I have a dream!

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2017 Apr 13, 5:30pm   23,920 views  142 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

I look to a day when white people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

--Martin Luther King

This is the correct response to anti-white SJW racism.

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40   marcus   2017 Apr 14, 8:21pm  

marcus says

IS he not singling out one side, and saying something that every fucking white racist would strongly agree with ?

When white racists are accused of racism, there is always one singular response they have. "No, no, no, I mean it is true that black murder rates are higher than non black, and I do believe races really are different, that it's more than simply environment over a few generations, and I do sort of buy in to the whole bell curve thesis, but it's the SJWs fighting against racism that are the real racists."

(the singular response I was referring to was the second bold fragment)

41   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 14, 8:25pm  

The SJWs are not fighting against racism, they are fighting for discrimination based on race.

The evidence for this is overwhelming; such as the demands for racial-based dormitories and labeling the refusal to use people's preferred pronouns as a hate crime or harassment or both, subject to disciplinary action.

42   Patrick   2017 Apr 14, 8:32pm  

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

there are far more Whites on Welfare or living paycheck to paycheck, than all Blacks combined.

This is undoubtedly true.

FortWayne says

MLK said a great thing. Next thing government decided that certain jobs and schools should have "diversity" forced upon via color coded quotas. That is racism. And left does not see it that way, they just snob their noses at all of us and call us racist instead because we don't roll over for them.

Also true.

44   FortWayne   2017 Apr 17, 8:48am  

marcus says

FortWayne says

Next thing government decided that certain jobs and schools should have "diversity" forced upon via color coded quotas.

Well there were buses, drinking fountains, bathrooms, restaurants, military, professional sports, etc. Yes the government forced the issue. I guess most of those preceded MLK. Later were quotas and affirmative action, which I agree can be taken too far. Are you really going to argue that the net result of all that government sticking their snobby noses in our business was bad ?

Yes it was bad, because instead of human values of gods love, they perpetuated racial based quotas. Now you have generations of minorities, as they call themselves, who are welfare junkies living with deep hatred for whites. If they get their chance they'll screw everyone over, they just don't have the political capital to do it.

45   Shaman   2017 Apr 17, 9:00am  

Dan8267 says

Bigotry is never a trivial issue to the individual on the receiving end of it. That should not be a controversial statement.

And yet for all his professed commitment to diversity and equality, Marcus can't agree that bigotry is wrong in all situations.

46   Shaman   2017 Apr 17, 9:02am  

Ironman says

Maybe that's because Blacks are only like 13% of the population?

It's also because of Planned Parenthood.

47   Dan8267   2017 Apr 17, 9:07am  

FortWayne says

Now you have generations of minorities, as they call themselves, who are welfare junkies living with deep hatred for whites.

Yes, unfortunately you're not smart enough to realize that this very problem was created by you and your ancestors. Slavery, segregation, systemic impoverishment and oppression of blacks created this very culture. Once more the conservative right bitches about the very problems it created. It's funny how problems 400 years in the making can't be solved in a few years.

How about we stop making more problems like this? Right now we're creating another problem that will be just as costly to deal with. It would be far cheaper to simply not create or worsen that problem. The problem? Climate change. Fort Wayne's grandchildren will be bitching and moaning to the world about how bad climate change is and how it's all the liberal's fault for not doing anything about it fifty years ago when they had the chance.

It's amazing how short-sighted conservatives are and how much they are incapable of learning from their mistakes.

48   HEY YOU   2017 Apr 17, 9:17am  

My dream is that Republicans & Democrats are sane.
Delusions are working well for me.

49   NDrLoR   2017 Apr 17, 9:19am  

Dan8267 says

Slavery, segregation, systemic impoverishment and oppression of blacks created this very culture.

Then why didn't the same social pathology exist in the most racist era outside the 19th century, 1900-1960, when the majority of black families lived in lesser circumstances but in intact families? How often does this scene from Jim Crow 1956 repeat itself in the black community today?


50   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 17, 9:21am  

One thing we can do to prevent future problems is stop Islamic Immigration except in exceptional circumstances, like they're free speech Democracy activists.

In fact, stopping all immigration is far more effective in halting the increase in CO2 emissions than recycling renewables like cardboard and paper.

51   Patrick   2017 Apr 17, 9:22am  

Dan8267 says

this very problem was created by you and your ancestors.

Absolutely not.

I did nothing whatsoever to create any black racism against whites, nor did any of my ancestors.

To say so is to exemplify irrational racism against all white people.

52   Dan8267   2017 Apr 17, 9:23am  

P N Dr Lo R says

Dan8267 says

Slavery, segregation, systemic impoverishment and oppression of blacks created this very culture.

Then why didn't the same social pathology exist in the most racist era outside the 19th century

Time makes problems worse, obviously.

The fact remains that the conservative right created this problem, and until they stop fueling the flames, we won't be able to fix it.

Let's get to the core of the issue. Conservatives, given everything that has happened in the past 200 years of American history, was slavery really worth it? Are you and your family better off today because of the slave trade and the subsequent oppression?

Evil is not profitable in the long term.

53   Dan8267   2017 Apr 17, 9:27am  

rando says

Dan8267 says

this very problem was created by you and your ancestors.

Absolutely not.

I did nothing whatsoever to create any black racism against whites, nor did any of my ancestors.

That is not at all what I'm saying. Like you I don't have ancestors who were American slavers. I was talking about Fort Wayne. You can tell from his attitude that he is descended from slavers. Their descendants are the only ones who whitewash American history.

Now, I'd be all for forgiving the American South once it repents from its ways. The sins of the father are only passed on to the son if the son reenacts those sins in one form or another or condones them. Unfortunately, that is exactly what the American South continues to do to this day. It's not white Americans that are wrong. It's a very specific minority of white Americans that give the rest of us a bad reputation we don't deserve.

As for whites who had nothing to do with slavery, those who didn't benefit from it, those whose ancestors didn't participate in or support it, and even those descendants of slavers who don't condone their ancestor's behavior and don't continue to oppress minorities (for example, with thinly veiled voter suppression laws like voter ID), those white people have no reason to feel guilt. I've said that many times.

54   Shaman   2017 Apr 17, 12:04pm  

Dan8267 says

You can tell from his attitude that he is descended from slavers.

Nominated for "scientist" of the day! Did you even examine his cranium for irregular lumps before making this diagnosis, Dr. Dan?

55   Dan8267   2017 Apr 17, 12:08pm  

Quigley says

Nominated for "scientist" of the day! Did you even examine his cranium for irregular lumps before making this diagnosis, Dr. Dan?

Unlike you, I have common sense. People aren't that hard to figure out.

56   NDrLoR   2017 Apr 17, 12:20pm  

Dan8267 says

Time makes problems worse, obviously.

Time, aided and abetted by the counterculture and sexual revolution are the sources of black family disintegration over the past 50 years. A 20 year old black man in 1957 was punching a time clock alongside his white counterpart and had a child by a woman he was married to--in 1974 a 20 year old black man was selling and using drugs in the 'hood and had at least one child by a woman he'd abandoned.

57   MMR   2017 Apr 17, 2:56pm  

Dan8267 says

(for example, with thinly veiled voter suppression laws like voter ID),

They have voter ID in India and about 88.2% of the population (or higher) have it. Also, the rate of participation in elections is much higher than it is here in the US

58   Booger   2017 Apr 17, 4:54pm  

Dan8267 says

very problem was created by you and your ancestors

How did people living in Poland and Hungary create this problem?

59   marcus   2017 Apr 17, 5:40pm  

marcus says

Quigley says

And yet for all his professed commitment to diversity and equality, Marcus can't agree that bigotry is wrong in all situations.

My point was only that I can't relate to special snowflakes that get butt hurt over generalizations about "white privilege" or other similar prejudice towards white folks by minorities.

There's a huge difference between supporting it and not being bothered by it. In this case I'm referring only to not being bothered by prejudice against myself or generalizations about white privilege etc(my group).

Compare that to people that feel the same way - that there's a big difference between supporting it and not being bothered by it - as it pertains to Trump's populous racist (towards minorities) rhetoric ? This attitude applies to many around here, who defend Trump at every chance they get.

60   FortWayne   2017 Apr 17, 6:22pm  

Dan8267 says

rando says

Dan8267 says

this very problem was created by you and your ancestors.

Absolutely not.

I did nothing whatsoever to create any black racism against whites, nor did any of my ancestors.

That is not at all what I'm saying. Like you I don't have ancestors who were American slavers. I was talking about Fort Wayne. You can tell from his attitude that he is descended from slavers. Their descendants are the only ones who whitewash American history.

Now, I'd be all for forgiving the American South once it repents from its ways. The sins of the father are only passed on to the son if the son reenacts those sins in one form or another or condones them. Unfortunately, that is exactly what the American South continues to do to this day. It's not white Americ...

You got caught Dan, at least own up to your mistaken and misplaced hatred for us white folk.

You aren't going to have many friends with that attitude of yours.

61   Dan8267   2017 Apr 17, 6:40pm  

MMR says

They have voter ID in India and about 88.2% of the population (or higher) have it. Also, the rate of participation in elections is much higher than it is here in the US

Their voter ID laws aren't designed solely for the purpose of voter suppression.

Voter ID laws target African Americans with almost surgical precision

In the North Carolina case, the 4th Circuit panel agreed with allegations that North Carolina’s omnibus bill selectively chose voter-ID requirements, reduced the number of early-voting days and changed registration procedures in ways meant to harm blacks, who overwhelmingly vote for the Democratic Party.

“The new provisions target African Americans with almost surgical precision” and “impose cures for problems that did not exist,” Judge Diana Gribbon Motz wrote for the panel. “Thus the asserted justifications cannot and do not conceal the State’s true motivation.”

It's been proven in court. 'Nuff said.

62   Dan8267   2017 Apr 17, 6:41pm  

Booger says

How did people living in Poland and Hungary create this problem?

They didn't. The damn American Southerners created the problem.

63   Dan8267   2017 Apr 17, 6:54pm  

FortWayne says

You got caught Dan, at least own up to your mistaken and misplaced hatred for us white folk.

Bullshit lie. My position has always been consistent and exactly what I described above. Why don't you show on single post I've made on PatNet in which I demonstrate hatred for white folks in general, you lying sack of shit.

FortWayne says

You aren't going to have many friends with that attitude of yours.

What you call "attitude" is what everyone else calls honesty. I guess it must be an alien concept to you.

The truth is that you, Fort Wayne, and your ancestors are responsible for creating all those problems you bitch and moan about. So I asked you again, was slavery worth it? Do you have the balls to admit your ancestors committed evil and vile acts and that they made the country a worse place for subsequent centuries by practicing slavery?

And quite frankly, I'm sick of inbred whites like you making the rest of us whites look bad. Most of us whites created the greatest things in the word: democracy, the scientific method, the printing press, the transistor, the Internet. And then there is white trash like Fort Wayne who gives our culture and our history a bad rap. If it wasn't for white trash like him, the rest of the world wouldn't look down on us. And it's all because you can't get over the fact that you lost the Civil War, you traitors. You are just harming America.

64   marcus   2017 Apr 17, 11:04pm  

zzyzzx says

You'd be surprised. Just today, I talked to some great, very strong students, one part asian mixed, one latino, one black, that are accustomed to living in a diverse urban community, and they visited some east coast universities over spring break and were very uncomfortable with some of the ones that were overly homogeneous.

And I can can related to this too, when I visit a brother in a place that's 100% white, after living so many years in LA and Chicago in diverse communities, it's got a very weird feeling to it. Don't get me worng. A ot of friendly people. But it takes some adjusting to, and I don't know if I like it. But then, I haven't been there long enough to adjust.

Now that isn't white racism per se, but it's the kind of place that white racists are going to choose to live. (please - I'm not saying that everyone that chooses and all white community is a racist anymore than I would say that all republicans are racist. ).

65   Shaman   2017 Apr 18, 5:46am  

marcus says

Now that isn't white racism per se, but it's the kind of place that white racists are going to choose to live.

That is true, but! The kind of racists you'll find in mostly white private universities are the limousine liberal types who vote Democrat. They are intolerant of those who are different, but the kind of difference they can't abide is ideological. Think of it as a cult of white people all programmed to think the same way and harass those who express differing opinions.

The redneck racists these days mostly live next door to black and Latino families, and count many as friends. They hold unpopular beliefs that are different from the cult of Democrat white people, and are intolerant in much the same way as that type. It's an intolerance of ideas. Racism enters into it where certain races have systemic cultural issues that cause them to offend society much more often than other people. Here's where you see the difference. Limo Leftists will avert their gaze and insist that it's the white mans fault somehow. Rednecks will just call a spade a spade.
Who's more racist?

I do think I get it about the whole feeling uncomfortable around people who even well meaning, are entirely of another race or culture. There are plenty of places where I can be and encounter this phenomenon in Southern California. Just the other day I was in the little Saigon area getting some bahn mi and was so out of place that little kids were staring at me. Maybe it's like that.

66   marcus   2017 Apr 18, 6:41am  

Quigley says

The kind of racists you'll find in mostly white private universities are the limousine liberal types who vote Democrat. They are intolerant of those who are different, but the kind of difference they can't abide is ideological. Think of it as a cult of white people all programmed to think the same way and harass those who express differing opinions.

The redneck racists these days mostly live next door to black and Latino families, and count many as friends. They hold unpopular beliefs that are different from the cult of Democrat white people, and are intolerant in much the same way as that type. It's an intolerance of ideas. Racism enters into it where certain races have systemic cultural issues that cause them to offend society much more often than other people. Here's where you see the difference. Limo Leftists will avert their gaze and insist that it's the white mans fault somehow. Rednecks will just call a spade a spade.

Who's more racist?

I get your point, but I don't believe that it holds up. A huge part of the Trump voting block are actually republicans that couldn't pull the trigger for Hillary.

Sure some of the red necks that voted for TRump have friends that are latino or black, but it's not a generalization that holds up. The generalization that a lot of the white Hillary voters are naive and don't have experience with diversity is more true, but still isn't a generalization that makes sense to me.

As things get more diverse everywhere, I believe that the TRump effect diminishes, but it might get worse before it gets better.

I predicted this white fear many years ago, but didn't realize it would be as big a political force as it is, probably becasue I did not predict some of the forces that are exacerbating the white fear.

67   Y   2017 Apr 18, 6:57am  

I knew this would happen when the Cubans took over...
marcus says

It's 10:00pm in Floriada

68   Shaman   2017 Apr 18, 7:37am  

marcus says

some of the forces that are exacerbating the white fear.

Nobody likes to be actively discriminated against. Not even white people. That's where this push back is coming from. If you want to move forward to equality and an egalitarian society, you have to give up the regressive Left's idea of anti-white racism being necessary to correct historical wrongs and systemic cultural issues in minority communities.
Nothing less will suffice.

69   FortWayne   2017 Apr 18, 8:55am  

Lefts view of equality is putting white folk into slavery and discriminating against us because they feel entitled to it. It's when left starts believing their own bullshit, case point Dan who outright hates whites calling us "slavers".

I feel discriminated all the time, especially with how government treats people.

70   marcus   2017 Apr 18, 9:56am  

Quigley says

you have to give up the regressive Left's idea of anti-white racism being necessary to correct historical wrongs and systemic cultural issues in minority communities.

Nothing less will suffice.

I think it's a cop out. The regressive left you speak of is not that big a force, but they will continue, to an extent, because the minority individuals buy their message, and that's a growing demographic.

I don't have a problem ignoring overstated beliefs of "white privilege."

The real and only reason Trump was able to win was that the left didn't have a better candidate, combined with a huge and effective propaganda campaign against Hillary that goes all the way back to the 90s. I recall a palpable hate that my conservative older brother had for her, when she had the gall to be working on policy back in 1992.

I don't know about Bernie. I like him but am not one of those with any confidence he could have won the main election. But there are many people such as E. Warren that would have easily beaten him.

71   Patrick   2017 Apr 18, 10:01am  

Best comment on racism ever.

72   Dan8267   2017 Apr 18, 10:44am  

rando says

Best comment on racism ever.

Agreed. Freeman is right on the money.

Giving a shit about race at all is racism. The amount of melanin is a person's skin is completely irrelevant and unimportant to anything except sunburn protection. The people who truly live in a post-racial mindset are the ones who just don't care or even think about race unless discussing the failings of society to get past racism.

73   Patrick   2017 Apr 18, 10:51am  

Intel did a study and could not find any wage gap when considering similar jobs and years of experience:


75   FortWayne   2017 Apr 18, 8:32pm  

Dan8267 says

Agreed. Freeman is right on the money.

Giving a shit about race at all is racism. The amount of melanin is a person's skin is completely irrelevant and unimportant to anything except sunburn protection. The people who truly live in a post-racial mindset are the ones who just don't care or even think about race unless discussing the failings of society to get past racism.

Hence you are by your own definition racist, because you refer to all "white" people as slavers. Of course you sucked it up when Patrick called you out on it. But that's just you realizing you went out of line.

76   Dan8267   2017 Apr 18, 9:09pm  

FortWayne says

Hence you are by your own definition racist, because you refer to all "white" people as slavers.

Now that's a bold face lie told by a coward. Quote me saying that all white people are slavers. Quote me saying anything that remotely could be interpreted by any reasonable person as meaning that.

Only a coward makes up lies about what his opponent said, and a stupid one at that as everything on PatNet is public, so it's damn easy to refute your lies.

I'm pretty damn sure though that your ancestors were slavers and that you miss those good old days.

77   MMR   2017 Jun 8, 6:06am  

78   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2017 Jun 8, 6:16am  

anonymous says

Pretty stupid Cartoon considering it's underlying basis is that blacks were deprived homes due to inability to obtain mortgages, which didn't even come along until 1934 and then were 50% down and 3-5 year terms.

I don't know that I'd trust something that so blatantly lays out a false premise.

79   MMR   2017 Jun 8, 6:23am  

Fucking White Male says

How does the fact that George Soros finances BLM play into all this?

It brainwashes people into thinking that voter ID= voter suppression

Registering to vote is a lot like registering for Medicaid. Lot of people won't do it simply because it is 'too much work'.

People will get their welfare either way and people will get medical care through ER regardless

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