fucking a type A sociopath on a wild night out and having the cash flush simp raise the spawn thinking it's theirs.
mell says
ZFG and an assholish masculine attitude trump money anytime. At least wrt fucking. Womyn may still go for the money when it's time to nest but with the option to fuck the pool boy if their "man" is a soyboy pussy, or - worse - fucking a type A sociopath on a wild night out and having the cash flush simp raise the spawn thinking it's theirs.
Patnet has finally ushered you into the Tenth Honorary Order of Female Cynicism and Misogynistic Tendencies. Your chances of surviving the female sex minimally scathed has just improved tenfold.
However, you have not achieved the Zen Perfection Sex Hermit status of Rin. You have many roads yet to travel, Cricket.
I regret my promiscuity
Casual sex is fraught with insecurity and miscommunication...
The dark side of the sexual revolution is that even though it liberated women, unyoking sex from consequences has primarily benefited men. ...
If I get really honest with myself, I’d say most of these usually drunken encounters left me feeling empty and demoralized. And worthless.
I wouldn’t have said that at the time, though. At the time, I would have told you I was “liberated” even while I tried to drink away the sick feeling of rejection when my most recent hook-up didn’t call me back. ...
I doubled down on being a proud slut and internalized the biggest and most damaging lie: that loveless sex is empowering. I basked in the girl-power glow of that delusion for decades, weaponizing my sexuality while convincing myself I was full of the divine feminine.
I was full of shit.
I told myself that because I could seduce a man, I was powerful. But as Perry says in her book, “…women can all too easily fail to recognize that being desired is not the same thing as being held in high esteem.” Deep down inside, I knew that to be the case. But as a defense mechanism, I crafted a man-eater persona. My mantras were rigid.
You can either have a career or a relationship — but you can’t have both
Intimacy is creepy
Motherhood and children are a trap
Sex is only about power ...
But a lot of women will read this and bristle, just like I did, when I used to read something that pushed back on the lie I’d built my entire identity around. ...
it makes sense to me that the generation of young women who have experienced and borne witness to some of the worst side-effects of unyoking sex from consequence and love that Perry meticulously outlines in her book, “rough sex, hook-up culture, and ubiquitous porn” — would take a look around and decide:
I’d rather be a man. Or more accurately, I’d rather not be a woman.
But maybe it’s the inevitable conclusion to the sexual revolution. Today’s youth are being fed an even more dangerous lie than the one that I was fed about loveless sex. I was told sex doesn’t matter. They’re being told biology doesn’t matter.
This is a tragedy.
I regret my promiscuity
Casual sex is fraught with insecurity and miscommunication...
The dark side of the sexual revolution is that even though it liberated women, unyoking sex from consequences has primarily benefited men. ...
If I get really honest with myself, I’d say most of these usually drunken encounters left me feeling empty and demoralized. And worthless.
I wouldn’t have said that at the time, though. At the time, I would have told you I was “liberated” even while I tried to drink away the sick feeling of rejection when my most recent hook-up didn’t call me back. ...
I doubled down on being a proud slut and internalized the biggest and most damaging lie: that loveless sex is empowering. I basked in the girl-power glow of tha...
Fuck her. Did you read what she will tell her daughter? "Sex can be empowering . . " Put a cork in it, slut.
I read the article and I want 15 minutes of my life back.
Shaman says
Female suffrage means your women vote for the more handsome and exciting barbarians at the gates to ravish their town and their vaginas.
Just look at what happened in Europe with the Muslim invasion!
Female suffrage is a disaster.
We should cut our losses and unsubscribe.
Wait, but these Muslim "refugees" are dirt-poor and subside on gubmint handouts. Haven't we established here on p.net that pussy goes to one with the most money? Syrian refugees are not exactly flush with cash...
Every single woman, no matter how fat, stupid, or ugly, thinks they deserve a prince.
Many, maybe 3/4 of women, think every guy they slept with was beneath them.
An Alpha Widow, who often got pregnant 'forgetting' to take her pills in order to ensare Chad, hates having to have sex with her Settle Choice or any other man. She Resents It. Cause He Ain't The Chad Of Her Dreams.
This is one reason so many women want their partner working at work, at home, no rest, no relaxation, it's about her justifying her sex with him as a good deal.
From a time perspective alone, any guy working 40 hours a week and doing a couple hours of lawn care and house care is a Great Deal(tm) for 3-4 half hour sex acts if you think about it logically, as a labor exchange, but of course women aren't logical. Their Wonderous Vagina access is worth more than that, despite there being billions of them on the planet.
Spoiling boomers - the very wealthy old fucks wh...
Why aren’t we encouraging our girls to pursue jobs like this? We need true equality
Ezra Levant 🍁🚛
Like Trudeau, she's a dramatic actor.
Her Twitter followers thought it was just great that a 36-year-old mother and prime minister partied like a rock star. She's a bossgirl, a leader, a warrior, the head of a NATO country!
That didn't work, so now she's trying out... crying.
Their men get to see how much bullshit nothing that these women do every day. The gig is up. My own wife was beside herself during the lockdown - she couldn't hide her bullshit from me. Needless to say, that prompted many STFU of GTFO discussions. I think she's better adjusted now.
@AmericanKulak If you want to meet women for a serious relationsip, I think the best bests these days are:
Drake apparently used Leykis' suggestion to put hot sauce in a used condom. According to rumor, some chick he was banging ran screaming in pain from the hotel bathroom. This is, of course, a rumor.
woman rescued by a MAN from a fox
Fox news.
So how in the world did it get this bad, that even our doctors don’t understand basic, fundamental facts? Well, one reason is the deliberate suppression of the truth by feminists. In 2002, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine bought some ad space in movie theaters and on buses here in Washington, a ton of PSAs. These PSAs were entirely innocuous, they said things like, for example, “Advancing age decreases your ability to have children. For more information, see the website of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.” NOW, the Natural Organization of Women, organized a campaign and had those PSAs pulled because “they sent a negative message to women who might want to delay or skip childbearing in favor of career pursuits.”
I make jalapeño poppers. Things got frisky and fuck me running.
not without a support team of servants.
had to be realtor.com
The only one with an 'ordinary' boyfriend, the actress is a lesbian playing a hetero, a high powered lawyer who never seemed to do any legal work but had lots of time to hang out with the gals.
Why a used condom though, don't get that part.
In the ultimate case of relationship treachery, a woman collected the sperm she gathered from oral sex on her lover and used it to impregnate herself, then had the courts force the man to pay child support.
Now an appeals court has ruled that the man can press a claim for emotional distress after learning a former lover had used his sperm she collected from her mouth, put it in a tube and impregnated herself without his knowledge, then had a baby.
There is a wicked wrinkle to the lawsuit, the court ruled, however. The man cannot claim theft, the court stated, because the man willingly gave the sperm away and it was, therefore, hers to keep.
Flush it down the toilet. The whole peppers thing is nice, but sperm can survive in extremely acidic solutions for a long time. She may experience discomfort in her hoho, but she'll still get the sperm up there.
Even more devious women have used blowjobs to get the sperm they then used to impregnate themselves:
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Using Hijab as a symbol of the Women's March: This garment is a symbol of FREEDOM! for Women.
Mike Pence doesn't go to social events without his wife to avoid temptation and possible honey traps or false accusations: MUH SOGGY KNEE