I can always look at a browser that I'm not signed in from, if I want to check in with the conspiracy theories of the right wing crazies.
Btw, who would have guessed that when TPB got what he supposedly wanted, he would double down on his hate of liberals and irrational interpretation of everything political ? I guess it's caused in part by too many intelligent people in the media speaking the truth and triggering him.
too many intelligent people in the media speaking the truth
Is this a bit of sarcasm? Television and visual media of any kind is generally filled with utter idiots just reading a teleprompter for money and really have no moral compass. Right or left, there are no limits to this. There are some good reads out there, but even then it is few and far between. And even the good ones hint at one bias or another. Talk bad about Trump and left leaning media makes money. Talk bad about Obama and the right leaning media makes money. It's generally not about actual facts anymore, so I'm not too sure I agree that there are "too many intelligent people in the media." There are too many people looking to make some money on "news." That's something I could agree with.
All I need is X happened, at X location, on X date in one form or another for my news consumption. Not X happened - because Obama is a black Muslim, at X location - because there was a confederate flag, and on X date - because it was retaliation for a Trump rally in mid 2016. When I take the time to read and view the news, that's what it is. I mean have you ever listened to the Stephanie Miller radio show? I don't think they're claiming that to be news obviously, but it's a complete and utter shit show. Sean Hannity, the same fucking rant or talking point over and over every day.
I just realized this typing this out. How many fucking ways can you spell one name Sean? Is there another name out there like that?
I can always look at a browser that I'm not signed in from, if I want to check in with the conspiracy theories of the right wing crazies.
Btw, who would have guessed that when TPB got what he supposedly wanted, he would double down on his hate of liberals and irrational interpretation of everything political ? I guess it's caused in part by too many intelligent people in the media speaking the truth and triggering him.