What you can do about Islamic terrorism

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2017 May 25, 9:24am   68,258 views  220 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

The most important thing is to tell the truth no matter how much they shout "Islamophobia!"

The media and most of our so-called "leaders" still refuse to tell the truth that Islamic terrorism is caused by Islam itself.

Some countries in Europe have gone so far as to make it illegal to tell the truth about Islam. It takes courage to fight Islamic bombs and hate with mere words of sincere honesty, especially when you will be mocked by the media, perhaps fired from your job, and maybe even fined or imprisoned.

Bogus arguments that you can easily refute:

  • "Saying bad things about Islam is Islamophobic".

    What if those things are true, and well documented by Muslims themselves? Doesn't that make Muslim apologists Truthophobic?

  • "Islamic terrorism is caused mostly by US policy in the Mideast"

    Then how do you explain Islamic murder of random innocent people in Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Argentina, Russia, Nigeria, Kenya, India, China, Thailand, Bali, the Phillipinies, etc? They had nothing to do with US policy in the Mideast.

    It is, however, valid to point out that Islamic terror in each country generally followed Saudi funding of Wahhabi madrassas (Koranic schools) in that country, and that America always supports Saudi Arabia no matter what they do. So it is Americas fault to some degree, for supporting Saudi Arabia. And it is also true that George W Bush's attack on Iraq in bogus "retaliation" for the Saudi attack on America on 9/11 greatly inflamed the existing problem. Bush should be in jail for starting a war under false pretenses.

  • "American wars are also terrorism"

    No, terrorism is the deliberate murder of random unarmed civilians. America does not try to kill civilians. If we did try, they would all be dead.

    The only reason we are not all dead is that the Islamic world is so weak and ineffective.

  • "Islamic terrorism is caused by inequality and poverty"

    Not it's not. Most terrorists are fairly well educated and not poor. In fact, propensity to Islamic terrorism increases with income and education. Osama bin Laden was very rich.

    Islamic terrorism is motivated mainly by a desire to prove devotion to Islam to other Muslims, and to one's family. "See, look how many kuffar I killed! Aren't you proud?" The horrifying part is that most so-called "moderate" Muslims and the families of terrorists are indeed proud of the terrorists for "fighting back" against dirty unbelievers by killing random unarmed civilians, such as teen girls in Manchester.

  • "Muslims used to be more peaceful, so it's something we've done to them."

    No, Muslims were always this way. What's different is that now they can use the Internet, and especially YouTube, to share and amplify their resentment of all non-Muslims and their bomb-making techniques. Google helps terrorists by spreading terrorist ideology via YouTube.

    If you've done anything to offend Muslims, it's simply being part of a successful, generally happy and tolerant non-Muslim society, clearly proving that Islam is not only unnecessary, but obviously a huge impediment to success, happiness, and tolerance.

    "In March 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they enquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:

    "It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.[25]

    Jefferson reported the conversation to Secretary of Foreign Affairs John Jay, who submitted the ambassador's comments and offer to Congress. Jefferson argued that paying tribute would encourage more attacks."

    Note the year, 1786. The Constitution was created in 1787, and ratified in 1788. The reason we have a Constitutional republic is largely to enable Congress to raise an army and navy, and the reason America needed that was largely because Islam says what it says.

    See https://patrick.net/1306992/2017-06-05-saudi-arabia-egypt-bahrain-uae-cuts-off-diplomatic-relations-with-qatar#comment-1416821

  • "Christians are terrorists too"

    So rarely as to make the comparison comical. The difference is about 1,000-fold. For every Christian attack on an abortion clinic there are about 1,000 Islamic attacks on random people. See http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/

  • "Christianity also teaches evil things"

    No, Jesus himself did not rob, rape, or kill anyone. Mohammed robbed, raped, and killed lots of people. For just one example of many, Mohammed murdered Safiya's father, then tortured her husband to death to get him to tell the location of his money, then raped her the same day, according to Islamic history.
    There is no exhortation to hate in the New Testament, but butt-hurt resentment of non-Muslims is the main theme of the Koran and the hadith. See https://patrick.net/Islam

    It is true that the Old Testament has some similarities to Islam in its very harsh punishments for violating its rules, and some genocidal wars.

  • "Islam is tolerant of other religions"

    No, Islam allows Jews and Christians to remain alive (outside of Saudi Arabia) but only if they pay an annual ransom (jizya) to Muslims under deliberately humiliating conditions, and "feel themselves subdued". Hindus, athiests, and members of other religions are officially not allowed to live at all, and must be killed, according to Islam. No other religion is allowed to exist in Saudi Arabia. No synagogues or churches, no torahs or bibles allowed.

    Anyone who leaves Islam must also be killed, according to Islam. And this is actually the law in many Islamic countries.

  • "But Jesus is part of Islam too"

    Not the same "Jesus" at all. Muslims believe that Jesus was a Muslim first of all, and was never crucified and reject the whole story about his redeeming mankind with his own sacrifice. They also believe he will come back in the final days to kill the Jews. They use the name "Isa" and say he is the same Jesus, but he's obviously a totally different guy with far different ideals. They do not include the gospels at all in their beliefs.

  • "But I have good Muslim friends. They would not murder people."

    Of course, most Muslims are better human beings than Muslims. If they are friends with you at all, they are already violating Islam, for the Koran says (5:51) - "O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends. It's good to be friends with them, and to tell them the truth about Islam because they will listen if you are friendly and don't make it about them personally.

  • "Muslims tell me that Islam doesn't teach those awful things"

    Lying to non-Muslims is officially a praiseworthy part of being a Muslim. Muslims are encouraged to lie about anything that makes Islam look bad. You can easily look up the truth for yourself. See http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/ for a good introduction to the truth.

  • "Terrorist are not real Muslims"

    Sorry, but they are actually very authentic Muslims doing what their religion commands them to do. Who are you to tell them they are not Muslim? They are giving their lives for Islam by killing unbelievers. At least they are honest about it. If they are not Islamic, then Mohammed was not Islamic either. The head of ISIS has a PhD in Islamic studies. He knows exactly what he's doing and why.

    If someone says "radical Islam", you should ask them which version of the Koran these radicals are reading and acting on. Is it any different from the moderate Muslims' Koran?

  • "Most Muslims are not terrorists"

    True, but most terrorists are indeed Muslim, and most "moderate" Muslims have sympathy for radical Muslims' terrorist attacks. And so we have the saying "Radical Muslims want to kill you. Moderate Muslims want radical Muslims to kill you."

  • "It's racist to talk about the connection between Islam and terrorism."

    No it isn't. Islam has made murderers out of people of all races. It's very egalitarian that way. Chinese Muslims murder random non-Muslims in China, and Nigerian Muslims murder random non-Muslims in Nigeria. The only thing they have in common is the Islamic teaching to hate and murder non-Muslims.

  • "We need to open our doors to refugees"

    No, Muslim countries need to open their doors to Muslim refugees, especially oil-rich Muslim countries. The majority of so-called "refugees" are angry young men looking for easy money and easy women in the West. The legitimate Muslim refugees are nonetheless still infected with a very dangerous virus of the mind, and their children often grow up with hate for the host countries that generously took in their parents, such as the Manchester bomber who blew up all those teen girls.

  • "The principal victims of Islam are other Muslims"

    This is true. But we are talking about protecting ourselves from Islam here.

  • "You're more likely to get attacked by a shark than murdered by a terrorist"

    Nope, there are only about 20 shark attacks per year, and Islamic terrorist attacks kill tens of thousands worldwide and are increasing exponentially.

  • "The constitution forbids excluding Muslims based on religion"

    No, the constitution forbids the government from establishing a state religion. Non-citizens may be excluded from entry for any reason or no reason at all. Islam is more than just a religion. It is a violent subversive political movement which demands that secular government be overthrown and replaced with sharia. We banned communists for decades for much less violence and subversion.

  • "It's pointless and dangerous to offend a billion Muslims"

    No, it's more dangerous to shut up and let your family and civilization die because you were merely too sensitive to speak the truth in time. Muslims are human beings. Deep in their core they know that there is something very wrong with Islam, and they need encouragement from millions of honest people to admit this so that they can free themselves and rejoin the rest of humanity. If you speak with respect and sincerity, they are likely to listen.

    They never hear the truth about Islam in their home countries, so it's up to us. Speak up or die.

  • "There is nothing you can do"

    OK, then Islamic atrocities are now to be expected and tolerated and there is no reason to be alarmed. Please continue moving toward the slaughterhouse in an orderly manner.

Here are some nonviolent ways we can end Islamic terrorism in the West: End all Islamic immigration, instantly revoke citizenship and deport all members of the extended families of anyone who commits terrorism in the West (this idea was proposed by an English Muslim in the wake of the Manchester bombing), allow freedom of speech about Islam, and stop teaching that Islam is a religion of peace, because it is not. And Trump has a good line: Islamic terrorists are losers, so call them that.

If you want to take the long view, stop using foreign oil, and demand that we cut off all diplomatic relations with the ultimate source of almost all terrorism: Saudi Arabia.

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121   Strategist   2017 May 26, 9:22pm  

Dan8267 says

Strategist says

One by one we will finish them off.

Not without address the root cause of the problem: faith.

Dan, we can't get rid of faith in our lifetime. We can make it easier for our future generations to get rid of faith, by taking steps towards the goal of eliminating the nonsense of faith.

122   Dan8267   2017 May 26, 9:40pm  

Strategist says

Dan, we can't get rid of faith in our lifetime

Why does everything have to be a litmus test with you? You really need to accept the concept of gradients. Christian faith in the west is a tiny fraction of what it was in the Dark Ages. Every bit of erosion, including that over the past 50 years, betters America, Europe, and the world.

Victory comes in little pieces, not all at once. Steady progress in eliminating faith is the only way to win this war. And it is a war that must be fought on all fronts simultaneously. You cannot win if you let the barbarians burst through your back door. And there is no downside to fighting all fronts simultaneously. It's actually easier than fighting just one front. Project rational values everywhere. A lantern that shines in all directions provides more light than one that is cut off in all but one direction.

123   Patrick   2017 May 26, 9:47pm  

I think the separation of church and state has been a very good solution for the west.

Christians can believe and have their churches, but they cannot impose their religion on others. Science and technology can flourish without (much) religious interference, and so the economy does well. Everyone is basically OK with the arrangement, aside from the militant atheists like Dan, and militant Christians. But neither of those are even attempting to impose their views by force on everyone.

Islam is very different, in that it specifically demands an Islamic government and Islamic law for all citizens as part of the religion itself. And this kills their science, and their economies.

124   Dan8267   2017 May 26, 10:19pm  

rando says

Islam is very different

In degree, not in principle. How many laws violate our freedom of religion by imposing Christian doctrine onto us? Every blue law. Every anti-decency law. Every law prohibiting alcohol, prostitution, and profane speech.

Now think of how Christianity has create bad policies like ignoring climate change and pollution, outlawing homosexual acts and marriage, prohibiting sex education and condom programs. Just looking at the spread of AIDS, Christianity has killed millions of people over the past 30 years. That's way more than Islam. Indirect consequences still count.

And again, what is the up side to promoting a delusion and giving the deluded privileges like not paying taxes on their land and income?

rando says

aside from the militant atheists like Dan

How exactly am I militant?


125   Patrick   2017 May 27, 8:54am  

Dan8267 says

Just looking at the spread of AIDS, Christianity has killed millions of people over the past 30 years. That's way more than Islam. Indirect consequences still count.

Now you're really stretching.

AIDS is spread mostly by butt-fucking men and injecting drugs using needles shared with people who were infected by butt-fucking. Hard to blame Christians for those things people chose to do. And the people who do them know all about condoms. Heterosexual sex is a relatively rare mode of transmission, at least in the US.

126   FortWayne   2017 May 27, 10:49am  

Dan8267 says

How exactly am I militant?

That picture misrepresents the situation. How about you put Stalin up there for "Atheist", after all they were very much set on banning all religion. And that boy murdered millions, practiced ethnic cleansing, and murdered on a whim. No morals, because atheism has no morals.

So that's what you believe in, and that's what you'll act like... just another Stalin/Mao/Hitler.

127   BayArea   2017 May 27, 11:14am  

Dan8267 says

Just looking at the spread of AIDS, Christianity has killed millions of people over the past 30 years. That's way more than Islam. Indirect consequences still count

Dan, you usually make good arguments. This isn't one of them.

128   Dan8267   2017 May 27, 12:43pm  

FortWayne says

That picture misrepresents the situation.

Christianity has been around for 2000 years. For 80% of that time it was as horrific as Islam. For 10% of that time, it was greatly weakened until it was at least under control. For the past 10% of that time, Christianity has been completely castrated, and that's why it is far less harmful than it was for the vast majority of its existence. That picture is painted by hard historical fact.

Stating the facts of history is not being militant. Is a person militant for writing that the Nazis committed genocide in the 1930s and 1940s? Telling the truth is not militant.

FortWayne says

How about you put Stalin up there for "Atheist", after all they were very much set on banning all religion.

Conservative Logic: A person who is a member of group X does something bad, therefore all members of group X and their ideology are bad.

Let's apply this to Christians.

Joseph A. Abruzzese, a Christian priest, was convicted of pedophilia. Clearly all Christians are pedophiles and their teachings are evil.

This is called poisoning the well. You should know that since every single argument of yours is either this fallacy or an ad hominem or a baseless assertion.

I have addressed in great detail why atheism has absolutely nothing to do with Stalin's regime or communism in the classic thread Tom Selleck and Charlie Chaplin are the most dangerous despots ever. Please keep making that debunked argument so I can keep referring to this thread.

FortWayne says

No morals, because atheism has no morals.

Bullshit. I'm an atheist and I have far better and more defensible morals than you. When I do good and choose not to do evil, it's because I believe in good, not because I'm afraid that some supernatural entity is going to hurt me. Nothing you do is a moral act. It is only an act out of fear. You cannot be a moral person is you constantly have the sword of Damocles over your head threatening you if you don't act a certain way. You have no moral backbone.

It is also a testament to how vile Christianity is that despite having that sword over your head, you still attack homosexuals, atheists, and foreigners with impunity. How vile must your god be that he doesn't disapprove of that behavior.

FortWayne says

So that's what you believe in, and that's what you'll act like... just another Stalin/Mao/Hitler.

Wow, I've never seen a more succinct example of Godwin's Law.

I'm just wondering in which PatNet post exactly did I propose genocide as the ultimate solution. Seems like Christians are the ones always calling for the entire Middle East to be blown to bits and cheering whenever the U.S. drops a bomb even on civilian targets.

129   Dan8267   2017 May 27, 12:45pm  

BayArea says

Dan8267 says

Just looking at the spread of AIDS, Christianity has killed millions of people over the past 30 years. That's way more than Islam. Indirect consequences still count

Dan, you usually make good arguments. This isn't one of them.

And what exactly do you think makes this argument invalid? Do you deny that the spread of AIDS in Africa has not been affected by Christian doctrine and proclamations stating not to use condoms? Or do you think that this spread of AIDS and the resulting deaths are insignificant? I'll gladly answer any challenge to this argument.

130   Patrick   2017 May 27, 1:15pm  

FortWayne says

That picture misrepresents the situation. How about you put Stalin up there for "Atheist", after all they were very much set on banning all religion. And that boy murdered millions, practiced ethnic cleansing, and murdered on a whim. No morals, because atheism has no morals.

I think FortWayne would like your explanation of why people should treat each other well without religion.

Personally, I think that people innately understand that others suffer and want to be happy just like they want, and that it's possible to teach children sympathy for others outside of the context of any religion.

Islam of course teaches just the opposite, that non-Muslims are dirty, immoral animals who should be killed unless they can pay Muslims enough money to make it worthwhile to spare them. Muslims do teach sympathy and charity to fellow Muslims, but that's as far as it goes. Is there even one Muslim charity on earth that deliberately tries to help non-Muslims?

131   Dan8267   2017 May 27, 1:25pm  

rando says

I think FortWayne would like your explanation of why people should treat each other well without religion.

People should treat each other well, not because of some fictitious afterlife or vengeful god, but because good just fucking works and evil just fucking fails. This is an empirical fact, indisputable and proved by literally millions of independent lines of evidence. It is a scientific fact.

Good isn't just good. It's useful. It's a survival strategy that works, that has been field tested, and that has been woven into the evolutionary history of countless social species. Every single species that lives in groups from bees to meerkats to elephants to lions to monkeys have moral codes imprinted both in their brains and in their genetic code. These moral codes aren't perfect -- nothing in evolution is -- but they work remarkably well.

There are countless scientific examples in nature and in experimentation that demonstrate this beyond any doubt, even the most unreasonable doubt. I've cited many of them, and you can easily Google thousands of other examples.

A false god is neither necessary nor helpful to establish morality that works. Every social species has morality. None of them, save us, have religion or a belief in a god.

132   FortWayne   2017 May 27, 8:23pm  

Dan8267 says

People should treat each other well, not because of some fictitious afterlife or vengeful god, but because good just fucking works and evil just fucking fails. This is an empirical fact, indisputable and proved by literally millions of independent lines of evidence. It is a scientific fact.

You are not answering a question Dan, you are on Katy Perry's level here... "Like people should just get along because it works". Morality is subjective Dan, one person thinks murder is bad because he was raised to believe that, yet another man murders at a whim because his morality is different.

133   Dan8267   2017 May 28, 2:04am  

FortWayne says

You are not answering a question Dan, you are on Katy Perry's level here... "Like people should just get along because it works". Morality is subjective Dan, one person thinks murder is bad because he was raised to believe that, yet another man murders at a whim because his morality is different.

Your ignorance is unbearable. Read a book. Read this book: The Moral Animal: Why We Are, the Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology

135   FortWayne   2017 May 28, 8:56am  

Dan8267 says

FortWayne says

You are not answering a question Dan, you are on Katy Perry's level here... "Like people should just get along because it works". Morality is subjective Dan, one person thinks murder is bad because he was raised to believe that, yet another man murders at a whim because his morality is different.

Your ignorance is unbearable. Read a book. Read this book: The Moral Animal: Why We Are, the Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology

No Dan, it's your ignorance of reality around you that is just sad.

136   Strategist   2017 May 28, 9:42am  

Dan8267 says

rando says

I think FortWayne would like your explanation of why people should treat each other well without religion.

People should treat each other well, not because of some fictitious afterlife or vengeful god, but because good just fucking works and evil just fucking fails. This is an empirical fact, indisputable and proved by literally millions of independent lines of evidence. It is a scientific fact.

People should treat each other well because it's just common sense, especially in a well educated civilized society. Cooperation with other humans leads to a better chance of survival.
If you need a religion to tell you what is common sense, fine, you must be stupid to begin with. Atheists can figure out the difference between right and wrong on their own. We don't need the threats of burning in hell forever to behave. As a matter of fact, Atheists don't consider the morals of religion to be good enough for them.
Here are some commandments God forgot.
Thou shall have no slaves
Thou shall treat women as equals
Thou shall treat all humans as equal
Thou shall be kind to animals
Thou shall not destroy the environment

137   FortWayne   2017 May 28, 10:53am  

Now we both know there is no such thing as common sense. Bad argument strategist.

If it was common than all atheists would act the part of your list, but they don't.

Strategist says

Dan8267 says

rando says

I think FortWayne would like your explanation of why people should treat each other well without religion.

People should treat each other well, not because of some fictitious afterlife or vengeful god, but because good just fucking works and evil just fucking fails. This is an empirical fact, indisputable and proved by literally millions of independent lines of evidence. It is a scientific fact.

People should treat each other well because it's just common sense, especially in a well educated civilized society. Cooperation with other humans leads to a better chance of survival.

If you need a religion to tell you what is common sense, fine, you must be stupid to begin with. Atheists can figure out the difference between right and wrong on their own. We don...

138   anonymous   2017 May 28, 11:19am  

Patrick says

What you can do about Islamic terrorism

Jerk off to Islamic porn and clean it up with a burka.

139   Dan8267   2017 May 28, 11:54am  

FortWayne is a perfect example of how Christianity harms America. Do you really think we're better off with tens of millions of him running around instead of tens of millions of Sam Harris's? Intellect and knowledge matter in a modern republic. Ignorance, especially willful ignorance, is highly destructive to a republic.

There are over 320 million Americans. Do you really think that Trump and Hillary are the best candidates for president? They were both nominated because of the ignorance of the common voter. Knowledge matters. The ability to reason matters. Religion, in any form, is detrimental to thinking and results in Hillaries and Trumps gaining power and fucking things up.

140   Patrick   2017 May 28, 2:21pm  

Strategist says

Here are some commandments God forgot.

Thou shall have no slaves

Thou shall treat women as equals

Thou shall treat all humans as equal

Thou shall be kind to animals

Thou shall not destroy the environment

I think the Sikhs have all those.

141   Strategist   2017 May 28, 6:28pm  

FortWayne says

Now we both know there is no such thing as common sense. Bad argument strategist.

If it was common than all atheists would act the part of your list, but they don't.

You do realize your God does not act on any part of my list.

142   Strategist   2017 May 28, 6:33pm  

rando says

Strategist says

Here are some commandments God forgot.

Thou shall have no slaves

Thou shall treat women as equals

Thou shall treat all humans as equal

Thou shall be kind to animals

Thou shall not destroy the environment

I think the Sikhs have all those.

I'm glad they do. However, the Sikhs follow a lot of pointless rules that you mentioned like not cutting hair, always carrying a knife, wearing a bangle.
I think Buddhists follow the above list, but they too have silly concepts of rebirth.
All these religions were created by man in a bygone era, and do not serve the needs of modern man.

143   FortWayne   2017 May 28, 8:55pm  

Strategist says

You do realize your God does not act on any part of my list

If god wasn't part of anyones list, there would never be enough law enforcement to keep bad things from happening. You can't enforce morality without religion, morality is a personal choice dictated by benefits, not compassion.

144   Patrick   2017 May 29, 6:12am  

I don't know. China seems to be a basically religion-free society that functions as well as any other.

145   Strategist   2017 May 29, 9:17am  

rando says

I don't know. China seems to be a basically religion-free society that functions as well as any other.

Sweden functions in a very civilized manner. Whatever crime they have is due to the Muslims.

147   FortWayne   2017 May 29, 11:38am  

rando says

I don't know. China seems to be a basically religion-free society that functions as well as any other.

Patrick, I think that If you live in China, you wouldn't think of it that way. I been there, there is a lot of bondage. A lot of really poor people who are no more than indentured slaves to the elite. They work insane hours, they get paid very little, they have no hope for the future since communist government requires complete conviction to it's communist party. Not to mention pollution and one child policy. They have very few rights. Their government is successful and financially well off, but citizens below might as well be second class citizens.

It's really heart wrenching how poorly humans can treat other fellow humans, especially when profit motive is in play.

148   Patrick   2017 May 29, 11:43am  

True, I would not put down China as a good example of how people ought to behave to each other.

149   Ernie   2017 May 29, 11:51am  

rando says

I don't know. China seems to be a basically religion-free society that functions as well as any other.

Luxembourg - 60% non-religious population, murder rate less than 1 per 100 000 population. Boring as hell in a good way.

150   Rin   2017 May 29, 2:08pm  

Strategist says

Sweden functions in a very civilized manner.

Sweden is an anti-hoe seeing culture.

The Swedes who want their freedom to boink, take the causeway to Copenhagen, Denmark.

151   Dan8267   2017 May 29, 4:20pm  

Your post reminds me of the Copenhagen interpretation. If a hoe is in a closed motel room with Rin, and you are standing outside unable to observe the two, is the hoe in a superposition of boinked and unboinked states until you open the door? According to the Copenhagen interpretation, yes. This is why I'm a pilot-wave guy. I know Rin has boinked the hoe as soon as he could.

152   Patrick   2017 May 29, 4:22pm  

I'm quite certain the probability of the hoe being in the boinked state rapidly approaches one as time increases.

153   Shaman   2017 May 29, 4:23pm  

Schroedinger's Slut. Interesting theory!

154   Patrick   2017 Jun 6, 3:19pm  

Added "Truthophobic" as a good retort to "Islamophobic".

155   Rew   2017 Jun 6, 5:13pm  

Patrick says

But we are talking about protecting ourselves from Islam here.

Since 2000 On US Soil:
8 murders by left-wing radicals, 53 murders by the right-wing radicals, and 95 murders by jihadist radicals

We can argue about how things are counted. Brietbart wants to push the number up by +10 for radical Islam because the beltway sniper attended a mosque once.

Fine. Add all these terrorist murders, combined, and compare to any other domestic social issue causing great harm to American society. That issue you choose is likely to overshadow the threat of terrorism in the US. 9/11 and the rise of high profile attacks across the world have overinflated the actual domestic threat of radical Islamic terror attacks in the US by many orders of magnitude. (The real issue is there is great current of anxiety in the world, mostly caused by economic anxiety, and actually "telling the truth" about the random acts of violence another human may inflict on you isn't really "helpful".)

If you are really interested in fighting the Islamic radicalism threat to the US you/we need to figure out an effective counter to internet based jihadi propaganda. It's responsible for 45% of the recent attacks on US soil as a root cause for radicalization and action. I think you will also find that that internet content is in no way comparable to mainstream Islam as practiced anywhere in the world. Funnily enough, that same internet, also responsible for rises in right-wing terror groups in the US too.

I would like to apply any solutions and tactics found, against all radical fringe ideologies with tendencies toward violence, whether they be: right, left, secular, or religious.

F* violent radicals of all types and beliefs.

156   Rin   2017 Jun 6, 5:28pm  

Religious issues are resolved by Rin-Wah law.

See my treatise on the Closet Gay Orlando shooter...


Rin says

The Orlando gunman was a repressed, Islamic closet gay guy.

If his father had died, when he was a boy and he'd been raised by me, we would have gotten drunk, attended Metallica concerts together, and f.ucked hoes around the world.

And then one day ... he realizes that instead of poking the likes of a Selma Hayek look-a-like, he'd rather do a male Chippendale's model, well, at that point, we'd part ways at the hotel, so that I go into my private quarters with a busty lingerie model, whereas he goes back to his suite with an Adonis type. I don't need anymore details than that. Really ... I don't want to know.

In the morning, we meet up for breakfast. He's happy and then realizes, he doesn't need to go on a killing spree to be content in life.

He can f.uck man hoes and I can f.uck, female hoes. All is well in the world.

157   curious2   2017 Jun 6, 5:32pm  

Rew says

Since 2000 On US Soil:

8 murders by left-wing radicals, 53 murders by the right-wing radicals, and 95 murders by jihadist radicals

We can argue about how things are counted.

You seem to have forgotten 3,000 on 9/11.

Rew says

likely to overshadow the threat of terrorism in the US.

Aside from undercounting by 97%, you assume past performance guarantees future results. The jihadis would kill 100x more if they could, and will if they can.

You omit also the chilling effects on western liberty, when blasphemy ("Islamophobia") gets prohibited and westerners have to give up western liberty for Islam. MIC mass surveillance might seem great to you, but should repel you. Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither. Islam poses a worse threat than communism, and jihadis have already killed more Americans in America than Russia ever did.

158   Strategist   2017 Jun 6, 5:40pm  

Rew says

8 murders by left-wing radicals, 53 murders by the right-wing radicals, and 95 murders by jihadist radicals

You are comparing crime with terrorism. Please compare apples with apples.

Rew says

If you are really interested in fighting the Islamic radicalism threat to the US you/we need to figure out an effective counter to internet based jihadi propaganda. It's responsible for 45% of the recent attacks on US soil as a root cause for radicalization and action. I think you will also find that that internet content is in no way comparable to mainstream Islam as practiced anywhere in the world. Funnily enough, that same internet, also responsible for rises in right-wing terror groups in the US too.

We are interested in eliminating the threat the whole world faces from radical Islam. I like Trump's strategy of making the Muslims take the lead in going after radical Islamic terrorists.
Thank You Trump. You tell em.

159   Strategist   2017 Jun 6, 5:44pm  

curious2 says

Aside from undercounting by 97%, you assume past performance guarantees future results. The jihadis would kill 100x more if they could, and will if they can.

Just wait until they get their hands on a nuke or two. There are hundreds of nukes hidden away in Pakistan.

160   Patrick   2017 Jun 6, 5:51pm  

Rew says

If you are really interested in fighting the Islamic radicalism threat to the US you/we need to figure out an effective counter to internet based jihadi propaganda. It's responsible for 45% of the recent attacks on US soil as a root cause for radicalization and action. I think you will also find that that internet content is in no way comparable to mainstream Islam as practiced anywhere in the world.

True, an acquaintance of the Manchester bomber (or was it a London bridge attacker? so many murders by Muslims lately it's hard to keep track) said that the guy was radicalized by watching YouTube videos of Musa Jibril, so YouTube does have blood on its hands for allowing incitement to terrorism.

Musa Jibril simply spouts the ISIS arguments, which is essentially identical to the official Saudi Wahhabi theology. So you're wrong that he's not comparable to "mainstream" Islam.

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