Conspiracy to remove the Jews from Europe?

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2017 Dec 15, 10:36am   11,900 views  50 comments

by Shaman   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Consider these articles:
Clearly the rise of Anti-Semitism is directly relate to the rapefugees Europe has welcomed to the consternation of rational people everywhere. Under the guise of multiculturalism, people from Muslim countries were encouraged to come to Europe and stay, contributing little aside from terrorism and a strain on the welfare system. Why? Why import people who hate multiculturalism, have a fucked up religion that causes them to hate everyone, and have a Long record of non assimilation?

Have Europe’s leaders suddenly grown very stupid? Are they willfully blind to the destruction they’re visiting upon their nations?

Or is there a deeper reason that must never be shared? Anti-semitism in europe runs deep and long, though many nations claim to abhor it. Could the intentional influx of people who are DEEPLY and predictably hostile to Jews be an attempt to oust them from Europe? If so, it seems to be working. 4% of France’s Jewish population fled to Israel in the past seven years, and this flight seems to be escalating not only there but in Sweden, Italy, Germany, and Belgium.

Remember the old lady who swallowed a fly? She swallowed the spider to catch the fly...


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1   Shaman   2017 Dec 15, 7:14pm  

I still believe this is happening. The only question is whether it’s intentional and planned for.
2   Booger   2017 Dec 15, 8:11pm  

There are Jew's in France and Belgium? Did Hitler miss a few?
3   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 15, 8:17pm  

Quigley says
Have Europe’s leaders suddenly grown very stupid? Are they willfully blind to the destruction they’re visiting upon their nations?

Hey, if they can limit construction in one of the world's most desirable Commercial Locations to 40 feet, what else will landlords do to prevent a soft natural decline in population, and thus rental income?

Sweden gave money to Churches to help the homeless, but they are expressly instructed to give it to ex-European foreign migrants first, then Europoors, and last of all native Swedes. There are waiting lists for young, working class Swedish families to get housing, but man to they move like lightening to house the Rapefugees.
4   Strategist   2017 Dec 15, 9:38pm  

Quigley says
Conspiracy to remove the Jews from Europe?

It's really shocking to see some of the most productive people in Europe, the Jews, being forced to leave by some of the most unproductive people in Europe, the Muslims.
Europe is fucked.
5   anonymous   2017 Dec 16, 9:36am  

Strategist says

It's really shocking to see some of the most productive people in Europe, the Jews, being forced to leave by some of the most unproductive people in Europe, the Muslims.
Europe is fucked.

It's true because it's on the internet. What is shocking to is see people blather whatever they junk they find that they want to believe. Go read the Institute for Jewish Policy Research study done this year. The only country losing jews is france not "europe". The vast majority of Jews and muslims in france are from north africa in the exodus from algeria in the 50's. The groups have been at best contentious ever since. The muslims are getting more violent about decades of overt racism and oppression. The jews are getting in the crossfire and leaving. France created it's muslim problem 70 years ago and has been making worse ever since. . This has zero to do with the middle east or immigration.
6   anonymous   2017 Dec 16, 9:37am  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

Sweden gave money to Churches to help the homeless, but they are expressly instructed to give it to ex-European foreign migrants first, then Europoors, and last of all native Swedes. There are waiting lists for young, working class Swedish families to get housing, but man to they move like lightening to house the Rapefugees

It's true because I say it's true. You forgot the link to document this.

Sweden is the deporting 10's of thousands of immigrants that failed to gain asylum. The ones that went underground are being rounded up; Unlike America, Sweden goes after the employers first and penalizes them.

Sweden took 160k people seeking asylum into a country of 10 million. They are granting 10k asylum a year, from all countries not just muslims.The rest have to leave. Sweden is not being overwhelmed or overrun . Sweden does not have a crime problem with asylum seekers. http://www.government.se/articles/2017/02/facts-about-migration-and-crime-in-sweden/

Keep on seeking out and mindlessly believing what you want people to tell you. It worked out well in germany in the 30's.
7   Strategist   2017 Dec 16, 9:59am  

anon_e144f says
Go read the Institute for Jewish Policy Research study done this year. The only country losing jews is france not "europe". The vast majority of Jews and muslims in france are from north africa in the exodus from algeria in the 50's. The groups have been at best contentious ever since.

It's news to me Bob, but I believe you.

anon_e144f says
The muslims are getting more violent about decades of overt racism and oppression.

That I don't believe. Muslims are prone to violence because their religion preaches hate and violence. It's no different anywhere in the world.
8   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 16, 11:53am  

anon_e144f says
vast majority of Jews and muslims in france are from north africa in the exodus from algeria in the 50's.

Exodus as in Expulsion. Just to be sure nobody thinks they all left voluntarily.


It's funny, the Algerians hated the French and wanted them out. Which is why they should be deported all to Algeria; if Algeria is for Algerians, then France is for the French.

As for the Church Article, I will find it. I usually document my sources but this time I did not.
9   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 16, 11:53am  

anon_e144f says
vast majority of Jews and muslims in france are from north africa in the exodus from algeria in the 50's.

Exodus as in Expulsion.www.youtube.com/embed/yYiGHb_y8rU

It's funny, the Algerians hated the French and wanted them out. Which is why they should be deported all to Algeria; if Algeria is for Algerians, then France is for the French.

As for the Church Article, I will find it. I usually document my sources but this time I did not.
10   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 16, 11:58am  

France has suffered the worst violence, but anti-Semitism is spiking across Europe, fuelled by the war in Gaza. In Britain, the Community Security Trust (CST) says there were around 100 anti-Semitic incidents in July, double the usual  number. The CST has issued a security alert for Jewish institutions. In Berlin a crowd of anti-Israel protesters had to be prevented from attacking a synagogue. In Liege, Belgium, a café owner put up a sign saying dogs were welcome, but Jews were not allowed.

Yet for many French and European Jews, the violence comes as no surprise. Seventy years after the Holocaust, from Amiens to Athens, the world’s oldest hatred flourishes anew. For some, opposition to Israeli policies is now a justification for open hatred of Jews – even though many Jews are strongly opposed to Israel’s rightward lurch, and support the establishment of a Palestinian state.
As Stephen Pollard, the editor of the Jewish Chronicle, argues: “These people were not attacked because they were showing their support for the Israeli government. They were attacked because they were Jews, going about their daily business.”

Somebody tell Newsweek there isn't a burst of Muslim-fed anti-Semitism in Europe.

A survey published in November 2013 by the Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union found that 29% had considered emigrating as they did not feel safe. Jews across Europe, the survey noted, “face insults, discrimination and physical violence, which despite concerted efforts by both the EU and its member states, shows no signs of fading into the past”.
Two-thirds considered anti-Semitism to be a problem across the countries surveyed. Overall, 76% said that anti-Semitism had worsened over the past five years in their home countries, with the most marked deteriorations in France, Hungary and Belgium. The European Jewish Congress has now set up a website, sacc.eu, to give advice and contacts in the events of an attack.

Wow, two of those countries have the largest and/or most concentrated populations of _______ . (I think Chinese is the wrong answer)
11   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 16, 12:00pm  

Jewish emmigration from Europe at highs:


Record numbers of Jews flee France:
Until Germany violated Dublin by unilateral inviting in Refugees, and then turned around and threatened Eastern Europe after the EU retroactively approved Germany's actions that they were in violation of Dublin, the most Muslim country in Europe was France (now they are roughly equal in population):
12   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 16, 12:12pm  

While looking for the Church priority article:

Vile rough sleepers have been terrorising worshippers at the Heliga Trefaldighets Kyrka church in Kristianstad, Sweden.
Some unwanted visitors have reportedly been using the place of worship as a toilet.
And one vagrant attempted to snatch a baby from its mother during a christening, local newspaper STV reports.

Security guards have now been hired to deal with the menace following a series of bizarre incidents.
Bengt Alvland, who works at the church, said one man exposed himself to the congregation.
Speaking to local newspaper Kristianstadsbladet, he said: “One guy lay down and pulled his penis out. Even though a female police officer told him to stop it, he didn't.”
“The church has become the weakest link.”
Bengt Alvland
Alvladn also said intruders are breaking in and attempting to play the church's organs – but most of them can’t play and opt to loot the church’s silver instead, he added.
He said: “These people don't seem to have any sense of boundaries. Due to all of this, the staff feel very worried.”

Do you think all of a sudden 50-something Homeless Swedes are doing this, or Lithuanian Workers, or could it possibly be some "Other Group?" In fact, the lack if ethnic/racial identification is the new neoliberal admission it's "MENA" people. If it wasn't MENA people, they'd be shouting it from the rooftops and showing faces.

Do you think Sven Jonssen A) Whipped his dick out and B) Continued to do so after he was told to put it away or
Do you think it was Jamal Al-Jabarah who did so, and then laughed at the Swedish Policewoman who then refused to arrest the man because "Cultural Sensitivity"?

Have you ever heard about a Swede ripping a baby out of a mother's hands during Christening, or does that sound like something a Muslim Supremacist would do?
13   bob2356   2017 Dec 16, 12:14pm  

Strategist says
anon_e144f says
The muslims are getting more violent about decades of overt racism and oppression.

That I don't believe. Muslims are prone to violence because their religion preaches hate and violence. It's no different anywhere in the world.

Fine don't believe it. I've lived in France and seen it. I've also lived in the middle east and know you are talking garbage. One small sect (wahhabi/salafi) preaches hate and violence. They unfortunately have the funds and desire to make hate and violence happen world wide. Virtually every terrorist attack outside of actual war zones is traceable back to Saudi wahhabi funding. Either directly funded groups or through Saudi funded radical teachers and/or imans.

I really like the French and France, I'm very seriously thinking of moving back there permanently. But when it comes to North Africans they are total and complete assholes, much worse than the most red neck white sheeted Alabama cracker. It's blowing up in their faces and they deserve it. It's very annoying to hear a long lecture about how awful Americans treat blacks then say what about North Africans and have them totally seriously tell me "that's different".
14   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 16, 12:25pm  

Got it.

The other day, I reported about the Church of Sweden's strenuous efforts to appease Islam. Now comes the news that from December 15 to March 15, churches in the diocese of Gothenburg will be used at night as shelters for the homeless. Lovely idea. But there is a catch. The only homeless people who will be allowed in are foreigners -- either immigrants from elsewhere in the EU, who are by definition legal, or illegal immigrants from outside the EU. In other words, native Swedes need not apply, even though the initiative is being paid for by taxpayer money.

The actual word translates to "Paperless" in Swedish. Another euphemism for undocumented, as in "Fuck you, ATF, I'm not an illegal Gun Dealer or Liquor Store, I'm a paperless, undocumented human being! How DARE you violate my human rights and arrest me!"

Article goes on to prove yet again that Welfare States and Massive Immigration are incompatible policies because they rip apart the Social Compact:
The argument for this policy -- which represents an expansion and formalization of a practice that began two winters ago -- is that it is designed to help people who are not covered by the Swedish welfare system. But this argument does not hold up. One reason there are so many immigrants in Sweden, both legal and illegal, is that the country's welfare system is a bonanza for foreigners. Far from not being covered by the system, immigrants often enjoy preferential treatment. Last fall, for example, it was reported that several Swedish municipalities were passing over hardworking citizens who had waited several years to rent government-owned housing, and were giving the homes instead -- for free -- to unemployed, newly-arrived immigrants. Some Swedes actually stirred from their torpor and angrily criticized this policy, but the protest was to no avail: the Swedish Parliament had passed a law compelling local governments to put foreigners at the top of their waiting lists.
That the Swedish Parliament could pass such a law is, of course, a scathing indictment of its welfare system's priorities. So is the fact that there are, as it happens, a great many ethnic Swedes living and begging on the streets of its cities, and -- in the winter -- huddling in the doorways of stores and offices, wrapped in layers of blankets at night, in hope of keeping alive in the subfreezing cold. The same disgraceful situation can be observed in the major cities of Norway and Denmark.
These Swedes should not be on the streets. The Scandinavian welfare states were founded on a compact between the citizens and their government: the people would pay outrageously high taxes, and in return their government would guarantee them a magnificent safety net should they get sick or get fired. But ever since these countries chose to open their doors to mass Muslim immigration, that compact has been broken.

15   Strategist   2017 Dec 16, 12:35pm  

bob2356 says
Strategist says
anon_e144f says
The muslims are getting more violent about decades of overt racism and oppression.

That I don't believe. Muslims are prone to violence because their religion preaches hate and violence. It's no different anywhere in the world.

Fine don't believe it. I've lived in France and seen it. I've also lived in the middle east and know you are talking garbage. One small sect (wahhabi/salafi) preaches hate and violence.

Your anecdotal evidence is not gonna carry much weight. Islam preaches hate and violence in every corner of the world. It's the degree of hate that varies from one Muslim community to the other, and who they hate. Virtually all Muslims hate the Jews, and the West. Chinese Muslims also hate the atheist Chinese, Pakistani Muslims hate the Hindus, and so on. Only Islam can convince tens of thousands of it's followers to become suicide bombers. No other religion comes even close to matching that feat. Islamic suicide bombers come from every nook and cranny of the world with only one person, that is to die for their religion. The Wahabis might be the worst, but they are by no means the only ones.

bob2356 says
I really like the French and France, I'm very seriously thinking of moving back there permanently.

Why? And how do you get permanent rights to France?
16   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 16, 12:52pm  

Consider this piece:

STOCKHOLM — This past Saturday, a Hanukkah party at a synagogue in Goteborg, Sweden, was abruptly interrupted by Molotov cocktails. They were hurled by a gang of men in masks at the Jews, mostly teenagers, who had gathered to celebrate the holiday.
Two days later, two fire bombs were discovered outside the Jewish burial chapel in the southern Swedish city of Malmo.
Who knows what tomorrow may bring?
For Sweden’s 18,000 Jews, sadly, none of this comes as a surprise. They are by now used to anti-Semitic threats and attacks — especially during periods of unrest in the Middle East, which provide cover to those whose actual goal has little to do with Israel and much to do with harming Jews.
Both of these recent attacks followed days of incitement against Jews. Last Friday, 200 people protested in Malmo against President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The protesters called for an intifada and promised “we will shoot the Jews.” A day later, during a demonstration in Stockholm, a speaker called Jews “apes and pigs.” There were promises of martyrdom.
Malmo’s sole Hasidic rabbi has reported being the victim of more than 100 incidents of hostility ranging from hate speech to physical assault. In response to such attacks, the Simon Wiesenthal Center issued a travel warning in 2010 advising “extreme caution when visiting southern Sweden” because of officials’ failure to act against the “serial harassment” of Jews in Malmo.

Today, entering a synagogue anywhere in Sweden usually requires going through security checks, including airport-like questioning. At times of high alert, police officers with machine guns guard Jewish schools. Children at the Jewish kindergarten in Malmo play behind bulletproof glass. Not even funerals are safe from harassment.
Jewish schoolteachers have reported hiding their identity. A teacher who wouldn’t even share the city where she teaches for fear of her safety told a Swedish news outlet: “I hear students shouting in the hallway about killing Jews.” Henryk Grynfeld, a teacher at a high school in a mostly immigrant neighborhood in Malmo, was told by a student: “We’re going to kill all Jews.” He said other students yell “yahoud,” the Arabic word for Jew, at him.
A spokesman for Malmo’s Jewish community put the situation starkly. You “don’t want to display the Star of David around your neck,” he said. Or as spokesman for the Goteborg synagogue put it, “It’s a constant battle to live a normal life, and not to give in to the threats, but still be able to feel safe.”
The question that has dogged Jews throughout the centuries is now an urgent one for Sweden’s Jewish community. Is it time to leave?
Some are answering yes. One reason is the nature of the current threat.
Historically, anti-Semitism in Sweden could mainly be attributed to right-wing extremists. While this problem persists, a study from 2013 showed that 51 percent of anti-Semitic incidents in Sweden were attributed to Muslim extremists. Only 5 percent were carried out by right-wing extremists; 25 percent were perpetrated by left-wing extremists.
Swedish politicians have no problem condemning anti-Semitism carried out by right-wingers.
When neo-Nazis planned a march that would go past the Goteborg synagogue on Yom Kippur this September, for example, it stirred up outrage across the political spectrum. A court ruled that the demonstrators had to change their route.
There is, however, tremendous hesitation to speak out against hate crimes committed by members of another minority group in a country that prides itself on welcoming minorities and immigrants. In 2015, Sweden was second only to Germany in the number of Syrian refugees it welcomed. Yet the three men arrested in the Molotov cocktail attack were newly arrived immigrants, two Syrians and a Palestinian.

https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/14/opinion/sweden-antisemitism-jews.html 20-25 years ago, the #1 problem the synagogue probably had was drafty windows. Does anybody recall waves of firebombings and assaults on Jews in the Sweden of 1990 or 1995? Back went Nordic Death Metal that was virulently Pagan and hated Judeo-Christianity was at peak popularity?

As the article states, the problem is that Neoliberal Pro-Immigration Swedes do not want to face up to the fact that Rapefugees, not Neo-Nazis, are the primary engines of Anti-Semitism.
17   bob2356   2017 Dec 16, 1:55pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
Record numbers of Jews flee France:

8000 out of half a million. Yea that's an exodus all right. Virtually a tidal wave. Do you read your articles at all?TwoScoopsMcGee says

The other day, I reported about the Church of Sweden's strenuous efforts to appease Islam. Now comes the news that from December 15 to March 15, churches in the diocese of Gothenburg will be used at night as shelters for the homeless. Lovely idea. But there is a catch. The only homeless people who will be allowed in are foreigners -- either immigrants from elsewhere in the EU, who are by definition legal, or illegal immigrants from outside the EU. In other words, native Swedes need not apply, even though the initiative is being paid for by taxpayer money.

That's a long way from your statement.

TwoScoopsMcGee says
Sweden gave money to Churches to help the homeless, but they are expressly instructed to give it to ex-European foreign migrants first, then Europoors, and last of all native Swedes

What happened to expressly instructed. I'm not finding it. Can you point it out?
18   bob2356   2017 Dec 16, 2:44pm  

Strategist says

Your anecdotal evidence is not gonna carry much weight. Islam preaches hate and violence in every corner of the world. It's the degree of hate that varies from one Muslim community to the other, and who they hate.

Horseshit. Who is doing the preaching and who pays them? There are 2 billion mujslims and 50 muslim majority countries. If they are all practicing hatred and violence across the globe where is it? If we hadn't fucked up in Iraq the level of violence in the middle east would be exponentially lower than it is..

Strategist says
Why? And how do you get permanent rights to France?

Permanent residency not permanent rights. Mine is expired because I've been away more than 2 years, but getting it again is pretty easy, I'd just have to do the long term visa/Residence permit (carte de séjour) rigamarole again. Plus relearning french. .

I got it the same way I came by my other citizenships and permanent residencies. You send a really big stack of papers and a bigger stack of money to the government. Live there and jump through all the hoops. Once they are satisfied with you and run out of hoops, anywhere from 1-5 years, you send an even bigger stack of papers and money to the government again. They send back a paper (actually residency visas go in your passport) that says you are a citizen or permanent resident. I've been expat more than in country the last 25 years. I'm counting the days until my obligation in the us ends.
19   bob2356   2017 Dec 16, 3:08pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

The gatestone institute? Never heard of it. Looked it up. It's a far right think tank in hudson NY with former US ambassador John Bolton as president. Perfect. I wonder how a couple dozen guys in hudson NY manage to have reporters on the ground in the diocese of Gothenburg. Maybe they didn't. It seems the gatestone institute has a pretty casual relationship with facts in their reporting history. I can see why you would like them. Birds of a feather and all that. From Wiki:

In 2011[23] and 2012,[6] Gatestone published articles claiming that Europe had Muslim "no-go zones", describing them variously as "off-limits to non-Muslims"[6] and "microstates governed by Islamic Sharia law".[23][24] The claim that there are areas in European cities governed by Sharia is false,[6][23] although many of the areas deemed as "no-go zones" have high levels of unemployment and crime.[24] Gatestone's claims were picked up by many outlets, including FrontPageMag,[23] and Washington Times.[24] The idea of no-go zones originated from Daniel Pipes,[23] who later retracted his claims.[6]

On November 18, 2016, Gatestone published an article that said the British Press had been ordered to avoid reporting the Muslim identity of terrorists by the European Union. Snopes rated the claim "false". Snopes pointed out that the report only made a recommendation and it was issued by the Council of Europe, not the European Union.[7] Gatestone subsequently corrected the article and apologized for the error,[25] before removing it entirely from its website.

The Gatestone Institute published false articles during the German federal election of 2017.[26] A Gatestone article, shared thousands of times on social media, including by senior German far-right politicians, claimed that vacant homes were being seized in Germany to provide housing solutions for "hundreds of thousands of migrants from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East."[5] The German fact-checker Correctiv.org found that this was false; a single house was placed in temporary trusteeship, and had nothing to do with refugees whatsoever.[5] Gatestone also cross-posted a Daily Mail article, which "grossly mischaracterized crime data" concerning crime by refugees in Germany

I don't know if you've ever considered this, but it's possible, very unlikely but possible, that not everything you read on the internet is true. Just a thought.
20   anonymous   2017 Dec 16, 5:08pm  

3 errors in 7 years? CNN has exceeded that in a single day.

No-go zones are real. Hell, most of Chicago is a no-go zone.
21   Patrick   2017 Dec 16, 5:08pm  

anon_fe1ba says
No-go zones are real. Hell, most of Chicago is a no-go zone.

I'd say about half of Chicago is no-go, and all of Detroit.
22   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 16, 5:12pm  

bob2356 says
What happened to expressly instructed. I'm not finding it. Can you point it out?

Right here, the first bolded sentence in the quoted post.

It also goes on to talk how the Swedish Parliament passed a law that forced municipalities to have Migrants, many of whom have never been employed or paid any tax of any significance in Sweden, "Jump the Line" over working Swedes and their Families.
23   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 16, 5:18pm  

bob2356 says
I don't know if you've ever considered this, but it's possible, very unlikely but possible, that not everything you read on the internet is true. Just a thought.

It's also possible that Mainstream Media, owned by powerful Oligarchs who profit directly from Immigration and are diehard Neoliberal Extremists, have an axe to grind.

"No-Go Zone" does not have an official definition. And YES, there was a British Undercover Documentary that showed that Shari'a law was being imposed in both Schools and in UK-taxpayer funded Religious Courts that handle matters like Marriage Counseling and Divorce. The women were instructed by Muslim Clerics that divorce was impossible, even in cases of abandonment and abuse, against all UK Law.

Here in the BBC's "Panorama" Investigative "Programme" on taxpayer funded Sharia Courts


So yes, there are localities where Muslims predominate where the system has been hijacked for Sharia Law.

Next thing you'll be telling me is that Politfact and Snopes are unbiased.
24   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 16, 5:21pm  

anon_fe1ba says
3 errors in 7 years? CNN has exceeded that in a single day.

Not bad for a think tank with a point of view. They certainly didn't rush to craft a story based an email "read to them" by sources, plural. Then refused to name the obviously tainted source, it's really unheard of for the Media not to punish a Source that gives deliberately bad information, which this certainly the case here. There's no way two sources read an email over the phone, and nobody checks but just runs with it. It's UVa level bad journalism.
25   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 16, 5:24pm  

bob2356 says
8000 out of half a million. Yea that's an exodus all right. Virtually a tidal wave. Do you read your articles at all?TwoScoopsMcGee says

It's still record numbers. Jews are maybe 1% of the French population but receive half of all hate crimes; consider Muslims are 7% of the population, several times more numerous. And it's not Jews gunning down people at rock concerts.

Reported anti-Semitic hate crimes in France have more than doubled from 423 in 2014 to 851 in 2015, according to numbers cited in the report “Breaking the Cycle of Violence: Countering Antisemitism and Extremism in France” released Jan. 7 by the group Human Rights First and authored by Corke.
“These incidents are increasingly violent,” the report stated.
Jews only comprise 1 percent of France’s population, but over half of the reported hate crimes in France were anti-Semitic in 2014. And anti-Semitism was almost exclusively responsible for the 30 percent increase in “racist acts” between 2013 and 2014, according to numbers cited in the report from the French Ministry of the Interior.

Sometimes facts are facts, even when they oppose your narrative. The 30% increase in "racist attacks" being mostly anti-Semitic in origin are Ministry of the Interior numbers, not guesstimations from a think tank.
26   curious2   2017 Dec 16, 6:15pm  

anonymous says
Have Europe’s leaders suddenly grown very stupid? Are they willfully blind to the destruction they’re visiting upon their nations?

They are corrupted and hypnotized by Petrodollar baksheesh, including via public relations firms and think tanks.

Remarkably, even many Jewish Americans and Europeans have been hypnotized to welcome hijrah, repeating the same mistake as their predecessors in Yathrib (now Medina). The PR campaign follows a simplistic formula of over-simplification: Hitler vilified a religion, therefore everyone who singles out a religion for criticism is "literally Hitler." Even Bernie Sanders embraced Islam during the 2016 campaign, misreading the history of WWII, when in reality 100,000 European Muslims joined the Nazi SS because of the similarities between Nazi doctrine and Islam.
27   anonymous   2017 Dec 16, 6:52pm  

anonymous says
Conspiracy to remove the Jews from Europe?

The 1930s called. They want their news back.
28   bob2356   2017 Dec 17, 3:56pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
bob2356 says
What happened to expressly instructed. I'm not finding it. Can you point it out?

Right here, the first bolded sentence in the quoted post.

It also goes on to talk how the Swedish Parliament passed a law that forced municipalities to have Migrants, many of whom have never been employed or paid any tax of any significance in Sweden, "Jump the Line" over working Swedes and their Families.

You are becoming a bit of a joke. The gatestone institute says it's true which is proved by the gatestone institute saying it's true. It's called circular logic.

Do you have anything beyond the gatestone institute says it's true? Especially since the giving away housing thing has been totally discredited even though you keep posting it. Something like the name of the law, when it was passed, the text of the law, anything other than it's true because you say it's true. Surely a major (hahahaha) research institute with people on the ground in Sweden (hahahaha) could have come up with this (hahahaha).
29   bob2356   2017 Dec 17, 3:59pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
anon_fe1ba says
3 errors in 7 years? CNN has exceeded that in a single day.

Not bad for a think tank with a point of view.

Only 3 that were quoted. Not errors, fabrications. Shit that they simply made up. I can see why you like them. Birds of a feather.
30   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 17, 4:36pm  

bob2356 says
You are becoming a bit of a joke. The gatestone institute says it's true which is proved by the gatestone institute saying it's true. It's called circular logic.

Not only did I provide a link, but the article goes on to describe how the Swedish Parliament instructed municipalities to prioritize Migrants, even if it ended up that they jumped the list of native born, taxpaying Swedes. Furthermore, there is a link which leads back to a Swedish article, I have taken the trouble to translate on your behalf:

The article states the funding is coming from the taxpayer, that the Churches are instructed to primarily serve Migrants and "paperless people". Now if you are being instructed to prioritize certain Migrants and Paperless People, it is therefore not prioritized towards native homeless nor as simple first-come-first-serve, and therefore privileges foreigners over Swedes.
31   bob2356   2017 Dec 17, 4:44pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
Sometimes facts are facts, even when they oppose your narrative. The 30% increase in "racist attacks" being mostly anti-Semitic in origin are Ministry of the Interior numbers, not guesstimations from a think tank.

What narrative do you somehow think I have espoused? I said very clearly Jews are getting caught up in the muslim backlash in France. Which has nothing to do with refugees, it's been building for 60 years. Some jews, a small number, are even leaving. Your narrative is that Jews were being driven out of Europe en masse by refugees attacks on them. No one else can find the exodus. Britain, which has 300k jews, only had 700 leave last year, less than 1/10 the number of France. Why would that be? Facts are facts even when they oppose your narrative

As usual you didn't read your own articles. The Newsweek article talks extensively about the right wing groups and their part in the increase in attacks on Jews. It also talks about things like the large number of attacks generated by the comments of the mayor of Malmö Sweden, Ilmar Reepalu, a Swede. Attacks on jews in europe are being driven by a lot more than muslim refugees. Refugees certainly have attacked jews, so have both right and left wing extremists all across europe.
32   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 17, 4:52pm  

bob2356 says
What narrative do you somehow think I have espoused? I said very clearly Jews are getting caught up in the muslim backlash in France. Which has nothing to do with refugees, it's been building for 60 years. Some jews, a small number, are even leaving. Your narrative is that Jews were being driven out of Europe en masse by refugees attacks on them. No one else can find the exodus. Britain, which has 300k jews, only had 700 leave last year, less than 1/10 the number of France. Why would that be? Facts are facts even when they oppose your narrative

You obviously didn't read the article. The most violent attacks on Jews in France have been from Muslims, not Observant Catholics, in a country where Observant Catholics have been dwindling rapidly for a century, and yet were the most closely tied to non-Muslim based anti-Semitism. Why the massive increase now? What changed?

It's the same conundrum Neoliberal Apologists can't explain in Sweden. Why is an increasingly secular, modern population becoming anti-Semitic when for decades the reverse was true? What is different about the Sweden or France of 1985 and the Sweden or France of 2015?

It should be obvious what the main change in demographic trends has been: An element that was of little account 30 years ago, exponentially increasing.
33   mell   2017 Dec 17, 10:56pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
bob2356 says
What narrative do you somehow think I have espoused? I said very clearly Jews are getting caught up in the muslim backlash in France. Which has nothing to do with refugees, it's been building for 60 years. Some jews, a small number, are even leaving. Your narrative is that Jews were being driven out of Europe en masse by refugees attacks on them. No one else can find the exodus. Britain, which has 300k jews, only had 700 leave last year, less than 1/10 the number of France. Why would that be? Facts are facts even when they oppose your narrative

You obviously didn't read the article. The most violent attacks on Jews in France have been from Muslims, not Observant Catholics, in a country where Observant Catholics have been dwindling rapidly for a century, and yet were the most closely tied to non-Muslim based anti-Semitism. Why the massive increase now? What changed?

It's th...

Wow Bob couldn't be more wrong on this one. It is 100% linked to the rapefugees. Even Jewish German writers have now woken up to the alarm and demand a stop to the jew hating rapefugees.
34   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 18, 9:01am  

When she first arrived in Sweden after her rescue from a Nazi concentration camp, Judith Popinski was treated with great kindness.

She raised a family in the city of Malmo, and for the next six decades lived happily in her adopted homeland - until last year.

In 2009, a chapel serving the city's 700-strong Jewish community was set ablaze. Jewish cemeteries were repeatedly desecrated, worshippers were abused on their way home from prayer, and "Hitler" was mockingly chanted in the streets by masked men.

"I never thought I would see this hatred again in my lifetime, not in Sweden anyway," Mrs Popinski told The Sunday Telegraph.

"This new hatred comes from Muslim immigrants. The Jewish people are afraid now."

Swedish riots send dreams of perfect society up in smoke 25 May 2013

Malmo's Jews, however, do not just point the finger at bigoted Muslims and their fellow racists in the country's Neo-Nazi fringe. They also accuse Ilmar Reepalu, the Left-wing mayor who has been in power for 15 years, of failing to protect them.

Mr Reepalu, who is blamed for lax policing, is at the centre of a growing controversy for saying that what the Jews perceive as naked anti-Semitism is in fact just a sad, but understandable consequence of Israeli policy in the Middle East.

While his views are far from unusual on the European liberal-left, which is often accused of a pro-Palestinian bias, his Jewish critics say they encourage young Muslim hotheads to abuse and harass them.

The future looks so bleak that by one estimate, around 30 Jewish families have already left for Stockholm, England or Israel, and more are preparing to go.

With its young people planning new lives elsewhere, the remaining Jewish households, many of whom are made up of Holocaust survivors and their descendants, fear they will soon be gone altogether. Mrs Popinski, an 86-year-old widow, said she has even encountered hostility when invited to talk about the Holocaust in schools.
It's funny, the Swedish Jews themselves identify the Muslims as the main instigators, but the Liberal-Left Swedes insist it's all Neo-Nazis.
35   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 18, 9:05am  

Swedish Conservative and Iranian Muslim MP agrees - it's the Muslim Immigrants and the Far Left, not Neo-Nazis:

“When I say something [positive] regarding Israel I get a flood of hate mail and threats,” Hanif Bali, a member of parliament for the center-right Moderate Party, the largest party in the opposition bloc, tells the Times of Israel by phone. “The senders range from Palestinian or Arab immigrants to left-wing people in general, so the dialogue is very polarized and very aggressive. It’s hard to talk about the issue because you have to pay such a high price for it.”

Bali, who is of Iranian Muslim heritage, has received countless hate mail due to his open support of Israel. In one instance he had to contact the police after receiving a death threat.

“People write openly anti-Semitic things to you, like ‘Jew lover,’ and ‘Jew swine’… crude anti-Semitic insults, even though I am not even Jewish. I can only imagine what it would be like if a Jew said something on the issue,” he says.

Bali believes that the fact that he is not Jewish gives him courage to voice opinions that many Jews are scared to share openly.

“There are a lot of Jewish people who contact me and thank me for supporting Israel publicly, because they are not able to do so themselves, since then the anti-Semitism that is expressed against them is so much stronger,” he adds.

The government’s stance on Israel is deeply ingrained in the political system, Bali believes. Pro-Palestinian groups are eligible to receive governmental funds to conduct lobbying activities, further ingraining their perspective as part of the government’s official stance.

When asked if he could imagine a pro-Israel group getting access to such funds, he says: “I think that would be very, very difficult. I cannot imagine that it could happen.”

36   mell   2017 Dec 18, 9:12am  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
Swedish Conservative and Iranian Muslim MP agrees - it's the Muslim Immigrants and the Far Left, not Neo-Nazis:

What is the saddest part is that the lamstream media - in goebbels-like fashion - has brainwashed many into thinking the rapefugees aren't anti-semitic. I have seen it first-hand in Europe on the ground. Granted to be fair to Bob's point, non-Jewish middle-eastern and Turkish immigrants have always had a more or less anti-semitic slant, but since Europe has opened the flood-gates to the rapefugees the situation, which was in an equilibrium before, has quickly deteriorate and many Jews (and other autochthon citizens) are not safe in Europe anymore.
37   Strategist   2017 Dec 18, 9:21am  

Our friend Bob goes into a deep sense of denial every time Muslims who are not Wahabis get verbally attacked by us.
Bob, no matter what lengths you go to to defend Islam, the world knows Islam is the most hate filled and violent religion.
38   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Dec 18, 9:25am  

The OP seems pretty far fetched. For the most part, the same people who hate Jews also hate Muslims. That's not to equate Jews with Muslims. It's just a statement on the haters. Some are particularly hateful of Muslims lately for obvious reasons related to terrorism.
39   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 18, 9:29am  

Well, Israel has nukes, so none of this matters. hehehehehe

Nukes are great.

"Armageddon is Coming!". Need more than a kitchen knife, some rocks, and shitty homemade rockets to start Armageddon.

Here's a question: Is the son or granddaughter of a holocaust survivor, a holocaust survivor?

How can somebody born in California or Sweden, to somebody born in Kuwait, whose grandfather might have been a Turkish-owned Arab Serf from Galilee, a "Refugee"?
40   Strategist   2017 Dec 18, 9:32am  

The OP seems pretty far fetched. For the most part, the same people who hate Jews also hate Muslims. That's not to equate Jews with Muslims. It's just a statement on the haters. Some are particularly hateful of Muslims lately for obvious reasons related to terrorism.

When people hate Jews it's clearly for racism. When they hate Muslims it's either for racism or terrorism.

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