Brave engineer at Google states biological facts

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2017 Aug 7, 9:04am   32,179 views  297 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Woohoo! There is a small break in the dam holding back scientific truth about gender.


A software engineer’s 10-page screed (sic) against Google’s diversity initiatives is going viral inside the company, being shared on an internal meme network and Google+. The document’s existence was first reported by Motherboard, and Gizmodo has obtained it in full.

In the memo, which is the personal opinion of a male Google employee and is titled “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber,” the author argues that women are underrepresented in tech not because they face bias and discrimination in the workplace, but because of inherent psychological differences between men and women. “We need to stop assuming that gender gaps imply sexism,” he writes, going on to argue that Google’s educational programs for young women may be misguided.

And some delightful nuggets of truth which have so far been repressed by shaming, straw-man exaggerations, and even firing of anyone with the balls to speak:


Google’s political bias has equated the freedom from offense with psychological safety, but shaming into silence is the antithesis of psychological safety.
This silencing has created an ideological echo chamber where some ideas are too sacred to be honestly discussed.
The lack of discussion fosters the most extreme and authoritarian elements of this ideology.
Extreme: all disparities in representation are due to oppression
Authoritarian: we should discriminate to correct for this oppression
Differences in distributions of traits between men and women may in part explain why we don’t have 50% representation of women in tech and leadership. Discrimination to reach equal representation is unfair, divisive, and bad for business.

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98   FortWayne   2017 Aug 8, 2:55pm  

Live on your knees if that's your style Uncle Tom

BayArea says

rando says

BayArea says

If you bring politics, religions, or personal problems into the workplace, you are playing with fire.

It's Google that brought politics into the workplace. This guy was objecting to it.

Patrick, you are saying that Google brought politics into it with their diversity initiates?

Not sure I can object there. But everyone knows there's nearly 100% chance of employment termination by pushing back on a diversity initiative.

99   Dan8267   2017 Aug 8, 2:57pm  

rando says

Dan8267 says

Studies have shown that homosexual men are more likely to have older brothers.

Yes, and here is one possible explanation:


I don't see how that explains anything. Even if child sexual abuse caused homosexuality, why would men with older brothers be more likely to be homosexual? If a parent is molesting a child, would he or she not start with the first? Are you saying that older brothers molesting younger brothers cause homosexuality? That would require evidence. I'm not aware of any study that shows this.

In any case, you'd still have to explain why countless non-molested boys become homosexual. The in vitro testosterone hypothesis does explain this.

But even if your hypothesis is correct, then homosexuality is still not a choice as no one chooses to be sexual abused.

Quigley says

This is a very important field and scientists have much work yet to do to understand it fully.

Neither is genetics. Your point?

Quigley says

However, only genes contained in the genetic code may actually be expressed.

All genes, by definition, make up genetic code. The epigenome is not composed of genes. The term literally means "above the genome".

Quigley says

Women LACK the male "Y" chromosome

Chromosomes aren't expressed. Genes are. You mean women lack the SR-Y gene. However, that's not relevant. The scientific studies indicate that male homosexuals may be the result of high levels of in vitro testosterone, not lesbians. Also, women do have testosterone, just not as much as men.

Also the Y chromosome isn't male any more than the X chromosome. Nor is the SR-Y gene male. The SR-Y gene causes testosterone to be released in the developing embryo causing it to form male body parts and a male brain. The difference might be subtle, but it is critical. No gene is male or female. Nor is it the case that male body parts are determined solely by the presence of particular genes. Testosterone turns on and off various genes and even turns on and off specific genes at specific times and places in the body. So the SR-Y gene is like a master switch.

Also, technically you could have an XY woman if the SR-Y gene was sufficiently damaged so as to not encode. This would indeed make a person's biological sex female while her CIS sex was male. She would have a functioning womb. One might wonder what would happen to a fertilized YY egg in that situation. I suspect it would not survive because there's a lot of genes only on the X chromosome. I don't know of any case of there being such a XY woman, but it is theoretically possible. But evidently somethingsimilar happens called XY gonadal dysgenesis.

Quigley says

I'm thinking homosexuality is part learned behavior (homo molestation as a child can play a huge role)

Hell, heterosexuality is part learned behavior. That does not say anything.

Heraclitusstudent says

Coding is conceptually simple, even though it is abstract.

Software development is way more than coding, and even writing code is way more than the mechanics of for-loops.

100   Dan8267   2017 Aug 8, 3:03pm  

curious2 says

GOOG's brand and business depend heavily on connectedness, and (probably for that reason) GOOG's process emphasizes collaboration.

I think they are just being politically correct for image. The Google CEO may have fired this guy, but the press got him fired by waging a witch hunt.

curious2 says

I am guessing maybe Dan played more card games or dice games than you

No, I'm just a math geek. I like math, logic, and systematic reasoning. The subject matter is largely irrelevant. I'm not into games of chance, though.

101   Shaman   2017 Aug 8, 3:17pm  

Dan8267 says

Chromosomes aren't expressed. Genes are. You mean women lack the SR-Y gene. However, that's not relevant. The scientific studies indicate that male homosexuals may be the result of high levels of in vitro testosterone, not lesbians. Also, women do have testosterone, just not as much as men.

This is where Dan's lack of science training really shows. A Chromosome is a package of DNA which splits as a whole from the rest of the DNA during cellular mitosis (division and replication). The "Y" chromosome contains approximately 59 million base pairs of DNA, which are NOT found on the X chromosome. Once again, only males have this very special chromosome, females do not, and thus they are missing the 59 million bits of genetic code that makes a man a man.

A female can't just write herself 59 million bits of new code to become a man!

102   Patrick   2017 Aug 8, 3:25pm  

drBu says

At my workplace (large university) we got directive coming from the very top to hire only a woman or a minority for the next open position. Is that discrimination or not, and how does that compare with potential minor biases in evaluation?

This is absolutely identical to the order "Do not hire a white male for the next open position."

Which is absolute discrimination of the most blatant kind.

Such universities must lose all federal funding according the principle of equality under the law.

Can you document the directive? The important thing is clear evidence. Email me personally: p@patrick.net
I would greatly enjoy doing what I can to get a lawsuit started against such a racist and sexist university.


103   Dan8267   2017 Aug 8, 4:06pm  

Quigley says

Dan8267 says

Chromosomes aren't expressed. Genes are. You mean women lack the SR-Y gene. However, that's not relevant. The scientific studies indicate that male homosexuals may be the result of high levels of in vitro testosterone, not lesbians. Also, women do have testosterone, just not as much as men.

This is where Dan's lack of science training really shows. A Chromosome is a package of DNA which splits as a whole from the rest of the DNA during cellular mitosis (division and replication). The "Y" chromosome contains approximately 59 million base pairs of DNA, which are NOT found on the X chromosome.

We all know you hate me, but making up shit isn't the way to deal with your butthurt.

My statements are true. Chromosomes are NOT expressed. GENES are expressed. Saying otherwise just indicates your lack of scientific literacy. One does not have to have a PhD in genetics to understand the basics of genetics. You should be scientifically literate. It's not a high bar.

You are simply wrong in your statements about genetics and wrong in your statements about me. Trying to poison the well won't cover your incompetence. You would have looked better simply admitting your mistake and thanking me for clarifying the subject matter. My corrections of your statements were not attacks on you, but you end up looking bad by reacting to them as such.

Also, you are completely misleading people about the Y chromosome. Although it has some genes other than SR-Y that are still active, it has damn few active genes compared to other chromosomes including the X chromosome. The number of base pairs doesn't mean shit. It's the number of active genes.

From Science Magazine

The presence or absence of the Y chromosome is what determines sex—the Y chromosome contains several genes key to testes formation. But while the X chromosome has remained large throughout evolution, with about 2000 genes, the Y chromosome lost most of its genetic material early in its evolution; it now retains less than 100 of those original genes.

Why do you have to make everything into a pissing contest? Can't you just be happy discussing the facts of the subject matter and not personalizing everything?

104   Dan8267   2017 Aug 8, 4:09pm  

Quigley says

A female can't just write herself 59 million bits of new code to become a man!

She doesn't have to. Merely artificially increasing the testosterone in a female embryo early enough will cause the development of a male baby.

Also, the SR-Y gene is the ONLY gene in the Y chromosome causing maleness even though there are other genes in that chromosome and they are passed on asexually from father to son. This does not mean they make you male. Your mitochondria DNA is passed on asexually from your mother. That doesn't make you female.

105   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Aug 8, 4:16pm  

ThreeBays says

Things like in a meeting female engineers of equal level getting ignored. Or when evaluating performance of an "aggressive" leader, the inclination to call the male a "strong leader that gets things done" and the female "kind of a bitch". This is sexist bias that companies are trying to train against in order to help women that do want to be in tech have a fair and healthy career.

First: it’s absurd to think that shaming people into silence eliminates sexist bias. It avoids any discussion, but an hiring manager who doesn’t believe in women will find ways to justify his decision. Censure doesn’t work. It’s known not to work. This is why we have freedom of speech in the first place.

Second, if women aren’t in equal number as men, it’s absurd to think that this is because of being ignored in a meeting, even assuming they have a slightly better chance of being ignored. These are second order issues. The main reason why there are few women in tech, is because of women themselves. American women have a cultural bias against spending their lives in front of a computer. This is less the case for example with Chinese women.
Women need to man up, stop blaming others, and look in a mirror.

106   Shaman   2017 Aug 8, 4:19pm  

Dan8267 says

My statements are true. Chromosomes are NOT expressed. GENES are expressed. Saying otherwise just indicates your lack of scientific literacy.

I never said they were. I was clearly referring to the female lack of an entire chromosome worth of DNA (genes) necessary for maleness. The fact that you got confused shows that you don't understand the subject matter. I shouldnt have to spell out every detail.

Your linked paraphrase from Science Magazine reinforces my point that the Y chromosome is what makes one male. Not testosterone in the womb or really really wishing for it.

107   anonymous   2017 Aug 8, 4:20pm  

We all know you hate me, but making up shit isn't the way to deal with your butthurt.


Why do you think that so many people "hate" you?

You've accused me of it too, which is silly as hell.

Referring to yourself as 'we' is as tribal as it gets.

Just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't mean they hate you

108   Ernie   2017 Aug 8, 4:21pm  

rando says

Can you document the directive?

This was not documented, as administration in most cases is not THAT stupid.

For a case of extremely stupid AND racist please see https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2015/12/16/job-ad-u-louisville-raises-questions-about-considering-race-faculty-hires.

The post (inactive but still cached here) on HigherEdJobs mostly resembled a typical ad, encouraging applicants “with a Ph.D. in physics or a related area, a strong research record and a passion for teaching” to apply. It also included a standard equal employment opportunity statement saying the University of Louisville is “an affirmative action, equal opportunity, Americans with disabilities employer, committed to community engagement and diversity, and in that spirit, seeks applications from a broad variety of candidates.”

But just under that statement, the ad continued, “The Department of Physics and Astronomy announces a tenure-track assistant professor position that will be filled by an African-American, Hispanic American or a Native American Indian [sic].”

And this did not cause mass outrage, riots, lawsuits, etc which would be expected if the ad would say "white males only".

109   Dan8267   2017 Aug 8, 4:22pm  

Quigley says

I never said they were. I was clearly referring to the female lack of an entire chromosome worth of DNA (genes) necessary for maleness. The fact that you got confused shows that you don't understand the subject matter. I shouldnt have to spell out every detail.

You implied that by falsely accusing me of speaking in ignorance and citing specific statements I made that were true.

You should have to be clear what you meant, and in this case you were. You were simply trying to poison the well because you are petty. It's getting tiresome. It's repeated shit like this that got your ass banned from my threads. Try to keep the conversation on topic.

110   theoakman   2017 Aug 8, 4:22pm  

drBu says

ThreeBays says

His discourse turned unproductive due to being disrespectful to whole groups of people.

At my workplace (large university) we got directive coming from the very top to hire only a woman or a minority for the next open position. Is that discrimination or not, and how does that compare with potential minor biases in evaluation?

I'm not sure. Why don't you send an email out to the company asking? Oh that's right, you would be fired on the spot.

111   Shaman   2017 Aug 8, 4:30pm  

errc says

Just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't mean they hate you

Yes. This. Hell, sometimes I even agree with Dan. I even liked one of his posts the other day. I do think he's tragically wrong-headed on a myriad of different subjects, but this makes me either pity him or at the worst, become slightly annoyed. I don't hate. Hating someone is like drinking poison in the hope that your enemy dies from it. Much more damaging to the hater than the hated. I'm not a dummy so I decline to hate.

112   Shaman   2017 Aug 8, 4:33pm  

Dan8267 says

Try to keep the conversation on topic

That's rich, considering your entire last six posts were entirely off topic. The topic was the google manifesto, right?!
Whatever, dude.

113   FortWayne   2017 Aug 8, 4:35pm  

Dan you are going crazy man.

Quigley did point out there are millions of chromosomes that don't exist, that's not trivial matter. Why you want to argue there and posture, beats me for sure.

114   anonymous   2017 Aug 8, 4:40pm  

Quigley says

errc says

Just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't mean they hate you

Yes. This. Hell, sometimes I even agree with Dan. I even liked one of his posts the other day. I do think he's tragically wrong-headed on a myriad of different subjects, but this makes me either pity him or at the worst, become slightly annoyed. I don't hate. Hating someone is like drinking poison in the hope that your enemy dies from it. Much more damaging to the hater than the hated. I'm not a dummy so I decline to hate.

Good post. Hate is a strong and toxic emotion, and I reserve it for only the most toxic, harmful people.

Even then, it feels shitty and I'm quick to let it go and move on.

Ain't got no time to waste emoting so inefficiently

115   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 8, 4:56pm  

Google makes money on advertisers. Advertisers want the diversity pablum because they think it's the norm and many think it should remain the norm, and buy into Sexual Dimorphism Denialism and/or Hormone Denialism (which is what we should call it). Because it was required of them to take Training in Social Justice for any degree they got at most universities. So there it goes.

Just like Advertisers want YouTube vids on makeup application and not on "Moderate" Jihadis in Syria.

One of the best ways to mess with this is to rename popular subjects with "keywords". We could maybe call Diversity "Electronics".

116   Patrick   2017 Aug 8, 5:10pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

One of the best ways to mess with this is to rename popular subjects with "keywords". We could maybe call Diversity "Electronics".

Yes, such coding is already being used to make it difficult to censor speech about race: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3821215/Googles-Skypes-Yahoos-Racist-trolls-slang-make-vile-slurs-online-without-caught-automatic-filters.html

We need a few more terms for sure, preferably the brand names of companies that censor politically incorrect speech.

Maybe women = Pinterest, and men = Facebook?

Heraclitusstudent says

Women need to man up

Excellent way to put it!

117   Dan8267   2017 Aug 8, 5:24pm  

errc says

Just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't mean they hate you

1. One does not disagree with facts, only opinions.
2. That's not why I said he was butthurt.
3. Coming from you that means nothing.

118   Dan8267   2017 Aug 8, 5:26pm  

FortWayne says

Quigley did point out there are millions of chromosomes that don't exist, that's not trivial matter.

Actually, no he didn't, and that's even more wrong than what he said. There aren't millions of chromosomes. You have 46 chromosomes.

119   anonymous   2017 Aug 8, 5:50pm  

Dan8267 says

errc says

Just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't mean they hate you

1. One does not disagree with facts, only opinions.

2. That's not why I said he was butthurt.

3. Coming from you that means nothing.

Coming from you, that's a compliment.

You're still butt hurt over me pointing out that your jokes suck!! Haha. Get over yourself, honey!

You are what you hate, but don't worry, that's one tribe you are a part of. Many others just like you!

You rail on and on about conservatives and tribalism like it's sooo bad, yet you try really hard to participate! However, your words reek of someone that was never invited into many groups. Sad to be so lonely, honey

@patrick there you go, I edited it to your liking.

It's funny that in one thread you literally wished death upon me, and in another, you're protecting the thin skin of this Special Snowflake, from hearing the truth

Bizarro world

120   Dan8267   2017 Aug 8, 7:45pm  

errc says

Coming from you, that's a compliment.

In your Bizarro world, it probably is.

errc says

You're still butt hurt over me pointing out that your jokes suck!!

Sorry honey, but I never gave a damn about your opinion.

errc says

Get over yourself, honey!

Don't be jealous of my confidence simply because you are an insecure beta male cuck.

errc says

You rail on and on about conservatives and tribalism like it's sooo bad, yet you try really hard to participate! However, your words reek of someone that was never invited into many groups. Sad to be so lonely, honey

You are projecting.

However, your post does show that you really care and think a lot about me. I can't say I return the favor.

121   PeopleUnited   2017 Aug 8, 7:51pm  

rando says

TwoScoopsMcGee says

One of the best ways to mess with this is to rename popular subjects with "keywords". We could maybe call Diversity "Electronics".

Yes, such coding is already being used to make it difficult to censor speech about race: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3821215/Googles-Skypes-Yahoos-Racist-trolls-slang-make-vile-slurs-online-without-caught-automatic-filters.html

We need a few more terms for sure, preferably the brand names of companies that censor politically incorrect speech.

Maybe women = Pinterest, and men = Facebook?

Heraclitusstudent says

Women need to man up


Pinterest has little interest in coding, while Facebook seems to be drawn to this type of work.

123   Dan8267   2017 Aug 8, 7:57pm  

There is nothing remotely liberal about Google's actions. Liberalism is exactly the solution to this problem.

124   FortWayne   2017 Aug 8, 7:59pm  

Dan8267 says

There is nothing remotely liberal about Google's actions. Liberalism is exactly the solution to this problem.

Not googles verison of liberalism

125   curious2   2017 Aug 8, 8:01pm  

rando says

We need a few more terms for sure, preferably the brand names of companies that censor politically incorrect speech.

Maybe women = Pinterest, and men = Facebook?

That's brilliant, and you thought of it only 43 years after Gore Vidal did that in his 1974 novel Myron.

BTW, Gore Vidal was gay, and the title character Myron was a transsexual in the novel and the movie.

126   Dan8267   2017 Aug 8, 8:18pm  

FortWayne says

Not googles verison of liberalism

There is only one version of liberalism. Mislabeling something just to poison the well is not valid.

Would you accept defining conservationism as the belief in molesting children? Well, then you don't get to attack liberalism by associating it with a conservative tribe.

Liberalism is about liberty, hence the very name. It's the liberty to do whatever you want as long as you aren't infringing upon the rights of others. Just because you cannot make any convincing argument against this does not mean we will accept your lies that the exact opposite of this is connected to this.

127   anonymous   2017 Aug 8, 8:19pm  

Dan8267 says

errc says

Coming from you, that's a compliment.

In your Bizarro world, it probably is.

errc says

You're still butt hurt over me pointing out that your jokes suck!!

Sorry honey, but I never gave a damn about your opinion.

errc says

Get over yourself, honey!

Don't be jealous of my confidence simply because you are an insecure beta male cuck.

errc says

You rail on and on about conservatives and tribalism like it's sooo bad, yet you try really hard to participate! However, your words reek of someone that was never invited into many groups. Sad to be so lonely, honey

You are...

Lol. Look, dan finally made a funny. Congrats!

128   FortWayne   2017 Aug 8, 8:22pm  

Dan8267 says

Would you accept defining conservationism as the belief in molesting children? Well, then you don't get to attack liberalism by associating it with a conservative tribe.

I'm not comparing it, I'm just seeing what liberalism got perverted into by modern society of SJW culture.

129   Dan8267   2017 Aug 8, 8:32pm  

FortWayne says

Would you accept defining conservationism as the belief in molesting children? Well, then you don't get to attack liberalism by associating it with a conservative tribe.

I'm not comparing it, I'm just seeing what liberalism got perverted into by modern society of SJW culture.

That is the closest thing to the truth you have ever written, but it's still wrong. The left only perverts the label of liberalism, not what liberalism really is. The left tried to ride the coattails of liberalism just like the alt+right does with so-called neo-liberalism, which has nothing to do with liberalism either.

Nonetheless, you still can't make an argument against real liberalism even though you despise it.

130   FortWayne   2017 Aug 8, 8:33pm  

Dan8267 says

That is the closest thing to the truth you have ever written, but it's still wrong. The left only perverts the label of liberalism, not what liberalism really is. The left tried to ride the coattails of liberalism just like the alt+right does with so-called neo-liberalism, which has nothing to do with liberalism either.

Nonetheless, you still can't make an argument against real liberalism even though you despise it.

All right mr. smarty pants what's the difference between left and liberalism?

131   Dan8267   2017 Aug 8, 8:42pm  

FortWayne says

All right mr. smarty pants what's the difference between left and liberalism?

The question you should be asking is what's the difference between the left and the right. The two conservative tribes are nearly identical. Their differences are only arbitrary preferences like red vs blue.

Seriously, have you still not read the thread I've referred you to a dozen times by now? Read Leftists and Social Justice Warriors are Conservatives. It explains everything clearly.

132   anonymous   2017 Aug 8, 10:10pm  

landtof says

Dan8267 says

However, your post does show that you really care and think a lot about me. I can't say I return the favor.

you look just like a guy, a guy who's just walking down the street... that puts a lot of dick in his mouth.

Consider yourself banned!

133   Dan8267   2017 Aug 8, 11:42pm  

Homophobia is a sign of a weak, petty mind.

134   anonymous   2017 Aug 9, 12:15am  

errc says

Consider yourself banned!

anything to do with faggotry pulls a lot of triggers around here. we have the most sensitive gays here, folks. the most sensitive.

135   bob2356   2017 Aug 9, 12:55am  

rando says

Note that that book and movie is as much propaganda as history, with fiction deliberately created to fill in where reality did not conform well enough to the narrative:

Is Jim Parsons' character, NASA engineer Paul Stafford, based on a real person?

No. In fact-checking the Hidden Figures movie, we learned that white collar statistician Paul Stafford, portrayed by Jim Parsons, is a fictional character. He was created to represent certain racist and sexist attitudes that existed during the 1950s.

You obviously didn't read the book you are making comments on. That's too bad, it's an excellent book. There is nothing fictionalized in it. Give it a read then come back and comment from a basis of knowing what you are talking about.

The movie is "based on" the book. There are a number of scenes, story lines, and people in the movie that didn't exist in the book. The movie makes no claim it follows the book faithfully or to be a documentary. You read that in for your own propaganda. Movies are entertainment. I have yet to see a movie that faithfully follows a non fiction book. Are they all propaganda?

rando says

It also exaggerates racism for propaganda purposes:

Why didn't you bold the part that said "I knew it was there". She said it existed but she personally didn't feel it. I guess you aren't above a little propaganda yourself either. Again, you need to read the book to know what you are talking about. Read the rocket girls while you are at it. Another good book about women's contribution to the space program.

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