A good lesson for the Pat.net conspiracy crowd

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2017 Nov 7, 4:56am   6,020 views  26 comments

by joeyjojojunior   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

But by the time news of the actual motivations of the shooter were shared by authorities, a false narrative had already taken hold thanks to right-wing commentators, websites, YouTubers, and other sources. With no evidence to back up their claims, they peddled a conspiracy theory that Kelley was affiliated with "antifa."


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3   Tenpoundbass   2017 Nov 7, 5:52am  

He converted to Islam grew a beard, beat his wife for not wearing traditional dress. Beat his son and fractured his skull.
His last FB post was a AntiFa post, he was wearing a black skull mask when he did the shooting.
When it's important to lead the narrative and call everything fake news, that's how you know you're losing at every fucking thing.

Stupid dumb fucks.
4   Tenpoundbass   2017 Nov 7, 5:53am  

And for bonus fuck Liberals!

In most places, citizens would get arrested for chasing down a suspect. Not in Texas.
6   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 7, 6:05am  

Tenpoundbass says
He converted to Islam grew a beard, beat his wife for not wearing traditional dress. Beat his son and fractured his skull.
His last FB post was a AntiFa post, he was wearing a black skull mask when he did the shooting.
When it's important to lead the narrative and call everything fake news, that's how you know you're losing at every fucking thing.

Stupid dumb fucks.

His last FB post was not AntiFa. Take off the tin foil hat.
7   Tenpoundbass   2017 Nov 7, 6:20am  

Well not now his FB has been scrubbed.
If not taken down, who you gonna believe me or Jack Dorsey?
8   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 7, 6:42am  

Tenpoundbass says
Well not now his FB has been scrubbed.
If not taken down, who you gonna believe me or Jack Dorsey?

That's a silly question--do you think anyone would believe you?
9   Tenpoundbass   2017 Nov 7, 6:42am  

PCGyver says
Looks more like skull and bones than Antifa.

Alqeda... Taliban same diff.
10   anonymous   2017 Nov 7, 7:00am  

Quigley says
How do you know he was not?

Very high standards. You might want to look into a finer mesh size for your critical thinking filter.
11   bob2356   2017 Nov 7, 7:15am  

It's the crook of the elbow. Seriously.
12   Ceffer   2017 Nov 7, 8:16am  

He was programmed to kill by NPR subliminal messages that crawled around in his head like scraping, clicking insects. Nice work, Libbies!
13   anonymous   2017 Nov 7, 8:38am  

Tenpoundbass says
Well not now his FB has been scrubbed.
If not taken down, who you gonna believe me or Jack Dorsey?

Your credibility took a hit a few weeks ago when you were posting a craigslist ad you claimed was by George Soros seeking actors for the Charlottesville rally.

Yet had you actually read it the ad was for Charlotte which is the large North Carolina city, NOT Charlottesville, the small Virginia city where the rally took place.

A credible person would acknowledge the mistake and take back the claim. You didn't do that and thereby flushed your credibility down the toilet.
14   anonymous   2017 Nov 7, 8:45am  

To the conspiracy theorists credit, the MSM was reporting he wore a "skull mask" - but also made clear his motivation was likely his former in-laws which attend that church.

Thus a skull mask is pretty flimsy to hang an antifa hat on. If that's all it took, then every third biker I see is in antifa, as well as my 17 year old skater nephew who wears it cuz "it's badass"
15   Tenpoundbass   2017 Nov 7, 9:13am  

anon_9f674 says
Yet had you actually read it the ad was for Charlotte which is the large North Carolina city, NOT Charlottesville, the small Virginia city where the rally took place.

The cops were called to wrong building at the Vegas Shooting, oh well it never happened then.

You silly dink!
16   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Nov 7, 9:21am  

I think the lesson here is don't rely on a single source of information.

This article seems to confirm the antifa leaning's, without referencing any of the stories mentioned here.
17   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 7, 9:28am  

NuttBoxer says
This article seems to confirm the antifa leaning's, without referencing any of the stories mentioned here.

I love that you guys continue to fall for this stuff even on a thread devoted to trying to show you NOT to believe this nonsense.
18   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Nov 7, 9:29am  

Hillary set it up. One of her marks was in the church, and she needed to off him. The diabolical cunt set it up to make it look like an angry white man did it out of rage against his woman. She scored points for the anti-gun and feminism movements. Plus, she got to kill some filthy Christians as collateral damage (read bonus kills).
19   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Nov 7, 9:36am  

joeyjojojunior says
This article seems to confirm the antifa leaning's, without referencing any of the stories mentioned here.

I love that you guys continue to fall for this stuff even on a thread devoted to trying to show you NOT to believe this nonsense.

You want us to keep an open mind while you flippantly dismiss sources contradictory to your belief? Just when I thought you were starting to make sense...
20   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 7, 9:43am  

NuttBoxer says
You want us to keep an open mind while you flippantly dismiss sources contradictory to your belief? Just when I thought you were starting to make sense...

I want you to be able to see nonsense when it is put in front of you. What evidence did that article present? One unnamed source claimed to see Facebook posts. No screen shots. Nothing.
21   HEY YOU   2017 Nov 7, 10:55am  

Republicans still can't say "White Male TERRORIST".
Ask those in the church if they were in terror.
But it's OK! Republicans died.
More Republican will die from W M T & their beloved guns in the future.
More could have died but Trump & Republicans have infringed
on America's right to own auto weapons by not changing the law.
Why do they hate the 2nd Amendment?
22   anonymous   2017 Nov 7, 11:05am  

Tenpoundbass says
anon_9f674 says
Yet had you actually read it the ad was for Charlotte which is the large North Carolina city, NOT Charlottesville, the small Virginia city where the rally took place.

The cops were called to wrong building at the Vegas Shooting, oh well it never happened then.

You silly dink!

What's your point? Was the "soros ad" for "actors in charlotte, NC" proof that he was paying people to attend the riots in Charlottesville, VA? Yes or no?
23   anonymous   2017 Nov 7, 11:20am  

NuttBoxer says
I think the lesson here is don't rely on a single source of information.

This article seems to confirm the antifa leaning's, without referencing any of the stories mentioned here.

Ironically that "don't rely on one source" is exactly what the MSM does to keep a semblance of credibility. My old roommate was a reporter for the WSJ. He told me horror stories of wall st financial crimes that would make your head spin, yet he didn't report them.

When I asked "why" he explained he couldn't substantiate them with a second source. As much as he wanted to "out" these wall st assholes, he was committed to the truth. Plus he said some of these sources were shady types themselves who sometimes just made shit up because they had an axe to grind - and that this happened all of the time.

Thus the standard of journalism is to not report stuff that can't be confirmed. Unfortunately this doesn't apply to bloggers who don't have a payroll to pay reporters and don't follow the rules of journalism. Instead they just simply pass on stuff they think we want to hear, regardless of the truth
24   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Nov 7, 11:47am  

HEY YOU says
Republicans still can't say "White Male TERRORIST".

terrorism: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
White Male terrorism exists, or existed.
But this is not it.
25   HEY YOU   2017 Nov 7, 11:46pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
HEY YOU says
Republicans still can't say "White Male TERRORIST".

terrorism: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
White Male terrorism exists, or existed.
But this is not it.

Old words can take on new meanings.
"That's when smoke was smoke."
And groovin' was groovin'
- John Mellencamp

Which is worse,a white male mass killer or a white male terrorist?
26   anonymous   2019 Jan 30, 1:55am  

Conspiracies do happen. So, how do you know which theories might be worth investigating?

•Although there's no shortage of crackpot conspiracy theories on the internet, the fact is sometimes people do commit conspiracies.

•The 'basic argument' against conspiracy theories can help to sort out which theories can be easily dismissed, and which might be worth looking into.

•It's also important to realize many so-called conspiracy theories actually aren't describing conspiracies, but rather the predictable and non-secret behavior of a group of people with a similar ideology.

There's a basic argument against conspiracy theories that can help identify those which are more easily dismissable. In Alexander's words, the argument goes something like: "You can't run a big organization in secret without any outsiders noticing or any insiders blowing the whistle."

4 ways to tell if popular conspiracy theories are false

Clearly, there's no one rule that can help you sort out which conspiracy theories are plausible. But taking the above points into mind, a conspiracy theory might be worth investigating when:

•The conspiracy theory actually describes a conspiracy — not the public and predictable behavior of a group, and not a prospiracy.**

•The alleged perpetrators belong to a small group, which means the conspiracy theory would pass the 'basic argument' test.

•The alleged perpetrators have a rational motive for the conspiracy. (Take the flat Earth theory. Besides the fact that it fails the 'basic argument' test, I've yet to hear a sensible explanation for why NASA and other agencies would be interested in duping the public about the shape of the planet.)

•The conspiracy theory is falsifiable. (You might believe trans-dimensional aliens have possessed our world leaders and are pulling all the strings, but you'll have a hard time testing and proving that theory.)

** (prospiracy - a secret plan by a group to do something beneficial)

More: https://bigthink.com/politics-current-affairs/popular-conspiracy-theories-false?rebelltitem=5#rebelltitem5

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