The End of NFL Football?

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2017 Sep 25, 9:27pm   14,293 views  71 comments

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31   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Sep 28, 10:06am  

anonymous says

"Turn those cameras around. Show the crowd, Media!"

TV Networks deliberately avoided showing angry crowds during Taking the Knee Anti-American Protest.
32   joeyjojojunior   2017 Sep 28, 10:10am  

BayArea says

That's exactly what happened

Except that's not how Nielson works.

"To best understand how a TV rating works, let's say a show starts at 8pm ET and has 10 people watching. The next minute, at 8:01pm ET, 2 people change the channel to something else, but 4 new people come in and start watching--now there are 12 people watching. So far, there have been a total of 14 people who have consumed any part of this show--10 at the start, 4 more after the first minute. But the TV rating for this show so far would be 11, since 10 the first minute is averaged with 12 the second minute"

Discussing any topic with conservatives invariably sinks into a constant battle about what a "fact" is.<
35   zzyzzx   2017 Sep 28, 10:45am  


NFL Camera Operators Told not to Show Booing Crowd When Players Knelt During Anthem
36   anonymous   2017 Sep 28, 11:40am  

If the Founding Fathers knew these Americans were making peaceful protests, they'd be rolling in their graves!

Only God can save us now, from this Liberal wasteland
37   joeyjojojunior   2017 Sep 29, 5:02pm  

For those who think NFL fans are all redneck Republican Trump supporters:

NFL fans skew Democratic.

38   MAGA   2017 Sep 29, 6:00pm  

Are the players going to take a knee during Superbowl?
39   lostand confused   2017 Sep 29, 6:12pm  

joeyjojojunior says
NFL fans skew Democratic

So democrats hate the flag and the anthem??
40   joeyjojojunior   2017 Sep 29, 6:38pm  

lostand confused says
So democrats hate the flag and the anthem??

Are the fans protesting?
41   joeyjojojunior   2017 Sep 29, 7:14pm  

me123 says

LOL, Five thirty eight again, haven't you learned yet? Take what he posts and invert it, you'll have the true numbers.

lol is right. Spoken like a true Republican. Ignore any fact that doesn't conform to your worldview
43   joeyjojojunior   2017 Sep 30, 7:11am  

me123 says
Did you forget election day? Take Nate's electoral college prediction and invert it, you end close with the actual.

how do you like those facts?

I like them. He was actually spot on based on the polling data.
44   komputodo   2017 Sep 30, 7:25am  

The end of NFL FOOTBALL? Who gives a crap? I don't watch it on TV anymore and would never consider paying money to watch it. It's amazing how the MSM can convince people that something that is a complete waste of time (watching football on TV or just watching TV in general ) is important.
45   komputodo   2017 Sep 30, 7:31am  

Tenpoundbass says

Let's see...I never drink cheap BUD or go to McDonalds, would never consider buying a FORD or expensive NIKE apparel, I don't buy Microsoft products or watch ESPN. I guess I've already been boycotting them.
46   joeyjojojunior   2017 Sep 30, 10:44am  

komputodo says
Let's see...I never drink cheap BUD or go to McDonalds, would never consider buying a FORD or expensive NIKE apparel, I don't buy Microsoft products or watch ESPN. I guess I've already been boycotting them.

But, but, but I thought the liberals were the superior, condescending pricks?
47   komputodo   2017 Sep 30, 1:11pm  

joeyjojojunior says
But, but, but I thought the liberals were the superior, condescending pricks?

So sorry, but you didn't quite understand my post...Down here south of the border, Mexican beer is cheaper and better than BUD, Tacos are better and cheaper than McDonalds, I drive an old 1980's beater, I don't need to wear expensive Nike stuff. I think Microsoft sold 1 copy of windows here and there are 10 mil pirated copies and watching TV sports is boring. If that is being "a superior and condescending prick" then I am guilty.
49   zzyzzx   2017 Oct 2, 7:58am  

People who still want to watch football can still watch college football.
51   Tenpoundbass   2017 Nov 21, 11:37am  

BayArea says
I enjoyed ESPN years ago before it became a political outlet. I want to watch scores and highlights, and nothing else!

This is the most unfathomable part. Everyone I knew that didn't want to cut the cord or never had any plans to. Based their decision on not being able to have a close live connection with NFL and other Sports. But mostly Football. My Brother, almost everything he owns has a Miami Dolphin logo on it. He threw it all out, and canceled cable.

Look for consumer goods to get cheaper now. Now that the NFL isn't a Trillion dollar a year advertising outlet. Sucking money out of honest hard working people.
52   Booger   2017 Nov 21, 4:13pm  

Ticket Prices for Thanksgiving NFL Game Tumbling to Less than $15 as Anthem Protests Continue

53   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 21, 5:06pm  

anonymous says
Any of the "patriots" here on the forum that are cheering for the demise of football and the empty stadium seats took the time to remember that in a lot of cases the taxpayers are on the hook not only for the present stadium but in a lot of other instances at the same time are paying for the old one that was torn down as well.

That's a reason NOT to support the NFL and boycott them.

The NFL allowed it's most visible element to insult America, then claim they're American as Apple Pie, so give subsidies. For too long the default decision has been "Side with the minority, and Middle America will eventually accept it." The tide is turning. Companies will now have to choose between their middle American mainstay consumer, and satisfying SJWs, the vast majority of whom are uninterested in, or despise, Football.

The other side to bashing Whites is not only are they economically and numerically superior, but it's been going on so long it's no longer "Cool" and "Edgy". It's the status quo, the default position of Academia, Politics, Bourgeois Professionals, and Corporate Life. To be America First is new and edgy. That's why the Hate America First crowd tries to imitate the organic coolness of MAGA. Good example is "Dotard", the pale imitation of "Cuck", which never gained any steam beyond the CTR Bots.

Nationalism is the new Punk Rock.
54   Goran_K   2017 Nov 21, 5:12pm  

anonymous says
Any of the "patriots" here on the forum that are cheering for the demise of football and the empty stadium seats took the time to remember that in a lot of cases the taxpayers are on the hook not only for the present stadium but in a lot of other instances at the same time are paying for the old one that was torn down as well.

I love this twisted logic.

“Don’t boycott the NFL otherwise the socialized cost of building a brand new stadium wouldn’t be worth it!”

Uh most people protesting have already said they support NOT giving tax payer money for stadiums.
55   HowdyThere   2017 Nov 21, 7:16pm  

I used to enjoy the NFL when Barry Sanders, Joe Montana and Herschel Walker played. Free agency was enough to make me lose interest without politics. I guess I was ahead of the curve.
56   zzyzzx   2017 Nov 22, 8:14am  

Some NFL owners believe there is a strong possibility they will enact an offseason change to the league’s national anthem policy if players’ protests during the anthem persist through the end of this season, reverting to a previous approach of keeping players in the locker room while the anthem is played.
57   MrMagic   2017 Nov 22, 8:54am  

zzyzzx says
reverting to a previous approach of keeping players in the locker room while the anthem is played.

That should go over really big, kinda like a fart in a spacesuit.
58   komputodo   2017 Nov 22, 8:59am  

Goran_K says
anonymous says
Any of the "patriots" here on the forum that are cheering for the demise of football and the empty stadium seats took the time to remember that in a lot of cases the taxpayers are on the hook not only for the present stadium but in a lot of other instances at the same time are paying for the old one that was torn down as well.

If you're on the hook for stadium costs, by all means you should support your team by buying $1000 worth of tickets, parking fees and snacks every month.
59   komputodo   2017 Nov 22, 11:58am  

lostand confused says
joeyjojojunior says
NFL fans skew Democratic

So democrats hate the flag and the anthem??

No, the majority of the democrats respect the flag and the anthem. They are just afraid of speaking up and critcizing spooks...White privelege and virtue signaling and all that stuff.
60   anonymous   2017 Nov 22, 6:28pm  

komputodo says
No, the majority of the democrats respect the flag and the anthem. They are just afraid of speaking up and critcizing spooks...White privelege and virtue signaling and all that stuff.

Actually Dems just respect the right of free speech.
61   komputodo   2017 Nov 23, 8:17am  

anonymous says
Anyway - read along "patriots" : Nascar's Big Skid, Is it the economy? Bad management? Too boring? Or are Americans just over it?

1. It's maybe not the best-run organization in the world.

2. It's the economy's fault.

3. Nascar got boring.

4. 4. Fewer people love cars.

i'd guess it just got too expensive to regular folk...just like golf. When the credit card is maxed out, sometimes one has to cut back.
62   komputodo   2017 Nov 23, 8:21am  

anon_8f378 says
Actually Dems just respect the right of free speech.

Actually, I can't keep up...Whats a DEM? A liberal? A left winger? An ANTI-FA? If a DEM is just a regular person registered with the democratic party, I believe they do respect the flag, the anthem, and free speech. Not just free speech.
63   Goran_K   2017 Nov 23, 8:24am  

anon_8f378 says
komputodo says
No, the majority of the democrats respect the flag and the anthem. They are just afraid of speaking up and critcizing spooks...White privelege and virtue signaling and all that stuff.

Actually Dems just respect the right of free speech.

So do most right wingers and moderates. It’s just that they don’t cry as good as dems when they have the face the consequences of their speech.
64   Booger   2017 Dec 3, 7:30pm  

If I wanna see someone on their knees, I'll just go to PornHub.
67   anonymous   2017 Dec 3, 10:18pm  

68   WildMind   2017 Dec 3, 11:35pm  

I couldn’t give up my fantasy football and draft kings gambling addiction. Football is by far the most fun to gamble on outside of horse racing.
69   GNL   2017 Dec 4, 5:57am  

anon_b9c75 says
zzyzzx says


You actually said yes? Bwahahahababababa

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