Manchester Attacked

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2017 May 22, 4:17pm   109,454 views  503 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

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169   anonymous   2017 May 23, 12:40pm  

I do not approve of the mass murder in Manchester, or any mass murder, for that matter.

What is it with your tacit approval of the Institutional little boy penis touching of tens of thousands of young boys, by your beloved Christians?

i get that you're just another Christian defending your fairy tale of choice, but you ought be smart enough to see it for what it is. However, this is the problem with Christians: their religion demands that you abandon reason and thought, for unquestioned beliefs.

Remember the virgin birth lmao

170   anonymous   2017 May 23, 12:43pm  

BTW, in accordance with your wishes, I hope no one ever treats you in a Christian way. (If I were a real Christian, I could not even say such a thing.)


I'd pray to a God if I was gullible enough to believe in such nonsense, that no Christian ever impose their Christianity upon me, but alas, it's virtually impossible to escape the suffering wrought by Christians on this once great nation

171   missing   2017 May 23, 12:44pm  

I brought it as an example of religious beliefs, other than Muslim, leading to horrible things. Nowhere did I classify or imply which is worse.

172   PeopleUnited   2017 May 23, 12:46pm  

Dan8267 says

CBOEtrader says

The most murderous group in recent history are the communists, who were united in their atheism.

Like clockwork, the pro-delusion side repeats this debunked lie. Tom Selleck and Charlie Chaplin are the most dangerous despots ever.

And all these things, from the ancient to today, are intrinsic to religion. The hatred of gays, the torturing of religious opponents, the destruction of knowledge, the suppression of women are all done specifically because the religion demands it. In contrast, Stalin's and Mao's evil was solely due to imperialistic greed, not atheism, and is not supported by atheists or even acknowledged as atheist philosophy.

So the fact that Stalin was an atheist is as relevant as the fact that he had a mustach...

Like clockwork Dan trots out the red herring of mustaches being more important characteristics than ideas. Clearly the idea(s) of communism are relevant motivators to what communists do. while mustaches are evidence of people's motivation (to look like cops or porn stars or badasses depending on your opinion of mustaches), NOT the source of their motivation. The master of fallacious arguments strikes again, are you not ashamed of the endless fallacies you sling around.

but to the point of this thread, clearly the teachings and ideas of Islamists continue to spread hatred and violence throughout the world.


Dan said: "And all these things, from the ancient to today, are intrinsic to religion. The hatred of gays, the torturing of religious opponents, the destruction of knowledge, the suppression of women are all done specifically because the religion demands it."

I agree Dan religion APPEARS to motivate SOME people (though clearly not all) who practice religion to hate, torture, etc... (Though I would argue that hatred, and violence comes from within the human heart rather than from outside it). But the question I have for you is what motivates atheists to kill and imprison people of faith?

There is plenty of violence and hate in this world that has nothing to do with religion.

That being said, Islam was and is used to promote violence and enslavement of non-moslems. And it really isn't any better for moslems, they have to live under sharia.

173   anonymous   2017 May 23, 12:48pm  

So if solving the Islamic problem is the hill you wish to die on (or more likely, send someone else's son to die on in the name of MIC profits and Christian delusions), what is the solution?

As Bellingham Bill used to say," Nezzuna solucion, Nunca problema"

174   Patrick   2017 May 23, 12:54pm  

errc says

I do not approve of the mass murder in Manchester

Thank you. Why the great reluctance to say it? Closet Muslim?

For the record, of course I object to all child abuse. The difference here is that child abuse is not officially part of Christianity, while it is in fact officially part of Islam from the moment when Mohammed fucked 9 year old Ayesha. He's the "example for all of humanity" you know.

And sex with children is explicitly approved of by Islamic scholars down to the present day:

A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate. If he penetrates and the child is harmed then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however would not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl’s sister.
Ayatollah Khomeini in Tahrirolvasyleh, Fourth Edition, Darol Elm, Qom"

May Islam be with you all the time.

175   anonymous   2017 May 23, 12:54pm  

Have I suppressed your speech?


Not yet, however you got oddly nasty at the notion that America should get it's house in order before we go making another mess of someone else's house. Parlay that with pointing out the evil in Christianity, and you immediately wished death upon me. Again odd for someone who is generally quite reasonable and rational, and oft open to any ideas or possibilities.

Not here, though. Speaking truth to the failings of Christianity really triggered the fuck out of you. Why?

176   Patrick   2017 May 23, 12:55pm  

FP says

I brought it as an example of religious beliefs, other than Muslim, leading to horrible things. Nowhere did I classify or imply which is worse.

You brought it up as an example of religious harm explicitly as a comparison to the carnage in Manchester. Why else would you bring it up in a thread about Manchester?

177   Patrick   2017 May 23, 12:56pm  

errc says

Speaking truth to the failings of Christianity really triggered the fuck out of you. Why?

No, it's your failure to condemn the carnage caused by a Muslim in the name of Islam. Don't really mind what you say about Christianity.

178   Patrick   2017 May 23, 12:59pm  

errc says

So if solving the Islamic problem is the hill you wish to die on (or more likely, send someone else's son to die on in the name of MIC profits and Christian delusions), what is the solution?

The solution is very simple.

Speak the truth about Islam. Do not give Muslims your tacit approval for the next murder, and the next, and the next...

No violence required. No war. Just honesty and courage.

179   epitaph   2017 May 23, 1:02pm  

If Christianity is so bad then where are the Christian suicide bombers?

180   anonymous   2017 May 23, 1:03pm  

he difference here is that child abuse is not officially part of Christianity


What in the fuck would it take for you to make it official? How many children have been diddled by the church? Too many to count?

I bet if you ask any of the hundreds of thousands of kids that were sexually assualted by Christians figure heads, they'd describe it as a fate worse than death. The trouble with getting data on it, is that many of the kids end up committing suicide. One of the Eight, Seven deadly sins. So it's odd that the church promotes Assisted Suicide in this instance, but not when a supposed free person chooses to end the suffering and check out on their own terms, huh?

I'd wager more American kids have died from suicide after being diddled by a Christian, than have died at the hands of Islamic terrorists. And that's stunning, given history and numbers. There's over a billion Muslims out there. Anyone wanna take that bet

181   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 23, 1:08pm  

Dan8267 says

The New Testament is pro-slavery and was used as an argument for slavery by the South. And quite frankly, if you can't even get the issue of slavery right, you're a shit source of morality.

Dan, the whole world was pro-Slavery before William Wilburforce. Pagans had slavery, buddhists had slavery, Mongols had slavery, Muslims were the World Record Kings of Slavery, the Aztecs had entire slave peoples, etc. etc.

182   PeopleUnited   2017 May 23, 1:09pm  

errc, child rape is a horrific act, every bit as evil as blowing people up. However, Christians don't cheer when a priest rapes a boy. Islamists however DO cheer when another "martyr" (aka coward) blows up more innocent people or mows them down in a stolen truck like the losers these Islamists are.

183   anonymous   2017 May 23, 1:09pm  

rando says

errc says

So if solving the Islamic problem is the hill you wish to die on (or more likely, send someone else's son to die on in the name of MIC profits and Christian delusions), what is the solution?

The solution is very simple.

Speak the truth about Islam. Do not give Muslims your tacit approval for the next murder, and the next, and the next...

No violence required. No war. Just honesty and courage.

Lmao yea, that'll do it.

So where is the honesty and courage of all you Trumpcucks to take him to task wrt Saudi Arabia? Islamic terrorism begins and ends with Saudi funding. Trump blew a bunch of hot air about being tough on Muslims, then turned around and bent over for the Saudis, while banning Iranians. Wtf?

The problem here seems to be Christianity and the proclivity of its adherents to abandon all facts and reason, for a belief system, marketed by charlatans for their own personal profits. They know you's are easy marks, nice, gullible people, that they use and sexually abuse

184   anonymous   2017 May 23, 1:13pm  

PeopleUnited says

errc, child rape is a horrific act, every bit as evil as blowing people up. However, Christians don't cheer when a priest rapes a boy. Islamists however DO cheer when another "martyr" (aka coward) blows up more innocent people or mows them down like the losers they are in a stolen truck.

Christian figureheads cover it up, and accuse the child victims of lying, or even blame them as if it's their fault.

Christian Priest to congregation: " we must pray, and forgive, Father O'Leary, for his sins. But can you blame him? Look at that sweet little boy with that delicious little penis! Now we must move Father O'Leary to a different church where he is free to molest other unsuspecting, vulnerable children! Don't forget to donate to the cause."

Congregation: "Amen!"

185   PeopleUnited   2017 May 23, 1:15pm  

errc says

Islamic terrorism begins and ends with Saudi funding.

If you can prove this, then America needs to know. When will I be reading about it on CNN or watching it on nightly news? I'm not saying I disagree, but I want proof.

186   PeopleUnited   2017 May 23, 1:17pm  

errc says

PeopleUnited says

errc, child rape is a horrific act, every bit as evil as blowing people up. However, Christians don't cheer when a priest rapes a boy. Islamists however DO cheer when another "martyr" (aka coward) blows up more innocent people or mows them down like the losers they are in a stolen truck.

Christian figureheads cover it up, and accuse the child victims of lying, or even blame them as if it's their fault.

Christian Priest to congregation: " we must pray, and forgive, Father O'Leary, for his sins. But can you blame him? Look at that sweet little boy with that delicious little penis! Now we must move Father O'Leary to a different church where he is free to molest other unsuspecting, vulnerable children! Don't forget to donate to the cause."

Congregation: "Amen!"

What kind of comic books do you read? In reality, the Catholics hate the sex scandals if for only this reason, it is costing them a lot of money!

187   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 23, 1:27pm  

You know who can stop future terror attacks?


188   missing   2017 May 23, 1:29pm  

rando says

You brought it up as an example of religious harm explicitly as a comparison to the carnage in Manchester. Why else would you bring it up in a thread about Manchester?

Not as a comparison, but as an example that other mainstream religions are also very harmful. You think a few verses in the quoran are the root cause of evil. I think it is the state of indoctrination and blind belief. Religious texts can and have been interpreted in different ways throughout human history. Today some interpretations of Islam are the most savage. But this can change. The Bible is full of stories of genocide.

189   anonymous   2017 May 23, 1:33pm  

The Associated Press estimated the settlements of sex abuse cases from 1950 to 2007 totaled more than $2 billion.[105] BishopAccountability puts the figure at more than $3 billion in 2012.[54][102]


$3 billion worth of christian figureheads practicing what they preach


190   FortWayne   2017 May 23, 1:39pm  

YesYNot says

rando says

You seem to be ignoring Islamic history

I'm simply pointing out that nobody even bothers to defend the actions of Christians over the last 2000 years. Nobody even acknowledges the need to do so. There must be a reason for it.

If you are referring to holy crusades, that's in the past. In those days there was all kinds of problems and Christianity was not as developed as it is today.

But Islam today, they are constantly trying to murder everyone... that's today, not 2000 years ago. But today.

191   NDrLoR   2017 May 23, 2:20pm  

Dan8267 says

Your example proves my point.

You don't have a point. If your's had been the ascendant attitude 75 years ago, we would have never defeated Naziism, the Japs and later Communism--our parents and grandparents kept the faith and won the day. Today's generation isn't so much not keeping the faith but throwing it away like so much rubbish and that's why the West is knuckling under to Islam all over the world. Islam has never had a crisis of faith.

192   BoomAndBustCycle   2017 May 23, 2:23pm  

rando says

errc says

So if solving the Islamic problem is the hill you wish to die on (or more likely, send someone else's son to die on in the name of MIC profits and Christian delusions), what is the solution?

The solution is very simple.

Speak the truth about Islam. Do not give Muslims your tacit approval for the next murder, and the next, and the next...

No violence required. No war. Just honesty and courage.

It's much more complicated when you have 1.6 billion people on earth who consider themselves to practice Islam. I guarantee you would be practicing Islam if you were born in the Middle East. This is why our daughter is being raised without religious brainwashing of any form. I think the 3rd largest religion below Christianity and Islam is ... no religion. islam and Christianity are both just battling it out for survival against secularism. Hopefully scientific secularism wins out before the major religions blow up the world battling it out over ancient texts written by neanderthals.

193   curious2   2017 May 23, 2:31pm  

P N Dr Lo R says

"alternative lifestyles". Now these people, in their 50's, 60's and older are in the most influential positions of media, education and entertainment and can propagandize from those soap boxes.

If our society had the solidarity like that which existed between 1939 and 1945

Although I Like some of your other comments, sometimes you revert to Texas Christian divisiveness, and illustrate errc's and Dan's points about how Christianity can be misused.

I've been wondering why America lacks the solidarity of the 1939-45 period a lot, and I think a surprisingly big part of it results from President Eisenhower's decision to put "under God" and "In God We Trust" on everything. He did that at the behest of Knights of Columbus, btw; expressly not a charity, they do the Pope's dirty work in America, including financing politicians and ballot initiatives. Eisenhower meant well, hoping it would unify Americans against godless communism, but it backfired.

People disagree profoundly about religion, and changing the pledge of allegiance resulted in immediate litigation. The Supreme Court ruled you can't punish kids for not saying "under God." Maybe in Texas the schools had already been doing that and nobody dared complain, but when Eisenhower imposed that rule nationwide, pushback started immediately.

Similarly, the founders deliberately rejected putting "In God We Trust" on the currency, but today's Identitarian Christians have forgotten to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's.

By attempting to impose Christianity on everyone, identitarian Christians produce a backlash, and secularists fall into the trap of mistaking the enemy of their enemy for their friend. Secularists rebelling against Christian overreach end up embracing, of all things hijrah. It makes no sense if you step back and look at it, but they are caught up in the struggle.

To give you an example of the lethal consequences, consider the Clinton & W administration policy "don't ask don't tell." Highly qualified personnel including Army translators were forced out of the military during the Iraq war. The Army had to rely then on local Iraqi contractors, who tended to be Muslims with tribal and sectarian loyalty of their own. They were literally lying to American soldiers and denouncing as "terrorists" people who were trying to help the Americans. It was tragic. Americans using American forces, killed Iraqis who had been trying to help Americans. Other Iraqis saw this, and got the message. They stopped helping Americans, because they saw that their information would get "lost in translation" and used against them.

If you want to see America unify like it did in 1939-45, then quit pretending that the way of life your church teaches, and which you don't even follow yourself, is the only way or even the best way. Churchill said the reason Christendom is stronger than the Muslim world is precisely because Christianity is more tolerant. Every day, public schools teach evolution and geology, directly contradicting Genesis and the whole 'young earth' crowd (including VP Pence). Some Christians protest and homeschool their kids, but they don't blow up the schools. The biggest advantage America and other potentially allied countries have is that more people can have a stake in the success of these countries compared to the Islamic countries, where most people are oppressed. Texas Christians get in their echo chambers and forget that fact, and legislate in ways that backfire terribly.

194   curious2   2017 May 23, 3:25pm  

YesYNot says

So, even though I'm an atheist, I didn't grow up in the absence of religion.

You make a good point there, and I should give marcus credit for a similar point. Americans grow up amid a Christian majority. That doesn't make America officially a Christian country, but it does have a majority Christian culture. Even atheists who grow up in America tend to have a more Christian view of what is acceptable than they would if they grew up in, for example, an Islamic culture.

If you were born in an Islamic country to Muslim parents, and your parents and government and peers told you all your life that killing apostates and blasphemers (including atheists) was absolutely necessary and sacred, you might have very different attitudes and behaviors compared to growing up in America.

195   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 23, 3:28pm  

The Media is a bunch of Sick Fucks.

196   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 23, 3:30pm  

Also, when everybody is TRIBAL except your civilization, then you have a major problem.

TRIBAL loyalists will immigrate into your non-tribal civilization and try to impose their Tribal beliefs.

197   Shaman   2017 May 23, 3:45pm  

curious2 says

If you were born in an Islamic country to Muslim parents, and your parents and government and peers told you all your life that killing apostates and blasphemers (including atheists) was absolutely necessary and sacred, you might have very different attitudes and behaviors compared to growing up in America.

All of which would make you unsuitable for polite western society, right?

198   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 23, 3:49pm  

Modern Secular Liberal Materialists can't appreciate that Very Religious, Very Honor Centered Bandit Marauder cultures actually exist. This why there are so many SJWs. They feel that they are simply downtrodden Brown People who don't have as much stuff.

199   Patrick   2017 May 23, 4:00pm  

As horrible as Orlando was, it did probably result in at least some of the gay SJW crowd understanding that Islam really does want to kill them, and not co-exist with them.

200   Rin   2017 May 23, 4:05pm  

rando says

As horrible as Orlando was, it did probably result in at least some of the gay SJW crowd understanding that Islam really does want to kill them, and not co-exist with them.

I wrote a thread on the Orlando shooter ...


201   missing   2017 May 23, 4:11pm  

rando says

Speak the truth about Islam. Do not give Muslims your tacit approval for the next murder, and the next, and the next...

No violence required. No war. Just honesty and courage.

Ah, but there IS violence. Do you think the terrorists kill more civilians than our drones and bombs? When did the Islamic terrorist attacks in the west start? Did Islam change since the 90's? You are not honest and will not be able to find a solution if you don't acknowledge the whole problem.

203   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 23, 4:14pm  

FP says

In contrast, the Russia narrative has mainly "appeal to authority," people with an established record of reportedly allegedly perjuring themselves for the team. Partisans deem them credible whenever the statements coincide with what the partisans want to hear. There is no physical evidence to prove anything illegal, only vague hints and innuendoes.

After the US led a grand coalition to defend Saudi Arabia and take back Kuwait. With the first WTC bombing. The same people reported "Cheering" on 9/11 were from the same Apartment Complexes in Jersey City and Paterson that NJ State Police and FBI visited in 1994.

204   Booger   2017 May 23, 4:22pm  

I wonder if Manchester will be having any more anti Trump protests.

205   PeopleUnited   2017 May 23, 4:27pm  

FP says

rando says

Speak the truth about Islam. Do not give Muslims your tacit approval for the next murder, and the next, and the next...

No violence required. No war. Just honesty and courage.

Ah, but there IS violence. Do you think the terrorists kill more civilians than our drones and bombs? When did the Islamic terrorist attacks in the west start? Did Islam change since the 90's? You are not honest and will not be able to find a solution if you don't acknowledge the whole problem.

There is blowback. No doubt US/western allied attacks on Moslem nations put a target on US and the west. So yes this needs to stop. But stopping our military from being international thugs won't stop ISIS. ISIS (which at this point is an idea not just a group of JV thugs like Obama called them, and you can't kill an idea) will fight till they run out of cowards willing to attack soft targets, or until there are no soft targets. In the meantime, ISIS achieves its will, painting the non-Islamic people as weak and corrupt.

206   Booger   2017 May 23, 4:33pm  

Why can't people on the left be honest and just and say "22 lives is a small price to pay for the blessings of diversity"? Isn't that their de facto argument?

207   missing   2017 May 23, 4:35pm  

PeopleUnited, you missed the point. I'll wait a few more people to demonstrate missing it and I'll explain then.

208   anonymous   2017 May 23, 4:37pm  

FP says

rando says

Speak the truth about Islam. Do not give Muslims your tacit approval for the next murder, and the next, and the next...

No violence required. No war. Just honesty and courage.

Ah, but there IS violence. Do you think the terrorists kill more civilians than our drones and bombs? When did the Islamic terrorist attacks in the west start? Did Islam change since the 90's? You are not honest and will not be able to find a solution if you don't acknowledge the whole problem.

It's not fair to keep asking so many questions you already know they're not going to answer.

I'm not sure if these people even realize it but they're being used by competing factions, simultaneously.

What do terrorists want?

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