Today was a Major Tipping Point

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2018 Apr 25, 3:13pm   42,509 views  154 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Black Rapper Kanye West basically said he's a "Dragon Guy" like Trump, and while he disagrees with him on some stuff, basically likes him. With a picture of himself in a MAGA hat.

He lost a few million twitter followers in a few minutes, either from actual triggering or just as likely some Twitter Algo.

Between this, and Roseanne, and Shania Twain, we're at a cultural Tipping Point. The Hollywood/MediaShameGame is falling apart, and in a few weeks you'll see the Trump approval rating climb several points very quickly. "Trump Bashing Fatigue/He's not bad at all" has just set in. Another #MoralPanic is biting the dust.

Thank you Kanye, very cool! https://t.co/vRIC87M21X— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 25, 2018

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21   joshuatrio   2018 Apr 26, 9:05am  

Goran_K says

The only thing I'm wondering is how the DNC is going to paint Kanye as a racist white supremacist.

LOL - great comment.
22   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Apr 26, 9:08am  

Weinstein was sunk by a bunch of Democrats, not Republicans. Sure, Republicans piled on and they love to attack Hollywood, which is an avatar of the left. But I don't think it was Republicans who came out publicly with accusations against him. I don't think that the Democratic party defended him when it happened either. So, I'm not sure what you are getting at. It seems to me that the right is trying hard to turn things upside down, and they get to do it if they ignore time (when things happened).

I realize there difference between when Trump had sex with Stormy and Clinton got his nob polished. Clinton got impeached because Republicans took charge and they 'got him' on lying and obstruction while being president. If Trump gets impeached, it will be because there is a blue wave and he is found to have obstructed justice, lied under oath, or broke the law in some other way regarding the Stormy situation. It would be for doing something bad during and before his presidency/the election.
23   Rin   2018 Apr 26, 9:25am  

This is how Rin deals with Stormy Daniels ...


SD: Your honor, Rin fucked me several years ago.

Rin: Your honor, this is false. Since 2011, I have not fucked a woman in the United States of America. I've only legally fucked hoes in Montreal and other international locations.

SD: Ok, then he fucked me back in ... let's say ... 2010?

Rin: Bullshit, I was fucking Alanis Morrisette, a fucked up bitch from Ontario, living in the Boston area during the time. She was my last official girlfriend.

SD: Je suis Quebecoise ... d'accord?

Rin: Stormy, give it a rest! That's the worst French-Canadian accent I've ever heard!
24   Bd6r   2018 Apr 26, 9:31am  

I realize there difference between when Trump had sex with Stormy and Clinton got his nob polished.

In principle though it should be none of our business who polishes what, but sadly the media blows all of this out of proportion.
25   BradK   2018 Apr 26, 10:35am  

The real fear for the left is that Kanye, Candace Owens, and other Black celebs will ignite an "awakening" (to cop one of the left's sillier memes) of how the Dems have exploited Blacks and taken them for granted for the last half century, all the while delivering nothing of substance to actually improve and empower their lives. The puerile, petulant antics of the Dems -- and particularity the Congressional Black Congress -- at the SOTU when it was pointed out how the lowest unemployment for Blacks in history had been achieved by the administration laid bare for all to see.

What did the first Black President ever do for his people? Images of the messiah golfing on the Vineyard (on the public's dime) alongside a cabal of 0.1%'ers while Ferguson burned sure showed 'em.

26   Goran_K   2018 Apr 26, 10:51am  

What I absolutely love about Kanye, Candace, and Chance the Rapper speaking out is that fucking leftist idiot white race baiters like Rachel Maddow, Kimmel, Oliver, etc won't say a peep. They're going to keep their fucking mouths shut lest they sick their own race baiting attack dogs upon themselves.

This is seriously some beautiful stuff. 4D Chess gents.
27   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Apr 26, 11:25am  

drB6 says
In principle though it should be none of our business
Agreed to the extent that it doesn't open up blackmail opportunities. I would think that it would be ideal if a politician could be an open atheist and if their sex life was none of our business. Unfortunately, that's not how the electorate likes it, so people lie and break the law in order to cover up their secrets. That's how they seem to get in legal trouble.
28   Patrick   2018 Apr 26, 11:42am  

drB6 says
I do not like Trump for reason you said above (egotistic)

Egotism is absolutely no problem in a president, imho.

The only question should be whether his actions are benefitting the country, and in the case of Trump, his actions definitely seem to be working. Economy on the upswing, no new wars, talking to North Korea, some actual crackdown on illegals and their employers, open talk about how past administrations betrayed the country with terrible trade deals and the export of manufacturing. Solid accomplishments in just a little more than a year, much better than the last few presidents.

I wouldn't care even if we hired a full time fluffer for him on the taxpayer dime. The important thing is that he keeps accomplishing good things for the people of the US.
29   Bd6r   2018 Apr 26, 12:01pm  

rando says
keeps accomplishing good things for the people of the US

I will reserve my opinion about that for later time. NK issue might not be Trump but N Koreans blowing up their nuclear site, crackdown on illegals is more cosmetic (E-verify not introduced), and manufacturing upswing is the only thing that can be credited to him as businesses are not afraid of new, idiotic regulations. He has blown out budget deficit to proportions even Obama could not. I will be very happy if I am wrong in judging him, and for record I preferred him to Ms. Clinton who would have been a much greater disaster.
30   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 26, 12:08pm  

Rin says
Rin: Stormy, give it a rest! That's the worst French-Canadian accent I've ever heard!

Can't even Jouale. Tabernak!

Trump needs Congress for mandatory E-Verify. It could have been exchanged for DACA, but the Dems just wanted an issue, not to solve the problem, they're happy with the Immigration status Quo. However of Rapefugees, Trump has pretty much closed the door. Also we are very, very strict about Somalians now, it's almost impossible for those Pirates to even get a tourist visa.
31   Malcolm   2018 Apr 26, 1:49pm  

Such a funny story, it made my day. I like that Kanye likes what he likes. Maybe others will see that you don't have to be infatuated with Trump to like some of his views. I judged Trump to be unfit, I didn't vote for him or Hillary, but I can at least recognize some positive steps he has taken for the future of the country. In all honesty, based purely on results, I give the guy an A-.
32   mell   2018 Apr 26, 1:58pm  

someone else says
drB6 says
I do not like Trump for reason you said above (egotistic)

Egotism is absolutely no problem in a president, imho.

The only question should be whether his actions are benefitting the country, and in the case of Trump, his actions definitely seem to be working. Economy on the upswing, no new wars, talking to North Korea, some actual crackdown on illegals and their employers, open talk about how past administrations betrayed the country with terrible trade deals and the export of manufacturing. Solid accomplishments in just a little more than a year, much better than the last few presidents.

I wouldn't care even if we hired a full time fluffer for him on the taxpayer dime. The important thing is that he keeps accomplishing good things for the people of the US.

Somebody once said that when people say "don't be so egotistic" or "he/she is such an egotist" means they have an opposed state of mind on how something should be and want to assert their egotism over the person not performing the way they want to.
33   marcus   2018 Apr 26, 2:04pm  

Malcolm says
I like that Kanye likes what he likes

I wouldn't be surprised if it was part of some deal. Someone who finances Kanye or otherwise some key heavyweight player in the music industry, called in a favor, and asked Kanye to say some positive stuff about Trump.

Or perhaps Kanye is still a little crazy, and paranoid about the illuninati or some other crazy stuff, and decided that cucking up to Trump was something he needed to do so that he doesn't become another entertainment statistic.
34   Goran_K   2018 Apr 26, 2:05pm  

marcus says
I wouldn't be surprised if it was part of some deal. Someone who finances Kanye or otherwise some key heavyweight player in the music industry, called in a favor, and asked Kanye to say some positive stuff about Trump.

Or perhaps Kanye is still a little crazy, and paranoid about the illuninati or some other crazy stuff, and decided that cucking up to Trump was something he needed to do so that he doesn't become another entertainment statistic.

Yeah, that's probably it. It couldn't be that Kanye just admires a guy. Nope, not that.
35   komputodo   2018 Apr 26, 2:55pm  

The liberal left is the ESTABLISHMENT and rap is supposed to be ANTI ESTABLISHMENT...plus Trump is more "GANGSTA" than any other the other white bread candidates. He likes his gold, hot women, and likes to live large. He lives the rappers dream...Makes sense to me that rappers that still have a sack are going to break out and start supporting TRUMP and MAGA.
36   EBGuy   2018 Apr 26, 3:51pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
Who needs fiction? If you tried to sell this story to a publisher just 3 years ago, they'd have shown you the door for writing a 'totally unbelievable political thriller with an insane plot nobody could ever swallow'

Throw Candace Owens into the mix as well. Redpilled at the very tail end of Gamergate, she makes for a interesting figure at the center of the storm. I know some folks don't trust her (what ever that means), but anyone who saw here 6 months to a year ago knows she is a formidable figure (her recent Columbia speech is impressive). At any rate, as Peterson points out, the polarizing extremes are where bad things happen. Wake up sunshine. That's NOT good.www.youtube.com/embed/QXq1Vnftw_s
37   Patrick   2018 Apr 26, 4:10pm  

In the video, Candace Owens says:

I don't know why people like being oppressed. The weirdest thing I've ever heard: "I love oppression, we're oppressed, 400 years of slavery, Jim Crow." Which by the way none of you guys lived through. Your grandparents did and it's embarrassing that you utilize, you utilize their history. You're not living through anything right now. You're overly privileged American, you're overly privileged Americans.

Is she still allowed to be black?
40   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Apr 26, 5:57pm  

marcus says
I wouldn't be surprised if it was part of some deal.

I think the deal is just kanye grabbing some headlines before his next album drops. That and he wants to be thought of as a maverick deep thinker. He was talking about running for president after trump won.
41   Bd6r   2018 Apr 26, 6:14pm  

Booger says

Actually, it seems that the PC police has new rules now, where minorities CAN be racist, but only IF they question existing dogma.
43   Goran_K   2018 Apr 27, 12:48pm  

Candace Owens is very dangerous to leftist/liberal thought. She's an intelligent black woman with a very large following who is completely dissecting the Democrat narrative of race oppression.
45   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 27, 7:50pm  

Feux Follets says
ignoring blatant racism, infidelity etc. and qualify as dangerous and then some. Evangelicals included.

Yeah, we need to return to listening to this now-Media approved (once Media-despised) "Conservative":

Not-so-Frum actually coined the phrase "Axis of Evil" to include North Korea, of which neither Bush nor Obama did anything effective.
46   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 27, 8:37pm  

Feux Follets says
AS for the Axis of Evil that is similar to the Arab Spring and all of those other catchy terms coined to get a gullible public to buy into the next war.

Another situation that Obama failed at.

Feux Follets says
Axis of Stupid

That's easy:
EuroCommies/Corbynistas, Neoliberal/Neocons/Internationalists, and Islamists.
48   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 30, 4:02pm  

Maximum Woke Level Achieved: Kanye just quoted a chat that quoted Thomas Sowell

pic.twitter.com/HrkNlEAxMc— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 30, 2018

Update: Kanye tweets that first Black Senator was Republican, 1870. First Black Democrat Senator, 1993.
49   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 May 2, 11:51am  

So Kanye loses all confidence, because his album underperforms. He gets liposuction, and drugs himself up on pain killers. Then he comes out on the other side as a Trump fan who thinks 400 yrs of slavery was a choice. He also thinks that MLK was too far back in history to be relatable.

Do you guys really want to hold this guy up as a hero in the race war that you are fighting? What's next? Is he going to suggest that we replace the MLK statue with a likeness of Kanye complete with all of his most famous lyrics? Seriously, I couldn't care less about Kanye the musician, but am curious how this drama and conservative crush fest is going to end.
50   anonymous   2018 May 2, 5:59pm  

Do you guys really want to hold this guy up as a hero in the race war that you are fighting?
It's your war, bro. The Left can't stop racially masturbating.
51   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 2, 6:54pm  

WarrenTheApe says
And while I am definitely a partisan idealogue who is not a reflection of non-partisan, ill-informed Joe & Jane Sixpack American Voter, I think even Joe and Jane are starting to figure all this out too, in their own way and despite the 90% negative coverage the commie assholes who call themselves the 'free press' inflict on Trump.

Trump Bashing Fatigue is here.

It's at the point you can't read an article about AI or Methane Rocket Engines without a dig at Trump.
53   marcus   2018 May 2, 9:58pm  

Wanna feel old ? This is Kanye West now.

54   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2018 May 2, 10:36pm  

A slave pic. Classy class man.
55   marcus   2018 May 2, 10:39pm  

I thought it was funny
56   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 May 3, 2:26am  

If Kanye were around during slavery, he would have either gone along after numerous whippings, or he would have been hung. Plain and simple.

There were plenty of blacks who went down that road.
57   HeadSet   2018 May 3, 6:31am  

WarrenTheApe says
New poll. Trump approval numbers amongst black males has doubled.

Is that what they mean when the Dem party says they feel "black maled"
59   Shaman   2018 May 10, 7:28pm  

If Kanye were around during slavery, he would have either gone along after numerous whippings, or he would have been hung. Plain and simple

Please don’t indulge your racist slave-owner fantasies here.

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