The truth about political correctness

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2017 Sep 7, 10:10am   7,778 views  33 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

Political correctness depends entirely on the politics you agree or disagree with.

For example, Patrick thinks he is identifying a profound truth when he states that it's not politically correct to emphasize the connection between the religion of Islam and Islamic terrorism. I have never understood this point - because the connection seems obvious enough to me - but it doesn't mean that I am going to agree that promoting a religious war, or hate towards (or different treatment) towards all Muslims, is the answer to anything.

If I try to examine his and other similar peoples point of view on this, I think it's confused. It's as if he thinks that those that favor not blaming all of Islam are in denial and therefore implicitly in favor of policies that will lead to more domestic terrorism. No ! It's just that in the case of this issue, we will ultimately be creating our reality. It's not clear - that policies directed towards the nonviolent Muslims - inviting them in to the secular world isn't the best hope for growing the size and power of a moderate Islamic world that will ultimately be the force that defeats radical Islamic terrorism.

We aren't going to talk radical fundamentalists in to becoming atheists - but they or their children may naturally become more moderate - if the world they experience leads them naturally towards that.

Here is what I think is an example of political correctness.

Hillary was right about Trump voters. Not all of them but a lot of them. Probably at least half. They really are deplorable, as is Trump himself.

Why is it so politically incorrect in some circles to state this true fact ? Right wingers want to say that media that speaks to these facts about Trump and his voters are enemies of the state or some other lie. I disagree.
Trump voters want to tear down America and make it different than what the founding fathers intended ! They are evil !

This is a truth that needs to be spoken, even if it is politically incorrect. Join me ! TPB is right. Liberals are pussies. They need to stand up for America and speak the truth.


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1   Ceffer   2017 Sep 7, 11:08am  

A very politically correct editorial on political correctness!
3   Ernie   2017 Sep 21, 9:28am  

One should apply this logic also to KKK. While they think that everyone who is white is inferior, not all people in KKK are really bad and we do not want an anti-KKK crusade. Similar to Islam where their rule book says that everyone who is not Muslim is inferior.
4   somecrappynumber   2017 Sep 21, 9:47am  

marcus says
Patrick thinks he is identifying a profound truth when he states that it's not politically correct to emphasize the connection between the religion of Islam and Islamic terrorism. I have never understood this point - because the connection seems obvious enough to me

Very much agree. The reality is there are many painful self evident truths that we all know, for example:

Many islamists are terrorists
Many women lie about rape/trap a man/etc
Many black people are not as intelligent as others.

I could go on and on. Yet, what as a society are we going to do about it? Are we going to round up all members of these groups and punish them? if the answer is no, what exactly are we accomplishing as a society by polarizing the good members of these groups by labeling them with the bad ones?

I mean, its not like we as a society have ignored the issue. We examined the evidence and decided the current policies is the best "least worst" option we have. Not everyone (particularly on Patnet) is happy with the results, but in life many things are a balancing act, and the people who want the two binary extremes never get their way.

But again, perhaps I am missing something. So let me ask @Patrick specifically - describe in detail the profound: "lightswitch" or "aha" moment you envision by continuously pointing out the bad behavior we all know, over and over and over again?
5   anonymous   2017 Sep 21, 11:22am  

I think it's in Aspergers thing.

For many people, it can be very emotionally satisfying to say something they are thinking. Yet often times we don't because there are consequences. For example, if your date has big tits you don't blurt this self evident fact out because you know you will be slapped. Thus, you stifle yourself for the time being, and say it after you've banged her and she will be more receptive.

For guys with Asperger's, they have difficulty understanding when there will be social consequences for speaking. They are the ones who haven't learned how to best handle themselves for various social situations. For them, it must be liberating having a safe space like Patnet where you can say what you want without consequence.
6   Ceffer   2017 Sep 21, 11:29am  

anonymous says
For example, if your date has big tits you don't blurt this self evident fact out because you know you will be slapped.

It's OK if she slaps you with her tits.
7   Ernie   2017 Sep 21, 11:30am  

anonymous says
For example, if your date has big tits you don't blurt this self evident fact out because you know you will be slapped.

Or she will be happy that you compliment her, if she really likes you.
anonymous says
For them, it must be liberating having a safe space like Patnet where you can say what you want without consequence.

The problem with other spaces is that you can tell crap about white people/men all you want, but anything bad about minorities/women is punishable by death. Media is filled by "white policeman shot a black person" but where is "black thug attacked white victim"? Mention race in both cases, or do not mention it anywhere.
8   anonymous   2017 Sep 21, 12:12pm  

"Punishable by death" only in the sense that people respond saying very impolitely " I think you're opinion is stupid" but obviously you don't "die".

But like I said, nothing in the world is truly without consequence, I don't know why this is surprising.
9   Ernie   2017 Sep 21, 12:15pm  

anonymous says
"Punishable by death" only in the sense that people respond saying very impolitely " I think you're opinion is stupid" but obviously you don't "die".

No, there is different outcome. If you tell something bad about men or white people, there are few if any consequences unless what you say is truly genocidal. If you tell something bad about "protected" groups, you are likely to lose your job.
10   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Sep 21, 12:18pm  

marcus says
Hillary was right about Trump voters. Not all of them but a lot of them. Probably at least half. They really are deplorable, as is Trump himself.

Why is it so politically incorrect in some circles to state this true fact ?

Yes there is nothing wrong with a leader in a democracy not only thinking her constituents are idiots but saying it.
It just understandably lowers her chances.
11   anonymous   2017 Sep 21, 12:26pm  

Sorry, I thought you meant on an anonymous forum. But yes you are right about going public and losing your job. But once again, in a civilized society actions have consequences.

If anything, this just proves you don't have aspergers because you understand precisely the consequences to that particular action.
12   Ceffer   2017 Sep 21, 12:53pm  

Being civilized is ignoring reality and experience?
13   Ernie   2017 Sep 21, 1:01pm  

anonymous says
If anything, this just proves you don't have aspergers because you understand precisely the consequences to that particular action.

So why different outcomes for telling crap about different population groups?
14   anonymous   2017 Sep 21, 1:03pm  

The root word there is "civil", and yes we always gloss over lifes unpleasantries in polite conversation.

Like wise, we say PC things that we know we don't necessarily mean - when someone at the counter says "how's it going" you almost always say "fine" even if that's not true because you know the guy who asked you the question truly didn't give a shit.
15   anonymous   2017 Sep 21, 1:16pm  

Dr. Bu - because life is full of hypocrisy and we all know it. A woman can put on a low cut top knowing fully well it will draw attention to her tits, and then get upset when it gets her attention she doesn't like.

Likewise, you know that you can, and pretty much are expected to steal a glance and no one will punish you for it, but if you leer and make panting noises she will be upset, no matter how hot she may think you are.

When it comes to minority groups you know that if you speak your mind someone else who may secretly agree with you may speak out in polite company to Virtue signal - maybe to impress a coworker or a Love interest.

Note, a comedian once pointed out that you can say shit all you want about caveman. Since they presumably don't exist, you can make jokes at their expense, and no one in polite company will feel uncomfortable about you disparaging this particular group!
16   Shaman   2017 Sep 21, 1:18pm  

drBu says
you tell something bad about "protected" groups, you are likely to lose your job

This is the heart of Political Correctness: the tribe piles on the offender to teach him a lesson about what things are unacceptable to say. Anything that is taboo to talk about, which will cause you real world consequences, those ideas are deemed politically correct and you verbally oppose them at your peril.

It's the peril that counts, disagreement, even with harsh language doesn't count.
17   Ernie   2017 Sep 21, 2:04pm  

anonymous says
Dr. Bu - because life is full of hypocrisy and we all know it. A woman can put on a low cut top knowing fully well it will draw attention to her tits, and then get upset when it gets her attention she doesn't like.

Should be either all speech is PC or none. I prefer none, but if everything is PC I am less against it than what we have now which is a complete travesty. No one can and should expect PC and sensitivity only to one part of population. Furthermore, there comes a point where too much sensitivity and PC'ness can bring casualties. For example, if 1% of population, and in reality less than 1%, commits 50% of terror acts, should immigration of these people be banned or should we ignore writings of their Holy Book and their actions and pretend that all is fine?
18   anonymous   2017 Sep 21, 2:29pm  

Dr. Bu - LOL that u went with the binary "all free speech or none" - perhaps you do have aspergers after all :)

All kidding aside, I agree w you that the current state of PC language is excessive. And as a older guy I fear we are swimming against the tide.

When I was very young an old fart would bristle at my PC phrase "black guy" versus his "negro" or "colored" - but those words made me profoundly uncomfortable and every once in a while I would speak up to the old fart and say so.

Now I am the old fart, and while I don't like it, if I wish to still be relevant, I need to try and keep up with the standards being sent by the next generation. Part of me thinks "yeah but this is different this is utter lunacy" but I am sure that's exactly what the old guy was thinking when I spoke up yours in years ago.
19   Ernie   2017 Sep 21, 2:49pm  

anonymous says
All kidding aside, I agree w you that the current state of PC language is excessive. And as a older guy I fear we are swimming against the tide.

I do not think so, many younger people I talk to are not very PC. Some of my students are less PC than I am and they make fun of each other constantly, and none of them seem to be offended. The caveat is that these are science students, I am sure that humanities students would be constantly triggered. Also, they start to hide and delete their non-PC writings on social media some time before graduation.

All joking and hyperbola aside, I am fine with any un-PC speech unless the person who talks thinks that he is better than the other person because of his nationality, race, or something like that.
20   komputodo   2017 Sep 21, 2:52pm  

anonymous says
When I was very young an old fart would bristle at my PC phrase "black guy" versus his "negro" or "colored" - but those words made me profoundly uncomfortable and every once in a while I would speak up to the old fart and say so.

So you are saying that if you were sitting in a room with that old guy and nobody else was there and the old guy said "colored folk, negroes, or jungle bunnies", you would feel profoundly uncomfortable? May I ask why? I could understand it if you were surrounded by a bunch of black people but in the privacy of your home? Why did his words affect you so much?
21   anonymous   2017 Sep 21, 2:54pm  

I think Patrick is right. There is basic pattern recognition with all this, but bad people never blame themselves and just call us racists.

Many minorities are poor - their logic is oppressed by white folk, ignoring that plenty of poor whites exist.
Most crimes committed by minorities - their logic is that statistics are racist.

Identity politics are ruining our nation, when liberal media puts those retards onto the megaphone just to buy their votes.
22   anonymous   2017 Sep 21, 3:35pm  

Komputodo - Of course I wouldn't give a shit (or at least not much of one if that was a private conversation!

As you clearly implied - in a public space with other people it is a completely different situation. People who function best understand the rules, the nuance and even embrace the hipocracy between their public & private personas - and what you can say to a trusted friend or a spouse is completely the opposite of what you should say in mixed company of strangers. At least that is if you want to do well in life.

However, for the aspergers crowd who constantly want to talk about immigrants, or complain why is she upset at me for pointing out her tits are big, or whatever places like Patnet offer up a safe space where they can satisfy the near Tourette's like compulsion to speak without consequence.
23   anonymous   2017 Sep 21, 3:48pm  

As you clearly implied - in a public space with other people it is a completely different situation. People who function best understand the rules, the nuance and even embrace the hipocracy between their public & private personas - and what you can say to a trusted friend or a spouse is completely the opposite of what you should say in mixed company of strangers. At least that is if you want to do well in life.


If you want to do well in life, you have to be a big fat phony?

I guess it depends on what your definition of "do well" is.
24   anonymous   2017 Sep 21, 6:17pm  

Do well as in accomplish your goals.
25   anonymous   2017 Sep 21, 6:22pm  

For example, the goal today was to sign up a new client. I saw his receptionist, Jill Stein who just had a new baby. Now, I think all newborns are disgusting larva, but hers was particularly ugly. She asked "isn't he the cutest"!!!

Should I say:
(A) your child is disgusting larva
(B) be a phony and say nothing
(C) blurt out something about Jews
(D) be a phony and say "wow he's amazing"

So if this was you, which would you choose?
26   anonymous   2017 Sep 21, 7:36pm  

OP is a liberal public education indoctrinator, and therefore has no grasp of his brainwashing and cannot speak to PC at all.
28   komputodo   2017 Sep 21, 8:07pm  

anonymous says
Should I say:
(A) your child is disgusting larva
(B) be a phony and say nothing
(C) blurt out something about Jews
(D) be a phony and say "wow he's amazing"

So if this was you, which would you choose?

(e) be a phony and say "HE-AH-ITE"
29   anonymous   2017 Sep 21, 8:07pm  

Ceffer says
Being civilized is ignoring reality and experience?

That's probably part of the Democratic party manifesto these days.
30   Patrick   2017 Sep 21, 8:24pm  

somecrappynumber says
Very much agree. The reality is there are many painful self evident truths that we all know, for example:

Many islamists are terrorists
Many women lie about rape/trap a man/etc
Many black people are not as intelligent as others.

I could go on and on. Yet, what as a society are we going to do about it?

The first step is to calmly speak the truth, over and over.

Once it is possible to speak the truth in public without being misrepresented or shamed or fired for it, then problems can be solved. Not before that.
31   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Sep 21, 9:00pm  

The Truth about PC:

Our PC world is the death of comedy, says Mel Brooks: Veteran comedian claims society is 'stupidly politically correct' and that many of his films could not be made today

This is where we are: Homemade footage of Sorority Girls singing a popular song include Nigga, which is in the song itself. Notice there are some dark babes in the crowd (would it matter if there wasn't?). Yes, it is now offensive to sing pop song lyrics if you're the wrong color.

"We'll take the niggers and the chinks. But NOT the Irish"
"No Deal."
"Oh Fuck it, everybody."
32   Patrick   2017 Sep 21, 9:27pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

Good article. I like Mel.
33   deepcgi   2017 Sep 21, 9:35pm  

I see this as the golden age of bliss for the Left. Someone to hate and blame and scream at other than themselves and than their own selfishness and apathy. A new religion to cling to that feeds their need for fear.

It is harder to have faith and hope than fear and hatred. They think, “We shouldn’t have faith and hope in the self reliance of others. The poor and downtrodden are feeble and easily bruised, we must choose our words carefully.”

Self-serving tripe. A way to wave off your cognitive dissonance for leading a better life than they.

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