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Patrick thinks he is identifying a profound truth when he states that it's not politically correct to emphasize the connection between the religion of Islam and Islamic terrorism. I have never understood this point - because the connection seems obvious enough to me
For example, if your date has big tits you don't blurt this self evident fact out because you know you will be slapped.
For example, if your date has big tits you don't blurt this self evident fact out because you know you will be slapped.
For them, it must be liberating having a safe space like Patnet where you can say what you want without consequence.
"Punishable by death" only in the sense that people respond saying very impolitely " I think you're opinion is stupid" but obviously you don't "die".
Hillary was right about Trump voters. Not all of them but a lot of them. Probably at least half. They really are deplorable, as is Trump himself.
Why is it so politically incorrect in some circles to state this true fact ?
If anything, this just proves you don't have aspergers because you understand precisely the consequences to that particular action.
you tell something bad about "protected" groups, you are likely to lose your job
Dr. Bu - because life is full of hypocrisy and we all know it. A woman can put on a low cut top knowing fully well it will draw attention to her tits, and then get upset when it gets her attention she doesn't like.
All kidding aside, I agree w you that the current state of PC language is excessive. And as a older guy I fear we are swimming against the tide.
When I was very young an old fart would bristle at my PC phrase "black guy" versus his "negro" or "colored" - but those words made me profoundly uncomfortable and every once in a while I would speak up to the old fart and say so.
Should I say:
(A) your child is disgusting larva
(B) be a phony and say nothing
(C) blurt out something about Jews
(D) be a phony and say "wow he's amazing"
So if this was you, which would you choose?
Being civilized is ignoring reality and experience?
Very much agree. The reality is there are many painful self evident truths that we all know, for example:
Many islamists are terrorists
Many women lie about rape/trap a man/etc
Many black people are not as intelligent as others.
I could go on and on. Yet, what as a society are we going to do about it?
For example, Patrick thinks he is identifying a profound truth when he states that it's not politically correct to emphasize the connection between the religion of Islam and Islamic terrorism. I have never understood this point - because the connection seems obvious enough to me - but it doesn't mean that I am going to agree that promoting a religious war, or hate towards (or different treatment) towards all Muslims, is the answer to anything.
If I try to examine his and other similar peoples point of view on this, I think it's confused. It's as if he thinks that those that favor not blaming all of Islam are in denial and therefore implicitly in favor of policies that will lead to more domestic terrorism. No ! It's just that in the case of this issue, we will ultimately be creating our reality. It's not clear - that policies directed towards the nonviolent Muslims - inviting them in to the secular world isn't the best hope for growing the size and power of a moderate Islamic world that will ultimately be the force that defeats radical Islamic terrorism.
We aren't going to talk radical fundamentalists in to becoming atheists - but they or their children may naturally become more moderate - if the world they experience leads them naturally towards that.
Here is what I think is an example of political correctness.
Hillary was right about Trump voters. Not all of them but a lot of them. Probably at least half. They really are deplorable, as is Trump himself.
Why is it so politically incorrect in some circles to state this true fact ? Right wingers want to say that media that speaks to these facts about Trump and his voters are enemies of the state or some other lie. I disagree.
Trump voters want to tear down America and make it different than what the founding fathers intended ! They are evil !
This is a truth that needs to be spoken, even if it is politically incorrect. Join me ! TPB is right. Liberals are pussies. They need to stand up for America and speak the truth.