Trump Team's Russia Meeting Was Really About Releasing Billions to Corrupt Oligarchs

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2017 Jul 11, 6:12am   4,929 views  26 comments

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Donald Trump Jr.’s confirmation that he met with a Russian attorney last year in the hope of obtaining damaging information about the Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton opens a window into Moscow’s motivations for interfering in the 2016 election on his father’s behalf. The main goal of attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya appears to have been to begin talks that might lead to the rollback of a law that, while little known in the United States, has a devastating effect on the personal financial situation of top Kremlin officials and members of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle.

What Veselnitskaya really wanted to talk about was the Magnitsky Act, a US law put in place in 2012 to punish Russian officials responsible for the death of Russian attorney Sergei Magnitsky.

After it became public that Magnitsky had gathered information about corruption at high levels in the Kremlin, Firestone Duncan’s offices were raided and Magnitsky himself was jailed. He developed multiple illnesses in prison and was not only denied medical treatment but was subjected to brutal beatings. He died in a prison cell in 2009, beaten to death by his guards. Russian courts tried Magnitsky posthumously on tax fraud charges and declared him guilty.

What is the Magnitsky Act?

In 2012, the US Congress unanimously passed, and President Obama signed the Russia and Moldova Jackson-Vanik Repeal and Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act of 2012. The bill barred specific Russian officials implicated in the Magnitsky case from entering the United States and, more importantly, from using or accessing the US banking system.

Because of the importance of the US financial system to the global banking system, a ban in the US has effects that extend far beyond the country’s borders. Foreign banks that operate in the US and, for instance, take advantage of large US banks’ transaction processing abilities, generally shun account holders who are banned from the US system for fear of running afoul of US regulators.

While nominally affecting only a limited number of Russian officials, the Magnitsky Act was used as a model for future sanctions applied to senior Kremlin officials following the Russian invasion of Ukraine the following year.

The Veselnitskaya meeting appears to have been an attempt to open a discussion with Trump’s team about the reversal of the Magnitsky Act, and considering the circumstances of the Trump campaign at the time, it also suggests just how important that goal is to Moscow.

Back in June 2016, Trump was broadly expected to lose the November election, possibly by an embarrassing margin. The campaign was still trying to make sure Trump would have enough delegates to the Republican National Convention to officially claim the nomination, and Democrat Hillary Clinton, who has explicitly supported the Magnitsky Act, was cruising toward an expected victory.

The fact that a Kremlin emissary was dispatched to meet with representatives of what was then a long-shot presidential campaign suggests that the pain inflicted by the Magnitsky Act on prominent Russian political figures is very real, and something that likely colors relations between Washington and Moscow to this day.

More: http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/2017/07/10/Trump-Teams-Russia-Meeting-Was-Really-About-Releasing-Billions-Corrupt-Oligarchs

Also Being Reported At: http://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/2102157/what-magnitsky-act-and-why-does-kremlin-hate-it-so

#Trump #Russia #Sanctions #Magnitsky

Comments 1 - 26 of 26        Search these comments

1   Y   2017 Jul 11, 6:18am  

It's all hearsay. Wheres the proof this was discussed?

2   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jul 11, 6:28am  

Yawn, more Russia Trump rumors...

3   Y   2017 Jul 11, 10:02am  

Ok, now it's a CNN major headline, and trumpjr released it, so proof is abundant.

anonymous says

Donald Trump Jr.’s confirmation that he met with a Russian attorney last year in the hope of obtaining damaging information about the Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton opens a window into Moscow’s motivations for interfering in the 2016 election on his father’s behalf.

anonymous says

Where's the proof you actually read and comprehended this in 6 minutes

4   Rew   2017 Jul 11, 10:20am  

BlueSardine says

It's all hearsay. Wheres the proof this was discussed?

You are right. It's not truly known what the Russian's asked for.

It is clear what was offered, and that the Trump administration was receptive to foreign help, to attack our political representatives and tamper with our Democratic electoral process. This has been made undeniable now by the NYTimes. Mueller and team haven't even likely followed the trail of money completely yet, but this is incredible in itself, already. There will be much more still to come.

The OP and articles do detail that there are high odds that reducing Russian sanctions/opposition policy, was what would be requested by the Russians. Remember, congress itself felt it necessary to add a specific clause making it impossible for the President to remove the current sanctions without congressional approval.

Even if the Russians asked for nothing, it doesn't matter. Accepting help, or even seeming to be receptive to it, is a crime itself.

5   anonymous   2017 Jul 11, 10:31am  

Good post, BAO.

6   curious2   2017 Jul 11, 1:10pm  

Rew says

receptive to foreign help...incredible in itself, already.
Even if the Russians asked for nothing, it doesn't matter. Accepting help, or even seeming to be receptive to it, is a crime itself.

If that's true, then Hillary Clinton might end up in jail after all. Countries spend millions of dollars to push their agendas in Washington DC. By January 2016, it was clear the Saudis favored Bush&Clinton, while President Putin seemed to prefer either Donald Trump or Jill Stein.

You don't seem to understand, President Trump is playing the media and you are dancing to his tune. You have actually seen the commercial media "do this drip-drip-drip feed to control the news cycle." They are doing a strip tease, and you're falling for it. Meanwhile, Democrats have nothing else to campaign on, there is no effort to address why they lost all three branches at the federal level plus most of the states, going back to 2010. That serves the establishment patronage networks. You are being played.

These Russia drips don't add up to the President having done anything illegal, and he can pardon anyone who tires of being investigated. These are tough people, and they put themselves in harm's way like toreadors, and let you charge at them so they can stick a sword in your neck. Republicans have a strategy for 2018 and 2020, but Democrats are too busy trying to shift blame for what happened 2010-16.

7   anonymous   2017 Jul 11, 1:19pm  

to attack our political representatives and tamper with our Democratic electoral process.


Where were you during the Democratic primary?

The Deep State and The Media did everything in their power to defeat Bernie Sanders. Which is a much larger threat to our country than Trump defeating Hillary

8   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Jul 11, 1:22pm  

curious2 says

there is no effort to address why they lost all three branches at the federal level plus most of the states, going back to 2010.

They have just come to a different conclusion than you. It's amazing to me that you figure that Trump is smart because he won elections. OTOH, you assume that the Dems who have won elections (the ones currently in the gov) are such low functioning idiots that they would rather find excuses than look realistically at why the Party lost. You will find out the Party's strategy for competitive districts in a year.

I believe that the Democrat's strategy of not working with the Republicans on their health bill is popular. Moderate Republicans are running from the completely unpopular mess of a bill. Why on earth would the Democrats do anything but resist that? More generally, Trump has a disapproval rating of 55%. If the media is going overboard opposing Trump, it is because that coverage is popular. The vast majority of Democrats who are currently in Washington are more worried about getting beat in the primary than losing to a Republican.

9   curious2   2017 Jul 11, 1:26pm  

YesYNot says

low functioning idiots

I have never accused them of that. To the contrary, the Democratic consultants who engineered this distraction sold it for millions of dollars: very clever. Even the few remaining elected Democrats get called "Honorable," not too shabby. The audience though, well, if you want to call yourselves "low functioning idiots," that's your choice. Meanwhile, you seem to prefer boxing with strawmen, making up things I never said, rather than limiting yourself to what I said in reality.

YesYNot says

Trump has a disapproval rating

As of June 30, according to USA Today and Suffolk University, Democrats had a worse disapproval rating. [Corrected, see below, thanks YesYNot]. Plus, the President doesn't need to win another election until 2020.

10   Rew   2017 Jul 11, 1:28pm  

errc says

The Deep State and The Media did everything in their power to defeat Bernie Sanders.

The media did? Deep State in this case meaning the DNC itself?

11   Rew   2017 Jul 11, 1:29pm  

curious2 says

boxing with strawmen, making up things I never said

People in glass houses and all. ;)

12   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Jul 11, 1:31pm  

curious2 says

The drips don't add up to anything: the President did nothing illegal, and he can pardon anyone who tires of being investigated.

We don't yet know what the drips add up to. But things are looking worse and worse for team Trump. They had a meeting in June with a Russian with ties to the Kremlin under the premise that Russians had dirt on Hillary. They spoke with her about lifting sanctions at that meeting. The next month, the Trump campaign changed the platform to remove sanctions. In the ensuing 6 months, Trump openly pleads with Russia to hack Hillary's emails. The 4 intel agencies tasked with investigating found that Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta's account, and were running an influence campaign to help get Trump elected. Trump's campaign has been lying their asses off about meetings with Russia. Trump has been trashing NATO and cozying up to the bear since the election. Yes, team Trump actually started working with Russia while Obama was still president.

Amazingly, amid all of this, you just know that the Russia story is a big nothingburger.

13   curious2   2017 Jul 11, 1:35pm  

Rew says

curious2 says

boxing with strawmen, making up things I never said

People in glass houses and all. ;)

Actually, I was careful to quote exactly what you said. If you really believe what you said about "seeming to be receptive" to help being supposedly a crime, then you should really read this comment and the links in it. Say hi to registered foreign agent Tony Podesta, I hear he cooks a fine fundraising dinner for his clients' preferred candidates.

YesYNot says

amid all of this, you just know that the Russia story is a big nothingburger.

I know that Democrats lost everything 2010-16. We'll see how 2018 goes. MSM is in the entertainment business. Enjoy the show, and have a nice day.

14   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Jul 11, 1:38pm  

curious2 says

As of June 30, according to USA Today and Suffolk University, Democrats had a worse disapproval rating. Plus, he doesn't need to win another election until 2020.

The numbers state the opposite.
Name approval / disapproval

Trump 40/55
Pence 41/43
Dems 35/51
Media 36/50
GOP 32/55

Are you so eager to believe in Trump, that you only read the approval numbers and failed to note the disapproval numbers?
Trump has a higher approval than the Dems in Congress, but he also has a higher disapproval rating (as I wrote in my previous post).
The Dems in congress have higher approval and lower disapproval ratings than the GOP in Congress.

Both Trump and the GOP have higher disapproval ratings than either the media or the Dems in that poll. Things could change, but as of now, its not looking good for Trump or the GOP.

15   anonymous   2017 Jul 11, 1:38pm  

Rew says

errc says

The Deep State and The Media did everything in their power to defeat Bernie Sanders.

The media did? Deep State in this case meaning the DNC itself?

Why did the Media always include the Superdelegate count in Hillarys tabulation, months before they ever had the opportunity to vote?

Why didn't Bernie receive coverage that matched his support?

16   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Jul 11, 1:40pm  

curious2 says

I have never accused them of that.

You didn't come out and state that they were low functioning idiots, but you are accusing them of ignoring reality, and lying to themselves and others. That is the behavior of low functioning idiots (my commentary).

17   Rew   2017 Jul 11, 1:42pm  

curious2 says

Actually, I was careful to quote exactly what you said.

Yes, I was referring to that exact quote, out of the long exchanges we have had. Or, maybe it was something else? Wonder what it could be. (ponder ponder)

18   curious2   2017 Jul 11, 1:42pm  

YesYNot says

Are you so eager to believe in Trump, that you only read the approval numbers and failed to note the disapproval numbers?

It isn't eagerness at all, but you have a good point that I looked primarily at the approval numbers. Democrats and the entire MSM narrative have indeed pushed the President's disapproval numbers higher, though both Democrats and the President have majority disapproval. The issue is, only one of those two tickets will be on a ballot next year. He can wait. Congress can't. He has a higher approval rating than either major party, which might enable him to motivate more voters to the polls than they can.

YesYNot says

ignoring reality, and lying to themselves and others. That is the behavior of

a great many people, from the famous "reality distortion field" to the media to probably many politicians. Whether they are called low functioning or high functioning, or "Honorable," depends on how well they do it.

19   Rew   2017 Jul 11, 1:46pm  

errc says

Why did the Media always include the Superdelegate count in Hillarys tabulation, months before they ever had the opportunity to vote?

Why didn't Bernie receive coverage that matched his support?

So no direct attacks on Bernie then?

Unless the candidate is a sensationalist a-hole, I don't think we should expect establishment media to magically cover non-establishment candidates to the same degree. The dreaded kiss of death smear I saw was "socialist" ... but I don't think many mainstream outlets levied that.

20   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Jul 11, 1:48pm  

curious2 says

MSM is in the entertainment business.

We agree on this, which is why I wrote: YesYNot says

More generally, Trump has a disapproval rating of 55%. If the media is going overboard opposing Trump, it is because that coverage is popular.

21   curious2   2017 Jul 11, 1:51pm  

Rew says

no direct attacks on Bernie then?

See 2scoops posts about WaPo, for a few examples. Bernie has written a book on the campaign, and gave a hilarious interview in which he described filling a stadium with 30k people in LA, with no coverage at all b/c the MSM had five pundits agonizing over a Tweet. Democrats outspent Republicans 2:1 and drove the coverage of the match they wanted to see: Hillary vs Donald. The pipers played the tune they were paid to play, but the Democrats miscalculated who would win.

22   anonymous   2017 Jul 11, 1:57pm  

In support of BAO's basic point in his original post . . . .

Veteran Prosecutors and White-Collar Defense Attorneys Say Trump Jr's Email a "Smoking Gun" for Mueller


Donald Trump Jr. may have just given Robert Mueller “smoking gun” evidence signaling his father’s presidential campaign colluded with the Russian government to win the 2016 election, according to veteran prosecutors and white-collar defense attorneys experienced in Washington scandals . . .

Two of Trump’s most senior campaign advisers — Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort — are also included in the “private and confidential” email exchange, which the lawyers interviewed by POLITICO say exposes them to the same potential federal criminal statutes as Trump Jr., including prohibitions on the solicitation or acceptance of anything of value from a foreign national, as well as a conspiracy to defraud the United States. . . .

The smoking gun, according to the attorneys, is the wording throughout the emails that Trump Jr. exchanges with a broker for one of his father’s former Russian business partners. At one point, Trump Jr. responds “love it” at the prospect of material that would “incriminate” Clinton. In addition, the source of the material says the offer of the material is “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

“Extremely damaging,” said former Justice Department prosecutor Peter Zeidenberg. “Certainly shows an intent to collude with Russian government.” . . . .

The [anonymous] white-collar attorney with a client involved in the Russia probe said he was stunned to see Trump Jr. publicize evidence that could incriminate him later on the investigation. “What the hell is he thinking even talking about it?” he said. “You’d think the first thing a lawyer would do is clap a hand over his mouth and take away his devices. He should not be talking. It’s insane.”

23   HEY YOU   2017 Jul 11, 3:25pm  

Doesn't matter which Rep/Con is guilty, a Republican President will pardon any treasonous wingnut.
Another step in their plan to destroy America.

24   joshuatrio   2017 Jul 11, 3:34pm  

This one has me laughing. At least Trump jr posted his shit for everyone to see instead of using bleachbit to wipe an email server.

I have a feeling this will be a big nothing burger (again).

25   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jul 18, 3:12pm  

I'm glad that people are worried about Oligarch Financing.

When is the hearing as to why Natalia got in to the US without a visa, and was still here long after the original reason (trial) was long over, under Obama Admin?

When is Podesta and Hillary going to be investigated for their Russian connections?

When is Maddow's special about Podesta's dealings with the same group of Ukranian Oligarchs that employed Manafort, also for princely sums?

Another evidence-free Chart that just draws arrows (and notice, a key arrow is completely missing).

26   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jul 18, 3:21pm  

Yep. But this is typical stuff that will only be eliminated once we entirely ban foreign countries (and businesses) from lobbying politicians. And only allow them to communicate via Congressional Hearings or the current Administration.

I was talking to somebody from Australia and they literally didn't believe that Foreign Companies and certainly not Countries could lobby US politicians via the poor veneer of a lobbying firm.

The real disgusting thing is that important Health Care reform (regardless of how you feel about Obamacare) just collapsed because a Senator - one of the most corrupt - had
"minor" (one wonders how any surgery involving the cranium is minor) surgery.

The truth is we DO have a duopoly system that simply plays a fake culture war while generally supporting most of the same economic, corporate power legislation.

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