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1   Ceffer   2017 Nov 14, 11:10pm  

One good delusion deserves another.

If we have creative gender identity, we may as well have creative ethnic identity.
2   lostand confused   2017 Nov 14, 11:29pm  

If I identify as a single mom with 25 kids-do I get 15k a month in welfare?
3   mmmarvel   2017 Nov 15, 6:47am  

We use to refer to this as 'mental illness' but now we just make (and accept) sick excuses. Bottom line, the man has some SERIOUS mental issues.
4   Goran_K   2017 Nov 15, 6:51am  

Transgenderism, transracial, pretty much most trans anything is just misdiagnosed mental illness.
5   georgeliberte   2017 Nov 15, 7:44am  

Well race has less biological support then gender. As always I remain panracial, pangender, and pandemic.
6   Goran_K   2017 Nov 15, 7:50am  

georgeliberte says
Well race has less biological support then gender.

7   georgeliberte   2017 Nov 15, 11:15am  

Given current scientific data, biological races do not exist among modern humans today, and they have never existed in the past. On the other hand, Those with no distaff sex also have no distaff gender, with all specimens considered neuter. There are a total of eight known sexes (X0, XX, XY, ZZ, ZW, WW, true Hermaphrodite, and asexual) but only three genders (male, female, and neuter).
8   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Nov 15, 11:21am  

Don't make generalized conclusions on the left based on 1 weirdo.
There are right wing nut cases after all.
9   Ceffer   2017 Nov 15, 11:53am  

Heraclitusstudent says
the left based on 1 weirdo

They are libby legion! So many permutations of whacko, so little time!
10   zzyzzx   2017 Nov 15, 12:11pm  

Can I identify as black so I can get preferential treatment with respect to hiring and promotions?
11   Starsky   2017 Nov 15, 1:31pm  

Goran_K says
trans anything is just misdiagnosed mental illness


Hi Goran I just wanted to let you know that I am transracial. You see I am Korean and I am extreamly greatful for my American parents who adopted me. I am wondering why you would say that I or my family has a misdiagnosed mental illness for taking part in a transracial adoption?
12   Goran_K   2017 Nov 15, 1:38pm  

Starsky says

Hi Goran I just wanted to let you know that I am transracial. You see I am Korean and I am extreamly greatful for my American parents who adopted me. I am wondering why you would say that I or my family has a misdiagnosed mental illness for taking part in a transracial adoption?

Transracial is not a thing. You are Korean adopted by white parents, but you are not ethnically or genetically Caucasian. You may share a small percentage of DNA with your parents by simple chance but the majority of your genome is from Korea.

Transracial, transgenderism, trans-anything is not science, it's lefitst fantasy make believe.
13   Starsky   2017 Nov 15, 3:14pm  

Goran_K says
Starsky says

Hi Goran I just wanted to let you know that I am transracial. You see I am Korean and I am extreamly greatful for my American parents who adopted me. I am wondering why you would say that I or my family has a misdiagnosed mental illness for taking part in a transracial adoption?

Transracial is not a thing. You are Korean adopted by white parents, but you are not ethnically or genetically Caucasian. You may share a small percentage of DNA with your parents by simple chance but the majority of your genome is from Korea.

Transracial, transgenderism, trans-anything is not science, it's lefitst fantasy make believe.

Wow not only are you insulting me but you are calling me a liar?
Here is a good paper writen by Dr. Richard M Lee in 2003 on transracial adoption.

You might find it hard to believe but transracial adoption is a thing and i feel you owe me and Dr. Lee an Apology.
14   BezrodnyiKosmopolit   2017 Nov 15, 3:16pm  

What people should be worried about is trans-fats in their foods. Instead, they are worried about social issues "trans." No wonder Putin can take advantage of americans on facebook - they get what they deserve.
15   Goran_K   2017 Nov 15, 3:17pm  

Starsky says
Wow not only are you insulting me but you are calling me a liar?
Here is a good paper writen by Dr. Richard M Lee in 2003 on transracial adoption.

You might find it hard to believe but transracial adoption is a thing and i feel you owe me and Dr. Lee an Apology.

Dr. Lee is engaging in pseudo science. The general scientific consensus is not that race is socially constructed (maybe culture).
16   Patrick   2017 Nov 15, 8:15pm  

georgeliberte says
Given current scientific data, biological races do not exist among modern humans today, and they have never existed in the past.

@georgeliberte that is simply not true.

Race is very real, and unmixed races can be quite easily identified by, say,, as well as by simple visual observation, a fact which is obvious to everyone on earth.

The "science" claiming that race is not real is not science at all, but simply an unfounded claim repeated ad nauseum with no proof. Of course, all humans have the same basic set of genes, but the variation in those genes among races cluster into quite distinct groups. Black people have black skin, for example. And that is one of only maybe 10,000 very distinct genetic identifiers of black people. Taken together, those identifiers are utterly unambiguous about race. Same for whites and Asians.

Yes, race as a concept has been abused in the past, but that does not mean ideology should trump reality.

Are there no breeds of dogs? Or horses?
17   RC2006   2017 Nov 15, 8:30pm  

Not to mention medications are now being designed for different races.
18   Patrick   2017 Nov 15, 8:47pm  

Yes, that's another good point. Different races have widely varying susceptibility to different diseases.
19   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 16, 2:09am  

Goran_K says

Transracial is not a thing.

With respect it is.

If Transsexual exists, then Transracial is even easier. Bigger differences between male and female than White and Black or Asian or Aborigine.

If you can pick your gender, picking race is a no brainer.

But that would drive the Left NUTS.

"I'm a Person of Color Now." "No you're not, you're a Toxic Whiteness Devil! Stop stealing POC experiences"

It would be awesome "Performance Art" if Trump Voters told everybody they were Black.

"You're White."
"Hey, don't assume my Gender Race lady. Just because I don't pass well doesn't make me not a Person of Color."
20   Shaman   2017 Nov 16, 8:19am  

Can’t we all just get along?
Or maybe just get a bong?
21   Goran_K   2017 Nov 16, 8:57am  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
With respect it is.

If Transsexual exists, then Transracial is even easier. Bigger differences between male and female than White and Black or Asian or Aborigine.

If you can pick your gender, picking race is a no brainer.

But that would drive the Left NUTS.

"I'm a Person of Color Now." "No you're not, you're a Toxic Whiteness Devil! Stop stealing POC experiences"

It would be awesome "Performance Art" if Trump Voters told everybody they were Black.

"You're White."
"Hey, don't assume my Gender Race lady. Just because I don't pass well doesn't make me not a Person of Color."

It's a "thing" but it's ridiculous fantasy.

The left is always talking about "settled science" yet thinks a white man can become a black woman simply by thought.

That's why leftist ideology is so poisonous.
22   zzyzzx   2017 Nov 16, 8:58am  

If I identify as Austro-Hungarian, does that make me trans-something?
Seriously, they did move here in 1910 from Austria-Hungary; I suspect that they were Austrians from what is now Hungary.
23   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 16, 9:36am  

Goran_K says
The left is always talking about "settled science" yet thinks a white man can become a black woman simply by thought.

Sexual Reproduction, Hormones, and Genetics are all inventions of White Male Patriarchy.

We will all sit in a circle, hold hands and drink our Herbal Tea, and try to reach unanimous consensus, we'll find biology is all in our minds, male subjectivity which is called Objectivity a false creation of the Patriarchy, which is our version of Judeo-Bolshevism.

Free your mind, Goran, you are the Gender you wish to be.

We can all embody the nature of a Two Spirit from Turtle Island, following the Guidance of the Moon Mother and Wemetanka the Spirit Guide.
24   Ceffer   2017 Nov 16, 10:01am  

I'll just play with my dick and let somebody else figure it out.
25   Starsky   2017 Nov 16, 11:50am  

Goran_K says

It's a "thing" but it's ridiculous fantasy.

The left is always talking about "settled science" yet thinks a white man can become a black woman simply by thought.

That's why leftist ideology is so poisonous.

Let me get this striaght. It sounds like you are saying transracial adoption doesn't exist. That my "parents" my white mother and father don't exist or that I wasn't born in Korea from my real Korean parents. Which is it?

Or do you not understand what a transracial adoption is? Mitt Romney transracially adopted a black child, didn't Madonna also adopte a black kid? This is called transracial adoption. Please google it if you don't believe me.

I am still waiting for my apology.
26   Goran_K   2017 Nov 16, 12:12pm  

Starsky says
Let me get this striaght. It sounds like you are saying transracial adoption doesn't exist. That my "parents" my white mother and father don't exist or that I wasn't born in Korea from my real Korean parents. Which is it?

Or do you not understand what a transracial adoption is? Mitt Romney transracially adopted a black child, didn't Madonna also adopte a black kid? This is called transracial adoption. Please google it if you don't believe me.

I am still waiting for my apology.

That just means that you were adopted by people not of your ethnic/racial background.

You said however "Hi Goran I just wanted to let you know that I am transracial."

That is just a fantasy, and make believe. There is no credible scientific evidence that someone can just transform their race. It's stupid to even talk about.
27   Goran_K   2017 Nov 16, 1:31pm  

anonymous says
We have a Dotard masquerading as a President and trying to identify as sane - what's the big deal ?

The legally and rightfully elected President is "pretending" to be president?

Why does the left hate our Republic so much?
28   georgeliberte   2017 Nov 16, 2:14pm  

Sorry Patrick, but "Race is very real, and unmixed races can be quite easily identified by, say,, as well as by simple visual observation, a fact which is obvious to everyone on earth." does not make race a well accepted scientific concept in biology or genetics. It is more an Anthropological or Sociological term. There is greater genetic variance within racial groups that between different racial group. Beyond the Cheesy use of "Social Construct" this is a reasonably good article in a prestigious scientific publication Besides, there are tons of mixed race kids, like my own Eurasian children. But, there are few hermaphrodites, true mixed gender persons by birth. Yes, people can and do pass for members of different races or genders than their birth affiliation. BTW commonly surprises people with unexpected information. Turns out my ancestors were from Antarctica and Apparently I am mixed human-penguin. Explains my affinity for formal wear.Penguin Privilege.
29   Starsky   2017 Nov 16, 3:49pm  

Goran_K says
That just means that you were adopted by people not of your ethnic/racial background.

Yes transracial adoption, like i said,

Starsky says
I am wondering why you would say that I or my family has a misdiagnosed mental illness for taking part in a transracial adoption?

Here is what you said,

Goran_K says
transracial, pretty much most trans anything is just misdiagnosed mental illness.

I am transracial because i was part of a transracial adoption, I never said anything about being genetically Caucasian
Goran_K says
but you are not ethnically or genetically Caucasian

I believe ethnically me being american (caucasian) is up for debate, for instance I have no desire to eat dog. The thought repulses me.

Please quote where ever i said that i thought i was genetically Caucasian. Oh and that apology?
30   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Nov 16, 5:09pm  

Starsky says
I am transracial because i was part of a transracial adoption, I never said anything about being genetically Caucasian

The adoption is transracial, not you.

The problem here is to separate what is subjective and cultural, like being culturally American, and what is physical reality, like genes.

Some people are claiming there is no such thing as an objective world. Everything is subjective.
When people start identifying as something different than what they are physically, this is essentially what they are saying.

These people should spend an afternoon fixing their cars engine, with their hands in the grease. That way they would experience the real world. Then they could decide how subjective it is.
31   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Nov 16, 5:29pm  

georgeliberte says
Beyond the Cheesy use of "Social Construct" this is a reasonably good article in a prestigious scientific publication Besides, there are tons of mixed race kids, like my own Eurasian children. But, there are few hermaphrodites, true mixed gender persons by birth.

You should explain this to BLM.

People see clear clusters of appearances depending on regional origin.
These clusters have different traits, and genes, some of which are relevant to some medical conditions. You can generally move continuously from one to the other, and the clusters are NOT precisely defined by genes. Nonetheless, they are clear enough concepts that the human brain captures them and can in fact use them socially.

Just because they are not defined exactly doesn't mean they are social construct. Social construct implies that the "society" defines them in arbitrary way independently of reality. But they would be perceived and conceptualized by any isolated person observing the world.

Mixing races also doesn't prove there was no race to start with, or that the concept doesn't make sense.
32   Starsky   2017 Nov 16, 11:00pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
The adoption is transracial, not you.

Not so. Just because someone comes along and steals my term makes me no less tranracial. And im still waiting for that apology Goran.

But the term "transracial" has existed for some time. It was historically used in cases when parents adopt children of a different race.

“When I was young, the term used was interracial, a child raised by people of a different race, which is essentially what transracial actually means,” Chad Goller-Sojourner, a transracial family coach, told NPR. “Transracial identity is the identity I use, the identity I work with and the identity I seized.”

Goller-Sojourner helps families understand adoptions by making sure labels like transracial are clearly defined.

As for Dolezal, who was raised by her biological parents, Goller-Sojourner says that transracial identity has its limits.

“Identities are formed by our families, our church, our school, our geography. For her, all of those were white. Her first identity.

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