Asked if it crossed a red line for him, Trump replied: It crossed a lot of lines for me. ... Beyond a red line. Many, many lines.

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2017 Apr 6, 7:22am   5,713 views  28 comments

by FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

This is an interesting quote. I know - nothing Trump says should be taken literally, blah blah blah.

The question is, how do we take it? He said that this attack was beyond a red line. Is he retroactively drawing a line in the sand that someone (probably Assad) crossed? This makes me think two things.

1) He's committing to either taking military action or doing the same as Obama (say it crossed a red line and not doing anything)
2) He seems to be reacting to this type of thing much different now that he is in charge. Is he just now realizing how horrific this type of thing is? I can just picture him saying, 'Who knew? Nobody knew it was so bad!'

Will this quote become significant? What say you?

#politics #Syria

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7   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 6, 9:30am  

Ironman sides with Assad and Russia and thinks that Trump's administration has been duped. Will he admit that he thinks Trump is getting it wrong? All of PatNet is wondering. Will he praise Putin? Will he praise the integrity of Assad? The US intel says that planes dropped bombs at the point when the gas attack was reported. Assad says no. The CIA was wrong about Iraq. Does that mean that they are wrong today? Is it just the deep state baiting Trump? What will breitbart and hedgehog say?

Trump's Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, said on Wednesday there was "no doubt" that Assad was responsible for the attack and called on Russia to "really think carefully" about its continued support for the regime.

US intelligence officials said they followed the radar track of regime planes and the infrared heat signature of the bombs. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem denied the government carried out airstrikes at the time of the reported attack and repeated the government's claims it had never used chemical weapons and never would.
He said the government's first strike happened at 11:30 am, around five hours after reports of the chemical attack emerged.


8   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 6, 10:13am  

Ironman says

If you're an idiot?

They have all of the evidence they need to figure out who is the idiot. If anyone is still waiting for that, there's not much hope for them.

Ironman says

Russian officials have a different account of the events in Idlib.

That's because they are not morons, so they came up with a plausible story. They should work on squaring it with what their friends in the Syrian government are claiming.

9   socal2   2017 Apr 6, 10:23am  

Ironman says

Russian officials have a different account of the events in Idlib. They said Assad attacked an ISIS weapons depot, which had chemical weapons in it.

It is my understanding that it is nearly impossible to set off Sarin gas just by bombing it. It has 2 precursors that need to be mixed precisely for the gas to become lethal.

And if you buy the Russian/Iranian/Assad line that they bombed a rebel bunker housing toxic gas, Assad and Russia would still be complicit in the injuries for knowingly bombing a chemical weapons depot.

10   RWSGFY   2017 Apr 6, 10:37am  

Ironman says

Strategist says

If Assad uses Sarin on his own people,



Fake news: sarin mainly works through inhalation. For it to penetrate skin the concentration must be very high and since it drops very fast in open air it's not a problem if rescue workers do not war full hazmat suits. But masks must be worn because even clothing exposed to sarin will release it for half an hour or so . Syrian binary munitions are not very sophisticated and have comparatively low output - 30% vs properly weaponized shit. So they won't really work on enemy military personnel equipped with mask and such but are still effective against civilian population.

11   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 6, 10:42am  

Straw Man says

Fake news

Feman fell for fake news? Inconceivable!

12   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 6, 7:57pm  

Ironman says

How about Door Number 3?

Trump didn't buy that. Looks like I was right on both counts. He did strike militarily, and he sees the use of chemical weapons very differently now than four years ago.

13   Strategist   2017 Apr 6, 7:59pm  

What would Obama have done?

14   Rew   2017 Apr 6, 8:23pm  

Strategist says

What would Obama have done?

Impossible to know.

15   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 7, 4:21am  

Strategist says

What would Obama have done?

We know what Hillary would have done, because she told us during the debate that she wanted to do a no fly zone. Before Donald ordered the strike, she also said publicly that he should have and still should bomb Assad's airports to ground his planes.

Obama, for his part, had made great progress in Iraq taking back territory. In Syria, things were not so rosy, but he managed to keep talks going and there were no more chemical weapons attacks on his watch. He did all of this without a large boots on the ground force and military escalation. That last part is worth a lot to our long term national security and the happiness and health of our military personnel.

Since we now know that Trump is feeling free to govern as he campaigned by teeter tottering from one side of an issue to the other, we will have to wait and see where we go from here.

16   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 7, 4:23am  

Ironman says

Sent one of these:

After the attacks, you were pushing alt-right news about the chemical attacks not being Assad. Presumably, you were advocating restraint and giving Trump an out. The moment that he launched an attack, you are excitedly posting pictures of missiles and trash talking Obama for being a pussy who would have sent a cake. You post like Trump campaigned - feeling free to teeter totter from one side of an issue to the other.

17   bob2356   2017 Apr 7, 5:18am  

YesYNot says

feeling free to teeter totter from one side of an issue to the other.

To give credit where credit is due, Ironbrain has an amazing ability to fervently believe in multiple contradictory ideas.

18   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 7, 5:54am  

bob2356 says

an amazing ability to fervently believe in multiple contradictory ideas

Maybe the man stuck in an unfortunate shame spiral and his super hero alter ego are fighting for control of the remains of his frontal lobe.

19   Y   2017 Apr 7, 6:21am  

This is an impossible supposition, as the cockpit is part of the fuselage.
Therefore, the pilot can not "come out to the fuselage" from the cockpit.
Unless, for some reason he was coming from the wings...


YesYNot says

To run with your metaphor, what if the pilot is incompetent and is coming out to the fuselage to tell you not to worry, it is the last pilot's fault that we are crashing.

20   Y   2017 Apr 7, 6:26am  

Which is why that airfield was attacked, not assad directly.
We surely have flight recon proof the aircraft that dropped the gas took off from that field.
So the airfield suffers, and whichever faction has operational control of it suffers.

Ironman says

According to former Congressman Ron Paul, the chemical weapons attack in Khan Sheikhoun that killed 30 children and has led to calls for the Trump administration to intervene in Syria could have been a false flag attack.

“It looks like maybe somebody didn’t like that so there had to be an episode,” said Paul, asking, “who benefits?”

“It doesn’t make any sense for Assad under these conditions to all of a sudden use poison gases – I think there’s zero chance he would have done this deliberately,” said Paul.

The former Congressman went on to explain how the incident was clearly being exploited by neo-cons and the deep state to enlist support for war.

21   Y   2017 Apr 7, 6:30am  

More clearly, any chance to take out chemical weapons, and the places they are distributed from, is a good thing.
I don't see any problem launching cruise missile after cruise missile after cruise missile, in perpetuity.
* No US personnel in harms way
* Highly precise targeting limiting collateral damage
* Increases US Employment for cruise missile manufacturing.
* And if you really want to take assad out, wait until it's known for sure he's in his palace, and drop one there...

Strategist says

His chemical weapons and other destructive toys must be taken away from him.

22   Y   2017 Apr 7, 6:33am  

Would not gas dissipate rather quickly?
Does sarin leave a residue?

Ironman says

Strategist says

If Assad uses Sarin on his own people,



23   Y   2017 Apr 7, 6:34am  

This incident may be exposing the true paid russian trolls.
Interesting seeing who takes what side...

YesYNot says

Ironman sides with Assad and Russia and thinks that Trump's administration has been duped. Will he admit that he thinks Trump is getting it wrong?

24   Entitlemented   2017 Apr 7, 7:44am  

Quigley says

speak like a politician: appearing to care deeply about and issue while promising nothing

Like WWI, WWII we have dictators, corrupt, and evil leader who cause increased singularities of harm to groups of people until a more virtuous country finally reacts or gets involved.

Dems like a continuum of harm, while Reps like to snuff out singularities.

25   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 7, 9:04am  

Ironman says

I posted what was going on... you having delusions again or reading comprehension issues again??

Just because you aren't willing to admit your excitement doesn't mean that the rest of us cannot see it. Your new sheriff in town meme is a pretty good representation of how you feel. But here's your opportunity to tell us exactly what you do think. Go ahead if you dare.Ironman says

Obama is and will ALWAYS be a pussy, that's one reason why Trump took this action, to show that the US won't be pushed around like it was under Obama.

If Assad did it, it will show that we'll strike fast. If Assad didn't do it, and ISIS or some other rebel group did, it shows that Trump can be manipulated by ISIS into using our military power. Don't you see this obvious contradiction? You cannot keep offering up the possibility that Assad didn't do it while celebrating Trump's military response and blaming Obama.

26   Strategist   2017 Apr 7, 9:39am  

Ironman says

How many FALSE threats and "red Lines" did Obama make over the last 7 years against others?

Obama drew so many red lines that he ran out of red paint. He lost all credibility, and he is responsible for what happened to the Yazidi women, victims of chemical attacks, and deaths caused by rising terrorism during his term.
Obama belongs to the hall of shame. He will go down in history as the .... Black Carter.

27   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 7, 11:01am  

Strategist says

Obama drew so many red lines that he ran out of red paint. He lost all credibility, and he is responsible for what happened to the Yazidi women, victims of chemical attacks, and deaths caused by rising terrorism during his term.

Assad knew that Obama had left office and that Trump was making decisions. Obama's decision making pattern wouldn't enter into Assad's calculation, unless he hasn't read the news since Nov 8th, 2016. This accusation by Trump was so laughable, it was even over the top for him. If Assad did it, it was based on calculations regarding the current world leaders, not leaders from last year, last decade, or last century.

28   Tenpoundbass   2017 Apr 7, 11:07am  

┳┻| _
┻┳| •.•) The deep state
┳┻|⊂ノ always wins.

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