Bascially if you are a decent human being, VOX and the Liberals think you are a rightwing scumbag crackpot

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2017 Jul 6, 1:33pm   6,152 views  34 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

This not photo shopped.

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1   Ceffer   2017 Jul 6, 1:49pm  

In California, being a decent human being is regarded as a severe personality disability.

2   Rew   2017 Jul 6, 3:25pm  

Trump: “The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive. Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost? Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?” (Compare with Obama in Estonia: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2014/09/03/remarks-president-obama-people-estonia)

This nationalist and separatist madness will doom Poland and the US.

3   Rew   2017 Jul 6, 3:27pm  

For the record, it sounded like an alt-right manifesto because Stephen Miller wrote it. He is a Santa Monica mall rat fascist.

4   Y   2017 Jul 6, 8:14pm  

now that republicans control everything....yes.

Rew says

Trump: “The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive

5   Rew   2017 Jul 6, 8:31pm  

BlueSardine says

now that republicans control everything....yes

Yes that is the question, or yes the west has the will to survive?

Unfortunately, Western Europe and the West is far more in peril with Trump, and is banding together the remaining sparks of progressive nation state cooperation and alliances. Western Europe's favorability rating of Trump is staggeringly low compared to Obama's.

7   FortWayne   2017 Jul 6, 10:37pm  

Liberals left common sense long ago. They've spent entire life being stupid, why change now... as long as welfare checks keep coming in and all they don't have to do a thing different.

8   socal2   2017 Jul 7, 10:17am  

Rew says

For the record, it sounded like an alt-right manifesto because Stephen Miller wrote it. He is a Santa Monica mall rat fascist.

Love of Western Civilization is now considered racist or fascist for Progressives?

A good chunk of the political Left have totally lost their minds to this SJW nonsense.

10   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jul 7, 2:02pm  

Extremist neoliberals still have no answer why mass immigration is so necessary. It seems automation and natch pop decline in the West are nicely balanced. Why the desperate import of middle easterners?

Again, the only answer I can see is fear of better living standards in the form of a more pro-labor income distribution and worse environment for landlords and service businesses (which are largely domestic and has less beating on intl competitiveness, only less share of income to the asset owners)

11   curious2   2017 Jul 7, 2:05pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

Why the desperate import of middle easterners?

Petrodollar baksheesh driving hijrah. Notice they don't pay to import Hindus or even Shia, only Sunnis. The Obama administration deported a record number of Christians, while importing a record number of Muslims (almost exclusively Sunnis, of course).

12   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jul 7, 2:06pm  

There is the drive on the voting base of the right, but absolutely none on the left as the college Ed Base fervently believes in diversity at any cost and the Dem power base profits from imported labor. The rep power base likes cheap cannery and fast food employees too of course

13   justme   2017 Jul 7, 3:19pm  

>> Trump: Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders?

Well, do ya, punk?

14   justme   2017 Jul 7, 3:21pm  

Nice propaganda from the right-wing: It is not that the liberals do anything wrong, but that they look at you funny and do not respect you properly!

Seems to work. Has worked for over 30 years now, if not much longer.

15   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jul 7, 5:36pm  

anonymous says

White nationalists, neo-Nazis, and others are turning to an unlikely ally in their bid to “make the West great again.

What universities, HR Depts, etc does the alt right control? How many do the anti Western alt left multicult? The alt right controls nothing, not even Pepe and kek, who belong to the alt center.

16   curious2   2017 Jul 7, 6:11pm  

Looking back, I should correct one thing I said earlier, and answer my own question. Looking at the maps from the Global Terrorism Database, Muslims commit even more terrorism in their own countries than elsewhere. Trying to find exceptions to the global pattern is like trying to find smokers who didn't die from smoking: the fact remains that Islam itself causes terrorism including specifically terrorism exported to the West. Read what it says, and you'll understand why.

So, at least metaphorically, Muslims who commit terrorism in their own countries are using their own living room as a toilet. So-called "moderate Muslims" (e.g. KSA) that export terror to the west are using the west as a toilet.

Also, while I'm here, I should copy and paste text from an article already linked above, since someone seems to have ignored or overlooked it:

"[R]esearch from Queen Mary University of London has found youth, wealth, and being in full-time education to be risk factors associated with violent radicalisation. Contrary to popular views, religious practice, health and social inequalities, discrimination, and political engagement showed no links."

I linked already above to this study and some of the many examples corroborating it. If you look at it objectively, it makes sense: youth, wealth and education give people more opportunities to do what they want to do, and Islam motivates Muslims to commit terrorism. I do agree that Islam gives believers nothing to hope for but death, and so the elderly who are more likely to die soon might perhaps feel more hopeful than the young, but I haven't seen data confirming whether they do. To the contrary, the young jihadis seem to smile more and appear even more enthusiastic than the dour and infirm elder jihadis.

20   Rew   2017 Jul 7, 8:06pm  

Quigley says

Islam is more fascist, more horrible than any Nazi, yet I see you defending it.

Actual perspective, beyond clash of culture rhetoric, is not defending Islamic radical terrorism. What it is though, is well informed opinion, backed by the majority of the shared opinions of the most non-partisan and patriotic branches of the US government.

It's time to set aside the memes and the talking points. It's about to get real, on many fronts, for the US and Europe.

21   HEY YOU   2017 Jul 7, 10:10pm  

"decent human being"
Many are under that self delusion.

22   Rew   2017 Jul 7, 10:25pm  

HEY YOU says

"decent human being"

Many are under that self delusion.

It's heartbreaking to see the folly of man. Good intentions of brothers and sisters astray.

23   Shaman   2017 Jul 8, 5:40am  

Rew says

Good intentions of brothers and sisters astray

What is evil is to lead people into bad actions out of their own good intentions. Which is what Islam does. Muslims aren't evil, but if they follow their religion too closely, they'll surely become evil.
That's why Islam is evil, and a cancer upon the world.

25   Shaman   2017 Jul 8, 9:38am  

Thanks for reinforcing my point Bay.
Any religion that attempts to influence people to do evil things is evil in itself.

26   PeopleUnited   2017 Jul 8, 2:05pm  

Rew says

You sure that's a good representative and unbiased source for Islam? Think critically.

Think objectively. If you have a better source for tallying Islamic violence, do share.

27   Tenpoundbass   2017 Jul 8, 3:56pm  

anonymous says

Islamist recruiters in Germany "go right for young people's hearts"

Right wing Crusaders teach em young to go right for the Jihad's head.
Tap twice finish nice.

28   Rew   2017 Jul 8, 5:15pm  

Point 3 won me over. ;)

29   Shaman   2017 Jul 9, 5:18am  

PeopleUnited says

I did not forget the point I am defending. Fort Wayne is accurate in stating that Islamic ideology influences people to kill others based on Islamic ideals. In much of the United States however, murder is so rare that it becomes obvious that religion is not responsible for the majority of murders. In fact, looking at the map, the urban centers with lower than average religious affiliation, and with higher than average wealth disparity and higher than average diversity also have MUCH higher rates of violence.

This is an excellent point. Most places in America are almost devoid of murder. It's only on the Democrat plantations that murder rates rise to alarming levels.
And yes, these places are unfailingly "diverse."

31   Rew   2017 Jul 9, 2:17pm  

My wife has that phone case!

Wait a minute?

32   Rew   2017 Jul 9, 9:36pm  

FortWayne says

Their country attacked us first ...

Sorry, which national army has attacked us? That's a fight the US has always been well geared to win.

33   Rew   2017 Jul 10, 8:56pm  

PeopleUnited says

And don't give us this bullshit about firearms. Fucking look at the map.

OMG! Is that where the muslims are!? BOMB THEM! QUICK!

34   PeopleUnited   2017 Jul 10, 11:56pm  

Rew says

PeopleUnited says

And don't give us this bullshit about firearms. Fucking look at the map.

OMG! Is that where the muslims are!? BOMB THEM! QUICK!

Nope, apparently it is where the democrat voters are.

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