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23. If I had a son.
24. I am not a dictator.
25. I will put an end to the type of politics that “breeds division, conflict and cynicism".
26. You didn't build that.
27. I will restore trust in Government.
Can yo-u post the link to where WaPo kept the list of Obama lies, just so we know how fair and balanced they are and not FAKE news?
It is rather stunning.
Should WP continue to track Trump's lies ?
I see how that works. If Obama makes a statement or campaign promise, but it doesn't happen, then it was a "commendable objective".
If Trump makes a statement or campaign promise, but it doesn't happen, then it's a flat out lie.
I think WaPo will continue to publish lies and misleading slander no matter what we think of it...
Presidents will always say something that is incorrect. It is expected.
marcus saysTrump will hit 2000 false or misleading statements before finishing his first year.
Talk about disingenuous, but we wouldn't expect anything different from WaPo.
Marcus, did yo-u actually READ the article linked??
WaPo went and counted the same comment multiple times to get to their 2000 number. Talk about dishonesty and click bait:
WaPo went and counted the same comment multiple times to get to their 2000 number. Talk about dishonesty and click bait:
So see Marcus, it doesn't get anymore dishonest than this by claiming Trump told 2000 lies, when all WaPo did was RECOUNT the same ones over and over. And the TDS crowd believes it.
marcus saysI know. They make that extremely clear. It's how often he lies, not the number of distinct lies.
So, if that's the benchmark yo-u want to go by, should we fact check how many times Obama told the same lies in my list above? Want to guess how many times he said "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"?
marcus saysWhat kind of President repeats falsehoods multiple times after the media and his own people have corrected him on it multiple times. He might wish it were true. Or he might think it sounds good to a certain segment of his supporters. But if he knows it's outright false, what's up with that ?
That was Obama, it doesn't get much clearer.
marcus saysJeez, even Trump ...
Did you complain about Obama’s lies when he was in power? Yes or no. Who is in power now? It doesn’t always have to be whatabout... strangely enough.
Except, WaPo was being dishonest (I know, shocking isn't it) and making readers believe he lied 2000 times, instead of repeating a few multiple times. There's a difference, not that you'll admit that.
To Trumps fans, I know this is sort of charming. Just an amusing eccentricity. I don't know, maybe it has to do with how I was raised, but to me honesty, especially with oneself is a core attribute of character and integrity.
Question though: Is tracking his lies and misleading statements part of what you Trump fanboys call negative coverage ? Because I believe that that alone, if there are 5 or so per day, accounts for what you say is such negative coverage.
Maybe as a New Years resolution, Trump could try to be more honest ? He's not going to change completely, but perhaps with a little effort he could change his image by getting lies or misleading statements down to say, under 3 per day ?
Just a thought.