Gorsuch will require the 'nuclear option' - Trump the uniter...

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2017 Apr 3, 12:16pm   3,160 views  18 comments

by FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

It looks like the Dems will pick up and go down the same road as Mitch 'the turtle' decided to travel last year. Trump picked a judge off of Mercer's approved list, and it's given the Dems enough cover to do this. Trump advertised himself as the greatest uniter. Well, he can't even unite the Republican party, and he's helped to further the political divide in the country.



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1   Entitlemented   2017 Apr 3, 12:21pm  

Dems are obstructionist Cartel.

They have undermined the US in Jobs, false hood of social justice, which lead to en-pooring the already poor. Taking away real job potential with NAFTA, the dems pretend that most jobs are low paying that await the future that NAFTA has left US.

The only hope is to get the USA back to innovating, manufacturing and cut the unspeakable red tape created by leftists/liberals. Some liberals are waking up, will the leftists?

2   Tenpoundbass   2017 Apr 3, 12:26pm  

Entitlemented says

Dems are obstructionist Cartel.

I know! And while they are doing that shit, I be red pilling people like a motherfugger.
My Goal is to have Broward Florida Purple in the next election. And full Red by Trumps 2024 reelection.
It will be easy AF listen Ya'll I already know the stupid Liberal's play book.

Like the bird with too much in it's beak, they are going to have to let go of the coast as they go inland to try to conquer the Red States.
That will be our time to take the Coastal towns back.

Ya'll Ready? Hold the line!

3   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 3, 12:31pm  

Entitlemented says

Dems are obstructionist Cartel.

Really on point here. You go on to talk about a bunch of crap that has nothing to do with the supreme court nomination and fail to acknowledge what McConnel did to Garland.

If you hate obstructionists so much, why not bitch about the freedom caucus who just stopped the rest of the party from achieving their coveted goal? Hate to criticize your own team, huh?

4   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 3, 12:31pm  

YesYNot says

It looks like the Dems will pick up and go down the same road as Mitch 'the turtle' decided to travel last year. Trump picked a judge off of Mercer's approved list, and it's given the Dems enough cover to do this. Trump advertised himself as the greatest uniter. Well, he can't even unite the Republican party, and he's helped to further the political divide in the country.

Reminder: It's Schumer HIMSELF who changed the standards required for confirmation.

5   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 3, 12:41pm  



Anyway, I agree that it's not all on the Republicans. But the point is valid that we are coming to the point where it will be used to get a judge onto the Supreme Court for the first time ever, right? That's a big deal. Obama appointed a moderate. Trump appointed a pretty hard right guy who wouldn't answer many questions in senate hearings. That's why Trump deserves some of the blame. Reid deserves some of the blame too, as well as the Republicans who were obstructing all confirmation hearings in 2013.

6   Tenpoundbass   2017 Apr 3, 1:24pm  

That Schumer is the worlds biggest Idiot Savant.

If IQ was measured in Liberal filth.

This guy personally changed more rules in congress so he and his alies could get their way time and time again. Now that Trump is beating the shit out of them with the framework he inherited from Schumer. Schumer is saying "Well if you don't get 60 don't change the rules, get someone mainstream to our liking."

Yes Liberals we're not laughing with you.

7   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 3, 1:32pm  

By the way, a reminder that Schumer has literally never had any occupation but politics, straight outta law school.

8   curious2   2017 Apr 3, 1:37pm  

YesYNot says



"Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) says he regrets the decision by Democrats in 2013 to trigger the "nuclear option" for most presidential nominations.

The change to the Senate rules lowered the threshold for confirming Cabinet nominees to a simple majority vote — something that will now help President-elect Donald Trump push through his nominees.

"I argued against it at the time. I said both for Supreme Court and in Cabinet should be 60 because on such important positions there should be some degree of bipartisanship," Schumer told CNN.

"I won on Supreme Court, lost on Cabinet. But it's what we have to live with now."

Having agreed upon specific nominees listed by the Federalist Society during the campaign, President Trump nominated someone from their list, but the Senate does not need to confirm. SCOTUS can function with eight justices, even seven. The rule change regarding lower courts resulted from necessity: gridlock was depopulating the judiciary, delaying cases or preventing them from being heard. It makes less difference whether a case is heard by seven or nine, but confirming a divisive nominee would increase the risk that a future Congress and President might increase the Court to 11 or more. A stitch in time saved nine during FDR's administration, and should again. Frankly, President Trump would probably be better off if the Democrats win this fight and postpone this nominee. The President could repeat the process with others from the list, then say he did what he promised by nominating them, then move on to someone who can get confirmed.

Presidents get elected to lead for a specific time, but SCOTUS appointees continue to make law decades afterwards. (And before partisans begin sloganeering, please note that SCOTUS has been making law since Marbury v Madison, just as corporations have been associations of persons since the Corporation Cases in the 19th century.) President Trump and his legacy will do better if the more divisive nominees do NOT get confirmed, so he can say he delivered the nominations he promised and yet he won't get blamed for judicial decisions that force a subsequent administration to pack the Court. Judge Gorsuch is comparatively young, give him time to develop a more broadly reassuring record before entrusting him with a seat on SCOTUS.

9   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 6, 7:15am  

Did McCain call McConnel a stupid idiot? https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/mcconnell-nuclear-option-helps-senate-mccain-whoever-says-that-is-a-stupid-idiot/2017/04/05/d9d73aec-1a1a-11e7-9887-1a5314b56a08_story.html?utm_term=.01468be47328
Was it so baffling that he couldn't just pick one adjective?

This article has an interesting history on this issue and explains Schumer's part in it.

10   Tenpoundbass   2017 Apr 6, 8:15am  

Thanks to Harry Reid, Schumer and Pelosi for that. They knew a hell of a lot more than those Constitutional Hacks that were our founding fathers.
Or none of this would be possible. Those founding fathers were idiots, they knew nothing of the Orange one.

11   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 6, 8:45am  

Tenpoundbass says

You better hope to Hell I'm right!

We can hope for what's best for the country without hoping you are right.

12   Tenpoundbass   2017 Apr 6, 8:59am  


senator to still manage to cast the deciding vote on a SCOTUS nominee. Back in 2013, when Dems were pretty sure theyd be in control of the Senate forever, Reid actually encouraged the Republicans to carry on with his precedent

13   HEY YOU   2017 Apr 6, 9:00am  

So how many of you Socialist(You didn't build that) RightwingnutRepublicanTrolls have a house full of

You FUCKS are probably using an outsourced computer.

14   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 6, 9:17am  

Ironman says

How is this Trump's fault??? From your link:

It's his fault as much as it was Obama's fault for 'failing to unite the country.' I don't put all the blame on either of them. IMO, the reason that we are so divided has to do with the media, the system that rewards media outlets for catering to peoples preconceived notions, and the lack of integrity of people in the media and government. It takes people doing the right thing instead of blindly following self-interest to prevent this direction. The primary thing that I 'blame' Trump for is his silly claim that he would unite us. I put blame in quotes, because that's hardly a big fault. It's a typical politician lie, which is fairly acceptable. I'm just doing due diligence to point out his lies and typical politician behavior. As far as Trump's character, management style, and integrity go, I'd put him at the bottom of the heap. So, he will tend to take us further down the road of division than most centrists would. That's just a prediction at this point.

15   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 6, 10:22am  

Ironman says

How long has Trump been President??

The first 100 days are a President's best hope of getting things done. They have a lot of political capital, because people overreact to what the election victory means. If he's having such a hard time getting things right now, how do you think he will do as things get harder? I know, we won't know what happens until we get there. But the signs are not good for your man.Ironman says

constantly posting the bullshit put out by totally biased sites like WaPo and NYT.

Those outlets should not be catering so much to their readership as they do. I acknowledged that in my post. However, the Washington Times is full of faulty logic and reads like some of your posts. It insults the intelligence of every reader with critical thinking skills. You need to take your biased head out of your ass and figure out where center is. Until then, just try to stay focused on the topic and spend less time whining about various sources.

16   anonymous   2017 Apr 6, 11:47am  

Ironman you are a broken record. How about some new material

17   bob2356   2017 Apr 6, 12:20pm  

Ironman says

In TWO MONTHS you can make a total prediction?? Really?? He doesn't even have all his cabinet and administration positions all confirmed yet.

Presidents have serious legislative agenda in play by now with almost all of their people in place. The chaos getting people in place is amazing. It's unprecedented. Actually its just plain incompetent. It's a clown show. He isn't even close to finished picking people at the second level. Normally the people are at least selected and ready to start the confirmation process by the time presidents take office.

How the hell is trump going to do tax reform. He hasn't nominated 22 of the 27 positions at treasury and none of the ones nominated have been confirmed. Those would be the people who would be actually writing the nuts and bolts of tax reform. So who is going to be writing the tax reform then? Reagan's proposed tax reform was way over 1000 pages long. Are trump and bannon going to whip it out over a long weekend in florida? Too funny.

Oh right it's the democrats fault trump's people can't get it together to come up with picks. What? No one told the trump team back in November that they were going to need to select all these people. That they needed to get it together asap?

What happened to your bleating about trump the effective manager? This is your idea of effective management?

18   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 6, 12:53pm  

Ironman says

What happened

Bob just schooled you and you retreated behind farm animal and poo poo jokes.

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