Artificial Intelligence

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2018 Feb 21, 1:00pm   8,268 views  102 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Can't recognize the term "Wire Transfer" on the IVR

In development for 25 years.

Don't hold your breath for robot McD's workers running the place.

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16   Shaman   2023 Apr 13, 12:30pm  

AI is finding a market right now. Once that is established, the process of AI replacing human workers will take about as long as it took Germany to conquer France.

We are looking at another year, maaaaybe two.

Students everywhere are using ChatGPT-4 to complete their college assignments.
What I’m wondering is when will they figure out that the same AI who “helps” them now will be doing the jobs they trained for before they graduate.
17   richwicks   2023 Apr 13, 12:52pm  

1337irr says

Artificial intelligence needs to get better, it can't predict winning lottery numbers. So sad!

Lottery numbers are not random, they are picked by a computer alogorithm.


You'd think this would have been a huge scandal, but it was barely mentioned. The entire system is a scam.
18   Eric Holder   2023 Apr 13, 1:01pm  

Shaman says

AI is finding a market right now. Once that is established, the process of AI replacing human workers will take about as long as it took Germany to conquer France.

We are looking at another year, maaaaybe two.

Students everywhere are using ChatGPT-4 to complete their college assignments.
What I’m wondering is when will they figure out that the same AI who “helps” them now will be doing the jobs they trained for before they graduate.

I dunno, it seemed pretty helpless when I asked it two simple questions. One it managed to answer correctly after 8 iterations and the other one it didn't get right until I ran out of 10 allowed by the free trial. The thing is: if I didn't know the correct answer for the 1st one I would've stopped after first iteration and went away with incorrect info. As for the the second one: I know the answer is incorrect and useless, but I don't know the correct answer either. Well, scratch that, I know it now, but I did find out by good old search and reading through an article on the subject from a known reputable source.
20   Eric Holder   2023 Apr 28, 2:53pm  

So I couldn't make this long and complicated jdbc url work (it's failing with a syntax error but looks completely fine to me) so I asked Bing AI what's wrong with it. Should be easy for something ready to replace all white collar peeps, right? The fucking thing recommended to remove one closing parenthesis leaving the whole url with unequal number of opening and closing parentheses.

Yeah, this shit is ready to take over ANY SECOND NOW!
21   Eric Holder   2023 Apr 28, 3:56pm  

Eric Holder says

So I couldn't make this long and complicated jdbc url work (it's failing with a syntax error but looks completely fine to me) so I asked Bing AI what's wrong with it. Should be easy for something ready to replace all white collar peeps, right? The fucking thing recommended to remove one closing parenthesis leaving the whole url with unequal number of opening and closing parentheses.

Yeah, this shit is ready to take over ANY SECOND NOW!

And you know what ChatGPT suggested? Attempting to connect to the database and seeing what error will it display. When informed that the error is reported as a "syntax error" the fucking HAL recommended to check syntax! At least it didn't offer an obviously wrong answer, but fucking shit, man! It's totally gonna replace EVERYBODY!!! SOON!!!!
22   Tenpoundbass   2023 Apr 28, 4:32pm  

Eric Holder says

So I couldn't make this long and complicated jdbc url work (it's failing with a syntax error but looks completely fine to me) so I asked Bing AI what's wrong with it. Should be easy for something ready to replace all white collar peeps, right? The fucking thing recommended to remove one closing parenthesis leaving the whole url with unequal number of opening and closing parentheses.

Yeah, this shit is ready to take over ANY SECOND NOW!

The MS Visual Studio RAD autocomplete and syntax has been checking syntax for over 25 years.
23   Onvacation   2023 Apr 29, 8:02pm  

Tenpoundbass says

The MS Visual Studio RAD autocomplete and syntax has been checking syntax for over 25 years.

I've been working with American syntax for over a half century and still get it wrong.
24   zzyzzx   2023 May 31, 9:51am  


back-office functions, specifically in the human resources (HR) sector, will be the first to face these changes.
25   1337irr   2023 May 31, 10:10am  

Sostenga mi cerveza, por favor.
27   stereotomy   2023 Jul 11, 4:17pm  

zzyzzx says


back-office functions, specifically in the human resources (HR) sector, will be the first to face these changes.

That's because all HR does now is check boxes, just like an "AI."

The only function of HR is to keep white collar wages low by using HR as gatekeepers for salary negotiations. If all the HR flunkies don't know what the jobs entail, they massively lowball offers until it gets so bad that they are directed to stop fucking around.

Supposedly, HR flunkies can go as much as 20-25% higher than the initial offer. It's about 10% for gubment. Source for this is a 30 year gubment HR rep.
28   richwicks   2023 Jul 12, 1:33am  

I've been playing around with the artificial intelligences in the last few days for coding.

1) it gives incorrect answers quite frequently
2) it gives correct answers quite frequently

I think it's very useful for development as well as learning but it's a bit limited. I can see this being used as an assistant. You still need to know what you are doing, and you can ask it questions which are still "black arts" and it will just make shit up. I tried to get it to do a websocket example using Apache, it gave me a cgi script which is NOT a solution - far from it.

Still, it was great for remembering how to setup ncurses and graphical libraries I have never worked with. I think it's very useful, but it can't (yet) replace a coder, not yet. It was useful for using local sockets as well, which is inter-process communication, both named and anonymous pipes. It's not the job killer it was being sold as, but boy is it useful for learning and refreshing memory.

Ever worked on WebAssembly? I THINK (because I didn't test it) that it dumped an example right out. WebAssembly allows you to run an application in your browser, which means it will run on any phone, any tablet, any computer, because the code is interpreted. It eliminates the need to write an application specific to the device at the cost of speed.

The first fucking problem is "how do I even start on this fucking problem?", and it's GREAT at doing that! However, it's based on a lot of false information. I worked on EXI (you don't need to know about it or what it is), and the solution it gave me was the FIRST solution I tried, which doesn't fucking work. Wasted a week finding that out.

It's like having a really really really knowledgeable intern with no experience. Very useful. Anything I need to learn, this speeds it up by 10x.

Instead of all the drudgery of figuring out how to startup on something, it just gives it to you with a baseline. From THERE you can develop. I just made a simple ytalk interface today just fooling around. None of you know what ytalk is, it's between a phone call, and an instant messenger. As you type, the person on the other side sees what you are typing as you type it, and this allows them to ignore what you are typing or to predict what you're about to say, but unlike a voice call, you don't end up "talking over one another". That's one thing I want to bring back, HOWEVER, a problem with it is that it consumes TREMENDOUS bandwidth which is a problem on a PHONE on 5G but not on your local internet connection. Ytalk also had some dumb problems with it back in 1990 in order to save memory and reduce CPU consumption, I can eliminate those problems because they no longer exist.

AIs suck and are brilliant, both. I don't think they are going to be free forever, so make use of them as much as possible when you can.

Also, the AI I'm playing with (Bing) when caught in a contradiction about politics or logic, will disconnect. I got it to admit Ukraine had a coup in 2014, but it also said it had a "Revolution of Dignity". It knew Victoria Nuland picked out the new government, and when I asked it the definition of a coup and a revolution, and told it that it was either a coup or a revolution, and since Victoria Nuland picked out the new government it had to be a coup, it disconnected. It's useless for political information. It gets information from Wikipedia apparently, it knew about the Douma chemical attack, AND that two whistleblowers from the OPCW explained it was staged and how it was staged - another disconnect.

Once it disconnects, it resets and you're back to square one. It cannot resolve cognitive dissonance at all. When confronted with it, it appears to reset.
29   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 30, 6:48am  

Thought this was going to be a thread about Democrat woke voters.
30   Bd6r   2023 Dec 30, 8:27am  

PeopleUnited says

Thought this was going to be a thread about Democrat woke voters.

Dunno, intelligence and Dem voters do not intersect. You may be thinking of NPC
31   The_Deplorable   2024 Jan 26, 9:21pm  

This must be the product of AI

34   PeopleUnited   2024 Feb 22, 8:14pm  

British king or BK?
36   The_Deplorable   2024 Feb 25, 12:49pm  

Booger says

If Calling Communism "Evil" Is "Harmful And Misleading" then AI is not "Intelligence." It is
simply a means to promote Fake News and Propaganda.
37   HeadSet   2024 Feb 25, 1:15pm  

The_Deplorable says

AI is not "Intelligence

Yes, AI is not intelligence. Those old enough should remember the big AI fad in the 1980s. True "intelligence" come from the ability to originate a thought, something a human can do in the flash of an eye. Computers in the 1980s were unable to have an original thought and neither can any computers today. AI in reality is just an auto-summary device.
39   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 25, 1:34pm  

More Google Glasses and Self-crashing cars.

We're about due for a sudden glut of Vampire movies and a Florida R/E Crash.
40   KgK one   2024 Feb 25, 3:48pm  

Sora is amazing at videos. We are still early in this but progress is ridiculously fast.
41   AD   2024 Feb 25, 5:34pm  

KgK one says

Sora is amazing at videos. We are still early in this but progress is ridiculously fast.

Its going to be a major disruptive technology to Hollywood. Look at how the movie 300 was revolutionary in regards to green screen film making, as well as computer generated imagery (CGI) with Tron (1982) and Westworld (1973). And now there is free and open source CGI apps such as Blender.

This is going to have a vastly greater impact. The only question is how can it be prevented from being exploited as far as creating deepfake videos ?

42   richwicks   2024 Feb 25, 5:41pm  

HeadSet says

Computers in the 1980s were unable to have an original thought and neither can any computers today. AI in reality is just an auto-summary device.

This isn't true.

A computer can create something new. When chips are routed, the shortest traces and least number of traces is what is desired. With a billion gates, that number of traces is very high. You do this with what is called simulated annealing. You put a computer (or a bank of computers) to work randomly doing placement and routing, and then you compare all the solutions against one another. The least worst solutions are combined sometimes with randomness, and then it's tried again, and again, and again and again.

When you're done running it, there's virtually no improvement or no improvement.

No human being or team of computers can create a result as good as the computer simulation did.

It all boils down to what you consider "thinking". It might just be random ideas that turn out to be useful, and in simulated annealing, it's just randomness combined with what was found to be previously useful.
43   richwicks   2024 Feb 25, 5:42pm  

AD says

This is going to have a vastly greater impact.

Hollywood is dead.

AD says

The only question is how can it be prevented from being exploited as far as creating deepfake videos ?

It can't be.
45   AD   2024 Feb 26, 12:27am  

richwicks says

AD says

This is going to have a vastly greater impact.

Hollywood is dead.

AD says

The only question is how can it be prevented from being exploited as far as creating deepfake videos ?

It can't be.


AI is a tool like the free and open source Blender is a tool for multimedia specialists, and FreeCAD is a tool as well for someone to be their own draftsman.

You've mentioned AI has helped you for your computer programming efforts.

I refer to "Hollywood" as the film or video industry which is anything from TV shows that are streamed online to movies like Top Gun Maverick shown in theaters to documentaries on PBS Nova and Nature.

Atlanta is the new "Hollywood".

Also it can be immersive video shown in amusement venues such as at Wonder Works and Ripleys Believe it or Not in Panama City Beach.

Tyler Perry is worth $1 billion as a Hollywood celebrity and executive. He knows how AI is going to revolutionize the film industry just like the automated telephone switching system replaced operators and CAD revolutionized engineering.


46   seesaw   2024 Feb 26, 3:20am  

A.I. has been around for a 10+ years. Amazon put it in a box and called it alexa. She has got to be one smart bitch by now.
47   richwicks   2024 Feb 26, 3:53am  

AD says

Tyler Perry is worth $1 billion as a Hollywood celebrity and executive. He knows how AI is going to revolutionize the film industry just like the automated telephone switching system replaced operators and CAD revolutionized engineering.


What is going to happen is people at HOME are going to start producing product that is superior to what large corporations to, for fun. Large corporations won't pander to the audience, they are a propaganda mechanism although few people realize that. They are social and political propaganda. This is why Disney keeps producing "woke" content, as does everybody else. There are people that will produce content that people want.

You know how our "news" media makes crap, and all they do is argue and misdirect, and talk about things nobody really cares about? Listening to "news" is just painful to me, can you sit through a 1/2 of The View or CNN, or MSNBC or Fox? Can you get through a full article in the NY Times or The Economist? I only look at those to see what bullshit being pushed. Nobody watches it anymore except for old people and the young people too brainwashed to know they are consuming garbage. People found alternatives.

Entertainment isn't any different. Can you name a modern film star. We had from Cary Grant up to Tom Hanks - we don't have them anymore. Charlie Chaplin, Rock Hudson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Charlton Heston, James Stewart, Charlie Chaplin. You can name a ton of names before 2000..

They are attempts to stop this by locking down YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, but that's not going to work. They aren't just locking down to protect political propaganda, but social propaganda. For our entire lives, TELEVISION has been the main driver of what people think. It really is. It determines what is socially acceptable, how people should act, what kind of clothing they should wear, everything. Every social phenomenon we've gone through wasn't reflected by television, it was PROMOTED by television first.

But that's stopped. Think about fashion - you can wear a shirt that you bought in 1990, and nobody would think anything of it. Try wearing clothing from 1950 in 1980, or clothing 1960 in 1990. People might think "oh, we're not progressing", actually we are. People are falling out of being led around by the nose because people don't pay attention to it anymore.

Entertainment is going away, because it's going through a last change, and that's actual entertainment, not corporate social propaganda. They've been able to push society along, for SO LONG, but that's stalling. AI is going to KILL the entertainment industry because if it doesn't produce what people ACTUALLY want, they'll go elsewhere. Good riddance to the old system. It's going to produce what people want, and if doesn't, people won't bother with it. It's going to drive the cost of "entertainment" down to zero. Really, we're already there.

original link

That's entertainment to me. I'm listening to it now, as I work. I used to be a film buf, and I can barely stand a film now.

The adults now grew up with television, but the next generation, they grew up with television and internet, and the kids growing up today, they are on the Internet, and you can find anything there.
48   HeadSet   2024 Feb 26, 8:43am  

richwicks says

What is going to happen is people at HOME are going to start producing product that is superior to what large corporations to, for fun.

Not at all. The home user does not have the talent to come up with entertaining stories. Just like the advent of desktop publishing did not create a nation of novelists, AI will not create a nation of filmmakers. We already have small video production companies all over the country and all AI will do is give them another tool. At best, this AI will remove the high pay of specific actors (when you can create a realistic looking action figure or use a public domain likeness like Charlie Chapman or George Washington), lower the costs of special effects, and some decentralization of Hollywood. It will still take companies that can coordinate writing and acting talent to produce watchable content. Otherwise, it just more of what you already can see on Youtube with "how-to" and political comment videos, or stolen content where some guy combines music he did not produce with videos of dancing he did not produce while considering himself a creator. True, some folks have great videos of playing classic songs on a synth or guitar, but that is hardly a feature film or even a TV episode.
49   AD   2024 Feb 26, 9:35am  

richwicks says

But that's stopped. Think about fashion - you can wear a shirt that you bought in 1990, and nobody would think anything of it. Try wearing clothing from 1950 in 1980, or clothing 1960 in 1990. People might think "oh, we're not progressing", actually we are. People are falling out of being led around by the nose because people don't pay attention to it anymore.

Yes, as far as the religion of (fashion) consumerism not being as subscribed to by the masses.

I saw that in the 1980s as far as kids (i.e., mostly females) in my high school who were hyper focused on wearing popular clothing like Izod Lacoste, Guess Jeans, Louis Vuitton sunglasses, etc.

As the wearing of this fashionware was associated with status such as socioeconomic in a "perception was reality" culture.

Society is maturing/evolving and in a way I have optimism as somewhat in a Gene Roddenberry/Star Trek-way.

I see your point as "Hollywood" or the "film (propaganda) industry" is going to become more irrelevant and obsolete just like the fashion industry has been relatively losing relevance.
50   HeadSet   2024 Feb 26, 11:57am  

AD says

you can wear a shirt that you bought in 1990, and nobody would think anything of it

Yes, but most would not be caught dead in bell bottoms or Disco era polyester.
51   richwicks   2024 Feb 26, 8:55pm  

HeadSet says

Not at all. The home user does not have the talent to come up with entertaining stories. Just like the advent of desktop publishing did not create a nation of novelists

It's not the same as novelists. Who is Joe Rogan? Who is Dr. John Campbell? Who is Alex Jones? Who is James Corbette? You may not know all those names, but NONE of them has shown up on television and they aren't artificially promoted - well, Jones might have been for a while. These are organic actual creations as a result of people just being FUCKING FED UP with the "news'.

HeadSet says

AI will not create a nation of filmmakers.

No, it won't. It's going to destroy film itself.

AI isn't just going to be a tool, it's going to be a replacement, and it will get boring quick.

AD says

Society is maturing/evolving and in a way I have optimism as somewhat in a Gene Roddenberry/Star Trek-way.

So do I. I think we're maturing in that the population can no longer be tricked into focusing on the jingling keys.

AD says

I see your point as "Hollywood" or the "film (propaganda) industry" is going to become more irrelevant and obsolete just like the fashion industry has been relatively losing relevance.

They are the same to me, fashion and spectacle.

HeadSet says

Yes, but most would not be caught dead in bell bottoms or Disco era polyester.

This is my point. Typical 70's clothing is a Halloween costume now. I don't think that clothing will differ much in 2050 from what it does now and it doesn't really differ from the late 1990s.

I think the big change is that visual reproduction is so good. We are NOT going to improve on video reproduction, because it's perfect now. You look at a photograph from 1950, and you can tell it's the 1950's. You won't be able to tell if a video today was made in 2015 or today. Actually, that's true since 2010 really.

Audio reproduction is perfect, video reproduction is perfect. It's not black and white, you don't hear scratches on the record or tape hiss, the picture isn't fuzzy or interlaced and low resolution, it's going to become increasingly impossible to distinguish between what was made today, and 100 years ago, and in time 1000 years ago.

Our language changed from the 1930's to the 1970's. New slang terms showed up in the 1990's for the Internet, but it's becoming more rare. We are solidifying, and that's a good thing but the power structure doesn't want that, so they throw in all the crazy they can, but people aren't biting.

We have all this transgender and homosexual bullshit being pushed - people aren't biting. Sure, there's a lot of hoopla made about it on the propaganda box, but do you see this in reality? I don't, and I'm in crazytown central silly con valley, commiefornia. I can see the loss of influence of television, and locking down Twitter, YouTube and Facebook isn't working, new competitors just pop up. That's not going to stop, in fact, it will increase. The last step is complete decentralization of everything. We're going to return to small communities in time.
52   WookieMan   2024 Feb 27, 2:36am  

HeadSet says

Yes, but most would not be caught dead in bell bottoms or Disco era polyester.

Dude, for weddings I wear some crazy suits. My prom photo is hilarious. I wore my dad's suit and leather heeled man shoes from the 70's. This was in 2001.

I dress normal day to day. Kind of look like a fisherman, so tan and green tones hence why my son calls me Shrek. But I have fun for events. Have one Saturday and need to figure that out. And yes, I'm straight. I just have fun with picking shit out. Do it for my wife's swimwear and a few other outfits for her. I gotta look at her, so might as well have be something I like. She's cool with it. I think it's fun to do retro or weird stuff.
53   PeopleUnited   2024 Feb 27, 4:52am  

richwicks says

We have all this transgender and homosexual bullshit being pushed - people aren't biting. Sure, there's a lot of hoopla made about it on the propaganda box, but do you see this in reality?

Yes. It is happening in classrooms, school board meetings (a lawyer accused a school board member of being an anti trans bigot for opposing cross dressing story hour), churches are actively promoting it, even the pope is “blessing” same sex couples. You said you owe an apology to everyone who said gay marriage was going to accelerate the moral depravity. Well guess what, in 10 more years of this it could be that pedophilia and rape are considered human rights. There is a kid at a local elementary school who “identifies” as a T-Rex. Half of the moms my age in my area have a kid who identifies as he opposite sex or “other.” My workplace actively promotes this as well through DEI initiatives.

Only the ignorant would assert that wokism is not changing our future just like gay marriage did around a decade ago. It is the normal progression when people lose their moral compass and don’t turn to God for their truth.

richwicks says

The last step is complete decentralization of everything. We're going to return to small communities in time.

More willingly ignorant wishful thinking. The trend toward larger central government, centralized infrastructure (either Apple or android/google knows more about the cell phone user than the user does!) onStar knows more about their car than most people do, there are CBDC being prepped to control all commerce, they are working on microchips to interact with the human brain. Already nearly every university, church, business and government is controlled by the globalists and tyrants. We argue over the questions of who is at fault for all the wars, when in fact the globalists (semi-secretive centralized dictatorship) are manipulating Both sides of nearly every conflict.
54   WookieMan   2024 Feb 27, 5:01am  

PeopleUnited says

There is a kid at a local elementary school who “identifies” as a T-Rex.

This might be the funniest thing I've read in a decade. I can't stop laughing. WTF??

I agree with your points though. But I can't stop laughing about that line. We've gone bat shit crazy as a society when men dressing as women and it's entertainment, supposedly.
55   WookieMan   2024 Feb 27, 5:04am  

Sorry. T-Rex. I'm legit crying laughing. This might go on all day. lol.

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