Trump is doing well so far

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2017 Apr 21, 10:08am   24,307 views  142 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Ended TPP, rightly tried to limit Muslim terrorist visas, increased deportation of illegal illegals (did I mention that they are here illegally?), limited H1b visas which depress US wages.

Health care was too big to deal with so far, but that's far from over.

Still absolutely zero proof of any Russian involvement in Trump's election.

A little disappointed that he fired missiles at Syria in response to gas attacks which Syria probably did not commit, but politically it was brilliant, pointing out the hypocrisy of the press: they complained he was doing nothing about Assad, then he does something and they complain about that as well. Lol, proves the elitist press is indeed the opposition party and absolutely nothing will ever satisfy them. They have no credibility.

Also disappointed that he has not called out Saudi sponsorship of worldwide terrorism.

I give Trump 7 out of 10 for performance so far.

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1   missing   2017 Apr 21, 10:31am  

Did he actually limit H1b visas?

2   Tenpoundbass   2017 Apr 21, 10:40am  

Patrick says

Health care was too big to deal with so far, but that's far from over.

Without going into it, he has made huge headway, BIGLY!

It's a monopoly insurance plan but it is no longer a tax. ;)

3   Patrick   2017 Apr 21, 10:47am  

FP says

Did he actually limit H1b visas?

He signed something, but I don't know the details of it:


4   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 21, 10:48am  

Tim Aurora says

Lot of smoke and these things take time. The email issue dragged for years.

She definitely had an unauthorized server, handled by a company with no security clearances, and deleted thousands of emails that so far we have only her word on were "Personal". Those are confirmed facts.

There are no facts connecting Trump with Putin, even though it's been investigated officially since last summer and the subject of massive media interest. Not to mention a "lateral" Patriot Act Wiretap designed to ensnare Trump's associates and the transcripts were widely disseminated purposefully by Susan Rice.

5   RWSGFY   2017 Apr 21, 10:53am  

Patrick says

he fired missiles at Syria ... politically it was brilliant

Absolutely: he gut-checked Russian and mighty Vlad turned out to be a little bitch, whining about "violation of Syrian sovereignty" instead of shooting our cruise missiles out of the sky with his wunderwaffe S-300 as promised at the time they were deployed two years ago.

6   Tenpoundbass   2017 Apr 21, 10:58am  

I like the Liberals think they running shit up in here. Trump said no more illegals, the 9 District Judges said it was bogus for the President of the United States to Lead the Country.
Yet Immigration is down 75%.

Trump likes letting CNN give the Liberal the appearance they in control. I'm sure Trump is playing everyone of them into a 2018 brick wall.

7   joshuatrio   2017 Apr 21, 11:33am  

Agree. He's def making heads rolling.

8   Tenpoundbass   2017 Apr 21, 1:49pm  

anonymous says

Legislation passed ?

BAO are you aware of any legislation that Congress has put on his desk that I am not aware of?

This is bad on Congress not Donny.

9   missing   2017 Apr 21, 2:15pm  

TPP - that was a very low hanging fruit.

Visas of Muslim "terrorists" - the countries where the terrorists have actually been coming from were not affected. He created a huge mess and caused trouble to ordinary people who had been admitted here legally.

Deporting illegals - Obama had already ramped up the deportations. In any case, targeting poor, defenseless people is not something I'll be cheering.

H1b visas - hasn't done anything meaningful. I doubt he will.

NAFTA - started backtracking on his election campaign rhetoric.

Obamacare - didn't do what promised.

Syria - still early to tell. Obviously depends on which faction of his surroundings prevails. Right now it looks like Bannon is losing.

As far as I am concerned, Trump has played his part - preventing Hillary from being elected.

Apart from this, I have some (not big) hope that he normalizes relations with Russia and is tough on China.

If he does anything to limit H1b's, that will be a pleasant surprise, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

10   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 21, 2:19pm  

Lots of sabre ratting with Steel and otherwise with China.

Notice China immediately makes unilateral concessions at the hint of one-sided free trade being trimmed back.

That's because We, not They, have all the power in the relationship - exactly contrary to what the Corporatist Mulikult wants you to think. The customer is always right and without their #1 Customer that has a $300B+ trade imbalance, they would be up shit's creek.

11   Goran_K   2017 Apr 21, 2:42pm  

The only complaints I have about Trump so far.

- Got involved in Syria. I feel for the people there, but we cannot involve the US in another war with no end.
- Didn't tell Paul Ryan to go shove it in regards to ACA replacement.

His job numbers are excellent, and even the stock market (which most on the left predicted would crash) has zoomed on up (much to my delight).

Overall I give him a 8/10.

12   HEY YOU   2017 Apr 21, 4:15pm  

We have a little thing coming up about money very soon.
Can't wait for the excitement.
Approaching $20 followed by a whole bunch of zeros.
LOSERS can't balance a budget,only borrow,spend & pay interest on the debt.
I'm talking about individual Americans.Our R & D govt. would never spend money
they don't have.
But then NO ONE has ever lost on either side of a loan.

13   marcus   2017 Apr 21, 5:37pm  

rando says

limited H1b visas which depress US wages

Did he really ? Or was mostly talk.

rando says

He signed something

Oh, I see.

I think you just like the cut of his jib, for some reason. Hmmm. What could it be ?

Don't worry about his supreme court pick, or the EPA. I know you probably like his secretary of education. And his secretary of energy. Anything that fucks over those dirty liberals. What's he going to do about health care ? Jobs ?

It's early, but from my viewpoint he hasn't done much, other than inform us that he was just kidding when he old us how incredibly presidential he could be.

I think before it's all over he will cause another massive wave of inflation (what he desperately wants), and that wages will not go up as much as everything else taking us one big step closer to being the hellhole he thinks we already are.

But at least he'll always have that special je ne sais quoi for you.

14   marcus   2017 Apr 21, 5:52pm  

Ironman says

Holy crap, look at that, under Trump's leadership, the disapproval rating is going DOWN and the approval rating is coming UP....

Yeah, the legislative branch is looking better now for some reason.

15   marcus   2017 Apr 21, 6:02pm  

Trump owns billions in leveraged real estate assets, mortgaged at low interest rates. He stands to gain BILLIONS if he can engineer some serious inflation.

Can you say conflict of interest ?

16   Tenpoundbass   2017 Apr 21, 6:04pm  

Goran_K says

- Didn't tell Paul Ryan to go shove it in regards to ACA replacement.

That's because Trump has his own replacement and RINOs and Never Trump cabal know it.
There's no way Trump would have pleaded for Paul to put that his own his desk, if Trump didn't have a nice Doozey of plan in his top drawer to send back to vote on.
Presidents can't introduce legislation but they can make changes and send it back, that's how passing laws work.

17   Tenpoundbass   2017 Apr 21, 6:06pm  

marcus says

Can you say conflict of interest ?

NO it's not he had that before he got in office. Clinton rode in Washington in a decade old Oldsmobile, and Barack drove a 300 Chrystler.
They got their hundreds of millions from conflicts of intersts.

18   Y   2017 Apr 21, 6:18pm  

as soon as trump gives atlantic city FDIC insurance to the tune of 250 billion, i am all in.

20   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 21, 6:39pm  

ISIS Member and Facilitator of Istanbul Nightclub Terror Attack believed killed in US Strike.

A close associate of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi who is tied to the New Year's nightclub bombing in Turkey was killed by US forces in Syria two weeks ago, the US Central Command announced Friday.
Troops killed ISIS facilitator Abdurakhmon Uzbeki on April 6, according to Col. John Thomas, chief spokesman for US Central Command.
"He was known to interact with him in various ways over time," Thomas said about Uzbeki's relationship with al-Baghdadi.

Uzbeki is believed to have facilitated the New Year's attack on a nightclub in Istanbul that killed 39.
"He was involved in plotting external terror plots," Thomas said. "We've clearly linked him with the Istanbul" attack


Trump Negotiates Down Lockheed over Boondoggle Jet

Defense giant Lockheed Martin has agreed to sell 90 new F-35 fighter jets to the US Defense Department for $8.5 billion -- a deal that amounts to more than $700 million in savings over the last batch of aircraft delivered.
Lockheed Martin credited President Donald Trump for helping to "accelerate negotiations" and "drive down the price" of what is already the most expensive weapons program in history.
The cost of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program found itself in Trump's crosshairs on several occasions in recent weeks and Trump called for a review of whether a modified version of the older F/A-18 aircraft could replace the Navy's costly F-35 variant.
Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson gave then-President-elect Trump her "personal commitment" to cut the cost of the stealthy F-35 fighter jet after Trump posted a tweet criticizing the program and newly confirmed Defense Secretary James Mattis ordered the Pentagon to conduct a review of the $400 billion program last week.

Once official, the deal in principle would mark the first time that costs for any of the three versions of the fifth generation fighter jet will have dipped below $100 million per plane.

Presidential Criticism is weighty.

21   Strategist   2017 Apr 21, 6:42pm  

Goran_K says

The only complaints I have about Trump so far.

- Got involved in Syria. I feel for the people there, but we cannot involve the US in another war with no end.

- Didn't tell Paul Ryan to go shove it in regards to ACA replacement.

His job numbers are excellent, and even the stock market (which most on the left predicted would crash) has zoomed on up (much to my delight).

Overall I give him a 8/10.

I give him an 8 out of 10 too, but for different reasons.
His policy on alternative energy sucks big time. How can anyone think pollution is not harmful? I hope someone knocks some sense into him.

22   Strategist   2017 Apr 21, 6:45pm  

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

Uzbeki is believed to have facilitated the New Year's attack on a nightclub in Istanbul that killed 39.

"He was involved in plotting external terror plots," Thomas said. "We've clearly linked him with the Istanbul" attack

I'm glad we killed him.
A good terrorist is a dead terrorist.

23   Y   2017 Apr 21, 6:49pm  

Fdic insurance on any losses i incur. ALL IN

24   marcus   2017 Apr 21, 7:04pm  

Ironman says

marcus says

He stands to gain BILLIONS if he can engineer some serious inflation.

How would that affect FIXED rate mortgages???


25   Strategist   2017 Apr 21, 7:05pm  

marcus says

Trump owns billions in leveraged real estate assets, mortgaged at low interest rates. He stands to gain BILLIONS if he can engineer some serious inflation.

Can you say conflict of interest ?

No conflict of interest. He is gonna be President for the next 8 years. Show me one multi billionaire who wants another billion at age 80.
Marcus, you are so naive. Poor people dream of millions. The middle class dreams of tens of millions. Billionaires don't want more billions, they want to be powerful and go down in history as having done good for the world.

26   AllTruth   2017 Apr 21, 7:43pm  

Patrick strikes me as an intelligent person, in terms of both raw intelligence IQ and emotional intelligence IQ, which is why it's ABSOLUTELY perplexing to see him as a seeming willing, vocal booster of Trump, who can objectively be said to be a genuine con-artist, a divisive individual (and for ulterior, political motives, not those of true beliefs based on a desire to improve things - he has switched positions on wars, abortion, etc., hell , he even has switched political parties and those he donates to) a flame-baiter who uses unnecessary and inflammatory rhetoric of the worst kind that sets a terrible example for future generations (never mind the existing ones), and who has so many deep, intractable character flaws (and well-established psychological pathologies) that make him genuinely unfit to serve as a mayor or governor, let alone POTUS.

And to the very core of Patrick's main point in starting this thread and what's included in his essential contention,Trump has achieved extraordinarily few of the pledges he set forth (many of which he promised would be done "immediately,' "very quickly,' "soon after assuming office,' or other words to that effect - even if one thought some, most or all of those things would be good).

If it weren't as late as it is, and if I were not leaving, I'd compose a lost of Trump's policy failures to date (failures that are most likely to persist); I'll do so tomorrow(it's easy to research these things and do a scorecard for those interested tonight).

Patrick's general statement that "Trump is doing well so far" is naive, at best, and grossly ignorant of factual reality, more accurately.

I really, truly believe that the United States is going to suffer deeply for a long time to come, economically, socially, policy-wise, etc., as a
result of Trump, who is filling the swamp, eviscerating many sound regulations and legislative acts, and whose general inclination is to lay waste to policies and protections that are designed to assist the middle and working classes.

27   Strategist   2017 Apr 21, 7:49pm  

AllTruth says

Patrick strikes me as an intelligent person, in terms of both raw intelligence IQ and emotional intelligence IQ, which is why it's ABSOLUTELY perplexing to see him as a seeming willing, vocal booster of Trump, who can objectively be said to be a genuine con-artist

You are right on Patrick, you are wrong on Trump.
Trump may not be the nice guy like Obama, but remember......."Nice guys finish last"

28   TrumpCon   2017 Apr 21, 7:55pm  

I'm going to maintain the civility that both Patrick and AllTruth achieved, which is commendable, yet agree with AllTruth that it's perplexing to see what appear to be intelligent people perceive Trump, Trump's Administration/Cabinet, his policies and regulatory proposals, and the rest as being good for the majority of Americans, and ironically, good for many of the people who voted for him.

As just one example of the ludicrous nature of Trump, he wants to cut many regulatory programs such as school lunch and aid to families with dependent children, which comprise a tiny % of the federal budget, then turn around and propose a 54 billion dollar annual increase in defense spending.

All of his disingenuous and inconsistent claims and actions WILL catch up to him in terms of his supporters waking up to this reality, sooner or later.

Even if one were to agree with the rhetoric and campaign promises Trump made before assuming office, and those made thereafter, he is doing quite poorly by his own metrics, as objective fact:


29   marcus   2017 Apr 21, 8:00pm  

Strategist says

Show me one multi billionaire who wants another billion at age 80.

Marcus, you are so naive. Poor people dream of millions. The middle class dreams of tens of millions. Billionaires don't want more billions, they want to be powerful and go down in history as having done good for the world.

OH, I see. It's not a conflict of interest becasue Trump doesn't want more money. Yes we don't have any evidence that money was ever Trump's thing.

Maybe he would like to at least be worth the 10 billion he says he is. MAybe Trump won't want more billions when he's 80. I'm wondering how many billions he wants to make in the 9 years between now and when he's 80.

I'm naive ?

You think Donald Trump can put out of his mind the extreme degree to which inflation helps him ? Really ?

30   marcus   2017 Apr 21, 8:02pm  

Strategist says

AllTruth says

Patrick strikes me as an intelligent person, in terms of both raw intelligence IQ and emotional intelligence IQ, which is why it's ABSOLUTELY perplexing to see him as a seeming willing, vocal booster of Trump, who can objectively be said to be a genuine con-artist

Agreed. I think what's been well hidden is that yeah, Patricks a good guy, and maybe fairly smart. But he's also far more of a right winger than he let's on. I would bet he has some alter egos on here though that would surprise you.

Who knows, maybe he's a marvel fan, if you get my drift.

31   Strategist   2017 Apr 21, 8:05pm  

Ironman says

AllTruth says

I really, truly believe that the United States is going to suffer deeply for a long time to come, economically, socially, policy-wise, etc., as a

result of

I'm really wondering, which country have you been living in the last 8 years, because it's apparent, you weren't living in the US? Have you been asleep the last 8 years, or just not paying attention?

Kenya, that's where he's been. Just like Obama.
Kenya has housing for the poor where everyone can have affordable housing.
It's called a mud and straw hut. I'm so ashamed America builds none of those.

32   missing   2017 Apr 22, 4:06am  

AllTruth says

Patrick strikes me as an intelligent person, in terms of both raw intelligence IQ and emotional intelligence IQ, which is why it's ABSOLUTELY perplexing to see him as a seeming willing, vocal booster of Trump,

Patrick reminds me so very much of one of my best friends - a guy both extremely smart and naive.
(It's probably why I like Patrick and feel like I know him even though we've never met.)

33   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 22, 4:26am  

Tim Aurora says

Ironman is now a thought process critique. Well looking at your 30000 useless comments, t

He probably has over 100 comments just like that one. It's one of his go to time wasting hobbies. I thought about creating a bot to experiment with scraping tools and associated scripting, and to respond to ironman, so real people didn't have to bother. The first type of post that came to mind was this type.

34   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 22, 4:30am  

You forgot destroying NATO. With the election in France coming up, it looks like one of the primary NATO partners might rather just pull out. In some cases, it's because the US is no longer seen as a trusted partner. In another case (Le Pen), it used to be because she wanted to create another world power axis in Russia, France, and the US. lately, she's been poking fun at Trump, though, so it might not be politically favorable to align herself with him so much anymore.
So despite Trump's recent claim that NATO is no longer obsolete, his earlier rhetoric and general lack of predictability might have already doomed it.

35   Y   2017 Apr 22, 6:16am  

which shows "naivety" is not coupled to intelligence, but more to one's education on the subject matter.
If someone doesn't agree with you, but has been exposed to the same set of facts you are making judgement on, that does not constitute "naivety".
That just means they've come to an alternate conclusion, based on prioritizing the relevant facts in a different order.
Running this site for the time it's been online, being exposed to the subject matter on a daily basis, I doubt Patrick is anywhere near 'naive'.

FP says

Patrick reminds me so very much of one of my best friends - a guy both extremely smart and naive.

36   Y   2017 Apr 22, 6:24am  

Not even close, especially with the russkies projecting power...

YesYNot says

So despite Trump's recent claim that NATO is no longer obsolete, his earlier rhetoric and general lack of predictability might have already doomed it.

37   marcus   2017 Apr 22, 7:03am  

Tenpoundbass says

NO it's not he had that before he got in office.

That's called evidence of what motivates him. Only republitards can see the wealth that Obama and Clinton gained as a conflict. Those were legit. Writing books ? Speaking fees ? (after).Are you kidding ?

I'm not talking about anything like that with TRump. He doesn't put it in a blind trust. But this is even worse. All of Trumps wealth is tied up in highly leveraged real assets.

FACT: Inflation inflates Trumps wealth BIGTIME !! You know he knows that. We all know that. This is an example of what conflict of interest really means. You're either honest enough to acknowledge that, or you aren't. IRonman says no, since he's alreasdy a billionaire, it proves he doesn't care about his net worth or finacial legacy.

Hahahahah ! SOme of you guys are amazing.

MAybe what you guys are thinking is that if OBama's net worth goes from 100K to 10 million, then that's much worse than if TRumps net worth goes from 3 BIllion to 15 billion
(in ways that very directly make all of us very much poorer). YOu know, becasue that's only a 5 fold increase for TRump (and even less really since he cut the value of the dollar by so much).

38   marcus   2017 Apr 22, 7:10am  

Ironman says

I think his 22,000 employees would disagree with you.

I own a few stocks. Does that mean I have thousands of employees too ?

39   missing   2017 Apr 22, 10:49am  

BlueSardine says

which shows "naivety" is not coupled to intelligence, but more to one's education on the subject matter.

I view it as an involuntary suppression of judgement.

40   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2017 Apr 22, 10:52am  

AllTruth says

Patrick strikes me as an intelligent person, in terms of both raw intelligence IQ and emotional intelligence IQ, which is why it's ABSOLUTELY perplexing to see him as a seeming willing, vocal booster of Trump, who can objectively be said to be a genuine con-artist, a divisive individual (and for ulterior, political motives, not those of true beliefs based on a desire to improve things - he has switched positions on wars, abortion, etc., hell , he even has switched political parties and those he donates to) a flame-baiter who uses unnecessary and inflammatory rhetoric of the worst kind that sets a terrible example for future generations (never mind the existing ones), and who has so many deep, intractable character flaws (and well-established psychological pathologies) that make him genuinely unfit to serve as a mayor or governor, let alone POTUS.

And to the very core of Patrick's main point in starting this thread and what's included in his essential contention,Trump has ach...

Your mistake is assuming that intelligence will lead one to choose a particular political path rather than another.

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