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Whatever Bob Geldof endorses, it'll make things worse. The older I get the more I realize that bleeding hearts on a large scale generally do more harm than good.
The Battle of the Boats: Nigel Farage and the British Fishermen vs. Bob Geldof and the Glitteratti over the EUwww.youtube.com/embed/JT5gcLdBJzM
Leftists and the Booboisie/Bohos are now opposed to the Working Class. Because Tolerance and Transgender is more important than lives and poverty.
I read a facinating accout of a peace corps worker who explained how Africa/Africans will NEVER change. You could build an impoverished African community entire modern farming village and by the next year there will be no harvest, all of the equipment sold off, and the village elders/leaders fat and happy while the rest of the people are destitute again. The concept of ownership, consequence, planning, etc are completely foreign to them. Jobs are just places you go to steal and pilfer as much as you can for your family without getting caught. Money can't be saved because it belongs to the family/tribe. There's no possible way to Westernize them and/or create a successful African Nation or United Africa.
So true, look at how poor the economic growth is all over Africa. Oh wait, never mind.
Don't have to pay international fees to fly there from the US. Decent place to vacation from my one visit
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You plan your vacations around a $50 fee on an airline ticket?
And yet they keep making a shit ton of babies.
As a Canadian, there aren't many places on this small planet that I'd consider moving to. Even for visits, it's getting scarier. Road trip!
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https://www.cnbc.com/2018/01/11/white-house-doesnt-deny-that-president-trump-referred-to-haiti-african-nations-as-s--hole-countries.html President Donald Trump referred to Haiti and African nations as "s---hole countries" in a meeting with lawmakers, a Democratic aide briefed on the matter told NBC News.
The Washington Post first reported the news, citing two people briefed on the meeting. The newspaper said that lawmakers had convened with the president in the Oval Office on Thursday to discuss a bipartisan immigration deal.
When lawmakers brought up protections for immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries, Trump asked, "Why are we having all these people from s---hole countries come here?"