Are They Really Out to Get Trump? Sometimes paranoia is justified

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2017 May 15, 10:29pm   32,082 views  150 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Two well-informed observers of the situation have recently joined in the discussion, Robert Parry of Consortiumnews and former CIA senior analyst Ray McGovern of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. McGovern has noted, as have I, that there is one individual who has been curiously absent from the list of former officials who have been called in to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee. That is ex-CIA Director John Brennan, who many have long considered an extreme Obama/Hillary Clinton loyalist long rumored to be at the center of the information damaging to Team Trump sent to Washington by friendly intelligence services, including the British.

Ray suggests that Brennan and also Comey may been at the center of a “Deep State” combined CIA-NSA-FBI cabal working to discredit the Trump candidacy and delegitimize his presidency. Brennan in particular was uniquely well placed to fabricate the Russian hacker narrative that has been fully embraced by Congress and the media even though no actual evidence supporting that claim has yet been produced.

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81   Dan8267   2017 May 17, 9:24am  

CBOEtrader says

This is an absolute untruth. In fact Hillary's crimes were so obvious that according to the MSM, merely releasing her emails cost her the election.

This is partisan hackery. You claim that team Hillary committed murder on evidence far less than that against Trump. Utter hypocrisy.

Well, Trump was right about one thing, and CBOEtrader demonstrates this fact beyond any doubt.

Yes, Trump could commit murder on live television and his supporters would still support him. No crime would detract from their support because Trump is the only person to ever call them smart. Insecurity breeds unconditional loyalty. It's exactly why people follow cult leaders. It makes them feel safe and special.

82   HEY YOU   2017 May 17, 9:43am  

Trump couldn't shoot anyone,OBAMA took our guns.
No paranoia just facts.

83   Patrick   2017 May 17, 10:10am  

Dan8267 says

No crime would detract from their support because Trump is the only person to ever call them smart. Insecurity breeds unconditional loyalty. It's exactly why people follow cult leaders. It makes them feel safe and special.

I disagree. I think you've got Trump supporters' feeling wrong.

It's a reaction to the contempt that coastal elites show for "flyover country", and elite indifference to the devastation of American industry via globalization.

Those voters correctly perceived that the coastal elites also have contempt for Trump for similar reasons, and so they feel a kind of kinship with him as a fellow "deplorable".

84   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 17, 10:17am  

"Give you one right off the top of my head: rosenstein threatened to quit. No he didn't, and the media ran from an alleged anonymous source without trying to confirm Even during Watergate, Bernstein and Woodward had to get on the record sources and other evidence before the wapo would print the story. I honestly wonder if the shit is just made up."

That story is real and no MSM outlets are running from it. Of course it's being publicly denied--what did you expect?

85   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 17, 10:20am  

Here's what actually happens:

MSM releases story about Trump scandal
Trump Administration officially denies it. Calls it Fake News
Trump tweets at 3AM that, yes he did it. And so what.
Trump Administration officials say yes it's true, but it's no big deal.
Spicer tells reporters to stop asking about it. Liberal media is the only one who cares
Trump Administration says they will no longer answer any questions about said scandal.

87   Dan8267   2017 May 17, 10:40am  

rando says

I think you've got Trump supporters' feeling wrong.

It depends on what you mean by supporters. There are people who voted for Trump even though they didn't like him. People who wanted any change. People who considered him the lesser of two evils. People who just found Hillary unacceptable. People who could not let the DNC be rewarded for their treachery. I would not call any of these people Trump supporters. Hell, I was one of the people in the last group. At worse, they are Trump tolerators, forced to pick one evil or another.

Then there are the die hard supporters who never believe that Trump does anything wrong no matter how strong the evidence. CBOEtrader, Strategist, and piggy are examples of these people. They like Trump for the same reason they liked Bush Jr. He's an idiot they can identify with, and he makes them feel smart and important. He's not doing anything in their interests, but he says things they like being said.

rando says

Those voters correctly perceived that the coastal elites also have contempt for Trump for similar reasons, and so they feel a kind of kinship with him as a fellow "deplorable".

And that is tribalism. It's the cause of most of our problems.

I've said many times that the left and the right are just two conservative tribes fighting each other. Tribalism is the quintessential property of conservatism. At it's core, conservatism is dogmatic loyalty to your tribe and a hatred of all other tribes. It is based entirely on identity politics whether it's the KKK or SJW. It's always about race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, immigration status, cowboys or hippies, or some other us vs them group mentality.

In contrast, liberalism is all about the rights of the individual and making sure no person has power over another person. We need more liberalism in our country. It's the only cure for the left and the right, as well as for Islamism.

And this is a very serious problem. It has become the norm for each tribe to outright promote debunked lies as indistinguishable facts and to reject all facts that contradict their ideology as falsehoods. The very concept of a republic does not work unless the population has a strong, accurate grasp on reality including distinguishing between facts and falsehoods. No republic, nonetheless a democracy, can survive if the voting public is delusional.

The unconditional support of Trump displayed on PatNet and in general is essentially a religion. It is devoid of factual accountability and based entirely on faith. Politics as religion is always a dangerous thing.

88   Dan8267   2017 May 17, 10:42am  

socal2 says

But they loved Bill Clinton and his enabling wife Hillary.

Another fine example of tribalism. Us vs. them. You either on my team or the enemy team.

Can't accept that both are bad.

89   Heraclitusstudent   2017 May 17, 11:11am  

BlueSardine says

He's a scud, launched into the corporate process known as the US government, by people disenfranchised on so many levels.

Bring back the manufacturing jobs, Trump goes away.

Scale back political correctness to sane levels, Trump goes away.

Give us our private bathrooms, Trump goes away.

At least appear to protect our borders, Trump goes away.

and on and on and on...

Nah... it's easier to just stone him.

90   CBOEtrader   2017 May 17, 11:24am  

Dan8267 says

Then there are the die hard supporters who never believe that Trump does anything wrong no matter how strong the evidence. CBOEtrader, Strategist, and piggy are examples of these people. They like Trump for the same reason they liked Bush Jr.

Lol, dan consistently thinks he knows shit he doesn't know. I neither voted for trump or bush jr. I think bush jr is perhaps the worst president ever, with the possible exception of Obama.

zzyzzx says

CNN is fair in the same way that Russian elections are fair. In fact they get about the same stats, 96% solidarity w their propaganda.

91   CBOEtrader   2017 May 17, 11:28am  

Dan8267 says

I've said many times that the left and the right are just two conservative tribes fighting each other.

This is fair. Obama and Clinton are both neocons.

Trump is standing up to the bi-partisan criminals, while they show they are thick as thieves against him.

How about we take a look at the DNC servers, seth rich's laptop, comey's notes, and all transcripts of comey/trump and trump/Russia meetings... then go from there?

92   Entitlemented   2017 May 17, 11:40am  

Dan8267 says

The people who were counting on Trump for their economic livelihood were duped. They were fools,

Clinton said that NAFTA was create Millions of new jobs:


If you think that in 3 months that Trump (who has started many businesses) is duping people when NAFTA made over 100,000 small businesses bankrupt and most of the manufacturing is done offshore, then who is being duped?

Who is the better president? One that hold onto NAFTA as the giant sucking sound of jobs implodes the US economy for over two decades?
Who is the better president: One that lobbys outwardly to keep Carrier and 100s of other jobs from being outsourced?

What a fool believes.......

93   socal2   2017 May 17, 11:42am  

CBOEtrader says

This is fair. Obama and Clinton are both neocons.

Obama is a neocon? The guy that went against all of his military and State Department advisers by pulling every last troop out of Iraq, gave Russia a free hand in the Middle East, gave billions to Iran in a misguided nuke deal, emptied out GITMO, and took every opportunity to shit on Israel?

That Obama? Geesh.

94   marcus   2017 May 17, 11:51am  

socal2 says

The guy that went against all of his military and State Department advisers by pulling every last troop out of Iraq

You mean when he followed through on Bush's commitment ? Powell was right when he said you break it,
you own it. The problem is we couldn't afford to own Iraq.

95   Dan8267   2017 May 17, 11:56am  

CBOEtrader says

Lol, dan consistently thinks he knows shit he doesn't know. I neither voted for trump

I never said you voted for Trump. Once more you are caught in lies.

I stated that you are unconditionally supporting Trump and every thread and post you've made in the past month demonstrates that.

96   CBOEtrader   2017 May 17, 11:57am  

socal2 says

CBOEtrader says

This is fair. Obama and Clinton are both neocons.

Obama is a neocon? The guy that went against all of his military and State Department advisers by pulling every last troop out of Iraq, gave Russia a free hand in the Middle East, gave billions to Iran in a misguided nuke deal, emptied out GITMO, and took every opportunity to shit on Israel?

That Obama? Geesh.

The neocons in team left disagree w the neocons in team right as a form of performance art for idiots. When pressed both sides increase govt size/scope/power, increase debt, bomb-the-fuck out of everyone, attack civil liberties including but not limited to personal privacy, and set up systems that steal money for their friends while hurting the working middle and lower classes.

They are thick as thieves when attacked by a real threat, like a ron paul type of movement.

97   socal2   2017 May 17, 11:57am  

marcus says

I really don't understand your point. Clinton was impeached for fooling around with an intern.

But Bill (and his enabling wife) are still heroes for the Democrat party, Media and many feminists.

How come Bill isn't treated like Bill Cosby or Bill O'Reilly by the Media? I don't believe anyone has accused O'Reilly of raping anyone.

98   CBOEtrader   2017 May 17, 11:58am  

Dan8267 says


I question your command of basic english

99   socal2   2017 May 17, 12:01pm  

marcus says

You mean when he followed through on Bush's commitment ? Powell was right when he said you break it,

you own it. The problem is we couldn't afford to own Iraq.

We couldn't afford to keep 5,000 or 10,000 troops in Iraq to maintain the hard won gains? We have the biggest military budget in the world.

Besides, Obama had to return 5,000+ troops back to Iraq and Trump will send more as we finish off ISIS in Syria.

100   CBOEtrader   2017 May 17, 12:01pm  

Dan8267 says

I stated that you are unconditionally supporting Trump

Pointing out fake news and fake narratives that are tearing our country apart is not supporting trump unconditionally. I do support him as our president and hope he drains the swamp.

You vultures would rather our country burn to the ground than MAGA.

101   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 17, 12:01pm  

"Trump is standing up to the bi-partisan criminals, while they show they are thick as thieves against him."

And how exactly is he standing up to them? Name any actions he's taken that "stand up" to them.

102   CBOEtrader   2017 May 17, 12:18pm  

joeyjojojunior says

"Trump is standing up to the bi-partisan criminals, while they show they are thick as thieves against him."

And how exactly is he standing up to them? Name any actions he's taken that "stand up" to them.

He ran for office, turned their weaponized political correctness against them, and won. Ya know, for starters.

103   socal2   2017 May 17, 12:24pm  

CBOEtrader says

He ran for office, turned their weaponized political correctness against them, and won. Ya know, for starters.

That was the easy part.....relatively speaking. I think a paper bag could have beat grandma Nixon this past election cycle.

It will all be for nothing if Trump drags the entire party down and hands it back to the Democrats for the next several elections.

Trump is way behind in making political appointments to clean up the mess of the Federal Government. At the very least, he should have had someone ready for FBI if he was going to fire Comey the way he did.

104   CBOEtrader   2017 May 17, 12:27pm  

socal2 says

Trump is way behind in making political appointments to clean up the mess of the Federal Government. At the very least, he should have had someone ready for FBI if he was going to fire Comey the way he did.

He's being obstructed at every turn. He cant eat breakfast w/o someone saying its a Russian conspiracy to promote captain crunch.

105   marcus   2017 May 17, 12:29pm  

CBOEtrader says

who are all currently being laughed at internationally

Yes, that sounds right. The typical above average intelligence europeans on the street are talking about how messed up the NYT, WaPo and CNN are. Exactly. This will help destroy the EU and will guarantee more right wing fascists come to power in Europe.

CBOE: "Nailed it !"

106   socal2   2017 May 17, 12:31pm  

CBOEtrader says

He's being obstructed at every turn. He cant eat breakfast w/o someone saying its a Russian conspiracy to promote captain crunch.

In terms of appointments, Trump hasn't even presented a list for many of the posts for Congress to obstruct. Case in point, the FBI director. It was criminally stupid to fire Comey and not have a solid replacement ready for consideration.

Yes - the Democrats and the Media are bonkers, blowing alot of shit out proportion. But lets not make excuses for Trump on issues like this.

107   CBOEtrader   2017 May 17, 12:35pm  

socal2 says

But lets not make excuses for Trump on issues like this.

The democrats say they wouldn't vote for a new director even if he had one. If trump is behind on his list of things to do, look at the shit that's been thrown at him. Its totally and completely w/o precedent at every level.

108   Dan8267   2017 May 17, 12:38pm  

CBOEtrader says

I question your command of basic english

You can question the truth all you want. It does not change the truth.

109   CBOEtrader   2017 May 17, 12:38pm  

marcus says


marcus says

average intelligence europeans

You have a Eurocentric view of international, you racist :) My cousins in Germany and the UK are laughing at CNN and NYT. The entire world has laughed at our biased media for at least 25 years. When I was in Panama, the latin americans openly referred to our media as propaganda. This isn't exactly a secret.

110   CBOEtrader   2017 May 17, 12:39pm  

Dan8267 says

CBOEtrader says

I question your command of basic english

You can question the truth all you want. It does not change the truth.

Is your pet nickname for yourself "the truth"? That's sort of awesome

111   socal2   2017 May 17, 12:39pm  

CBOEtrader says

So yes, it was a big win against the bi-partisan team neocon.

It must kill you that Trump stuffed his administration with a bunch of "neocons" like Mattis, McMaster, Hailey, Pence.....- right?

What happened?

Was Trump always a neocon just talking bullshit during the campaign to get the 9/11 troofers all excited? Or was Trump too weak and unable to appoint his own foreign policy team without "neocons" infesting it?

112   CBOEtrader   2017 May 17, 12:44pm  

socal2 says

Was Trump always a neocon just talking bullshit during the campaign to get the 9/11 troofers all excited? Or was Trump too weak and unable to appoint his own foreign policy team without "neocons" infesting it?

I don't fucking know man, the media doesn't ask him reasonable questions like this. They don't engage him in productive conversation. They just scream Russia and impeach over and over again.

McMaster is particularly troubling.

Perhaps its impossible to drain the swamp. Perhaps he's taking poor advise. Or perhaps he saw the billions that other presidents can easily steal, and decided to take part in the party.

I really don't know. I do know the MSM is the enemy of the people, regardless of whether trump is a solution or just another chode. W all these investigations we shall know more soon.

113   CBOEtrader   2017 May 17, 12:46pm  

Tim Aurora says

That said, he could still get by but for his unusual liking for Russians.

He needs the Russians to fight ISIS for us, the same way he convinced China to help w N Korea. His foreign policy strategy requires allying ourselves w the Russians.

114   Patrick   2017 May 17, 12:55pm  

CBOEtrader says

the media doesn't ask him reasonable questions like this. They don't engage him in productive conversation. They just scream Russia and impeach over and over again.

This is true.

The media is nutty lately, frothing at the mouth and desperately leaping from one unsubstantiated allegation to another. Their credibility has gone to shit.

To rebuild that credibility is going to be very hard. They could start by attempting a little bit of objectivity and neutrality.

115   marcus   2017 May 17, 1:08pm  

rando says

To rebuild that credibility is going to be very hard.

No. Reality has a liberal bis and you right wingers lost touch a long time ago. You'll always have Brietbart, Fox and the hate network that Trump and family probably start up (or buy) when he leaves.

At least 2/3rds of the people (about the came percentage that wants Trump out) have no problems with the media.

This is a big win for the right though too. Who would have thought that I would ever be relieved at the prospect of Mike Pence becoming president ?

116   socal2   2017 May 17, 1:37pm  

marcus says

Reality has a liberal bis and you right wingers lost touch a long time ago.

Right - kind of like these realities that Liberals believe?

- There are more than 2 genders?
- There are no innate differences in the sexes?
- Single mothers with government assistance are just as good at raising children as a 2 parent family?
- Public Sector unions are awesome for government efficiency?
- Public Sector pensions are not Ponzi Schemes?
- If you like your Doctor, you can keep your Doctor.......period?
- Third Trimester unborn babies are nothing but a "clump of cells"?
- We are facing "Peak Oil"?
- There is epidemic of rape occurring on college campuses?
- Women make $.77/dollar compared to a man?
- Socialism is awesome, it is just implemented wrong time and time again.....

117   marcus   2017 May 17, 3:57pm  

socal2 says

Right - kind of like these realities that Liberals believe?

- There are more than 2 genders?

- There are no innate differences in the sexes?

Another dimbulb who needs to use the most strident freakish SJW as some sort of representative of the typical liberal.

You prove my point about how far removed you are from reality. I don't believe any of your supposed tenets of liberalism. Maybe one or two.

118   marcus   2017 May 17, 3:59pm  

marcus says

socal2 says

Right - kind of like these realities that Liberals believe?

- There are more than 2 genders?

- There are no innate differences in the sexes?

Another dimbulb who needs to use the most strident freakish SJW as some sort of representative of the typical liberal.

You prove my point about how far removed you are from reality. I don't believe m0ore than one or two of your supposed tenets of liberalism.

119   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 17, 5:45pm  

Dan8267 says

There is far more evidence of his crimes than there were of Obama's or Hillary's. You are being partisan.

Dan, Different Treatment:

120   marcus   2017 May 17, 5:58pm  

Lashkar_i_Trumpi says

Different Treatment:

Aren't you embarrassed. Oh, no, I forgot.

Stupid though. Do you actually think that the issue is or ever was whether or not to share intelligence about terrorists with Russia ? You think that's what people are bothered about ? That would make no sense.

IT's about it being highly classified, and Trump willy nilly declassifying it without even consulting with anyone. It is exactly extreme hubris. Of course he fired most of the state department diplomats too. Based on what ? Do we know ?

I wonder whether the leak might have been the Russians. They don't necessarily like having Trump as President. THey just like seeing chaos and a breakdown in America. How could they possibly have fucked us over worse than by getting Trump elected President. Maybe they reckon by getting him impeached after they get elected. That would have to make Putin feel pretty powerful if he could accomplish both, right ?

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