ACLU celebrates raid on Trump lawyer-liberlas will take this country to a dictatorship very soon

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2018 Apr 12, 6:20am   13,924 views  52 comments

by lostand confused   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  


I was not happy with many things Trump-but now am going to spend time and money for this mid-terms . This country's very freedom is in danger.

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26   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 13, 10:12am  

Tim Aurora says

Obama did not fire Comey despite many democrats and repubs asking for it at different times.

Comey is not another employee. He was investigating very serious crimes against the President. President does not employ Comey, the US government does. Firing employees , even in private companies has to adhere to a rule and more so in the US Federal Government.

Comey is NOT just a regular employee, yes. He's from an institution infamous for political meddling, from covering up for the Mob, to attempts to blackmail civil rights leaders, to covering up coups, and even knocking out a president because the heir apparent was passed over because he was thought to be too close to the Beria of America, J. Edgar Hoover (Watergate).

However, the FBI Chief serves at the pleasure of the President, and for lying to congress under oath and leaking, he was fired.

Tim Aurora says
Trump is nothing but an impulsive fool. For his every action, his supporters try to portray as a mater move with many deep explanation. Chill guys.


Just kick in the door and the whole ausrotten structure will collapse.


I think you are right Tim, Trump is weak and incompetent, please, send all your reserves in to the depression on the other side of that soft sand where he's hiding out and finish him off. Just a few bitter clingers.
27   HowdyThere   2018 Apr 13, 7:09pm  

Love the cat picture in post 23, the look on its face.

"Having a cat is a mutual agreement that you won't eat each other, for now"
28   marcus   2018 Apr 13, 7:25pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
This is revenge on Cohen for suing Buzzfeed and FusionGPS, revealing the whole chain between FusionGPS and the Obama FBI & DOJ. Until about May 2016, FusionGPS was also an FBI contractor and was allowed to search FISA Databases. "Way more access than was needed":

You really need to get out of your bubble more often.
29   marcus   2018 Apr 13, 7:31pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Wow. Just Wow.

OBama also caused the price of oil to go to the moon (but he didn't cause it to come down after) and he caused airline seats to get narrower. Anything you didn't like between 2009 and 2016 was the consequence of very specific Obama plots to ruin life for Americans.

All along the truly smart folks knew that what we really needed were trade wars and a deficit explosion and a executive cabinet run by American oligarchs.
30   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2018 Apr 13, 8:32pm  

marcus says

Wow. Just Wow.

Anything you didn't like between 2009 and 2016 was the consequence of very specific Obama plots to ruin life for Americans.

No one gives Obama credit for being that intelligent. Not even his supporters.
31   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 13, 8:36pm  

Tim Aurora says
Comey is not another employee. He was investigating very serious crimes against the President. President does not employ Comey, the US government does. Firing employees , even in private companies has to adhere to a rule and more so in the US Federal Government.

Comey lied repeatedly to Congress. That's more than enough reason to fire him.

His book release, Cohen being raided, and yet another round of long debunked Cohen-in-Russia (now okay, he was in Prague but meeting with Russians) BS stories.

All timed to test what the Trump Administration has. They're refusing to take the bait.

This is the face of a guy who just had a terrific blowjob, not somebody fearful of conviction.
32   FortWayne   2018 Apr 14, 10:58am  

They should rename ACLU as "Anti Civil Liberties Union". That would be more accurate.
33   bob2356   2018 Apr 14, 11:31am  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
bob2356 says
Ok I'll bite. Want to try to provide any type of explanation why the prosecutor for the federal southern district of NY, a sessions appointee personally interviewd by trump, is taking revenge on Cohen for Obama? Yes he recused himself from prosecuting, but the warrants didn't go out without his approval. ROFLOL.

At Mueller's recommendation.

Unfortunately with a 1984 Media, people will forget who pushed for the initial investigation.

That would be Mueller who was was appointed FBI director by bush and hailed by republicans as having a spotless record and the highest integrity that is now doing obama's dirty work? Want to tell us what flipped him to being an obama hit job? Too funny.

FYI the southern district has been investigating cohen for months. So much for mueller setting up the warrant. Do you suppose the federal judges that reviewed and signed the warrant have been gotten to by obama also. or was it alien mind control rays.

34   marcus   2018 Apr 14, 12:55pm  

Making stupid comments in a state of complete ignorance can make one look like a fool

Hey, they like to start spinning before the story comes out.

That in and of itself tells you a lot.
35   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 14, 5:47pm  

bob2356 says
FYI the southern district has been investigating cohen for months. So much for mueller setting up the warrant. Do you suppose the federal judges that reviewed and signed the warrant have been gotten to by obama also. or was it alien mind control rays.

Tee hee hee hee.

Feign Weakness.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy. I can't believe people can't see it yet.
36   bob2356   2018 Apr 14, 6:32pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
bob2356 says
FYI the southern district has been investigating cohen for months. So much for mueller setting up the warrant. Do you suppose the federal judges that reviewed and signed the warrant have been gotten to by obama also. or was it alien mind control rays.

Tee hee hee hee.

Feign Weakness.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy. I can't believe people can't see it yet.

Yep, all these lifetime republicans are now obama bitches working hard to take down trump and the republican party. How do you suppose obama does it? Is he Svengali? Jedi mind trick? Alien brain wave machine? Maybe trump was right, obama wasn't born in Hawaii, he was born in the crab nebula. Yes that's it, I see the light, I see the light.
37   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 14, 7:34pm  

bob2356 says
Yep, all these lifetime republicans are now obama bitches working hard to take down trump and the republican party. How do you suppose obama does it? Is he Svengali? Jedi mind trick? Alien brain wave machine? Maybe trump was right, obama wasn't born in Hawaii, he was born in the crab nebula. Yes that's it, I see the light, I see the light.

You mean the Establishment that gave you $21T deficits and hundreds in billions in trade deficits doesn't really want change? The Iraq War, Financial Crisis, Mandatory Health Insurance with no Price Controls or Premium limits?

Despite a full court press 24-7 from the Clerisy, who is controlled and paid by People Who Like Things The Way They are, Trump is 50% approval with Likely Voters.

If you don't think the Media isn't capable of manufacturing reality to do what their owners want, I point you to the 2002-2004 time period when Bush was a goddamn genius, a good man who was gonna save the world.

"B-B-but, the savior was supposed to be a gravelly voiced person with gravitas". Turns out he's in it for the Ego, not the Money. Well, we got what we got.

I know you want to go back in Time when everything was fine and dandy with Clinton, Bush, and Obama just knocking down the pins left and right.
38   bob2356   2018 Apr 14, 7:43pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
bob2356 says
Yep, all these lifetime republicans are now obama bitches working hard to take down trump and the republican party. How do you suppose obama does it? Is he Svengali? Jedi mind trick? Alien brain wave machine? Maybe trump was right, obama wasn't born in Hawaii, he was born in the crab nebula. Yes that's it, I see the light, I see the light.

You mean the Establishment that gave you $21T deficits and hundreds in billions in trade deficits doesn't really want change

Last time I checked the change that trump just signed aka tax bill and omnibus ramped UP the debt big time. Did I miss something?
39   bob2356   2018 Apr 14, 7:50pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
Funny how all these lifelong Republicans with a majority in the House and Senate and with the WH, all retiring in a midterm year. Maybe they're gonna cash out while the cashing out is good.

Sorry, when did comey, mueller, and beman serve in the house and senate? It's tough to follow a train of thought when there are so many conspiracies running around on so many different levels. . Don't forget the grassy knoll. Big announcement coming.
40   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 14, 7:50pm  

bob2356 says
Last time I checked the change that trump just signed aka tax bill and omnibus ramped UP the debt big time. Did I miss something?

Let's see what Nancy Pelosi said:

“Democrats fought with great integrity, strength and unity to secure vital middle class priorities in the omnibus spending bill. We are grateful to Ranking Member Nita Lowey, our appropriators and staff for delivering progress on critical priorities, while successfully removing many dangerous poison pills.

“Thanks to the leadership of Democrats, the omnibus proposal contains bold investments in our veterans, the NIH, community health centers, and families fighting opioid addiction. These job-creating, life-saving investments stand in sharp contrast to the Trump Budget.

“Democrats won explicit language restricting border construction to the same see-through fencing that was already authorized under current law. The bill does not allow any increase in deportation officers or detention beds. We are disappointed that we did not reach agreement on Dreamer protections that were worthy of these patriotic young people. We will continue to ask the Speaker to give us a vote to protect Dreamers and honor our values.

“House Democratic Members will now assess the whole package and weigh its equities. Again, we thank our appropriators, their staff and the House and Senate Leadership staff for their commitment to getting the job done.”

You mean the omnibus that was dumped in his lap at the last minute, that was a hearty handshake deal between all members of Congress of both parties, who the moment it passed Congress dared Trump to veto it?

Sure looks like Pelosi is pretty damn proud of her work on the Omnibus bill.

If he hadn't signed it, the talking point in the MSM would be "Evil Trumpler refuses to sign omnibus that keeps women and children from starving, a bipartisan and fair bill. How can Orange Douche shut down the government?"

True or False: We haven't had a proper budget in years.
True or False: The debt didn't double under Obama, and jump up quite a bit under Bush for the Iraq War.
41   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 14, 8:00pm  

bob2356 says
Sorry, when did comey, mueller, and beman serve in the house and senate? It's tough to follow a train of thought when there are so many conspiracies running around on so many different levels. . Don't forget the grassy knoll. Big announcement coming.

I'm referring to your apparent belief that Congress is full of honest, devoted people whom Trump is harassing with his outsider populist evil. If he would just go away and let Congress do it's usual wonderful job.

Joke: Everything was going fine in America until Trump came along
Broke: It's just the Republicans in Congress that are bad, the Dems and Obama are/were great.
Woke: They're all swamp scum.
42   bob2356   2018 Apr 14, 8:01pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says

If you don't think the Media isn't capable of manufacturing reality to do what their owners want, I point you to the 2002-2004 time period when Bush was a goddamn genius, a good man who was gonna save the world.

The only media that called bush a goddam genius was the right wing echo chamber. That was all the chickenhawk war mongers standing around watching the mission accomplished sigh (where have I heard that recently) flying over bush's head with their dicks all hard from having other people (those who were brave enough to actually serve rather than hiding behind a skirt) kicking some arab ass. Remind me, how did that all work out? .

Sometimes is helps to rejoin the real world for brief periods of time.
43   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 14, 8:02pm  

bob2356 says
The only media that called bush a goddam genius was the right wing echo chamber.

That's not how I remember it. Until just about a month or so before the 2004, the Media was generally kissing Bush's ass and embracing the flag waving and yellow-ribboning. Oppo to the Iraq War was limited to a handful of commentators and the AltMedia.
44   Y   2018 Apr 14, 8:21pm  

17 verified documented certified dimensions baby...count em!!

TwoScoopsPlissken says
bob2356 says
FYI the southern district has been investigating cohen for months. So much for mueller setting up the warrant. Do you suppose the federal judges that reviewed and signed the warrant have been gotten to by obama also. or was it alien mind control rays.

Tee hee hee hee.

Feign Weakness.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy. I can't believe people can't see it yet.
45   bob2356   2018 Apr 15, 6:57am  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
bob2356 says
The only media that called bush a goddam genius was the right wing echo chamber.

That's not how I remember it. Until just about a month or so before the 2004, the Media was generally kissing Bush's ass and embracing the flag waving and yellow-ribboning. Oppo to the Iraq War was limited to a handful of commentators and the AltMedia.

Then your memory is faulty. The more conservative the media the bigger bush cheerleader. Some how you forgot the Hannity, O'Reilly, etc., etc. daily shilling of the war? Still waiting for any kind of admission they were wrong about anything.

The main stream varied between generally supporting to skeptical. But they were also subject to a full court lobbying effort by the bush admin. There was actually an entire operation in the white house devoted to selling the war to the press and people. The MSM didn't expect to be sold the same bill of goods as Vietnam. They assumed the pentagon papers era was past and no president would try it again. I'll try to find my op/ed that was published in USA today Feb (think) 2003 saying exactly that. or the one published about the same time that said Rumsvelt was the new Mcnamara, the military was suffering from we can swat aside the people in black pajama's no sweat syndrome again and since the mentality was the same the results were going to be the same.

Seems like your memory has blocked out people like Tim Robbins, Mike Farrell, Rob Reiner, Martin Sheen, Susan Sarandon, Michael Moore, the Dixie Chicks, and many more who were frequently in the MSM as critics of the war. Anyone speaking out against the war was vilified in the conservative press and by the administration as anti american traitors.

How about posting some articles from the MSM calling bush a genius? Maybe start with Scarborough who asked in April 2003 whether "journalists at The New York Times and NPR or at ABC or at CNN are going to ever admit just how wrong their negative pronouncements were over the past four weeks." Yep sounds like the MSM guys were seriously sucking bush ass.
46   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 15, 10:27am  

The consensus view is that the Media sexed up the Iraq War.

And yes, wikipedia because I'm not in the mood to look up half a dozen specific articles. Plenty of references and links over there to visit the original sources and all the studies that have been done on the subject.
47   bob2356   2018 Apr 15, 2:17pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
The consensus view is that the Media sexed up the Iraq War.

And yes, wikipedia because I'm not in the mood to look up half a dozen specific articles. Plenty of references and links over there to visit the original sources and all the studies that have been done on the subject.

Can't find the parts where the MSM is calling bush a goddam genius who is a good man that will save the world. Oh wait you deleted that comment. Duck and run. Too bad it;s quoted in my comment.

I also noticed you switched from MSM to the media. Shuck and jive.
48   bob2356   2018 Apr 15, 2:29pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
You mean the omnibus that was dumped in his lap at the last minute, that was a hearty handshake deal between all members of Congress of both parties, who the moment it passed Congress dared Trump to veto it?

Sure looks like Pelosi is pretty damn proud of her work on the Omnibus bill.

Pelosi is the majority leader again?. When did that happen> Shit, I really have to start watching news on weekends.

Last time I checked the president has the option to stop watching fox news and actually get off his ass to start working with congress to get the priorities he wants. It's called leadership. But that would cut into tweeting time, never mind.

Republicans only care about debt when they are out of power. In power their spending is an embarrassment to drunken sailors.
49   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 16, 11:41am  

bob2356 says
Pelosi is the majority leader again?. When did that happen> Shit, I really have to start watching news on weekends.

As minority leader, she made this happen:

That's right, 111 Dems YEA, only 77 Dems NAY, less than the 90 Reps who voted NAY.

Pelosi took credit for the Omnibus, I already posted the link above to her own site where she clearly praises herself and the Democrats.

Good work rallying the party for the YEA on the Omnibus, Nancy!
50   bob2356   2018 Apr 16, 11:44am  

TwoScoopsPlissken says

As minority leader, she made this happen:

So you are saying trump really, really sucks at political leadership then.
51   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 16, 11:50am  

bob2356 says
So you are saying trump really, really sucks at political leadership then.

Trump is Paul Ryan? 90 Republicans voted Nay, that's more than the Democrats who did so.

Pelosi worked hard to help pass the Omnibus.

Democrats, fighting runaway spending at every turn.
52   bob2356   2018 Apr 16, 4:14pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says

Trump is Paul Ryan?

Trump is the president. The big cheese who is supposed to provide leadership (the dreaded L word) to get his legislative priorities passed. I thought you knew that.

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