Trump’s going to be your President for another seven years

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2017 Oct 25, 8:56pm   22,121 views  121 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

The Weinstein scandal was just the tip of the unedifying iceberg. Today we learned that Woody Allen, a man who ran off and married one adoptive daughter and was accused of sexually abusing another adoptive daughter when she was just seven, is currently making a movie about a pedophile who preys on a 15-year-old girl. Meanwhile, Trump’s most indignant Hollywood opponents like Meryl Streep continue to celebrate convicted fugitive child rapist Roman Polanski. Middle America is watching all this and thinking: ‘Don’t you lot DARE lecture us about anything ever again.’


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1   FortWayne   2017 Oct 25, 9:00pm  

With Clinton uranium scandal it's even more likely.
2   HEY YOU   2017 Oct 25, 9:27pm  

Mueller could be the least of the problems.
Illness,accidents,natural causes & other events can end a presidency.

Trump remarked, "If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is."

It's hell when the fool you elect says things,makes itself look like a fool.

3   WatermelonUniversity   2017 Oct 25, 9:32pm  

why surprised by hollyshit's low-lives?

jews have zero morality.
4   BayArea   2017 Oct 25, 9:37pm  

Patrick, you are 100% correct

If the left doesn’t start following sound logic shared by the normal middle working class, Trump will be our president for another 7yrs.
5   anonymous   2017 Oct 25, 9:39pm  

So a single criminal means a bad person is going to remain as president however Trump giving the Banks anything they want is a non-issue?
6   Rew   2017 Oct 25, 10:15pm  

BayArea says
If the left doesn’t start following sound logic shared by the normal middle working class, Trump will be our president for another 7yrs.

The election of Trump, or support of him now, has nothing to do with logic or being middle class.
7   Peter P   2017 Oct 25, 10:20pm  

The incumbent is automatically the front-runner anyway.
8   BayArea   2017 Oct 25, 10:55pm  

Rew says
BayArea says
If the left doesn’t start following sound logic shared by the normal middle working class, Trump will be our president for another 7yrs.

The election of Trump, or support of him now, has nothing to do with logic or being middle class.

Oh really, nothing?

Then please enlighten me.
9   HEY YOU   2017 Oct 25, 11:19pm  

Trump & his ilk have to get thru this term.
Maybe America can survive Trump.
10   komputodo   2017 Oct 25, 11:33pm  

HEY YOU says
Trump & his ilk have to get thru this term.
Maybe America can survive Trump.

First of all he didn't have a chance to win...then he wouldn't last 6 months...now you are wondering if he'll last 4 years...Spoiler alert...america isn't going anywhere...it will be here long after Trump and the rest of us are dead.
11   Rew   2017 Oct 26, 12:15am  

BayArea says
Oh really, nothing?

Then please enlighten me.

The cost of acquiring political literacy, good civic understanding, and an informed vote, is far and away greater, than the return on casting that well informed personal vote. Trump won because not enough Americans were well informed, and to a degree, 'logical'. Instead, the American people were emotional and ignorant, and Trump capitalized and exploited that. His voting base is also much more upper class, middle class, and far less working class than is typically relayed. Also, if you are white and not very educated, odds are you are a Trump voter.

There is no judgement being cast with the above statements. That's simply what occurred and who the Trump voters and supporters, predominantly, are. You can read countless articles, exit polling, interviews, etc.: Trump voters didn't vote by 'logic'. There is no great political calculus going on. Trump supporters are not somehow magically more informed, patriotic, civic minded, and 'logical'. We've all seen a Trump rally. There is nothing there that is an appeal to factual validity in policy, civics, or the government in general. It's a show.

The emotions Trump used were anger and fear. Trump voters generally believe that America in under siege, people are born bad and must be taught/made-to-be good, Government is an enemy, failure, and a waste, and they all generally believe in ideas of self reliance even if they are not very self reliant themselves.

Ignorance won Trump the vote because in a nation where the majority of Americans cannot name the three separate branches of the US Government, and where a third cannot even name a single branch, the people often don't want to talk policy and logic at all. We are idiots.

Obama also won with healthy doses of ignorance and emotion as well. But, and this is a judgement, Trump won because he embraced and elevated what I believe to be the worst in America and in people: anti-intellectualism, fear of minorities and immigrants, an absolutism of faith in Christianity.

But fear not, as the cult of ignorance, carried by nationalist anger and fear, on the shoulders of inadequate leaders, always dies a hard death.

Read your history books. These truths, are self evident, and not based in emotion or ethical judgement. It is quite logical to think human history will continue to, rhyme, if not repeat.
12   Rew   2017 Oct 26, 12:22am  

komputodo says
america isn't going anywhere...it will be here long after Trump and the rest of us are dead.

I also agree that the continent will remain long after Trump and us.

The nation of the United States of America, in its current form, is unlikely to remain as is, indefinitely though. Some of the malfeasance Trump has done may remain, but I do not think he will have a lasting impact, except to carry the footnote of one of the worst Presidents in the nation's history.
13   Ceffer   2017 Oct 26, 12:25am  

Why are we still talking about this? I thought Trump was impeached six months ago and fled to Russia.
14   Rew   2017 Oct 26, 12:30am  

Ceffer says
Wasn't Trump impeached six months ago and fled to Russia?

The GOP looks to have chosen the path of Trumpification. A far cry from their former selves now.

Sadly, this means Russian exile or impeachment will take more time. ;)
15   anonymous   2017 Oct 26, 2:59am  

Rew re: comment no. 12 is well put. Piggy will certainly respond, but a proper rebuttal to it would require effort, which is not consistent with his "shiteating" style. Still, I appreciate the reasoned response.
16   bob2356   2017 Oct 26, 6:29am  

Patrick says
The Weinstein scandal was just the tip of the unedifying iceberg. Today we learned that Woody Allen,

Weinstein and woody allen are the 2020 democratic presidential nominees? I didn't even know they were running.
17   zzyzzx   2017 Oct 26, 7:02am  


Two Scoops, Two Genders, Two Terms, Two thumbs up!
18   Onvacation   2017 Oct 26, 7:05am  

Rew says

Ignorance won Trump the vote

No. It was Hillary
19   joeyjojojunior   2017 Oct 26, 7:06am  

bob2356 says

Weinstein and woody allen are the 2020 democratic presidential nominees? I didn't even know they were running.

I know--how ridiculous is this? Like there aren't any Republicans that are a-holes or pedophiles?
20   WookieMan   2017 Oct 26, 7:24am  

Patrick says
Trump’s going to be your President for another seven years

I know this is a caveat for any human being or older president, but he's getting close to the Grim Reapers cross-hairs age wise.

I've never really looked into the whole life expectancy thing that thoroughly before. Assuming this link is correct and they used good data, DC being 4 years higher is interesting. Maybe I have to take back my above comment. Or is it where you were born? WTF West Virginia? They need to up their game.

I still think it's too early to predict a 2nd term. We're what, year 7-8 without a recession? If the timing is wrong, presidents get blamed for recessions. So even with all the things being alluded to as positives, it's the economy that matters. His base are the people that will take it up the heinie in a recession. A late 2018 and into 2019 recession would probably make him an underdog.

I personally don't think he'll want to run again though. Trump came and he conquered in his mind. He'll hand the party over to Pence and he'll run with a Ryan as VP or something like that. Trying to set the party up for the foreseeable future. I imagine being President is actually a pretty shitty job when you're wealthy as fuck. Trump also knows he'll capitalize massively after he's out of office as well. As mentioned before, even if he lives to 90, his years are numbered at this point and you can't really be earning outside money hand over fist as president.
21   NDrLoR   2017 Oct 26, 8:53am  

Rew says
His voting base is also much more upper class, middle class, and far less working class than is typically relayed.
Actually his voting base is upper and middle class precisely because they value hard work and deferred gratification and adhere to what used to be revered in this country, the protestant work ethic, which values production over consumption, having children within monogomous marriage, frugality and religious observance in the Christian and Jewish traditions, which of course are despised by the majority on the left.
22   anonymous   2017 Oct 26, 9:07am  

P N Dr Lo R says
which values production over consumption, having children within monogomous marriage, frugality and religious observance in the Christian and Jewish traditions

Sounds like Trump to me.
24   socal2   2017 Oct 26, 9:26am  

joeyjojojunior says
I know--how ridiculous is this? Like there aren't any Republicans that are a-holes or pedophiles?

Not many Republicans were as powerful as Weinstein (Hollywood in general) to shape our CULTURE and morally scold us on a variety of issues like the "war on women", guns, foreign policy and immigration.

Politics is downstream of culture. We wonder how someone as vulgar and crass as Trump can get elected as President - just look at how Hollywood has debased our culture both in their products and personal activities.

Democrats have had a massive advantage with Hollywood, Media and Academia being in lockstep with the Democrat party. Throw on the massive corruption feedback loop of public sector unions feeding the massive government bureaucracy and I'm amazed that Republicans can win at all fighting against those headwinds.

But these massive Democrat leaning institutions are all coming unglued.

- Hollywood is imploding under the Weinstein scandal.
- Academia has embarrassed itself over and over the last few years with the SJW nonsense.
- The Media is being exposed for being complicit in Hollywood's coverup and carrying water for Democrats with all this bogus Russian collusion crap - and ignoring the Uranium story.
- The US Supreme Court is about to take a sledgehammer to public sector unions with the Janus case
25   joeyjojojunior   2017 Oct 26, 9:44am  

socal2 says
Democrats have had a massive advantage with Hollywood, Media and Academia being in lockstep with the Democrat party. Throw on the massive corruption feedback loop of public sector unions feeding the massive government bureaucracy and I'm amazed that Republicans can win at all fighting against those headwinds

Nonsense. Republicans have had a huge advantage with almost all organized religion and big business in their corner. They have a political rally every Sunday, 52 weeks/year from a tax exempt "institution", and a non-stop propaganda war from limitless pocketed businesses.
26   MrMagic   2017 Oct 26, 10:00am  

joeyjojojunior says
They have a political rally every Sunday, 52 weeks/year from a tax exempt "institution", and a non-stop propaganda war from limitless pocketed businesses.

Meanwhile, the Dems have non-stop propaganda 24/7 from 90% of the media.
27   NDrLoR   2017 Oct 26, 10:04am  

joeyjojojunior says
Republicans have had a huge advantage with almost all organized religion and big business in their corner. They have a political rally every Sunday, 52 weeks/year from a tax exempt "institution", and a non-stop propaganda war from limitless pocketed businesses.
Sounds like a plan!
28   socal2   2017 Oct 26, 10:09am  

joeyjojojunior says
Nonsense. Republicans have had a huge advantage with almost all organized religion and big business in their corner. They have a political rally every Sunday, 52 weeks/year from a tax exempt "institution", and a non-stop propaganda war from limitless pocketed businesses.

In other words, Republicans rely on private citizens and private institutions to get their message out.

Whereas, Democrats rely heavily on uber-rich Hollywood/Media and tax supported institutions like academia and public sector unions spending our tax dollars to get their message out.
29   joeyjojojunior   2017 Oct 26, 10:45am  

socal2 says
In other words, Republicans rely on private citizens and private institutions to get their message out.

Whereas, Democrats rely heavily on uber-rich Hollywood/Media and tax supported institutions like academia and public sector unions spending our tax dollars to get their message out.

Nope.. 100% incorrect.

The church is a HEAVILY tax supported institution. Big business is NOT a private citizen despite what Citizens United may have tried to say.

So, Republicans are much worse at what you just posted than Dems. Much, much worse.
30   joeyjojojunior   2017 Oct 26, 10:46am  

Sniper says
Meanwhile, the Dems have non-stop propaganda 24/7 from 90% of the media.

Too bad they didn't get the message in 2016 as Clinton and the Dems received almost 3X as much negative publicity as Republicans and Trump.
32   socal2   2017 Oct 26, 11:16am  

joeyjojojunior says
The church is a HEAVILY tax supported institution.

Love the Liberal double-speak.

If a Church doesn't have to give a portion of the money it collects from its congregants (who have already had their income's taxed) to the government - it is somehow HEAVILY tax supported?

You really think that is the same thing as Public Sector unions literally taking our tax dollars away from improving infrastructure, schools and public services and funneling it to campaign for Democrats?
33   joeyjojojunior   2017 Oct 26, 11:21am  

socal2 says
Love the Liberal double-speak.

If a Church doesn't have to give a portion of the money it collects from its congregants (who have already had their income's taxed) to the government - it is somehow HEAVILY tax supported?

Did you forget that all church "donations" are tax supported? 1/3 of all the church revenue comes from Uncle Sam. And unlike public sector workers, the US is getting NOTHING for that money.

socal2 says
You really think that is the same thing as Public Sector unions literally taking our tax dollars away from improving infrastructure, schools and public services and funneling it to campaign for Democrats?

Talk about doublespeak. Public sector unions get money from workers (who have already had their income's taxed) who are getting paid a fair wage for services they are providing. And those services ARE infrastructure, schools and public services. They aren't taking money away from those services...
34   socal2   2017 Oct 26, 11:42am  

joeyjojojunior says
Did you forget that all church "donations" are tax supported? 1/3 of all the church revenue comes from Uncle Sam. And unlike public sector workers, the US is getting NOTHING for that money.

People donate their own money. Just because Uncle Sam can't get his grubby paws on it, doesn't mean it is being subsidized. Also, I'd argue that our individual churches, synagogues and temples do a better job with their charities than many of the inefficient (and often destructive) government welfare programs.

There is no government program or welfare system that can fix single parent households which is the genesis of all the social dysfunction we see today in terms of poverty, crime, drug use and lack of education. Our churches/synagogues and temples are the last institutions that actually encourages families to stick together. While Hollywood, Media and our Government are busy breaking down the family and getting them reliant on government.

joeyjojojunior says
Talk about doublespeak. Public sector unions get money from workers (who have already had their income's taxed) who are getting paid a fair wage for services they are providing. And those services ARE infrastructure, schools and public services. They aren't taking money away from those services...

Dude - just stop. Are you even minimally aware of the government employee pension crisis that is bankrupting cities all across the country?

Too much of our tax dollars goes to:
- Public Sector unions that use that money for political purposes to elect Democrats (this is a real case of tax dollars subsidizing something)
- Gold plated salaries and benefits keeping our inefficient government bureaucracy living as 1 percenters
35   joeyjojojunior   2017 Oct 26, 11:49am  

socal2 says
People donate their own money

They donate 2/3 of their money and 1/3 of the government's money.

socal2 says

Too much of our tax dollars goes to:
- Public Sector unions that use that money for political purposes to elect Democrats (this is a real case of tax dollars subsidizing something)
- Gold plated salaries and benefits keeping our inefficient government bureaucracy living as 1 percenters

Great--let's pass campaign finance reform then! You're on board, right?

And you're the one who needs to stop. You'd have to be woefully uneducated to think any government employee is remotely like a 1%er. The government employees who people think are ridiculously overpaid are at best upper middle class.
36   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Oct 26, 12:14pm  

joeyjojojunior says
Public sector unions get money from workers
True. Either way, though, the donations on that linked page are peanuts. A few million bucks. That's nothing these days. The Mercers paid more on their own. So did the Kochs.

socal2 says
If a Church doesn't have to give a portion of the money it collects from its congregants (who have already had their income's taxed) to the government - it is somehow HEAVILY tax supported?

Only idiots put a little cash in the dish each week and do not deduct. Any serious money donated to the church is tax deductable. If people don't deduct it, that doesn't mean that the whole thing is not heavily subsidized.
37   socal2   2017 Oct 26, 12:55pm  

joeyjojojunior says
They donate 2/3 of their money and 1/3 of the government's money.

Again - it's Orwellian to call it "government's money".

joeyjojojunior says
Great--let's pass campaign finance reform then! You're on board, right?

We get rid of Public Sector unions - you bet! We will finally have an even playing field and get a government bureaucracy that isn't terrible. Hopefully the US Supreme Court will take care of a big chunk of this with the Janus case.

joeyjojojunior says
And you're the one who needs to stop. You'd have to be woefully uneducated to think any government employee is remotely like a 1%er. The government employees who people think are ridiculously overpaid are at best upper middle class.

I've been working with Public Sector workers for nearly a quarter century in California. Many of them with 6 figure pensions are in the 1%.
Kindergarten teachers in my kid's school districts make $80K AND get fat Pensions.
38   joeyjojojunior   2017 Oct 26, 1:01pm  

socal2 says
I've been working with Public Sector workers for nearly a quarter century in California. Many of them with 6 figure pensions are in the 1%.
Kindergarten teachers in my kid's school districts make $80K AND get fat Pensions.

Wow--just for educational purposes.

The 1% starts at a salary of $456,000. I don't think you'll find many teachers or government workers in that range no matter what their pension is.
39   joeyjojojunior   2017 Oct 26, 1:02pm  

socal2 says
Kindergarten teachers in my kid's school districts make $80K AND get fat Pensions.

fyi--they contribute to those pensions.
40   RWSGFY   2017 Oct 26, 1:16pm  

joeyjojojunior says
socal2 says
Kindergarten teachers in my kid's school districts make $80K AND get fat Pensions.

fyi--they contribute to those pensions.

...but they don't contribute to SS.

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