Scott Adams on Muslim immigration

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2017 May 8, 3:11pm   8,172 views  37 comments

by curious2   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  


"Predicting the average temperature on Earth ten years from now is hard. There are too many variables. But predicting the outcome of immigration policies probably involves far fewer variables. All we need to do is look at other countries that experienced lots of Muslim immigration and subtract out the countries that reversed the trend with military force, because I assume we wouldn’t see any of that in the United States, especially if the immigrants are legal.

Suppose I said to you that 20% Islamic population will guarantee that eventually – perhaps in a hundred years or more – the country will have a dominant Islamic culture, with all that implies for women and the LGBTQ community.
My guess is that the pro-immigration people and the anti-immigration people would agree we shouldn’t go past the tipping point."

In my opinion, the tipping point is around 20%. Most countries on earth that have allowed themselves to become more than 20% Muslim are now more than 90% Muslim. For similar reasons, the Nazis took over Weimar with around 20%, because they outnumbered the police and military and thus could use lethal violence with impunity. Think of the lethal Sharia Patrols in Bangladesh and elsewhere, and the Islamic State kill lists: if a group of people large enough to break the laws with impunity decide to kill their enemies, then the laws don't really matter anymore. On present trend, France and Belgium will hit 20% in one generation.

Scott has a huge audience and many of their comments to his blog are worth quoting, so I'll quote some examples below.

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1   curious2   2017 May 8, 3:11pm  


"Predicting the average temperature on Earth ten years from now is hard. There are too many variables. But predicting the outcome of immigration policies probably involves far fewer variables. All we need to do is look at other countries that experienced lots of Muslim immigration and subtract out the countries that reversed the trend with military force, because I assume we wouldn’t see any of that in the United States, especially if the immigrants are legal.

Suppose I said to you that 20% Islamic population will guarantee that eventually – perhaps in a hundred years or more – the country will have a dominant Islamic culture, with all that implies for women and the LGBTQ community.
My guess is that the pro-immigration people and the anti-immigration people would agree we shouldn’t go past the tipping point."

In my opinion, the tipping point is around 20%. Most countries on earth that have allowed themselves to become more than 20% Muslim are now more than 90% Muslim. For similar reasons, the Nazis took over Weimar with around 20%, because they outnumbered the police and military and thus could use lethal violence with impunity. Think of the lethal Sharia Patrols in Bangladesh and elsewhere, and the Islamic State kill lists: if a group of people large enough to break the laws with impunity decide to kill their enemies, then the laws don't really matter anymore. On present trend, France and Belgium will hit 20% in one generation.

2   curious2   2017 May 8, 3:30pm  

From the comments:

"What's the difference between a radical muslim and a moderate muslim? The radical muslim wants to kill you; the moderate muslim wants the radical muslim to kill you."

"In regards to Scott's challenge, I saw that week that studies have been done, and that the tipping point is 10%. Once Muslims make up that percentage, it's only a matter of time before the country becomes Muslim. This is due to high birth rates as well as Muslims destroying all vestiges of that countries culture. France is right around 10%, and this election assures that it is now only a matter of time. The recent capture of a Muslim jihadist with a machete outside of the Louvre Museum in Paris has been publicized, but not so much the fact that he had cans of spray paint which he would use to ruin the paintings on display one he gained entry into the museum. This is standard practice - Muslims destroy all artifacts of a culture as they conquer territories.

I had some European Muslim friends who live in Muslim ghettos/"no-go-zones". They say this openly "One day this country will be ours. Because [what you described]." It's not really so much a conspiracy as much as it a logical natural direction for them to go. Migrate because $$$. Have as many kids as possible because culture. Hardline Muslim politicians because you gotta have somebody to represent you. Secretly root for Islamic terrorism because they are "our guys". etc.

They rape "sexually liberated" white women because they think of them as subhuman sluts who are unfit for marriage anyways. Hence their rape culture.

4   Shaman   2017 May 8, 3:35pm  

curious2 says

if a group of people large enough to break the laws with impunity decide to kill their enemies, then the laws don't really matter anymore

Modern day example: Rwanda; the Huttus massacred the Tutsis. And that was mostly just a tribal distinction. Maybe the percentages don't look the same, but it proves your point. If enough people decide to go all violent on their neighbors, the government is powerless.

I'd think twice about admitting members of a religious culture with a penchant for murdering unbelievers, blasphemers, gays, apostates, idolaters, journalists, members of other religions, and anyone else who dares speak against them.

That ought to be the most obvious thing in the world. The fact that the Leftists are pushing for exactly this means they are retarded dim bulbs who should NEVER be allowed near power.

5   Patrick   2017 May 8, 3:38pm  

Yes, France is completely fucked.

7   Y   2017 May 8, 8:46pm  

Liberals want america to be punished for the sins of their ancestors.
And they are willing to offer up the country as sacrificial penance to atone their guilt.
Liberal ancestral guilt knows no bounds.

8   Strategist   2017 May 8, 8:56pm  

curious2 says

In my opinion, the tipping point is around 20%. Most countries on earth that have allowed themselves to become more than 20% Muslim are now more than 90% Muslim. For similar reasons

You are probably right, but it won't take long before a 10% Muslim population reaches 20%. It has happened everywhere the Muslims go.
I do not want to live, nor do I want my descendants to live where barbaric Muslims are sure to dominate. Unfortunately, it includes the whole fucking planet.

18   anonymous   2017 May 9, 5:25am  

So the Christians might get their comeuppance for all the suffering they've caused? I have trouble feeling sorry for them

20   Strategist   2017 May 9, 7:13am  

curious2 says

And now they are violent as hell.

21   curious2   2017 May 9, 8:16am  

errc says

So the Christians might get their comeuppance for all the suffering they've caused? I have trouble feeling sorry for them

The worst of the Christians would simply convert to Islam. They were only authoritarians anyway, using religion to persecute other people, so Islam suits them perfectly. If Islam had more power here, they'd already be Muslims.

It's everyone else you should feel sorry for. As John Walker observed, the percentage of Muslims correlates inversely with freedom in country after country all around the world. Whether you care about cannabis or marriage equality or freedom of speech, look at a map of the countries of the world, and you'll see the same pattern: the countries where freedom is legal have Christian majorities, while the countries that have Muslim majorities would literally kill you.

22   anonymous   2017 May 9, 8:58am  

Here in the real world, it's Christians that cause all the suffering. Islamic Extremism doesn't even exist in America. Virtually all Anti-Freedom suffering and harm is inflicted in the name of Christ. We ought get our own house in order, before we go trying to "fix" someone else's. Lead by example

23   anonymous   2017 May 9, 9:05am  


Your link is Fake News

The title reads Legality of Cannabis by Country. The map shows different sections of our country where cannabis is 'legal or essentially legal', which is false. Cannabis is illegal in this country. Federally. Sharia Christians will kill you, imprison you, and seize all your belongings, if you attempt to pretend this is a free country, and grow or provide medicine for yourself or a loved one. They'd rather your children suffer to death

24   Patrick   2017 May 9, 9:08am  


Dude, errc, I think you're just not looking at reality.

errc says

Islamic Extremism doesn't even exist in America.

San Bernardino? Orlando? 9/11? Many other smaller attacks?

Show me Christians doing that shit. They don't.

25   NDrLoR   2017 May 9, 9:13am  

curious2 says

Suppose I said to you that 20% Islamic population will guarantee that eventually – perhaps in a hundred years or more – the country will have a dominant Islamic culture, with all that implies for women and the LGBTQ community.

A comment lifted from a news article, I've posted this numerous times, but here it goes again:

"What happens to countries that Muslims occupy? As long as the Islamism following population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness: United States Muslim 1.0% Australia Muslim 1.5% Canada Muslim 1.9% China Muslim 1%-2% Italy Muslim 1.5% Norway Muslim 1.8% At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs: Denmark Muslim 2% Germany Muslim 3.7% United Kingdom Muslim 2.7% Spain Muslim 4% Thailand Muslim 4.6% From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves along with threats for failure to comply. (United States ). France Muslim 8% Philippines Muslim 5% Sweden Muslim 5% Switzerland Muslim 4.3% The Netherlands Muslim 5.5% Trinidad &Tobago Muslim 5.8% At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule them under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world. When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions ( Paris car-burnings) . Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats ( Amsterdam Mohammed cartoons). Guyana Muslim 10% India Muslim 13.4% Israel Muslim 16% Kenya Muslim 10% Russia Muslim 10-15% After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning: Ethiopia Muslim 32.8% At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare: Bosnia Muslim 40% Chad Muslim 53.1% Lebanon Muslim 59.7%"

26   NDrLoR   2017 May 9, 9:17am  

curious2 says

Suppose I said to you that 20% Islamic population will guarantee that eventually – perhaps in a hundred years or more – the country will have a dominant Islamic culture, with all that implies for women and the LGBTQ community.

After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning.

27   curious2   2017 May 9, 9:20am  

errc says

Your link is Fake News

Try any link you prefer, and you'll see the same pattern. You should see California. People walk around openly smoking cannabis on the sidewalk. Public broadcasting interviews people who work full time in the medical marijuana industry. It's the same in Colorado: police visit the farms and ensure plants are properly labeled, no arrests.

28   curious2   2017 May 9, 9:26am  

P N Dr Lo R says

A comment lifted from a news article, I've posted this numerous times, but here it goes again:

I've posted it too, and found it again in the comments on Scott Adams' blog linked above where it is attributed to the book “Slavery, Terrorism and Islam,” by Dr. Peter Hammond.

30   anonymous   2017 May 9, 9:33am  

rando says


Dude, errc, I think you're just not looking at reality.

errc says

Islamic Extremism doesn't even exist in America.

San Bernardino? Orlando? 9/11? Many other smaller attacks?

Show me Christians doing that shit. They don't.

By the end of 2015, the Washington Post counted 990 people shot dead by police; the Guardian counted 1,146 people killed; Fatal Encounters recorded 1,357 killed.


How many children have been sexually assualted and harmed by Christians here?


31   Shaman   2017 May 9, 9:35am  

Christians oppressed errc by making weed illegal. Therefore they are as bad as Muslims and deserve to be hung!

32   anonymous   2017 May 9, 9:44am  

@curious2 are you saying that cannabis is legal in the United States?

That appears to be false



You can attempt to sweep the Christians acts of violence, and their perpetuating harm and suffering upon so called free people, but I won't sit by and watch in silence

33   anonymous   2017 May 9, 9:45am  

Quigley says

Christians oppressed errc by making weed illegal. Therefore they are as bad as Muslims and deserve to be hung!

Look at you all triggered!

The truth shouldn't hurt your feelings so bad

34   Patrick   2017 May 9, 9:56am  

errc says

You can attempt to sweep the Christians acts of violence, and their perpetuating harm and suffering upon so called free people, but I won't sit by and watch in silence

I still don't get what you're talking about.

Christian acts of violence? Harm and suffering?

Please compare what you're talking about to, say, Orlando.

35   curious2   2017 May 9, 10:01am  

errc says

@curious2 are you saying that cannabis is legal in the United States?

No, and neither did the map that you called "Fake News," which said, "Legal or essentially legal." Walk around California sometime, see people smoking cannabis on the sidewalk, police rolling by, and you'll see what they mean.

In America, the vast majority of law enforcement occurs at the state and local level. Federal enforcement accounts for only a tiny fraction. Once a state decriminalizes both medicinal and recreational cannabis, as California has, most people consider it "essentially legal," because as a practical matter they experience no legal consequences for openly consuming it.

You keep sliding from the point of the thread and ignoring the statistical pattern. While people walk around California openly smoking cannabis, people get executed for possession in Muslim countries. Of the countries where cannabis results in legal execution, nearly all have Muslim majorities. This thread is not about the fact that people are all sinners and you can find bad things anywhere, that's been said so many times it's pointless repeating it. This thread addresses the effects of Islamic immigration, including statistical evidence that you tend to end up with less freedom when you have more Muslims.

36   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 9, 10:21am  

curious2 says

You keep sliding from the point of the thread and ignoring the statistical pattern. While people walk around California openly smoking cannabis, people get executed for possession in Muslim countries.

Errc, didn't you see Midnight Express? And that was when Turkey was at it's most secular.

37   Shaman   2017 May 10, 8:36am  

When you argue with an idiot, you always lose. It's like wrestling with a pig: you are going to get filthy and only the pig will enjoy it.

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