Wow, "Fire and Fury" sold out already, online and at many stores

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2018 Jan 5, 8:10pm   13,459 views  42 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

Apparently Trump's efforts to shut the book down only served to promote it.

Maybe trump likes this ? During his campaign, this kind of media attention was always good for him. His base was moved by the sort of "isn't it refreshing that he's not like other people in government ?"

Maybe that will still happen ? It's not like the number of people that think he's unfit for the job has much room to increase. The TPBs (and many others here that I won't name) of the world aren't going anywhere. Although Bannon's comments certainly should give a few of them pause.

Btw, if Bannon didn't say those things, then why did Trump say he's out of his mind ?

Someone aptly said, "Making America Read Again."

I wonder if this will be the biggest selling book of 2018 ?

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1   MrMagic   2018 Jan 5, 8:11pm  

Great works of Fiction usually do have great sales.
2   marcus   2018 Jan 5, 8:12pm  

Turn on Fox. It will make you feel better.
3   Strategist   2018 Jan 5, 8:28pm  

Americans love gossip and soaps. I wonder if they will ever outsell the National Enquirer during its heyday.
4   anotheraccount   2018 Jan 5, 8:33pm  

Sniper says
Great works of Fiction usually do have great sales

Have you seen Bannon deny any of it? Bannon was the only smart and non greedy dude on his admin that wanted to raise taxes on the rich. All that Trump has left are greedy people that are looting the treasury.
5   Tenpoundbass   2018 Jan 5, 8:45pm  

Somehow I got the feeling this guy got hold of the ink dye pack that Bannon, Trump and Session put in the water to find the leak.
I almost guarantee at this point, this guy's book will play a pivotal role in Trump draining the swamp.

NPR and NYT are almost panicking backpedaling away from it. For the first time in over 20 years those organizations are talking about journalism integrity.
They are both saying Wolfe has crossed the line in every way. But they admit they love reveling in the gossip, but they don't think it's true. They want to believe most of the quotes are true, but not the recounts of the crazy shit Trump is reported to have said or done.
6   mell   2018 Jan 5, 8:46pm  

Free publicity. MAGA!
7   marcus   2018 Jan 5, 9:04pm  

Tenpoundbass says
NPR and NYT are almost panicking backpedaling away from it. For the first time in over 20 years those organizations are talking about journalism integrity.
They are both saying Wolfe has crossed the line in every way. But they admit they love reveling in the gossip, but they don't think it's true. They want to believe most of the quotes are true, but not the recounts of the crazy shit Trump is reported to have said or done.

You got some parts of this right. IT's an entertaining read, even for many hardcore TrumpCucks, who never really denied Trump's lack of fitness or competence for the job. That's seen by many angry Trumpcucks as a wonderful bonus.

I get it that you're trying super hard to find a way to frame this.

And yes, there are some questions about Wolffs methods and journalistic integrity. But then for the last two years you've been a "the end justifies the means" kind of a guy. After all that's what Trumpism is all about no ?
Wolff was going for a big profit, while also probably feeling that he might save America from itself.

The main parts of your take away that make no sense, are that, one, this is going to be a force in helping Trump clean up the swamp. Hell, we've never had a swamp that holds a candle to the Trump created swamp.

That and the idea, that NYT and NPR don't believe that most of it is true. Quotes and the stuff Trump does.

Although I have wondered whether Trump could be getting a big payday from McDonalds. So much talk about him eating McDonalds, and look at who the typical TrumpCuck is. Sad really, that McDonalds business is going to be way up, but I don't know about American health.
8   anonymous   2018 Jan 5, 9:37pm  

He found another way to beat hillary again...In books sales....winning.
9   anonymous   2018 Jan 5, 9:38pm  

"HARDER! VLAD! MAKE ME FUCKING BLEED!" would be on the lips of every cable news pundit for a year.

A refreshing change after 8 years of the cable news pundits ecstatic pleadings of "HARDER BARRY! MAKE ME FUCKING BLEED!"
10   anonymous   2018 Jan 5, 9:38pm  

"FIRE AND FURY", The 48 hour aftermath of a Chipotle Grill dinner and the resulting explosive diarrhea.
11   anonymous   2018 Jan 5, 9:38pm  

marcus says
Sad really, that McDonalds business is going to be wy up, but I don't know about American health.

Seriously, you're carrying the weight of worry about morbidly obese junkfood eating americans on your shoulders?
12   MrMagic   2018 Jan 5, 9:49pm  

marcus says

Wow, "Fire and Fury" sold out already, online and at many stores

Must be a shortage of toilet paper in the stores, so they need something else to use.
13   anotheraccount   2018 Jan 5, 9:51pm  

Tenpoundbass says
I almost guarantee at this point, this guy's book will play a pivotal role in Trump draining the swamp.

Really? How? He's got Goldman looting the treasury, did not repeal ObamaCare so health premiums are still going up 10% year, and he fired his best supporter Bannon. I bet the Republican establishment throws him under the bus this year now that they got their tax cut for their donors.
14   Strategist   2018 Jan 5, 9:53pm  

Sniper says
marcus says

Wow, "Fire and Fury" sold out already, online and at many stores

Must be a shortage of toilet paper in the stores, so they need something else to use.

Could be the cold out there. They will need something to burn. May as well burn the trash like that silly book.
15   marcus   2018 Jan 5, 10:04pm  

anon_713cd says
Seriously, you're carrying the weight of worry about morbidly obese junkfood eating americans on your shoulders?

No, that doesn't mean I can't observe how sad it is that some TrumpCucks who previously had the good sense to minimize their consumption of McDonalds may now change their minds and emulate their idol.
16   Tenpoundbass   2018 Jan 6, 7:25am  

marcus says
Wolff was going for a big profit, while also probably feeling that he might save America from itself.

I'm just going to take this and put it on a shelf somewhere.
Wolfe will be just one in a long line of people who destroyed themselves
17   anotheraccount   2018 Jan 6, 9:43am  

Tenpoundbass says
Goldman looting the Treasury: Wasn't his first pick, and Your guys(The Resisters) rubber stamped him over all of Trump's first picks.

What? Since when? I don't think anyone on this board approved of it.

Tenpoundbass says
If you're stupid enough to go pay that extra 10% you should stop being a Retard you are doing that in spite.

Really, stop paying insurance and gamble with all of net worth because that's how much a serious accident can cost in a hospital?

Tenpoundbass says
As for Bannon getting fired. You remember Lord of the Rings, they had to split up and go their separate directions each with a specific task, where they all met at Mordor to return the ring? Bannon is building an Army of Hobbits and Trolls. While Sessions has been on an Elf hunt, Mueller has been building an Army of Orcs forged from accounting records of former associates.

Bannon was the only nationalist in Trump's cabinet, everyone else is a Swamp creature. Wow, your imagination runs deep.
18   anotheraccount   2018 Jan 6, 9:49am  

Bannon's interview in August: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/17/us/politics/bannon-alt-right-trump-north-korea.html
It was really good and showed that Bannon was the only nationalist in Trump's admin. Basically the only MAGA guy. Everyone that's left is swamp.
19   marcus   2018 Jan 6, 9:55am  

anotheraccount says
It was really good and showed that Bannon was only nationalist in Trump's admin. Basically the only MAGA guy. Everyone that's left is swamp.

You would think TPB knows this, having been the biggest Bannon fanboy I've encountered.
20   anonymous   2018 Jan 6, 11:35am  

Sheeple gonna sheep.
21   Tenpoundbass   2018 Jan 6, 12:22pm  

anotheraccount says
Really, stop paying insurance and gamble with all of net worth because that's how much a serious accident can cost in a hospital?

Your insurance is just an illusion you'll get the full bill regardless. NPR just did a story about a business owner from Canada moved to South Florida and wants to set up an export business. He looked into insurance for his 35 employees and found a Deferred Payment plan. Actually it almost didn't exist, so he helped set it up in Florida. Where the coop agrees to pay only 30% above Medicaid. The Hospitals and Doctors were all on board. Employees started using it, the Coop paid what they agreed. The Doctors and Hospitals went after the patients for the remainder in Full. They said in Florida that is perfectly legal, that is why we were taken the Cleaners in 2012 spite having a Cadillac Insurance plan. Cleaned us out of $35,000 plus the $17K we laid out in premiums, plus Copays, Premiums and max out of pocket from Blue Cross Blue Shield. We were told one thing about max out of pocket expenses but paid $35K above and beyond that. When I called the insurance company and suggested fraud was going on. They extorted me, and told me if I did that, no Doctor would ever see us again, and it wouldn't go anywhere anyway. There is no Consumer advocacy for the Insurance consumer in Florida. So yeah, you're all just a bunch of punks pissing your money into Obama's health care folly.

Get Cancer or want to try that new stemcell treatment to cure blindness. 450K per eye. You'll be on the hook for for at least $875K of that $900K doctor bill.
Don't kid yourself. Educate it.
22   anonymous   2018 Jan 6, 8:11pm  

This happened to you TPB ?
23   anonymous   2018 Jan 6, 8:11pm  

That is this part ?

Tenpoundbass says
that is why we were taken the Cleaners in 2012 spite having a Cadillac Insurance plan. Cleaned us out of $35,000 plus the $17K we laid out in premiums, plus Copays, Premiums and max out of pocket from Blue Cross Blue Shield. We were told one thing about max out of pocket expenses but paid $35K above and beyond that. When I called the insurance company and suggested fraud was going on. They extorted me, and told me if I did that, no Doctor would ever see us again, and it wouldn't go anywhere anyway. There is no Consumer advocacy for the Insurance consumer in Florida. So yeah, you're all just a bunch of punks pissing your money into Obama's health care folly.
24   anotheraccount   2018 Jan 7, 7:21am  

anon_08dee says
This happened to you TPB ?

I did not even bother reply. It's called out of pocket maximum. I am sure there a stories where insurance will not want to pay when there millions involved; that's where you fight.
25   Tenpoundbass   2018 Jan 7, 7:46am  

anon_08dee says
This happened to you TPB ?

Yes it did dig up old threads from 2012 for "Done!" The Liberal ass kissing fanboys here savagely abused me as I posted our experience in real time. As they saw my tale as a threat as I was saying it was a premonition to what's to come. And I was spot on, and it was those Ass Clowns lying their ass off. Tampa Bay Tribune even sent a Liberal spook to shut my discourse down, by trolling and flaming every little peep out me. I finally had to find the number for "Liar Liar Your Pants on Fire" and told their Chief Editor I was on to him.
The guy was gone the next day.

Well I just checked my "Done!" account. Apparently someone has created the user "Done" now and when I click on "Done!" threads I get "Done" threads.
At the time after Obama won again, I changed the user name to "Done!" and updated the email address for that account to bogus email.
But ask Patrick at first he suggest I could be racist and was just against Obama's signature health care plan because I was racist.
That's I'm most shocked at Patrick's turn around and pivot from being an Obama card carrying supporter to be excited about the prospect of a President Trump.

anotheraccount says
I did not even bother reply. It's called out of pocket maximum. I am sure there a stories where insurance will not want to pay when there millions involved; that's where you fight.

And Marcus isn't being very honest either folks, he could have answered the question for you. He was the main user here suggesting I was lying the whole time.
26   anonymous   2018 Jan 7, 7:59am  

Tenpoundbass says
anon_08dee says
This happened to you TPB ?

Yes it did dig up old threads from 2012 for "Done!" The Liberal ass kissing fanboys here savagely abused me as I posted our experience in real time. As they saw my tale as a threat as I was saying it was a premonition to what's to come. And I was spot on, and it was those Ass Clowns lying their ass off. Tampa Bay Tribune even sent a Liberal spook to shut my discourse down, by trolling and flaming every little peep out me. I finally had to find the number for "Liar Liar Your Pants on Fire" and told their Chief Editor I was on to him.
The guy was gone the next day.

What did Obama have to do with any of it?

Remember this is a Republican world where they built these fucked up systems of Rent Extraction to dish out Maximum Pain to Great Americans. Sadly, some are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and are bent over the barrel begging for more reeming. You have to be sick in the head to think that voting in more Republicans will undue all the anti-Américan systems they’ve worked so hard to install

Like Obamacare, anyone with a brain knows that it was written by the Heritage Foundation which is why we knew that Repeal and Replace was always a lie to trick their Simps to vote for them

I’m curious how any of you people rationalize that THEY STILL HAVENT REPEALED OR REPLACED WHY? Why haven’t they even mustered up an attempt to address the American People’s greatest concern? Instead distracting you with Evil Hillary and bullshit Foriegn Posturing that has little to no effect on the same common, forgotten Americans they claim to have been voted in by and hence represent. The stock Market is continuing its decade long climb. That helps people like me who own equities and already have a job but how exactly do you think that helps out of work Factory laborers?

You have no answers unless WetFart.com tells you what to say and now there’s conflict there as well
27   WatermelonUniversity   2018 Jan 7, 8:42am  

Big Turd is the biggest laugh ever. he now replaces Bush as the worst and most damaging president in history.
28   anonymous   2018 Jan 7, 9:29am  

Sniper says

Must be a shortage of toilet paper in the stores, so they need something else to use.

Like art of the deal?
29   anonymous   2018 Jan 7, 9:29am  

anon_08dee says
This happened to you TPB ?

TBP suffers from the effects of serious drug and alcohol abuse, junk food, and living in south florida.
30   anonymous   2018 Jan 7, 9:29am  

Tenpoundbass says
Yes it did dig up old threads from 2012 for "Done!" The Liberal ass kissing fanboys here savagely abused me as I posted our experience in real time

The first year of Obama care was 2013. Why does your health care pre 2013 have anything to do with Obama care? Was your insurance bought through the exchange?

I'm calling bullshit that your insurance had anything to do with Obama care.
31   anotheraccount   2018 Jan 7, 9:49am  

Tenpoundbass says
Then Obama allowed 80% of the houses that defaulted during the RE collapse to end up in Rental Investors So now as a result, a one room efficiency now rents for $1200 a month.

Completely agree. By bailing out banks and private equity first while everyone else was in credit jail, Obama made this a renter (aka serf) country especially in states like California and Florida. That's a valid criticism that most coastal liberals ignore.
32   anotheraccount   2018 Jan 7, 9:50am  

anon_961a0 says
Why does your health care pre 2013 have anything to do with Obama care?

Insurance companies front run Obama care effective date. Premiums went up fast every year. TPB has a point here.
33   anotheraccount   2018 Jan 7, 9:51am  

@TPB, agree with you on many Obama issues. How can you not see that Trump is doing the same or worse?
34   rootvg   2018 Jan 7, 10:02am  

marcus says
Turn on Fox. It will make you feel better.

It wouldn't make any difference. We got Gorsuch. We got a new tax code. We're going to get anywhere from five to seven more Republicans in the United States Senate. I have no doubt of that. McCaskill is toast. I thought Nelson (former astronaut) in Florida might survive but running against Scott? Ain't no way. The Trump crowd is said to be after Casey in Pennsylvania for having become too comfortable with his party's left wing. His father wasn't like that but money is raised at the extremes.

I thought Sherrod Brown would have a chance thanks to power of the incumbency but now it looks like Kasich might get into the race and Ohio has a history of moderate Republicans being elected to the Senate: Portman, Voinovich, DeWine, etc. Even Glenn had his moments. Headline Howie got in during a bad year and was kept around by the Democratic political machine (union crowd) that no longer exists. Ohio isn't that kind of place anymore and the representation reflects it.

The numbers for 2018 are compelling. Democrats have to defend something like twenty seats two years after being financially sodomized by a Hillary defeat. She and her people spent over a billion dollars of the party's cash! There's only so much one can expect from this upcoming cycle. It will be bad, question is how bad.

All sorts of things are happening in this administration that aren't being covered by the media because it doesn't suit their narrative. We have a friend who's management at Dept of Ed in San Francisco and she says Betsy is kicking ass and taking names.
35   WatermelonUniversity   2018 Jan 7, 10:03am  

anotheraccount says
@TPB, agree with you on many Obama issues. How can you not see that Trump is doing the same or worse?

TPB is just fronting. he's not really a Trump supporter. his wife is illegal FFS.

he most likely voted for H.
36   Tenpoundbass   2018 Jan 7, 10:10am  

anotheraccount says
@TPB, agree with you on many Obama issues. How can you not see that Trump is doing the same or worse?

No sorry Skippy. First we have to let Trump fuck up then you get to say "Trump fucked up!"

If the smartest guy in the room doesn't get to speak up because the biggest idiots keep holding him down and putting a gag on his mouth. I don't blame the smart guy when everyone gets what's comming to them as a result.

Tell the MSM and Liberal dimfucks in Washington to shut the fuck up, and lets see what Trump will do. Then you can ask me this rhetorical question out of Historical context and is more an inaccurate narrative dictator, than a valid question. But you knew that, they taught you that at Alinsky School forum trolling didn't they?
37   rootvg   2018 Jan 7, 10:15am  

anotheraccount says
@TPB, agree with you on many Obama issues. How can you not see that Trump is doing the same or worse?

We have Trump as a reaction to Obama.

Problem for the left is the other guys got to remake the tax code and will get to fill all those positions on the Federal bench.

Politics is about winning. The results of the 2016 elections make clear to me that we remain a center right nation. I think that's cast in stone.
38   Tenpoundbass   2018 Jan 7, 10:23am  

anon_961a0 says
The first year of Obama care was 2013. Why does your health care pre 2013 have anything to do with Obama care? Was your insurance bought through the exchange?

I'm calling bullshit that your insurance had anything to do with Obama care.

Bwahaha You know that's what Marcus kept saying. Now my 2012 Woes are pretty much the standard saga with the Insured when they get the bill for something they thought was covered. We all know before Obamacare you paid your copay and that was it, you're done. The only time you saw another bill was if you went out of network. Now pretty much every thing but Check ups and Sex Changes are out of network.
39   anonymous   2018 Jan 7, 12:07pm  

rootvg says
The results of the 2016 elections make clear to me that we remain a center right nation. I think that's cast in stone.

You're correct. And I fear dire consequences. By the time the pendulum can swing back, and it will, hard, inequality will be much higher and a lot of wealth will be in trust funds, offshore.
40   anonymous   2018 Jan 7, 12:07pm  

Tenpoundbass says
anon_961a0 says
The first year of Obama care was 2013. Why does your health care pre 2013 have anything to do with Obama care? Was your insurance bought through the exchange?

I'm calling bullshit that your insurance had anything to do with Obama care.

Bwahaha You know that's what Marcus kept saying. Now my 2012 Woes are pretty much the standard saga with the Insured when they get the bill for something they thought was covered. We all know before Obamacare you paid your copay and that was it, you're done. The only time you saw another bill was if you went out of network. Now pretty much every thing but Check ups and Sex Changes are out of network.

So you had a different insurance plan in 2009?

This plan you had in 2012, how did the ACA have anything to do with it, what part of the ACA made it so you got reamed?

I don't think you getting screwed had anything to do with the ACA if Marcus said that as well then that makes two of us.

What is it that your party wants to do with health care will prevent you getting screwed in the future?

Why did so many in your party vote against getting prescription medication from Canada if they are really looking out for your bottom line?

If your getting screwed by insurance companies had nothing to do With the ACA then you should recognize this and hold your party accountable for making a system that works better for all Americans.

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