Should WP continue to track Trump's lies ?

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2018 Jan 2, 9:45am   6,117 views  23 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

It is rather stunning. Trump will hit 2000 false or misleading statements before finishing his first year.

To Trumps fans, I know this is sort of charming. Just an amusing eccentricity. I don't know, maybe it has to do with how I was raised, but to me honesty, especially with oneself is a core attribute of character and integrity.

Question though: Is tracking his lies and misleading statements part of what you Trump fanboys call negative coverage ? Because I believe that that alone, if there are 5 or so per day, accounts for what you say is such negative coverage.

Maybe as a New Years resolution, Trump could try to be more honest ? He's not going to change completely, but perhaps with a little effort he could change his image by getting lies or misleading statements down to say, under 3 per day ?

Just a thought.


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1   HappyGilmore   2018 Jan 2, 10:00am  

They should start tracking his truthful statements--would be a much easier and less time consuming job.
2   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Jan 2, 10:26am  

The fake news is the crap that comes out of Trump and his staff. It's so plain and simple. The only way for the press to appear fair to those who believe Trump's rhetoric is if they follow his lead and start to lie their asses off in an effort to kiss his. I'd rather have an honest press than a sycophantic fake news ecosystem that Trump is trying to create and that his followers would find 'fair'.
3   marcus   2018 Jan 2, 12:10pm  

Yeah, Trump is the only President in history I know of who openly wishes we had a totalitarian state run media that he controls, and yes, his constantly calling the mainstream media fake news is his attempt to move us in that direction.
4   marcus   2018 Jan 2, 2:28pm  

Sniper says
23. If I had a son.
24. I am not a dictator.
25. I will put an end to the type of politics that “breeds division, conflict and cynicism".
26. You didn't build that.
27. I will restore trust in Government.

I chose a random spot to copy a few of these. 25 and 27 are things Obama truly intended to do his best to accomplish. Campaign promises and commendable objectives that even you know he would have really like to do. And none of the WP falsehoods or misleading statements are like these.

As for 23, 24, and 26, none of these are lies and none are comparable to the the lies and misleading statements WP tracks, which is why the following makes no sense.

Sniper says

Can yo-u post the link to where WaPo kept the list of Obama lies, just so we know how fair and balanced they are and not FAKE news?

Can you tell me in all honesty that you think that the level of honesty of Obama and Trump are in the same universe? Really tell the truth for a moment.
5   marcus   2018 Jan 2, 2:35pm  

"You can keep your doctor" is one lie I recall from Obama and it has been widely discussed by all news sources. It was actually true for a lot of people that had insurance through their employer (a significant part of the country), which I think is what he meant. But it was not true for everyone.
6   mell   2018 Jan 2, 6:27pm  

Though after Boosh I saw no alternative, Obummer certainly was amongst the kings of bullshitters, so many lies that you can't count them. He was mildly charismatic though.
7   MrMagic   2018 Jan 2, 6:49pm  

marcus says
It is rather stunning.

It certainly is. The amount of TDS coming from WaPo and a few people here, a year later, is astounding!
8   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 2, 7:01pm  

MiniWaPo broadcast initiating.



9   Shaman   2018 Jan 2, 7:15pm  

I think WaPo will continue to publish lies and misleading slander no matter what we think of it...
10   Booger   2018 Jan 2, 7:16pm  

Trump should be tracking WP's lies.
11   Strategist   2018 Jan 2, 7:22pm  

marcus says
Should WP continue to track Trump's lies ?

Presidents will always say something that is incorrect. It is expected. They are not the world's greatest source of information. If you are looking for a President that knows everything, vote for an encyclopedia. If you want a President that can get things done vote for Trump.
Trump has done virtually everything I wanted from him in the first year, and a lot more:
Economy. Picking up steam.
Stocks. Massive gains.
NK. Rocketman is talking peace.
Pakistan. Got kicked in the butt.
Palestine. No money to terrorists.
Iran. Mullahs in deep shit.
There is no reason for me or anyone not to support Trump.
12   marcus   2018 Jan 2, 7:33pm  

Sniper says
I see how that works. If Obama makes a statement or campaign promise, but it doesn't happen, then it was a "commendable objective".

If Trump makes a statement or campaign promise, but it doesn't happen, then it's a flat out lie.

No Trump saying he's going to build the wall is not an example of the type of falsehood or misleading statement Trump makes 5 times a day as chronicled by WP.

Quigley says
I think WaPo will continue to publish lies and misleading slander no matter what we think of it...

You guys don't even want to stop for a minute and realize Trumps constant lies.

Strategist says
Presidents will always say something that is incorrect. It is expected.

Again, you don't get it. You equate a few campaign promises with multiple faslehoods and misleading statements PER DAY !!
13   anonymous   2018 Jan 2, 7:35pm  

So per the list, Obama lied 89 times, vs Trump lies at 1949 times and counting.
14   marcus   2018 Jan 2, 7:47pm  

And 90% of the 89 aren't even lies, they're just sound bites from various right wing media stories about how terrible Obama was.

Benghazi !!

Don't touch my medicare !! (ironic considering therecent tax cuts)

15   Strategist   2018 Jan 2, 8:29pm  

Sniper says
marcus says
Trump will hit 2000 false or misleading statements before finishing his first year.

Talk about disingenuous, but we wouldn't expect anything different from WaPo.

Marcus, did yo-u actually READ the article linked??

WaPo went and counted the same comment multiple times to get to their 2000 number. Talk about dishonesty and click bait:

Shame on you Marcus. How could you?
16   marcus   2018 Jan 2, 8:48pm  

Strategist says
WaPo went and counted the same comment multiple times to get to their 2000 number. Talk about dishonesty and click bait:

I know. They make that extremely clear. It's how often he lies, not the number of distinct lies. If they're going to
say he tells 5 falsehoods or misleading statements per day, of course many are repeats.

What kind of President repeats falsehoods multiple times after the media and his own people have corrected him on it multiple times. He might wish it were true. Or he might think it sounds good to a certain segment of his supporters. But if he knows it's outright false, what's up with that ?

It's almost like we have CIC as our President.

Jeez, even Trump would have had a hard time coming up with 2000 distinct different lies in a year. But I give you guys credit for thinking maybe that's what he did. It means you know your guy !
17   anonymous   2018 Jan 2, 9:29pm  

Sniper says
So see Marcus, it doesn't get anymore dishonest than this by claiming Trump told 2000 lies, when all WaPo did was RECOUNT the same ones over and over. And the TDS crowd believes it.

So it’s OK to repeat the same lie 50 odd times even when it was pointed out as a lie the first time it was said? That’s acceptable to you, is it? Apparently it is as the only problem you appear to have with it is the fact WaPo is drawing attention to it. Why not just accept he lies too much?
18   anonymous   2018 Jan 2, 11:35pm  

Sniper says
marcus says
I know. They make that extremely clear. It's how often he lies, not the number of distinct lies.

So, if that's the benchmark yo-u want to go by, should we fact check how many times Obama told the same lies in my list above? Want to guess how many times he said "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"?

marcus says
What kind of President repeats falsehoods multiple times after the media and his own people have corrected him on it multiple times. He might wish it were true. Or he might think it sounds good to a certain segment of his supporters. But if he knows it's outright false, what's up with that ?

That was Obama, it doesn't get much clearer.

marcus says
Jeez, even Trump ...

Did you complain about Obama’s lies when he was in power? Yes or no. Who is in power now? It doesn’t always have to be whatabout... strangely enough.
19   anonymous   2018 Jan 2, 11:35pm  

Sniper says
Except, WaPo was being dishonest (I know, shocking isn't it) and making readers believe he lied 2000 times, instead of repeating a few multiple times. There's a difference, not that you'll admit that.

How was it being dishonest when it specifically stated exactly what it was doing at the beginning of the article? Being dishonest is repeating a lie 50 odd times even when it's been clearly spelt out to you that it's not true.
20   Shaman   2018 Jan 3, 8:42am  

Trump is being a politician. If it sounds better to say “American businesses pay the highest taxes!” Then he says that. Even if it’s not absolutely strictly true in the entire world. The point is thus made: “American corporate taxes are too high.”
And thanks to his bold statement, the word gets out. Even fact checking this statement for niggling errors doesn’t hurt the true goal, but promotes it! People learn even more about how high the USA corporate tax is in relation to other nations.

Is it strictly a true statement? No. Probably someone somewhere pays more. But it’s not misleading in purpose: the effect of saying “we pay very high tax relative to our competitors” or saying “our corporate taxes are the most in the world!” It’s more sensational and thus more eye and ear grabbing to say the second rather than the dry and uninspiring truth. This is why successful politicians don’t stick to the truth.
21   Shaman   2018 Jan 3, 8:44am  

I think when Trump starts lying about things people actually care about, they will care that he’s lying.
22   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Jan 3, 8:53am  

I don't mind lowering the corporate rates, and suggested as much during the campaign. The reason is simple.
Companies can push net income around to avoid taxes. Ideally, it is combined with corporate tax reform, so that the effective rate becomes competitive, but not a giveaway. We are after all a prestigious place to be located, and should not be begging companies with lower than typical taxes. They should have done it in such a way to make it revenue neutral. That is, companies should bring income home to the US and the net taxes should remain similar to what they were before.
However, we should not have given away the store to LLCs, which the Trump family uses to house their real estate investments - both the showy flagship places and the slumlord areas where they sue poor people into oblivion. In addition, the changes on the personal side seem both arbitrary (way to punish blue states) and excessive considering our large debt, low unemployment, and expanding economy.
23   anonymous   2018 Jan 3, 9:09am  

When I was a kid growing up catholic, I learned that you told the same lie to your parents 5 times, on five different occasions, then obviously when you go to confession you tell the priest you lied 5 times. You might elaborate and tell him it was the same lie, but you absolutely did not say you lied once.

Trump is a pathological liar. A bullshitter, even to himself. The idea that he is on a level similar to other politicians with this is, well, a lie.

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